Due May 1st!! Anyone want to be buddies?

We are just listing names we like when we come across them then hopefully one will fit when LO is born. OH wants a boy but obviously is happy Aslong as the baby is healthy. That's another reason I think a surprise will be nicer because when the baby is born I doubt he will care if it's a boy or a girl because he'll be so in love anyway!
Would you guys mind if I join. I think I'm due end of April/early May. I feel like I have been waiting forever for my first appointment which is on Monday. This is my second pregnancy and I already have 4 year old twins. This wasn't exactly planned but we were ntnp. I'm a bit nervous as we were on holiday in the Caribbean and I drank a lot before I tested. Also scared about the whole Zika thing. I can't wait for a scan but not sure if I'm brave enough yet to pay for an early one. I have some nausea which is new to me as I had nothing whatsoever with the twins. I've already put on early a stone because I am starving all the time and if I don't eat, I feel nauseous.
Welcome Dashiki! :wave: I have to make sure I'm constantly eating too, or else I start feeling nauseous.

I have strong feelings of another girl. This whole pregnancy is so reminiscent of my daughter's pregnancy. Found out at same DPO, same symptoms, etc. I don't care which, as long as it's healthy, but I think DH wants a boy so his last name will carry on.
I've started to feel dreadful again, just want these next few weeks to be over. I've got a scan next week at 9 weeks.
Welcome Dashiki! :wave: I have to make sure I'm constantly eating too, or else I start feeling nauseous.

I have strong feelings of another girl. This whole pregnancy is so reminiscent of my daughter's pregnancy. Found out at same DPO, same symptoms, etc. I don't care which, as long as it's healthy, but I think DH wants a boy so his last name will carry on.

I really don't mind what sex the baby is, just healthy that's all I hope for after my loss last year.

However my daughter who is 4 and takes everything in doesn't know about the baby yet, but yesterday she patted and rubbed my tummy and said "baby girl in there" and I said "there's no baby in there" she replied "yes there is there's a baby girl in there".

My hubby would like a boy though. I'm convinced it's a girls and my DD seems to think so too lol.
:hi: Dashiki welcome!

angel4eva that is cute about DD, kids must have a sixth sense about it because my DD has asked if I am having a baby too!
Becca- yes we will be keeping it a surprise. Basically you just buy gender neutral things and pick out a name for both genders. Both of my girls stayed in the room/co-slept with us until they were about 7-8 months so I don't have to worry about setting up a nursery just yet which makes it a little bit easier:haha: plus we found out right away with #1 and had a gender reveal for #2 so it's only right that this one is the surprise:winkwink: and yes my husband wants a boy of course, but I on the other hand don't mind a house full of girls, even if he has a slight stroke:haha::cloud9:

Sophm- I'm sorry I hope your symptoms don't get too much worse. My first pregnancy was a breeze, my second pregnancy felt like I got hit by a freight train. I think it does have to do with the fact that you have been pregnant before that makes you start having symptoms earlier and more extreme. And yay! at least I won't be the only one going mad over the wait:haha:

Welcome Dashiki:wave: and congratulations :)

Tweak- My two girl pregnancies were also very similar, I would be completely shocked if this was another girl just because this pregnancy is different from head to toe.

Angel- Aw that is so cute, my daughters want another sister also. How exciting for your scan:flow:
How are we all today?

I am feeling more rubbish each day! 😷 I am hoping to have a nap after DD swimming lessons today as we have a meal with friends tonight and I haven't managed to stay awake passed 9pm the last few nights!! 😴
Good afternoon ladies! Today was a bit of an down then up ended up going to the ER again for another new mommy freak out this time for some light spotting. Everything turned out ok though. Got to see my baby and the heart beat. I am 6w 1d according to the ultra sound so only a day off of what I thought and the due date is still the same. my HCG was 19,748 and the babies heartbeat was 109bpm.
Aw Ny sort you had a scare but lovely you got to see LO! 💛

I had some pains over the weekend too so went to out of hours. They've booked me in for an u/s this morning. So nervous but excited too! My appointment is in an hour.

All you other ladies feeling ok?
nyx, glad everything is okay and you got to see your little bean!

Soph, I'll be thinking of you this morning :hugs:

AFM - woke up with nausea again. I've had off and on nausea for over a week. Sometimes worse than others. Boobs don't feel as sore or full today. We told my ILs and 2 close aunts this weekend, so I hope I didn't jinx things at all. One week until my ultrasound!!
Thanks Tweak, we went this morning and saw his tiny little heart beating! :cloud9: it was amazing! Feel much more relaxed now I've seen that. :happydance: I am however still feeling so rubbish! I feel bad for DD because I'm always sleeping/too sick to move. Hoping it passes soon.

I bet the in laws were over the moon! How are you getting on in work now?
Ahhh! That's awesome!! I'm so glad to hear it! I'm praying we see the same next Monday!

I'm usually okay at work. The nausea comes in waves, but never enough to make me feel real horrible. I felt gross first thing this morning, and when I went into the bathroom at work, but other than that, I'm okay. I just hope this week goes by so quick.
I hope this week goes quick for you bet your can't wait for the ultrasound!

I've had today off work because I feel so sick! One of the mums from school saw me and was like 'Wow what's wrong with you? Not pregnant are you?' Just laughed it off! :shy:
Hope you ladies don't mind me joining in! I'm very new here at B&B! I have read some of the TTC forums, but never had the guts to post anything myself! Now that I got my BFP yesterday with baby #1, I'm just over the moon and I considering we are not telling anyone until our Dr's appointment on Oct 10th at 11 weeks. I need to tell someone! I want to scream it at the roof tops! lol We'd been trying for 9 cycles so it's nice to finally see those dark lines on the tests! The first day of my last AF was July 25th so that puts me at about 7 weeks, but my cycles were so messed up and crazy that I'm not exactly sure when I conceived. My "AF" in July was only 3 days and very light. I don't know! I'm just very happy to see those 2 beautiful lines! :winkwink::happydance:
Oh wow Soph! Are you feeling any better this morning?

Welcome jess!! How fantastic! Those 2 lines are so beautiful to see!!

AFM - Not feeling as sick this morning. Ugh. I ate a granola bar full of nuts right before bed, so maybe not having an empty stomach is what's making not feel as sick. DH told one of his sister's last night, and they're excited for us. Roll on Monday, then maybe I can relax a bit. I have my intake appt Thursday, so maybe if I tell the doctor how much I'm stressing about the ultrasound and just want to see a heartbeat, she might squeeze me in Thursday. Yeahhhh, probably not. Wishful thinking on my part :haha:
I'm due april 26th but I expect it to change to a later date after my first ultrasound.
:hi: Jess - congratulations!! This definitely helps having people to talk to about baby when you aren't telling anyone yet!!

Tweak - I am still rough today and off work. I am gonna drag myself in tomorrow and think I will have to tell the two girls in the office (one is my manager) just so they understand!

Fingers crossed Thursday they could squeeze you in! Time goes so slow waiting for a scan! I am glad you are feeling a little better today!

:hi: bombshell. Congratulations.
Thank you! Going in today to take a look at my numbers. Hopefully all is well and I can schedule my first ultrasound.
Hi Ladies, can I join? :flower: I'm due at the end of April with baby #3. Not sure of the date as I'm exclusively BF my 7 month old and that can mess up ovulation. I'll be waiting (patiently :coffee:) for an ultrasound to give me an exact due date.

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