end of april due dates updated with list

I would love to start my maternity leave now, I'm lagging so much!

My 1st day of Mat leave is the 22nd April and he's due on the 26th April :wacko:

I have so much to do and I am DREADING him coming too early.
Sods law says he will because theres still so much left to sort, prepare for.
Haven't even got a bed ready for him yet.

I have a list as long as my arm of things that need doing and a very reluctant husband to help.

ARGHHHH! Getting close now...
Phew I'm glad I'm not the only one! I have chose all the baby's things that I'm going to be taking though and finally washed them today so at least I've started lol! I don't know how you are all still working, I'm exhausted and aching 24/7 now, can't wait to have my body back to myself :thumbup:
Princess i hope bubs stays in for you hun :hugs: like you say, at least you will be at the hospital if she does decide to make an appearance...dont forget to take your notes everywhere with you!! I hope your nephews operation goes well hun :flower:

I find im more achy the more i do but with being off work at the minute its not half as bad as it was...although with his head down now i am waddling about like a duck :blush::haha: i find i only notice his big movements these days, i was on the monitor thingy today and i recon i noticed about 5-10% of his actual movements :wacko:

LOL Feff i know what you mean, i have spent weeks thinking i hope he comes around 37 weeks but now im like...hmmm maybe it would be OK to go to 40 weeks (maybe a lil more LOL) :haha: i have everything ready for him i just not sure im ready! Also, im petrified of after birth bleeding/pains etc i have been reading about :nope: scary!!

I have my bag packed and one for bubs but i have been chucking things in it for so long i have no idea whats in there :haha: might need to re pack it :thumbup: I think its around 6 hours if its a normal birth or maybe over night depending on the time etc :thumbup:

Louise i think i would be having a panic attack by now LOL i cant rest unless things are organised, i drive everyone nuts with my lists LOL
Fingers crossedall will be fine, although its on his heart its a pretty simple procedure which means it can be done through keyhole but hes only 4 so its tough on all of us to watch him have to go through the pre-ops etc.
I havent started the washing yet really need to get on top of it, Im still umming and ahhing about which powder I should use, silly really but I can only use certain products because I suffer with something known as urticaria (my skin welts where I scratch it was kind of cool as a kid I was like a human chalk board, but it is made worse by different washing products) and Im worried if I use the wrong thing shes going to react like I do but since Iv personally never used fairy (but always have used non-bio products) Im not sure if its going to be ok (if that makes sense).
The waddling is horrendus!! I feel like everyone is laughing at me, my OH is making the most of the p*ss taking opportunity lol. Im with Feff on wanting my body back, even sitting is getting uncomfortable. Got a midwife appointment tomorrow so itll be interesting to see if shes started to engage, shes defo started dropping!
I have washed all the newborn and 0-3 month stuff and put most of it away but there is a massive pile that needs ironing which im ignoring till i get so bored its the only thing i can do LOL nesting has started too, i have been obsessed with cleaning my floors!! no idea why so obsessed with the floor :wacko:

I used persil non bio and fairy conditioner, i know some people say not to use conditioner on baby clothes but the fairy one says its baby friendly so i figured it should be ok :thumbup:

Princess, i used to get that welting thingy too, it started after i did the atkins diet and lasted a few months :shrug: i never knew it had an actual name LOL hubby and i used to just write things on my arm :haha:

Bless your poor lil nephew so young to have to go through an op on his heart but its good they can do it keyhole, does that mean he will recover faster? Hope all goes well :hugs:

My hubby likes to laugh at my waddling too :blush: he especially likes telling whoever he is on the phone too whenever i waddle across the room :dohh: I think you LO is probs engaged if your having the waddle too :thumbup: i find it pinches a bit wen i try and move my legs to close together to :wacko: dunno if thats normal though :shrug:
Yep I'm the same with the big movements! I miss her little taps that I could just about see poking out of my belly :haha: now it's like there's an alien in there! I can feel her head banging down below because she's head down now haha. Today is 6 weeks until my due date, which doesn't make me hyperventilate but then I think 'oh no, 3 weeks until I'm full term!' And I start to panic :haha: I'm scared about afterwards too Smanderson :( about how sore I'll be and I won't be able to go anywhere because of bleeding! Maybe I need to get more organised then :wacko: it just makes everything more real and scary with the baby's clothes drying on the radiators lol! Oh that's not too bad then, I think I may have packed too much :haha: oh well, I suppose they will have seen worse!

I just used normal washing powder Princess because my mam said that me and my brothers never had a problem with sensitive skin, and I was too impatient to wait to check out which would be the best powder :haha: I led on the sofa the other day and went to get up for a wee and I was stuck! I literally couldn't get up, I had to roll off onto my knees and heave myself up, so embarrassing :haha:
Hahaha i sooo keep getting stuck too!!!! :haha: Sometimes i feel like a beached whale! :blush: Hubby has had to help me up 3 times in the last 2 days :dohh: once out the bath, i was literally stuck laying down :dohh:

Ohh im sure i have way too much stuff too :wacko: but i would rather have too much and not use it than take something out and wish i had put it in you know :thumbup: especially as it could be the middle of the night so sending hubby to the shops may not be an option :dohh:

Its so weird now they are getting big isnt it :wacko: LOL very weird when he pokes his bum out :haha: I know what you mean about term feeling so close :wacko: but i have to remind myself that most babies dont come til after the 40 weeks :thumbup: i think i need the full 5 weeks to get my head round it being so soon....its seemed so far away for so long its hard to believe he is almost here! frightening and exciting all at once :haha:
It's awful isn't it lol! My mam couldn't even get me up because I'm too heavy now, I just had to roll and heave :haha:

Yep that's what I'm thinking too! I just hope it'll all fit into my bag lol, if not I think I'm going to leave some essentials in just a plastic bag in the car!

Yep very strange! Same here, I lose my breath sometimes because she's poking her bum out so far :haha: I know, one day I'm like 'yeah let's do this!' Then the next I'm thinking 'okay baby, you stay put for mammy for a little while longer' :haha:
The docs think he'll be back to school within 5 days as long as there is no complications, its amazing to think that its that simple to operate on a heart! Its encoraging tho and it does mean that he'll no longer be in danger from infection and illness.
I cant sit with my legs together anymore lol its either crossed legged or what Iv come to call the "undignified gangster" legs apart leaning forward so my bump fits between my legs haha.
Feff Im thinking normal washing powder is the way forward in the hope that it "toughens" her skin up so that she is less likely to react badly to change.
Has anyone else started craving again? Iv not really had any craving all through my pregnancy, Iv just found myself eating more fruit, but the past few days all I can think about is going down to morrisons and getting yet another extra large salad tub filled with mango!! Wierd I didnt even know I liked mango!
Hehe bless your mum :haha: i never imagined i would need pulling off the sofa or out the bath :haha: can you imagine, we still have a few weeks to go! How on earth are we going to manage at 40 weeks :wacko:

Thats a good idea to leave something in the car hun :thumbup: my hubby cant drive so im gonna have to rely on which ever family member is nearest when its time to go in :wacko: not very organised which is freaking me out a bit but if all else fails i will have to hop in a cab :thumbup:

Princess thats amazing to be back at school after 5 days!!! I guess they say kids bounce back quick :thumbup:

Haha the undignified gangsta sounds similar to my frogs legs position except i stick my feet on the coffee table :haha:

Yess!! i been craving peas! i know, weird, but pre prego i wouldnt eat a single pea and used to drive everyone nuts buy eating around them :haha: now i want peas with every lunch and dinner :haha: ohhhh and chocolate! Im obsessed with it at the minute, i usually like a bit of choccy every now and then but at he minute its daily :blush: I had the mango craving in my first trimester :thumbup:
Smanderson – yeah, the 80% is really high (first time births though) but it does help put it in perspective as everyone worries about being early when in reality most will be late!

Really hope you are right about the recovery. My DH is pretty useless as a nurse BUT I have my ace Mum coming to stay for 5 weeks so she will be amazing with helping me look after the LO and running around after me for the first week or two :)

PrincessBoo – if you're driving to Bristol then I would ask your OH to do all the driving, take a good lumbar support to stick in your back and a few pillows too. I take a big bottle of water on the road too to make sure I stay hydrated all the way through (downside is you'll need pitstops to pee!).

I can't believe you have dermatographic urticaria! I have it too and me and my Dad are the only two people I've ever known to have it! I had it really badly up until I was in my early teens (used to have school friends "write" all over me) but, like my dad, I grew out of it then. I can still get the welts to come up if I put really hard but nowhere near as "spectacular" as they used to be!

Feff – I haven't packed my bag yet (C section on 29 April) but thinking I'll do it around the second week in April. Chances of him coming early are slim. For a vaginal birth you can be in as little as one day and not overnight if all is well/very quick but I think the average is c two days. This is my first so someone else will have to comment on that one! I'm planning on being in for 3 days with the C section and want to get home as quickly as possible (least of all to keep the cost down!).

Jules I have only ever met one other person with it! Its gotten better over the years but I still cant leave the house for a hour after plucking my eyebrows and shaving leaves bad enough welts that I still refuse to try waxing lol. It used to get me out of trouble when I was younger and me and my bro had been fighting as I seem more physically hurt even if it was nothing lol.
Smanderson cravings are wierd aren't they!! The midwife told me off yesterday, I gave in and went and got a big pot of mango which ment my glucose were ++ in my urine.... whoops!
I got back yesterday and had little nesting spurt, tidied the house then thourghaly cleaned the fridge and tackled the paper work which Iv been meaning to do for months! Today is the day I sort the hosp bags out I think... lets see how it goes!
Hiya everyone, hows things going with you?

I have a growth scan tomorrow :-D and should be getting my section date then too.

Cant wait till my hips stop aching at night.
I don't know if I posted here yet but I was due 4/28 and Elijah decided to come on 3/5 at 32+2. He is still at NICU but is doing great sleeping in an open crib taking partial bottles, sometimes full at each feeding.
Can't wait to have him home!
Been quiet over here for a while! How is everyone doing, the end is in sight now lol, I'm 36 weeks tomorrow which seems impossible :haha: I've been really off feeling for the past few days though, really bad mood swings (literally crying with laughter one minute, then feeling like I want to hurt someone the next :haha: ) and just feeling crappy with exhaustion, aching back, hips, bump, ribs! :( Starting to wake in the nights too :( woke up at around half 4 last night and couldn't get back to sleep for hours! I think 'oh well not much more of this now' and then I worry over becoming a mam and everything changing so I can't win :haha: anyway, I hope everyone isn't feeling as crappy as me :flower:
Feff i am so with you! I have been like one giant hormone and i pretty much love and hate the world all in one go! Sometimes i could hit someone and others i just feel so happy and excited...weird LOL :shrug:

Add to the mix my complete and utter boredom!! Its not pretty :haha: i have been dragging hubby to just about every shop i can think of, spending money on crap we dont need just to be doing something :wacko: terrible isnt it :dohh: im dreading him going back to work tomorrow...dunno what im gonna do/buy if left unsupervised! man i wish these next 3 weeks would just go!

I agreem it is a bit worrying becoming a mum, like, what do we do once we get home and we have this baby we have been growing for the last 9 months :shrug: i really dont have a clue what mums do :shrug: all i know is people laugh about how we will never sleep again and the poopy nappies but thats about it :shrug:
It's so annoying lol! I don't know whether to be happy or sad, and then I feel stupid for feeling sad, then bad for feeling so happy :haha: just a minute ago I was smiling and laughing then I caught myself and was like, 'why am I smiling?' So went all miserable again lol! Think we're being too hard on ourselves ;)

I'm the complete opposite! Everyone keeps trying to get me out of the house and I just can't be bothered at all :( not even to pop to the shops or go for a walk, I just hate the idea of people fussing over me, asking how long I've got left and stuff! Would much rather lie on the sofa stuffing myself with Easter chocolates ;)

Yeah I know, everyone keeps saying it'll come to you but what if it doesn't?! I've never looked after a baby before, I have no idea what to do! Hopefully it WILL all come to us :haha:

How are you feeling about being full term now? I think that's what I'm most scared about!
Crazy how our hormones seem to be going wild this end of the pregnancy, i thought we were done with the annoying symptoms LOL Have you had any more cravings? Mine seem to be peas and mash :wacko: random and very boring but i NEED them every day!!! bit weird with a roast LOL

Ohh i wish i was like you, everyone is so busy around me and i just wish i was too LOL although when i am busy i do wish i could just laze about LOL never satisfied :haha::blush:

I really hope they are right and it will come cos if DJ was born now i would end up just looking at him and thinking...now what!?!?!?

Honestly its a relief to be term now, if he comes he will be fine and if he takes another 3 weeks...oh well LOL i am starting to wish i could beg them to induce me at 39 weeks or so, just so i KNOW when he is coming and can be all organised LOL i know its not possible but i really wish it was LOL :dohh: i am a bit OCD with organising :haha::blush:

What is it that worries you about being term? Apart from the screaming baby that could arrive at any minute LOL :haha:
I know lol! I thought that by now we would be used to pregnancy and the weird symptoms but nope! Our bodies keep on surprising us :haha: yum peas and mash lol! Not really, banana custard the other day, but after 2 it reminded me of the banana antibiotics I used to have as a kid haha! I do love anything banana flavoured though, banana cake, yoghurt, milkshake! Yum yum ;)

If I stand for longer than 15 minutes I ache all over and feel quite light headed, think its my anaemia :( I love having good days though! Cleaning and washing baby clothes is still fun now ;)

Lol I know! Fingers crossed anyway :haha: I know what you mean! I hate not knowing, I could go into labour tomorrow for all I know or not for another 6 weeks! I'm the same, I like to plan plan and plan :haha:

Apart from that?! ;) just that it's real you know? Only recently I've been worrying about the future which I should have done from when I found out, I think still being so young aswell and single makes me feel sort of out of it sometimes, like I'm on my own even though I've got an amazing family! I still just think 'oh, I'm pregnant' and only now realising that 'oh, really soon I'm going to be responsible for someone for their whole life' :haha:
Your right LOL we should totally expect this randomness by now :haha: somehow i feel like it should all be settling down :dohh: i think cos im used to being prego now LOL how silly :haha: its gonna feel soooooo weird to no longer be prego :o im not gonna be able to blame the baby for everything anymore :cry::winkwink:

Ohhh i have a flavor thing toooo!!! with me its mushrooms :wacko: i had that banana medicine as a kid too...it was totally gross :sick:

Yeah i know what you mean, i sometimes still dont believe it, even when i see my bump moving on its own LOL and sometimes when he moves i have to remind myself thats a baby moving not just wind!! :haha::haha:

Ohh im not so young (31) and i still get scared :wacko: its natural, this is the biggest thing to ever happen to a person so its perfectly normal to be frightened by how BIG it is :hugs: my sis was young when she had my niece (21) and it was the making of her! She took to motherhood so well and she is a fantastic mother and she did it all on her own too :thumbup: she is so close with my niece (who is now 13) and they have a great relationship :flower: you will be fine hunni :hugs: soon enough you wont remember life without the baby and it will just feel right :hugs:

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