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end of april due dates updated with list

LOL Jenny that happens to me sometimes, especially if i had the page open for a bit whilst pottering about...whoops :dohh: i really hope you dont have any complications this time hun and your bladder behaves :flower: but i agree its better to plan for the 5 days just in case you need the extra time :thumbup:

Bless your mum thats really sweet of her :flower: funny how we never grow out of needing our mums isnt it :haha: Im sure he will do great :flower: my hubby will make a nice mess at home for me im sure LOL although he is very good at cleaning when it suits him so who knows :shrug:

Aww Feff im sorry bubs wasnt playing ball today hun :dohh: midwifes can be super annoying and thats a bit naughty she never wrote anything down :growlmad: dont feel down hun try and take her "getting there" comment as a positive sign, it probably means bubs is engaging but not fully engaged :thumbup:

Im with you though, im sick of feeling crap and uncomfortable and being in pain basically ALL the time :wacko: i would very much love the bambino to arrive now but Jenny is right, we just gotta be patient for a couple more weeks and they will be here :flower: im sure you wont need to be induced hun, but if you do dont worry about it, we will be in the same club :thumbup: xxxx
Ah Jenny I'm just the most impatient person ever :haha: I just really really want to have the baby now!

I hope so Smanderson :( I wish she would explain things better, she's my assigned midwife and it's only about the 3rd time I've seen her since I fell pregnant! I always see others :dohh:

My ribs have been in agony all day again, my belly and back hasn't been hurting today even though I'm willing them too so I can imagine something's happening without feeling crazy! :haha: yeah I know, I just feel like I'm going to be pregnant all my life now :wacko: it's nice to be able go vent on here without people thinking I'm crazy! :flower: :rofl: xxx
Fingers crossed everything will go smoothly, but this bladder is a git lol, so I won't hold my breath.

Yeah she is a good'en, she is always there when I really need her.

You have the same due date as me Feff. I can't wait too, but on the other hand I can, lol, if that makes any sense.
I so know what you mean feeling like your gonna be preggers forever!! I feel exactly the same! im feeling pretty awful today :nope: banging headache and feeling dizzy/light headed :dohh: cant seem to shake it :cry: im so fed up of feeling like crap :cry:

Sorry ladies, im feeling very sorry for myself tonight :cry:
I so know what you mean feeling like your gonna be preggers forever!! I feel exactly the same! im feeling pretty awful today :nope: banging headache and feeling dizzy/light headed :dohh: cant seem to shake it :cry: im so fed up of feeling like crap :cry:

Sorry ladies, im feeling very sorry for myself tonight :cry:

I hope you feel better soon hun, why not try a nice relaxing shower/bath, and get an early night? hugs x
Yeah I know what you mean Jenny, some days I want her to stay in there all comfy because I get scared about everything changing, but then others I get so impatient and I want her out NOW :haha:

Aw Smanderson, don't worry all I do is moan! It's good to get it all out :flower: hope you feel better soon :( hope you feel better after your bath :hugs: xx
Hi Charmed,

Im pretty good, only Woke up 3 times during the night :-D

How about you?
Not too bad, feel like done a big bike ride or kicked in lady bits!! Lol. Can't wait to sat when be full term, one more day to stay in there and then can come whenever!! Everythings done, bags packed, nursery done just need some finishin touches! House fairly clean lol. Been on mat leave a few weeks and havin haircut and pedicure this afternoon as a treat!! :) and baby shower is on saturday too! I'm used to bein busy and gettin things done before work and like today I've prep tea and cleaned up, now chillin in pjs for a while then ill get dressed!! Xx
Hey, i had my bath and early night but im still feeling poo :( am gonna see how i go for a couple more hours then maybe call the day assessment and see what they think cos this is not fun i just so fed up now, if its lurgie its 2 in 3 weeks :growlmad: and if its not i am worried bubs is ok cos he was v quiet on the monitors yesterday with low accelerations :(

Ohhhh hurry up and come out baby!!! :(
Charmed don't get too excited about being full term :haha: I've been for 2 days and I feel so depressed now lol! Wow sounds like you've been keeping yourself busy, that's good :thumbup: I'm feeling okay today thanks, was really sore last night with period like cramping and really sore ribs :( my ribs woke me up this morning for ages because they were hurting so bad! Belly pains stopped today though :dohh: I hate getting excited over every little twinge haha! How are you feeling?

Oh Smanderson hope you feel better now :flower: did you phone the DAU after? I've heard some people feel crappy before labour so perhaps that's what it could be? Xx
Yeah best to call if your at all worried smanderson, I hole you feel better soon hun.

Taking the kids to my hoslital appointment was not fun. My son can be such an ass.

On a lighter note baby is 7lb 6 now. And my urine and bp was all good.
Thanks Feff im feeling a lot better this afternoon :thumbup: i dunno what has been up with me, its weird and seems to have passed...phew! although i wouldnt have minded if it was the start of labor LOL :dohh:

Thanks Jenny :hugs: i never called them in the end :thumbup: glad to feel a bit more like my normal self :flower: how did your scan go? Thats a great weight :happydance:
Yeh was good. Can't believe that was my last hospital appointment till my pre op, the day before the section. Im counting down the days lol. Im going to ask hubby to charge my ipod, I may need to listen to some Ajhan Brahm beore I go in, just to calm my breathing, im a massive wuss lol.
Im back!! Finally! The op was a sucess you wouldn't believe Little Man was in surgary yesterday morning if you saw him today, the biggest problem now is trying to keep him still so his body and his wounds have time to heal! He was so brave he's had to have constant observation checking temp blood pressure etc, he's had x-rays echos and ecg's and the only time he cried is when they had to take blood (and I don't blame him, I still cry at the sight of needles!) he walked down to the theatre like it was a big adventure!!! My MIL was a mess whilst he was under, luckily I managed to hold it together until he came back on the ward, I had to stay strong for her, but the minute he was back and we knew he was ok the mix of worry reliefe and hormones took over and I just broke down. But its all over and done with now so I can relax!
Still no baby, shes hanging on in there (quite literally it feels like) I've still got alot of heavy discharge sometimes with a bit of blood and the pressure down below is geting unbarable (probably not helped by the traveling and uncomfortable hosp chairs) so Im hoping shes gearing up ready to come meet us, although it would be nice to get a few days rest first!
Reading through I see no-one has popped yet but hopefully not too much longer for any of us now. I guess were all in the same boat I've lost count of the "ooh is this is?" twinges lol
Wow that's a great weight Jenny :thumbup: glad LO is doing well :) I'm jealous you know the exact day!! :haha: ooh I bet you're so excited :)

I'm glad your feeling better Smanderson :flower: I think it's just everything piling up just being in pain and uncomfortable and wanting to meet LO! Not long now, a few weeks at most and then you'll be a mammy for the rest of your life :hugs:

I'm glad your nephews op went well princess! Wow he sounds so brave bless him :) I bet you were all worried, it's good he's on the mend now though! You're sounding close then, closer than us lot who are hanging onto any sort of sign at all :haha: every twinge I have I'm thinking 'omg is this it?!' But it never is :dohh: hopefully not long for us all!
Glad all u ladies ok! Just excited as wanna make full term as wanna know baby has best chances and can use better services at hosiptal! One more day princess! All cuddled up watchin tv whilst hub at pub! X
Jenny thats so exciting :happydance: only 12 days to go now :happydance: i have no idea what Ajhan Brahm is though :wacko: You will be fine though hun you know what to expect and i guess once your there the thought of holding you LO will get you through :hugs:

Yay Princess :happydance: so pleased your newphews op went well :happydance: he is one brave little boy :flower: he could teach us a thing or two LOL :thumbup: sounds like your very close to meeting your little princess hunni :happydance: so exciting :happydance: but i hope you get the chance to rest for at least a couple of days before she arrives :hugs:

Feff thanks hun :hugs: i think your right, its been a pain in the bum LOL 11 days till the induction so i have only a short while to wait really its just i so wanted to go in to labor naturally :dohh: im losing hope of that happening but at least he will be here soon :flower: how are you getting on today hun? Any more aches or pains? i been nesting again this afternoon/evening, has that kicked in for you yet? Ohh and how did you get on preparing your room for LO?

Charmed not long now hun and you will be term and can start all the crazy things we all been doing LOL you'll eating pineapples by the bucket load whilst running up and down the stairs in no time :rofl: xxx
Im back!! Finally! The op was a sucess you wouldn't believe Little Man was in surgary yesterday morning if you saw him today, the biggest problem now is trying to keep him still so his body and his wounds have time to heal! He was so brave he's had to have constant observation checking temp blood pressure etc, he's had x-rays echos and ecg's and the only time he cried is when they had to take blood (and I don't blame him, I still cry at the sight of needles!) he walked down to the theatre like it was a big adventure!!! My MIL was a mess whilst he was under, luckily I managed to hold it together until he came back on the ward, I had to stay strong for her, but the minute he was back and we knew he was ok the mix of worry reliefe and hormones took over and I just broke down. But its all over and done with now so I can relax!
Still no baby, shes hanging on in there (quite literally it feels like) I've still got alot of heavy discharge sometimes with a bit of blood and the pressure down below is geting unbarable (probably not helped by the traveling and uncomfortable hosp chairs) so Im hoping shes gearing up ready to come meet us, although it would be nice to get a few days rest first!
Reading through I see no-one has popped yet but hopefully not too much longer for any of us now. I guess were all in the same boat I've lost count of the "ooh is this is?" twinges lol

Im glad to hear the op went well, it must of been a very horrible day all round, hugs to all of you.

Wow that's a great weight Jenny :thumbup: glad LO is doing well :) I'm jealous you know the exact day!! :haha: ooh I bet you're so excited :)

I'm glad your feeling better Smanderson :flower: I think it's just everything piling up just being in pain and uncomfortable and wanting to meet LO! Not long now, a few weeks at most and then you'll be a mammy for the rest of your life :hugs:

I'm glad your nephews op went well princess! Wow he sounds so brave bless him :) I bet you were all worried, it's good he's on the mend now though! You're sounding close then, closer than us lot who are hanging onto any sort of sign at all :haha: every twinge I have I'm thinking 'omg is this it?!' But it never is :dohh: hopefully not long for us all!

I am super excited, and quite scared too lol, mostly of the section and recovery. Trying not to think on that too much though, and thinking about meeting my princess no.2 instead :)

Jenny thats so exciting :happydance: only 12 days to go now :happydance: i have no idea what Ajhan Brahm is though :wacko: You will be fine though hun you know what to expect and i guess once your there the thought of holding you LO will get you through :hugs:

Yay Princess :happydance: so pleased your newphews op went well :happydance: he is one brave little boy :flower: he could teach us a thing or two LOL :thumbup: sounds like your very close to meeting your little princess hunni :happydance: so exciting :happydance: but i hope you get the chance to rest for at least a couple of days before she arrives :hugs:

Feff thanks hun :hugs: i think your right, its been a pain in the bum LOL 11 days till the induction so i have only a short while to wait really its just i so wanted to go in to labor naturally :dohh: im losing hope of that happening but at least he will be here soon :flower: how are you getting on today hun? Any more aches or pains? i been nesting again this afternoon/evening, has that kicked in for you yet? Ohh and how did you get on preparing your room for LO?

Charmed not long now hun and you will be term and can start all the crazy things we all been doing LOL you'll eating pineapples by the bucket load whilst running up and down the stairs in no time :rofl: xxx

Ajahn Brahm is a Buddhist monk, he does some pod casts and you tube video lectures on Buddhist subjects, I love him, he is so funny lol, and listening to him always makes me happy. Yep I cant wait to be in the recovery room having snuggles and breast feeding her :)

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