Due May 1st!! Anyone want to be buddies?

Welcome abii! Insomnia is kicking my butt. I'm always waking up soo early its driving me batty. Other then that everything is going pretty smoothly. Hope you ladies are doing well!!
:hi: Abi!

Hope the insomnia goes soon Ny! That can't be fun!

I'm not bad, I have horrible stitch type pains in my side. Have my first appointment with the midwife tomorrow so will mention it then!

I feel stuck in limbo at the mo - dying to tell everyone but want to wait for the scan to check everything's going smoothly before telling DD.

Have you all told people yet?
Welcome Abii! :wave:

Glad to see everyone is doing well! I'm back from vacation. It was a blast! DD had so much fun; we did Legoland and she had a blast riding all the rides, and then Hollywood Studios and she had a character breakfast with all her favorite Disney jr characters. Seeing her eyes light up was just awesome. DH and I did Islands of Adventure by ourselves, specifically for Harry Potter world. Which was just INCREDIBLE. I loved it!

I'm still doing well. Slight sore boobs, a little morning nausea, and tired. No spotting still! I can't believe I'm 6 weeks tomorrow!

Soph, we told my parents, and then we're telling his parents and a few close aunts this weekend. Then next weekend I tell my grandparents. I lost my grandmother a few months ago, unexpectedly, and I could never live with myself if something happened to them and they didn't know. I have so much regret of things I didn't do/say to my grandmother, I couldn't go through it again. All our family and friends know my history of loss, so we're telling who we're comfortable telling early on.
Glad you had a lovely vacation Tweak sounds fab! Sorry about your grandmother :hugs: I bet your grandparents will be over the moon when you tell them!

I had my first midwife appointment today, found out I have to be consultant led due to my PCOS so now I am worrying myself silly (thanks to google). I just want me scan to know LO is doing okay!
I totally get how you feel! I really wish I had pushed for a 6.5 week scan like I had with my daughter. I just want to see that little heart beating. I'm terrified of having another missed miscarriage. When's your first scan Soph?

Ughh. I've gagged/dry heaved so much this morning. :sick: I am definitely happy for it, but it's going to be harder to keep it a secret at work.
We have paid for one at 8 weeks which will be 24th September - seems so far away yet though! When will yours be?

Do you work closely with other people so they would notice if you started gagging? I am struggling in work as I cant stand the smell/taste of tea or coffee and I get bought at least 7 cups a day! I have to sneakily chuck them out with no one noticing!:ninja:
Mine is scheduled for September 19th! I'll be one day shy of 8 weeks. It can't come soon enough. I was very very happy to have had the distraction of vacation to make week 5 fly by! We have things scheduled for each weekend until my ultrasound as well, so hopefully these next 2 weeks go by quick. I think I'll take the day of my u/s off as well - I have almost 3 weeks of vacation time left to use before the end of the year!

I do work closely with my coworkers. Our desks are close next to each other, a group of 4-5 of us, so they would definitely know. It's usually gross smells, like going into the bathroom that set me off. Which is exactly what it was like with my daughter too!
I bet the vacation helped the time go quickly. I hope you are feeling a little better today - it is horrible feeling awful stuck in work!!

How is everyone feeling today? I am so bloated a feeling sick! DD asked me last night if I was having a baby because I looked like I was!! I just changed the subject! :shy:
Awwww! Cute about your DD!

I'm feeling the same as yesterday. Waves of nausea all morning, needed a mint to calm my stomach. Dry heaved and gagged a bunch of times. Good thing is, I'm working from home today. I work from home every Wednesday, to spend time with my daughter.

Anyone have any cravings this early? I can't stop craving salty things!! Pickles, green olives, buttery popcorn. OMG! I usually have the biggest sweet tooth, but now I just want salty things!
Hi ladies :wave: Due 03 May here! This would be my first and she's feeling very strong indeed!

Tweak, I'm craving all of the Mexican Food! I actually tried to eat some popcorn today and was repulsed, weirdly!

Hope it's not too late to join this thread, I would love to be a part of it!
Hey ladies. Just got home after my vacay in California had a great time. Now back to the daunting wait to go to my first appt.
:hi: Becca welcome!

Ny I hope you had a lovely holiday! When is your first appointment?

How are we all today? I am feeling so sick in work trying hard to hide it! I also seem to be arguing with OH lately, I don't know if its down to my moodiness but he just tries to leave me be so I don't get upset but it makes me worse! :cry:

Who of us is next to have a scan? Looking forward to seeing all of our little ones!:cloud9:
Woke up feeling sick again :sick: Just a lot of dry heaving this morning, especially when I went into the kitchen and smelled the cat food. Yuck! Ate a mint, so I'm doing okay at work this morning.

Had tons and tons of cramping and pressure last night. Oh my goodness, it was making me so nervous. I did read that cramping can be worse with 2nd pregnancies. But there was so much that it was making me nauseous. And with my miscarriages, it doesn't always make me feel good. But I did wake up with my symptoms still, so that's good.
Aww Tweak sorry to hear about the cramping :hugs: glad it has gone this morning. If it helps I am having more cramping this time round!
Tweak, thank you for the welcome! I know, right? I can't get enough! Sorry you're feeling so sick! And the cramping, I know how scary that is. I'm glad you're still having symptoms and they seem so strong, even if they kind of suck. And you didn't have any spotting so maybe it's just things stretching out! I've had mild cramping, nothing like last month when we had an early loss (more like period pain), but there are lots of stories of even intense cramping and everything being fine.

NY, where in Cali did you go?

Sophm, I'm at work feeling sick as well. This morning when the nausea started, I said "hi dot!" Luckily I'm not gagging, just nauseated and having trouble eating (except for mexican food, see previous comment :lol:). Brought chicken soup today to hopefully eat. I've lost a pound even on progesterone, crazy! I've had some mood swings but OH actually said last night he needs to be more patient with me and what I'm going through, which was amazing.

My first scan is on Monday. I think I'll be 6w5d/6d.
Between this throwing up and sciatica, I'm really not sure which one is worse:haha: it feels so early for all these symptoms but at least they are one of the few things that keep me reassured. With the girls I had very similar pregnancies, this pregnancy is soooo different already it's just crazy. I am also getting a strong blue feeling for this one but we won't be finding out the gender so that should be fun:winkwink: Do any of you have intuitions on what the gender of your bean is/will be?
I agree about the symtoms, Abii! I already told OH I have a strong feeling it's a girl. Really, it doesn't matter to me! You guys are doing a surprise? That's amazing - I could never last!
Becca how did the chicken soup go down? The only thing I can stomach at the moment is plain pasta with cheese on and Diet Coke. Not the healthiest diet! :shy: Great news your scan is Monday bet you are super excited!

Hope you stop throwing up soon Abii! I am definitely have worse symptoms and earlier with this baby! I don't know if it's because it's my second/I'm older/maybe a boy this time. We are having a surprise too! Found out with DD but I like the idea of having a surprise this time around!
sophm - the broth was amazing! The rest of it was give or take. It seems like if I can deal with the smell I can get it down. I ate some carrots earlier and I still feel them sitting there in my belly, I'm not sure if they will stay. Which would also mean the soup would be gone. Hmm, would be my first tossed cookies, kind of an exciting milestone :haha:

I think surprises are so cool! So, do you just pick out a boy and girl name? I want to know because if it's a girl, OH will be disappointed (until she's born and wraps him around her little finger) and I want him to have time to get used to the idea! Did anyone elses's OH want one gender over another?

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