Tess I was gonna say the same. As long as movement doesn't seem to change then I wouldn't worry and if the midwife was worried I'd like to think she would have looked deeper into it there and then. If she's happy to send you away for another 6 weeks I'd say she sees it happen quite often. Chill mumma
and remember there's a labour ward in the hospital who monitor baby if you're really worried, I'm glad I made use of them a few weeks back rather than worrying.
Is anyone else finding movements have changed slightly? It's gone from flicks and kicks to more rolling, like my belly is doing the Mexican wave except I have a baby inside
and DAMN I'm finding kicks to the side (my right side) so uncomfortable!! I wouldn't even say painful but it feels awful. Just under my rib, like in the middle of my hip bone and bottom rib! Ouch! She loves to kick that spot. I am finding movements quite uncomfortable I'm not sure if that's anything to do with the fact my placenta is at the front rather than back? I might ask that when I next see the midwife on Monday actually.
Is everyone sorted with baby supplies yet? We are so close. Just need to sort out her cot and cot bedding, and I need to order the decorated letters for her nursery wall when we finally settle on a name which is driving me insane
poor girl will be 5 with no name at this rate. I've made a start packing my hospital bag too, just gonna do little bits at a time. It's all becoming very real and creeping up quicker than I could've imagined. One of my friends gave birth yesterday and had the time from hell. Wasn't dilating and repeatedly being sick. That was before it properly started. So she was rushed for an emergency section as she was trying to push in a state of panic before it was time and she was in such a state it was actually dangerous for her and baby. But she's here and healthy so that's great. Meeting her tonight and I can't wait but all this has made me want my baby here
Also how long does everyone have left at work? I pack up August 18. So only a couple weeks before I'm due. But that means I'll get almost the full 9 months with the baby rather than sitting at home waiting for it to happen.