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end of april due dates updated with list

Feff all much the same here, still wishing bubs would hurry up!!! A few twinges but nothing really i think they are just my body reacting to my desperation LOL Maybe the RLT has helped kick start labor? or at least started your body preparing for it??

Good idea to get cracking with sorting out your room for bubs :thumbup: DJs room is so ready i wish i had something more to do LOL as it is all i have left if ironing :wacko: might try and do that today :thumbup: BORING!
Oh no, I think we've all wound ourselves up over the few twinges that we've had lol :haha: yeah maybe, oooo that sounds really scary lol!

Oh I'd better get a move on then lol! I'm so unorganised :haha: ironing baby clothes is so hard lol! Doesn't help that my iron is rubbish, but all the stuff is too small and awkward, I had a cry over that a few weeks back too :rofl: crying over not being able to iron!
LOL i cry over everything these days :haha: my hormones go crazy sometimes i get teary over nothing and then others i get so cross i want to punch someone LOL so embarrassing cos i end up ranting on at hubby as we walk round morrisons about how horrible this person or that was cos they drive badly :blush: whoops...all the more reason for bubs to hurry up :haha:

Im gonna pop out to et some clary sage, jasmine and lavender oil as one of the girls on the April thread says their MW suggested it in the bath to help things on :thumbup:

I agree we are all getting wound up :haha: i think its seeing all the ladies going in to labor on here and having their babies so so exciting but also makes me feel like i want mine now too LOL :dohh:
I hate hormones lol, I never know what mood I'll be in in an hour! I can wake up in the happiest mood possible and then in half hour I'm in a vile mood :haha:

Oooh I did hear about that, I can't stand the smell of lavender though! :( I think I'm going to stop taking the RLT tablets :rofl: I've had a couple of strong Braxton hicks again today and now I feel really sicky and got a bad headache, I'm not ready for her yet!!! :haha:

Yeah I agree, it's weird seeing people on here with a ticker saying they're pregnant one day and then had their baby the next :haha: I'm excited and can't wait but I'm scared too, it still hasn't sunk in :wacko: I don't think it will until my waters break and I think 'wow, it's actually happening!' :thumbup:
Really? I love Lavender but that clarey sage stuff honks! I just had a quick look and it seems well known about those oils ...i went out and got them but forgot to pick up a base oil so i can only use it in the bath for now, need to get a base oil so i can use it on the bump too :thumbup:

Ohh that sounds promising for the RLT then :happydance: at least when your ready you know it helps :thumbup: i cant take it :cry: bloody BP :cry: bad headache dont sound too great though, are you sure its the RLT? hope its not a migrane they suck :wacko:

DJ keeps getting hiccups! Bless him, i read somewhere they get them when they are practicing breathing :haha::cloud9:

I dont think any of us can really get our heads round it till we are holding the bubs LOL i still cant quite believe its happening :haha: i really dunno what to expect from labor except for a whole world of pain :wacko:
Hiya everyone, you all ok?

Iv not been posting much, im full of a cold and quite fed up, so I don't want every post I make to be a moan lol.

15 days till section day. And have my last scan on Thursday, gotta take the other 2 with me, as they are still off school for the Easter break. Il be taking their kindles for sure, or they will wind me up through boredom.

My lo has the hiccups at the moment too. I love it :-D
Aww Jenny i really feel for you hun :hugs: i had a horrible cold a couple of weeks back and it mega sucks :growlmad: i still a bit snotty now but not suffering :thumbup:

Hope you can shake it off quick hun :hugs: and hope the kids behave at your scan :flower: are you excited? wish i had another one LOL im just being greedy now haha i have had like 6 scans or something silly LOL

:cloud9: love when they get hiccups hehe :cloud9: now all we need is for the next 2 weeks to whiz by!!! :happydance:
Smanderson I'm not really a bath oil person :haha: I just like a plain one, some bubbles sometimes but that's it :winkwink: it makes my skin feel greasy!

Yep at least I know they work! I think I'm going to stick to them actually, but just stick to the 3 :haha: it's scary lol! Hey, you've got an induction date, I get to take RLT! :winkwink: no I don't think it's a migraine thank god, I feel better now just achey :wacko: please not yet baby girl, I still haven't washed your clothes :rofl:

Oh bless him! LO keeps getting them too :haha: it's such a weird feeling isn't it?

It's just weird thinking that everything's going to change, when nothing has changed yet if that makes sense? :haha: like it's going to be so sudden! That's what I'm most worried about, the pain :wacko:

Aw Jenny hope you feel well soon! I hate having a cold :( ooh not long now then :thumbup: I bet you can't wait! It's lovely that you get to see LO again so soon before she's here, I'm jealous :winkwink:
LOL thats true :haha: i keep not thinking of the induction :dohh: i think its cos im a bit scared of it LOL i heard they arent very nice, more painful and longer and higher chance of intervention like those grabby thingys :wacko:

I know what you mean, like a whirlwind is about to change everything in a day but if you think about it, everything has already changed and then when the bubs arrive it will make all the change worth while :flower:

Yeah it is a weird feeling LOL i always think, whats that? whats he up to and then im like ohh yeah hiccups LOL but cos he is so big now my whole belly moves :rofl: so cute though :cloud9:

Ohh i put the oil in milk first then in the bath and it makes my skin all soft :flower: i love putting lavender oil in but thats probs the last one you would want LOL im terrible for bath products, i love LUSH stuff i could spend a fortune in their shop LOL its hubbys go to present for any occasion haha :haha:
Can you be mobile if you're having an induction? That's supposed to be helpful, try not to focus on the 'bad' stuff just think of the end! :flower: once you're holding LO you'll forget about all the pain anyway (apparently) :winkwink:

Yeah it's definitely going to be worth it :) just still seems so weird thinking I'm going to be a mammy :haha:

Me too haha! The first time I felt it I was like what the hell?! Then I realised that it was hiccups! :haha: so cute, I can just imagine her little face all screwed up hiccuping :haha:

Oooh that actually sounds really nice! Yeah, apart from the lavender part haha :winkwink: I love LUSH stuff too! I don't like using it though :wacko: I buy it for my mam all the time just so I can smell it lol, the pink marshmallow bath bomb I think it is, omg it's beautiful :rofl:
Thanks ladies, im not too bad in the day time, but im having to take paracetamol on the nights :-( I hate taking any meds when pregnant, but it really does take the edge off and help me sleep. I got my lemon and honey water tho :-D

I hope they behave too. I may have to bribe them a little lol.

Yep hurry up 2 weeks :-D
I love their bubble bars :cloud9: they do one that smells like blackcurrents and its so yummy :D

Well, i was just going to pop to Sainsburys to do the food shop and my wheel on my car popped!!! Literally the tyre exploded :o so now i have to go to kwikfit tomorrow to get it all fixed having sat around for ages waiting for AA they said my spare was flat....saga!!

I know what you mean bout feeling weird about being a mum, i cant quite get my head round that im going to be someones mum LOL feel so weird hehe but im sure its gonna be amazing :cloud9:
Jenny take whatever you need to feel better! :flower: hope you're feeling well tomorrow :)

Oooh Smanderson that one sounds lovely lol! I might have to order my mam some for her birthday :winkwink:

Oh no! I hope you're okay, I bet that was scary :( as if you haven't got enough on your plate at the moment lol :wacko:

Yep I'm sure it will be, it's just getting there! :haha:

Well I just found out off my friend that my other friend has had her baby, and I'm so angry! I never thought I'd feel like this, but I actually cried :wacko: I feel horrible that I'm so jealous but it still feels so long away until I get to meet LO so I was gutted :haha: she was due 2 weeks before me mind, so it was more than likely to happen, but I just got it into my head that I would go into labour before her! Madness :haha:
Jenny how you feeling today hun? Hope the honey and lemon helped :hugs:

Princess how did your nephew get on yesterday? How are you? Any signs of the bubs yet?

Feff i defo recommend it, i think its called the comforter :thumbup: was a bit of a mare but im glad its just the tyre thats bust and not some mega engine probs but still its £100 we could do without having to spend right now :wacko: i was also convinced i was going to go in to labor while we waited for the AA man :haha:

I can really understand you feeling that way hun, its hard to see everyone having their babies while we are still struggling through even though we are going to have ours very soon too its just a long slog to the end! in a few months time that extra couple of weeks between them will feel like no time at all LOL we will think all our babies are the exact same age :haha: just think we are one more day closer to meeting out little ones :happydance:
Im not too bad today, I didn't have to take paracetamol last night :-D still quite foggy headed but I think im getting better. Must be all the water I drink.

Going to make ginger bread with the kids this morning I think, it should keep them happy for a while. We did choc chip cup cakes the other day, with butter cream icing, they were yummy :-D

Whats everyone up to today?

My corn snake who is pregnant and I are having a race, who will be the first to give birth? Lol she is taking ages grrr I want her to lay before I go into hospital.
Hey ladies how all doing, I'm due in 3 half weeks just prey stays in to saturday when full term then know she be ok and can use ne birth centre! Head not fully engaged yet so while to wait I think! Bags all done, nursey finished part from finishin touches and friend helpin clean this afternoon! Got lots magazine and books sit read shame not warmer to get in garden! I can't believe there a proper baby in there and that got give birth and soon every twinge could be the start?! Freaks out that baby moves when touch tum like responds crazy she knows things already!! In amazment this time might get to finally be a mum, don't think let myselve believe it gonna happen, so sure something gonna go wrong and or something be found at the birth! Such a worrier! Xx
Jenny thats great your starting to feel better :flower: amazing how much water can help with :thumbup: ohh i used to love baking with my mum and my nan :D i'll look forward to doing that with DJ too :D

I been to get a new tyre and got the base oil for those oils Rah mentioned :thumbup: watch this space, i read that they are pretty good for bringing on labor and also help during labor to make it go quicker :thumbup:

Charmed, i dunno of my LO is fully engaged either :wacko: i know he has dropped much lower and when he moves it feels like a volcano erupting my my belly LOL try not to worry so much hun all we can do is go with things and hope for the best :flower:
Ah no Smanderson, that's a pain in the bum having to pay that much when LO is due so soon! :( but it could have been a lot worse! Hahah that would have made an amazing birth story :haha:

I'm glad it's normal to feel like that :haha: I thought I was possessed by the devil lol! I was so angry, I still am quite now.. :haha:

Glad you're starting to feel better Jenny :) ooooh I bet you'd be so annoyed if your corn snake went into labour before you :rofl: I know I would be! I've sorted out some more of LO's things today, washed a lot and put them on the radiator to dry! Wish I started sooner there's so much :wacko:

I'm the same charmed, I can't believe it's actually a baby in there :haha:

I've been having quite a few twinges today! I feel quite achey and like I'm going to come on my period :wacko: some period type pains and a bad back, and my ribs, but they ALWAYS hurt :haha: hope everyone is okay and not in pain like me :haha:
Thanks hun. I drink lots of tea too, switched to decaffe when I found out I was pregnant though. I prefer coffee, which I dranks loads of too (decaffe also) but I cant have the coffee now, as I hear it makes breast milk taste bitter.

Are you talking about massage oils hun?
Yeah was pretty difficult to part with the cash but i keep thinking thank god it wasnt anything more! that tyre will be our most expensive purchase since we bought the nursery furniture LOL :dohh: i will make sure i appreciate it :haha:

Oohhhooo twinges and periody feeling sounds promising!! Sounds like it could be the start of things hun :happydance: keep us posted on your progress :thumbup: sounds like the RLT is doing its job :happydance: Damn it i really wish i could take some :haha::winkwink:

Jenny im usually a coffee monster too, i have missed it sooo baaaddd i didnt know it was bad for BFing too :wacko: damn it! :dohh: LOL

Its Clarey Sage, Jasmine and Lavender oils you can put in the bath or mix with almond oil and use to massage or rub in the bump :thumbup: i been putting it on my bump today and will be having a lovely bath in it later :haha: im not keen on the clarey sage smell but its supposed to be the best one for helping kick start labor and keeping contractions coming so i will learn to love it LOL :haha:

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