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end of april due dates updated with list

Well the "symptons" havent developed but they havent gone away either, my OH resorted to taping a hot water bottle to my back with electrical tape last night so I was hands free to eat tins of pinapple whilst bouncing on my gym ball but nothing :nope: Iv woken up this morning still very crampy with a bad back but thats it. Im fed up of hearing "you'll know when it happens" like someones going to come along and smack me round the back of the head and go "this is it!", almost as bad is everyone else analysing every little ache I have and saying "oohhh it won't be long now..." as if that puts my mind at ease lol.
I think the kids would prefer the pregnant lady on the bouncy castle, my niece had a big pink barbie one for her 1st birthday 2 years ago, only the kids couldn't get near it because my OH (then 23) and my brother and his mate (all then 20) had commondered it.... the pictures attached being the result lol. At least a pregnant lady bouncing around will be a little more kid friendly. Was a great memory tho!
The cold is horrible but on the plus side the sun is shining so when your in the car you can almost pretend like its summer! I hope we get a good one this year, I think we all deserve a good bbq with a glass of wine (or two).
I haven't been to any classes, I know the mat unit where I plan on giving birth work closely with new mothers to help with breast feeding even alowing use to stay in a little longer if we feel like were strugling so thats reasuring.


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Feff I think the mood swings must be to do with some sort of hormone change at 36 weeks cos i was exactly the same last week!! Honestly, i was so down at times and felt completely alone :wacko: but other times i was happy and excited about the bubs and then i went in to angry mode too LOL where i hated anyone and everyone :haha: was a bit embarrassing really :blush::haha:

Aww hun thats horrible you feel you cant go :hugs: i was alone last night and i was basically adopted by a mother and daughter LOL bless them and there were people of ALL ages there :thumbup: but if you dont feel comfortable then no need to force yourself :hugs: there is plenty of info online and also im sure your midwife and health visitor can advise you if you decide to try BFing :thumbup: its such a personal choice only you will know what is right for you and bubs once she is here :thumbup: im going to try it but if i cant im not going to cry about it there are plenty of formulas to try :flower:

Princess LOL thats pretty extreme :haha: but if it had worked it would be worth it :thumbup: have you tried RLT? Its supposed to really be good :thumbup: also at the antenatal class they said sex defo works as there is something in the spermy that softens the cervix :thumbup:

hehe yeah pregnant lady defo trumps full grown men :haha: although they look like they were having a whale of a time :rofl: ohhh and the weather looks amazing :cloud9: god i miss the warm sunny weather :dohh: we defo all deserve a lovely warm summer filled with BBQs and wine and relaxing in the garden :cloud9:

Wow your mat unit sounds amazing :flower: i dont think i would want to stay longer but sounds great they offer so much support :flower: hope they are helpful where i go, the lady yesterday seemed really lovely so i think she will be supportive...if she is around when D day arrives :thumbup: They said yesterday when baby is born they put them on your tummy and the baby crawls up your body to the boob :haha: sounds pretty funny and kinda cool all at the same time :haha:

Speaking of symptoms, i been having period pains on and off the last couple of days, do you think thats my body getting ready? Or maybe i just need the loo :haha: I seem to have permanent BH these days too :wacko: what signs have you had hun?
How are you feeling now princess? Hope your back is better! Well, I don't actually because it might be the start of things! :haha:

Hahah if nothing gets going soon I'm sure a few bounces on a bouncy castle will do wonders :winkwink:

I hate the cold more than anything, I'm always numb and icy! :( oh yes I can't wait until the summer, I hope we have a proper one this year :(

I hate it Smanderson! I'm okay today, I think it's because I might have plans tonight and maybe some tomorrow so I've got stuff to look forward too! (I'm still scared about the baby so I'm not looking forward to that ATM :haha: )

I think it's probably me being awkward more than anything, everywhere I go I get looks or people asking how far along I am and when I'm due and everything so I just want to avoid them situations :haha: but everyone will be in the same boat there! Perhaps I'll push myself to go next week, it's about pain relief in labour, fun :winkwink: I would like to breast feed, but it's just convenience issues! I know that sounds bad, but I'm going back to college in September so I'll have to pump a lot, and I don't want to feel as I have to be careful what I'm putting into my body like I have been whilst I've been pregnant? That probably sounds awful :wacko: I'm going to look at combi feeding though, I think that would work a lot better :)
BFing is all about personal choice and what works for both you and the baby, don't let anyone push you to do something that isn't right for you, even the proffesionals! My health visitor gave me a lecture when I said I was going to try to BF but if it doesn't work for me or bubs then it will have to be formular, I just took it with a pinch of salt, my feeling is this is my baby and my body and I will do whats best for us both when the situation arises! So Feff if you feel like BFing isn't for you don't let others push you into it.
The back aches eased off a little although if I stand for too long or sit in the same position for too long it gets worse. Smanderson I've been waking up with that horible heavy feeling like Im about to come on my period every morning for about a week now, my MW said its a common feeling whilst LO is engaging. I almost wish I could switch my head off to the whole thing now so that I don't keep questioning every little twinge and movement. It would be great if I just woke up one morning (preferably after a decent night sleep) and LO was just there at the bottom of the bed waiting for me lol, if only the stalk myth was true hahaha.
Yeah i know what you mean, having plans defo helps with feeling down :thumbup: i have tried to make sure i have something for every day even if its not a fun thing LOL like today was taking the dog to the vets :wacko: and tomorrow waxing :wacko::wacko: LOL but at least it gets me out the house :thumbup:

Aww try not to be too scared about the baby hun, i know its massive and very daunting, it is for us all but its also amazing and wonderful too :flower: you and your little girl will have the most amazing relationship and it will be the best thing ever i promise :hugs:

Try not to let it get to you, i know its hard but it none of their business and hopefully they will be different once your LO is here :flower: yeah try and go if you feel you can, would be nice to see other pregos LOL and defo worth finding out about pain relief :thumbup: could you maybe BF till you go back and combo feed then? I dunno, i guess we wont know how hard its going to be until we are trying it :wacko: i have heard its really difficult though, although at the BF class she made it seem as though its all about getting bubs to latch properly so maybe once we work that bit out we will be ok :thumbup:

ohhh i wish i had plans for tonight like you hun am a bit jealous LOL my plans involve a bath, pjs and an early night :haha: :dohh:
LOL Princess that would be amazing wouldnt it :cloud9: a stalk arrives and hey presto..BABY!!! :happydance: :haha:

Ohhh i didnt know thats what the pain was :wacko: does that mean im walking like john wayne for a reason? haha :haha:
How was everyone's day? I've had a busy weekend for a change :haha: went for a walk yesterday and went shopping all day today and for another walk tonight! I'm absolutely shattered haha, not used to all this fresh air :winkwink: I finally got round to buying some RLT tablets today, £7.49! The tea was so much cheaper but I don't think I could drink it :wacko: been lovely to get out of the house and do something, I'm definitely going to try and do something at least once a day, you're right Smanderson it does help with feeling down! :thumbup:
Its nice to get out and about for a bit isnt it :thumbup: im glad it helped with feeling down hun :hugs: good luck with the RLT tablets :flower: they are supposed to be more effective than the tea so hopefully worth the extra :thumbup:

Today i mostly pottered about and popped out to walk to dog and later went to the shops for treats which this week im obsessed with pineapple :haha: i dunno if thats just a craving or if its cos i heard it can help being on labor :haha:

I had my waxing today too :wacko: it wasnt too painful or embarrassing but i wouldnt do it again in a hurry LOL and TMI but they took way more than i thought they would and now i feel a bit balled :haha::blush: still, at least its done :thumbup: no going back now LOL :dohh: hubby thinks its hilarious and no doubt relieved he no longer has to do shaving duties :winkwink:

Ohhh and i had total prego brain today, i thought i lost my keys and called the spa and searched the car and house top to bottom and it turned out they were in the bottom of my bag all along :dohh: whoops! :blush:
Well its 3.20am and it looks like the worst possible senario is becoming a reality.
Had a great day yesterday, the party was great and the kids loved the bouncy castle, I did have a little go but I only sat on it whilst they bounced around, figured it was no different to sitting on my ball at home and LO was right up under my ribs so I was trying to shift her down and make me more comfy. As the day went on I started getting more and more uncomfy, not it pain but feeling like it didnt matter how I sat/moved I couldn't find relief which meant I was getting more and more short tempered and ratty with everything. So Iv been in bed since 10pm, got a little sleep, woke up at 1.15 am with really bad cramping, feeling very sick and generally not great, so I got up went to the toilet and found I've started losing my plug, not to worry tho because after reading threads on here that really doesn't mean alot. So Iv gone back too bed and drifted up again only to wake up at 2.20 in pain, I just kind of sat up on the bed crossed legged rocked a little until it eased, lay back down and drifted off again. Well I've just woken up again because of a really bad nightmare, still in pain but not so bad, have gone to the toilet and noticed blood which I can only assume is the start of my show. So now Im sat here panicking, because for all my whinging and wining and wishing her to "get out now" this really isn't the best timing, unless shes wants to arrive very swiftly, her first sight of the world may be the M5 wizzing by from the back of a ford mondeo!
So right now Im trying not to wind myself up and tell myself Im over reacting, Iv not had any contractions (that I am sure of) and no signs of my waters going anytime soon so fingers crossed this is all a bit of something or nothing!
Princess how you getting on now hun? Hope you didnt give birth in the back of the mondeo!!! Have you progressed/made it to hospital? SO excited for you :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: where can i get a bouncy castle :haha:

Keep us updated on your progress, will be thinking of you today and wishing you well xxxx :hugs: xxx
I managed to get a bit more sleep got up about half an hour a go and only just made it to the toilet before I had a small "gush" of something but Im not sure what It was. I had more browny jelly type stuff upon wiping (sorry for tmi) so I asummed this was a large bloody show, but after posting on 3rd tri to get a bit of reassurance people are saying I should get checked incase it is my waters :shrug:
Only problem is my midwife isn't avalible today so I figured Ill keep an eye on the situation through the day (I'm going to a wedding show with my sister so being on my feet may help me work out whats going on) and if things continue to develop Ill call L&D later. hmmm I hope my waters don't break over the expensive dresses lol.
This is all turning it to a bit of a nightmare, not really sure what to do and getting very concerned that I'm not going to be able to go to bristol tomorow.
Anyhoo... how is everyone else doing today?
Yes definitely does help! Just some fresh air and a change of scenery does the world of good! :thumbup: oooh fingers crossed then, they stink and taste so bad, I can't imagine what the tea would taste like :haha:

Omg I've been obsessed with pineapple for weeks haha! I can't get enough of it, and melon yum :haha:

Oh yeah I completely forgot you went! I hope it didn't hurt too much, oh dear :rofl: yep I bet he's so relieved haha :winkwink:

I'm like that constantly! It's embarrassing isn't it? :haha: if I put something away 'safe' then that's it it's lost forever :haha:

Oooh princess! Trust you to have all the signs when you have plans, LO is obviously impatient to meet her family :flower: I hope everything is well, keep us updated :hugs: oh and I'm pretty jealous :haha:
Hmm I would phone L and D just incase they ask you to come in and check, I've read that some women mistake discharge for their waters though so it could be that! I think you're supposed to lie on your left side for a bit then get up and see if you leak anymore, if you do then I would defo call just to be sure, this baby is waiting for nobody :winkwink: I hope you feel okay apart from that :)

I'm fine today thank you, wish the sun was still out but there we go! Not sure what to do today, think I'm going to try and get more organised with LO's things, they're spread out throughout the house everywhere :haha:
Princess i defo think you should call L&D now especially before you go to the show :thumbup: you dont want to be giving birth in the middle of lots of bridezillas! :haha: try not to worry hun :hugs: if this is it then your family will understand you not making it tomorrow and will be excited for you and if its not then you will be able to go along later in the day if they need to monitor you :flower:

You have to think of the bubs though hun and get yourself checked out cos lets face it, gushing and brown jelly isnt just another prego symptom its defo a sign bubs wants out :thumbup: which if it was any other day you would probably be bouncing off the walls with excitement about :happydance: xxxxx

Ohh Feff booo that those tables are gross too :wacko: hopefully they work though :thumbup: so glad im not the only pineapple obsessed prego LOL must be a normal craving :happydance: it wasnt too painful i found i was wincing out of anticipation of the pain but it werent too bad at all :happydance:

Good plan organising bubs things :thumbup: i keep pottering in DJs room just moving thing about and making sure its super organised so when he is here we can just function LOL cos we will be that tired out brains probs wont be switched on :haha::winkwink:

Good luck Princess and keep us posted on your progress :flower: it sounds like this is it for you :happydance::happydance::happydance: xxxxxx
I agree with the girls princess..call L&D just in case they want to check you out! Sounds promising though! Look after yourself!

My LO is very quite again this morning! I hate it when it's this quite. It worried me. Drank a glass of cold water and lay on my side. Hoping its just asleep. I have panicked about this before and it's gone crazy later in the day so hopefully that will happen today :)
Well the midwife doesn't seem particularly concerned she said it sounds like its my plug going so Im now on even higher alert with the symptom spotting, however after this mornings "excitement" nothing much else has happened, the pain has gone and nothing really interesting has developed so Im taking advantage and catching up on last nights lost sleep. Seems LO just wants to remind me shes still there. So Im going to go pack ready for tomorow and hope that tonight is more restfull than last night, will try to keep you all updated if anything changes tho! Thank you for the support today!
Im glad you managed to speak to the MW Princess :thumbup: at least now you have more of an idea whats happening :flower: how did you get on at the wedding show? Good idea to catch up on sleep, you never know when labor will start once you have lost your plug :happydance: hope you manage to get enough rest for your travels tomorrow :hugs: xxx
Princess I'm glad all is well too! These tiny people have us very wound up at the moment!
Princess I'm glad all is well too! These tiny people have us very wound up at the moment!

They really do LOL its such an exciting time but also mega frustrating cos all we can do is wait and obsess :haha:
How is everything this morning princess? I hope you're feeling better!

And how is everyone else? Any twinges? :winkwink: I still can't quite believe that I'm full term tomorrow, I'm so excited but scared :haha: I got really worried last night, was watching the tele and my belly went really tight and uncomfortable, I was so scared! :haha: then I remembered them RLT tablets can give you strong Braxton hicks and it was only the one, thank god lol :winkwink:

Think I'm going to sort out my bedroom today, I'm swapping rooms in a few weeks hopefully, so I'm going to try and do as much as I can before my due date! I think I'll get halfway sorted and then LO will make her appearance :rofl: just my luck!

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