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end of april due dates updated with list

Oohhh almond oil sounds lovely. Lavender always gives me a head ache though.
Fingers crossed it helps kick things off for you hun.

Yeah I hear it makes the breastmilk taste sour.
Yep definitely could have been worse! Oh dear lol, well you've spoilt LO this is you spoiling yourself :winkwink: :haha:

Hopefully it's something and not my wishful thinking! It did stop for a while, but starting to feel a bit achey in the bottom of my bump again now, I really hope it's something :haha: lol it might not help towards anything, I'll let you know if it doesn't and then you'll be saying 'I'm so glad I couldn't take it' :winkwink:
Thanks Jenny, no signs yet :wacko: i will keep using it though and have been bouncing on my ball, eating pineapple and walking loads so surely some of this will help :wacko: the almond oil is really nice and was quite cheap too :thumbup: the jasmine is quite a nice scent but then again if lavender gives you headaches maybe that will too :nope: hows your snake getting on? Any signs of snake babies?

Feff it defo sounds promising and from what i have seen on here lately even if its not the actual start of labor its sometimes your body getting ready and means baby is coming soon :happydance: its all good signs :flower:

I dunno why im being so impatient, i think i just really want something to happen right so im desperate for a natural start to labor rather than having to sit around a hospital for even more hours :dohh: i know its silly really :wacko: 2 weeks isnt so bad to have to wait for our little man :baby: but i would really love it if it did happen soon LOL :winkwink::haha:
Ooh fingers crossed then! It did stop for a while this afternoon I just felt really sick, but it's back now quite bad, period cramps and a bad back too! If I go over by 2 weeks I'm blaming you Smanderson :winkwink:

Are you having any twinges at all now? I think it's just knowing that 37 weeks is full term so baby could come at any time, so you just expect baby now lol! Well if it doesn't happen soon you've always got your induction date to fall back on :thumbup:
LOL Feff :haha: it defo sounds like the start of something :thumbup: so exciting :happydance: no chance your going over hun!! You will have your bambino in your arms in no time :happydance:

Not too much happening today :nope: i had the odd twinge/period pain but nothing to shout about :cry: im so glad i have the induction cos i would be going even more crazy if i thought i could go over :wacko: i cant even get off the sofa these days :dohh:

Have you seen this thread? It literally had me in tears laughing!!

Fingers crossed! I can't handle these hormones for any longer I've been crying all night again! :haha: I just want to meet LO now :)

Oh no :( keep bouncing on your ball and walking lots! I think he's just really comfy in there :haha: yeah I know what you mean, you're lucky you can think 'if not before then at least then!' :thumbup:

Yes haha I was reading it earlier! :rofl: it's exactly what I'm thinking all day everyday :haha:
Im not the best with oils really. I get on better with my insence, but obv that does nothing in regards to labour. Lol.
Nope no snake babies, she needs to shed, then about 12 days after she should lay her eggs. She is pushing it now. I bet she will lay when im in hospital, then hubby will have to sort them out aarrggg.
Im really impatient too, I just want the time to fly.
Feff these hormones are a total mare arent they LOL i really all our babies arrive soon i think we all need a break from being so heavy and hormonal :wacko: yeah im gonna keep bouncing/walking/oiling/pineappleing and crab walking LOL one of these days this boy is going to come out! :haha::winkwink: Any more tightening/signs?

Jenny she is pushing it a bit then LOL hopefully she will take a few more days to shed so she will be ready when you get home from hospital :thumbup: i read that burning the oils has the same effect but i dont think thats much help for you cos it would give you a headache :dohh:

Hubby and i have decided we are going to plan something treat like for the weekend so instead of feeling like ANOTHER week ahead and wasting our last full weekend of baby free time we will look forward to our treat and make the most of the time :flower: however, we cant think of ANYTHING we want to do! Urgh! well...he always suggests garden centers even more annoying!!!! :wacko:
I know, I've forgotten what it feels like to not cry or scream over everything! I don't think he'll be long :) especially with everything you're doing :haha: a bit sore again this morning not as bad as last night though, and I've got an awful headache which I really don't want to take paracetamol for because then I won't feel the pains in my belly! :rofl:

Oh that sounds lovely! Hmm when the weather is like this there's not much you can do really :( you could go shopping but vow buy LO anything :haha: for a nice meal, cinemas? Would make everything easier if the sun was out :dohh:
ohh i dunno he is only 3/5ths engaged :growlmad: just had a check up and she told me 4/5ths but wrote in the notes 3/5ths :growlmad: well she said stairs are good and she thought he might be another week which might mean he will come before induction but if he hangs about who knows :dohh: so frustrating :dohh:

Thats a good sign your still having pains :thumbup: it could even be bubs starting to engage? ohh i wish these next few weeks would hurry up so we can all have our bubs :flower:

Yeah a nice meal sounds good, not sure about the cinema at the weekend, would probably be busy and annoying LOL shame we cant go too far or we could have gone to london to the theater or something :thumbup: would defo be easier if it was nicer weather, we could just go to the park with a picnic and would feel super special treat LOL
Il probably be in hospital for about 5 days, I bet she lays when im in lol. Hubby knows what to do though, I think lol. Il have to go over it with him again though, just to make sure.

Yeah it's tricky to decide where to go with being so heavily pregnant. You wana be somewhere non crowded, and where you can sit comfortably. Im sure you will have a lovely time with you o/h wherever you go.
Oh no, I bet you're so annoyed :( don't worry, in my last appointment LO wasn't even engaged at all! If I was you I'd be bounding up and down the stairs all day trying to shift him :haha:

Oh I hope she's fully engaged and ready for lift off, I've got a check up with the midwife later and if she says she isn't engaged I think I'll end up breaking down :haha: me too! In a month we'll all be sleep deprived and saying 'why oh why did we wish for them to come out so soon?!' :rofl:

Yeah true, I would imagine it'd be really busy! Just seeing the sun on its own would be a super treat! :haha:
Wow 5 days :wacko: at least you will get to spend some quiet time with the bubs before you go back home :flower: will hubby and the kids visit every day? Maybe you could write him a list of instructions LOL that way you know for sure he knows what to do :thumbup:

i agree somewhere non crowded with seats sounds good ...i just have no idea where that could be LOL :dohh: will keep thinking :flower:
Oh no, I bet you're so annoyed :( don't worry, in my last appointment LO wasn't even engaged at all! If I was you I'd be bounding up and down the stairs all day trying to shift him :haha:

Oh I hope she's fully engaged and ready for lift off, I've got a check up with the midwife later and if she says she isn't engaged I think I'll end up breaking down :haha: me too! In a month we'll all be sleep deprived and saying 'why oh why did we wish for them to come out so soon?!' :rofl:

Yeah true, I would imagine it'd be really busy! Just seeing the sun on its own would be a super treat! :haha:

I guess in some ways im lucky to be having a section, as I don;t have to do anything to try and get engaged. Last week I was pretty sure she was engaged, as my back and pelvis hurt so bad, and my bump had dropped loads, but now she has popped back out, which I am extreemly thankful for. I remember how hard it was with Ds when he was fully engaged, the surgeons and to rock me about all over the place to get his head out of me.
:rofl: we will be wishing we could stuff them back in there :haha::winkwink:

I'll keep everything crossed for you she is engaged!! I was gutted and have told hubby im fetching anything and everything needed from upstairs from now on LOL and we did a extra long walk with the dog, will do another later :thumbup:
Omg Jenny don't say that haha! I'll be begging for a section later on at the midwifes office :haha: I've had pains in my hips for a while and shooting pains in my 'bits' so I'm taking that as a sign she's at least starting to engage! I hope :(

Thank you Smanderson! Let's hope your magic works :haha: I'm always up and down the stairs anyway because of baby brain! Always leaving something up there :haha: oooh maybe that'll get something going! I hate due dates and the fact that they tell us we're full term at 37 weeks :( wish I knew what day she's arrive for definite!!!
I know what you mean Feff, something about hitting 37 weeks made me go from expecting to go over my due date and feeling okish with that to desperate to get the baby out before even the due date :dohh:

I do think seeing ladies having their babies makes it seem like even longer till our due dates though, especially as the baby pics are sooooo adorable :cloud9: they make me crave cuddles with my LO :flower::haha:
Wow 5 days :wacko: at least you will get to spend some quiet time with the bubs before you go back home :flower: will hubby and the kids visit every day? Maybe you could write him a list of instructions LOL that way you know for sure he knows what to do :thumbup:

i agree somewhere non crowded with seats sounds good ...i just have no idea where that could be LOL :dohh: will keep thinking :flower:

Din't see this post..oops.

Yeah I was in for 7 with my first section, and 5 with the last. First time I got a bad infection, and I was alone, and had noone to take me to my house till the wkend.

2nd time my bladder refused to work, so I had to have the cathetar back in.

Im betting my bladder will be cross again this time, as it had a few troubles with it during the pregnancy.

Yeah o/h will be with my every day, my mom will get the kids from school, feed them, then bring them up to the hospital, then hubby will take them home from there.

He is pretty good really, he knows what to do, he better just do it, else he knows il be mad and moody and nag a lot haha.
I hate my midwife! Not literally :haha: but ahhhh :( baby was playing up before we went in and moved all awkwardly so she had to poke my bump hard to try and find her position then when I asked was she engaged she said 'getting there' what does that even mean?!?! She didn't write anything in my notes about it either so I'm not hopeful :( I feel so down now, all the pains have stopped too apart from my ribs and where she was poking and prodding me, I can see me having to get induced because LO won't budge! :dohh: I know I'm only just full term but I'm so sick of being in pain, seeing everyone with their babies and not being able to meet LO yet! Rant over :rofl:
I feel quite impatient too hun. But no use worrying, it won't change anything. We just need to be patient. All good things and all that :-D

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