hello ladies
you all have in a good saturday?
I have spent the day cleaning, but house is nearly done and i just having 5 min before making bed!
Fxed the witch stays away as you both sound like this could be your cycle!
well am waiting to ov but i did go into town and picked up some opks this moring so did one about half hour ago and it is nearly pos!!!! so am v glad hubby and ithis morning!!! It is difficult at the min as he is on lates (2pm-midnight) so when i am at work i don;t see him but made the most of it this am and will try for a rematch tomorrow morning too!!! then will not be able to till tuesday eve so just hope it is enough but prob won't be
fxed for us all!!!!
good luck for catching the eggy hun
I've got sweet chilli chicken for dinner and just ate a pepperami yummy
I've got ikky sore boobies though and nasty tummy cramps, ouch
https://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs035.snc1/3276_171087290720_856475720_6497498_4635885_n.jpg Me sat on the gardens on the great orme x