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end of april due dates updated with list

Jenny im so going to look him up now LOL but cant watch the video yet cos hubby has a boring program on LOL so i gotta pretend im interested :haha::winkwink:

Lately DJ has been poking his bum or knees or foot etc out and i just love it, makes me want to just pick him up for a big old cuddle :haha: im so excited to meet him :happydance:
Jenny im so going to look him up now LOL but cant watch the video yet cos hubby has a boring program on LOL so i gotta pretend im interested :haha::winkwink:

Lately DJ has been poking his bum or knees or foot etc out and i just love it, makes me want to just pick him up for a big old cuddle :haha: im so excited to meet him :happydance:

He gives great lectures, and always puts a funny spin on his stories. Id love go go see him one day.

What is your hubby watching?

Almost bed time, been cleaning the snakes out for the past hr.
He was watching an art program called the high arts of the low countries :wacko: and he kept saying ooohhh thats a good one isnt it and id be like...ummmm i wasnt ummmmm yeah! Its lovely! :haha::winkwink:

I am starting to accept i will just have to wait for the induction, im still gonna keep up all the mad attempts to encourage him out LOL :winkwink:

Just watched Ajahn Brahm on youtube, well, i watched a bit of it cos its long but he is really smart :thumbup: i can see why he calms you down :flower:
He was watching an art program called the high arts of the low countries :wacko: and he kept saying ooohhh thats a good one isnt it and id be like...ummmm i wasnt ummmmm yeah! Its lovely! :haha::winkwink:

I am starting to accept i will just have to wait for the induction, im still gonna keep up all the mad attempts to encourage him out LOL :winkwink:

Just watched Ajahn Brahm on youtube, well, i watched a bit of it cos its long but he is really smart :thumbup: i can see why he calms you down :flower:

Lmao im the same when hubby is going on about land rovers haha.

Yeah all you can do it try hun, baby will be out soon in either case.

He is awesome :)
Wow Smanderson I didn't realise it was that short a time until your induction! Now I'm even more jealous :winkwink: yeah even if you don't go into labour naturally it's nothing wrong with an induction, it doesn't mean you've done anything wrong it just needs to happen that way :flower: how are you feeling today? Didn't have many pains yesterday, just the usual aches :( I did go on my ball for a bit last night and I had some cramping so I think I'm going to have another go later :haha: not much lol! I have been wanting to sort out my room lots and wash all of baby's clothes but I haven't been going crazy :haha: I sorted out a lot of stuff :) threw out a lot too to make it easier when I swap rooms and to make some more space, it's mad how much rubbish I've collected! :rofl:

How is everyone else feeling today? I was talking to a friend who's due the same day as me last night and she said she's all hormonal too, she cried because she asked for cherry coke but got given cherryade instead :haha: so it's not just us crazy ladies lol!
:rofl: Jenny betweeen the land rovers and high arts of low countries they truly know how to bore their ladies :haha::winkwink: bless em though its kinda sweet they are so interested in them :haha:

LOL Feff time is ticking by, every day i moan he not here is a day closer LOL :rofl: Im feeling much better today thanks hun :hugs: i had a few period pains last night as i went to bed but im not hopeful cos they went pretty quick LOL and i was on the ball a lot so maybe it was LO moving down a bit? He is getting awful cramped in there, he keeps poking his knee out in the middle of my bump :haha: its quite adorable really but im defo able to tell where he is most of the time now :cloud9:

Keep on the ball hun, its defo worth it cos they say it helps them engage and they make you go on them in labor too so its good practice :thumbup: thats good that your still having the aches though hun it must mean that your body is getting ready :flower: no need to rush the getting bits ready, its nice to have a bit to do every day, keep your mind busy and feeling productive :thumbup: today im going to try and iron the last of DJs clothes, they have been sitting around waiting for the iron for about a month LOL but i always find something else to do :haha::winkwink:

Haha bless her, i cried once cos my hubby knocked my drink over!!! :o poor thing didnt know what to do LOL he was torn between mopping up the drink and dealing with a crying hormonal prego! He chose to mop up the drink and i dont blame him :haha::winkwink:
ahhh Im having a bad day... moan alert lol. In so much pain my backs aching and I feel like crap I keep getting really sharp shooting pains but nothing regular or long lasting so I dont think there contractions just LO reminding me shes there. However its enough for me to be bouncing up and down on my ball like a maniac RLT in one hand Pinapple in the other willing her to make a move and give me my body back lol.
Land Rovers and Art actually sound interesting in comparison to my OH obsesion with Candy Crush!!!
Smanderson how does it feel to know no matter what in just over a week you'll have your LO in your arms? Are you nervous about labour?
LMAO Princes candy crush the game?? haha too funny! Gotta love what our men are in to!! :rofl:

i been having pineapple every day! nothing! i think its all a fakeout to keep us entertained while we hobble through the last few weeks LOL :haha: i been bouncing on ma ball loads and i think i felt LO move down a little bit on the walk last night...then again maybe he was just practicing karate chops on my crotch :haha: keep doing what you doing though hun cos your aches and pains sound positive, even if they arent regular yet that seems to be how it starts :thumbup:

It does feel good to know he will be here by then (ish, they say induction can take up to 4 days!!!) and im not too frightened of labor yet, but i must admit sometimes at night and i get period pain i panic and think...is this the start??? how the hell am i gonna do this! LOL then i fall asleep :haha: but only for about 5 mins before i have to do the truffle shuffle to turn over :haha: xxx
True Smanderson, it's just trying to remember that :haha: oh that's good that you're feeling better :flower: hmm yeah it might have been, oh I know the feeling I'm forever getting told off by LO for her not having enough room :winkwink:

Yep I'll be having another go later! It helps stop my ribs from being so sore too so that's a plus even if its not helping her engage :haha: fingers crossed! :) yeah that's true, I ironed quite a few of her vests earlier (without having a breakdown this time :rofl: ) so that's another job out of the way!

Hahaha oh bless him :haha: I think I would have too, or you would have given him a row for ruining the carpet I expect! :haha:

Oh no sorry you're so sore today princess! Fingers crossed that it's a productive pain though :haha: I know what you mean about wanting your body back :dohh: I feel like I'm just living to feed and house the baby now :haha:
I realised today that this week coming is going to be my last week of being pregnant!!! (until next time LOL) how mad is that! I am finally excited about having another week of pregnancy haha!! :happydance:

It feels good to get some of the ironing out the way dont it!! I got some done today tooo :happydance: thats good it helps with your ribs too :thumbup: is the LO sticking her feet in your ribs? I didnt like that feeling at all :sick: but he is too big now i think LOL and kicks the crap out of my left side instead :haha:

So what have you all got planned for the weekend? I still havent managed to think of anything LOL :dohh: i thought maybe i would go to the baby show at bluewater but its not till next weekend :dohh: and i will probs be too grumpy by then to even leave the house :haha::winkwink:
Haha finally Smanderson a positive way of looking at it :thumbup: you're STILL thinking of more babies?! :winkwink:

I don't mind ironing LO's things because they're so cute and little :haha: anyone else's on the other hand is a different matter :haha: yep I think thats what it is :( that's why I don't think she's engaged fully yet! Surely my ribs can't hurt this much STILL :wacko:

I think I'm going shopping again this weekend, everyone must think I'm made of money :haha: ! I just like to look around and it's nice to get out of the house :) and hopefully get things moving :winkwink: saw my mams friend just a minute ago up asda and she said 'any signs yet?' I felt like slapping her :rofl: got some more period pains now so hopefully shopping was the cause! Hopefully the weather is nice tomorrow Smanderson so you can do that picnic! :thumbup: hmm I can't imagine you wanting to do ANYTHING next weekend :haha:

My pram got delivered today finally! (Cutting it fine I know :haha: ) it's huge! Like a tank :rofl: I can't see it fitting in the car either, oops :dohh:
Ooooohhh exciting :happydance: what pram did you get hun? I got he maxi cosi mura which is pretty big but good for when we take to dog to the woods :thumbup:

LOL yeah we been saying since we got the positive we want 2 :rofl: i know its brave thinking of number 2 whilst feeling so massive and uncomfortable :haha: ask me again after labor though haha :haha:

Thats true they were quick to do LOL and i must admit i didnt put a whole load of effort in :haha: will probably have to do some of them again :dohh: poor hubby cant understand why i iron the baby things and not his stuff hehe its cos im a lazy moo LOL will probably have to start doing stuff like that now im not working :dohh:

I think its just the stage hun, he had his feet there alot at so must be maybe the size of them? i dunno but i remember it feeling awkward so i can understand you going on your ball if it helps keep her lil feets out of there :thumbup: she might have long legs hun :flower:

I love going out shopping, just pottering about and maybe pick up one thing LOL its just nice to get out and about and i love oogling the baby stuff :haha: ohh i have my family calling every day! They never have much to say so i know they are just checking i havent forgot to inform them im in labor :haha: silly sods :dohh:

Ohhh yeah i forgot about the picnic! Thats such a lovely thought :flower: thanks for the reminder hun :flower: i'll look forward to a nice picnic if the weather turns out :happydance:
Trenton Mira deluxe from mothercare mine is :) at least I think that's what it's called :haha: it's lovely though even if it is big, comes either everything too it's like your own handbag lol!

Very brave :haha: haha that's true! My friends mam booked her appointment to have her 'tubes tied' whilst she was in hospital having him :rofl: she said it wasn't natural doing that and she was never doing it again hahaha :haha:

I was the same, because they're vests that I did they can afford to look a bit scruffy but it's nice to do something other than lounge about all day even if there's no point in doing them :winkwink: everyone in the house was shocked seeing me iron lol but I don't think they'd let me loose on their clothes quite yet :haha: oh no make OH do his! You're pregnant remember, you can't overdo yourself :winkwink:

Hmm perhaps she could just be tall then :shrug: I'm pretty tall but her father and his family are smaller than me so suppose there's a chance! I just wish she'd bloody move :haha: I would feel so much better without the rib pain!

Yeah it's lovely! I loved it last weekend when the weather was sunny, sat on a bench eating chips, felt like spring lol! I never buy much if anything, bought a pillow and a duvet set last time :haha: I love the baby stuff too! I never let myself buy her anything anymore because there's literally no room :dohh: haha oh bless them! Suppose they're thinking of you but it's annoying too :haha:

No problem! :flower: yep it sounds a lovely idea, if you google free things to do in your area normally loads of things come up, I found lots of places to take the baby the other day I didn't even know existed :dohh:
Just had a nosey at your pram, it looks lovely and its great it comes with everything :thumbup: i had to get the carrycot separate cos it was so expensive new so i got an unused one off someone through work :thumbup: if your anything like me you will have it in your living room for days just pushing it about and looking at i LOL feels so much more real when you have their pram :haha:

Blimey, she must have had a bad labor to book her tubes to be tied whilst still there!!! :haha: Are there lots of tall people in your family too? That can sometimes make a difference i think?

Ohh i have had to ban myself from buying clothes, even if i love them, there is literally no room left in his draws and i filled the last of the wardrobe today with his ironed clothes :dohh: i must admit i have mixed the new born stuff wit 0-3 months so im thinking of pottering about and separating them out this week :thumbup:

Just had the obligatory daily call :rofl: they might as well call and say "just checking your still prego!" haha bless em your right their hearts are in the right place :flower: i would be more upset if they didnt bother i suppose hehe

Ohh am gonna have to try that then, so i just google free things to do? I was looking on net mums but most of the things on there seem to be for older babies and not so much new born and very little babies :dohh:

This is a bit TMI but i have such bad wind and cramps tonight :wacko: dunno where its come from, not been this bad before :wacko: was so embarrassing hubby said it sounded like someone crying haha :blush: which made me laugh so much i actually did cry - thats been my weirdest prego thing actually, laughing turning in to crying, happens quite a bit :wacko::dohh:
Thank you! I had a peek at yours too :haha: it's lovely, it looks really stylish! Wow I bet too, you can tell its good quality by the pictures! Yep I've been pushing it around :haha: I was just staring at the car seat for ages earlier thinking 'that's what I'm bring home the baby in..' Seems much more real I agree!

That's what I was thinking lol! Yeah quite a few of us are tall, my mams the smallest on her side all the rest are tall and all my dads family are! Oh no, I'll be giving birth to a giant :haha:

Yep it's the same here :dohh: she's taken over every room in the house :haha: I have to do that too! I've just thrown all her vests in a drawer, her babygrows in another, her clothes in another so I really need to sort them out :wacko:

Haha oh bless them :haha: yep I bet we would be so annoyed with them if they didn't ask :haha:

I was the same last night! I bent down in the shower to see how bad my legs actually are now and farted so loud :rofl: I nearly got stuck I was laughing at myself so much! Made my belly feel better though :winkwink: like someone crying! :rofl: your poor OH, crying because he spilt your drink then stinking out the house all night :winkwink: me too, I was laughing so much the other night that I went to bed and just cried for ages :dohh: I wasn't even upset!
Thanks hun :flower: i managed to find it on a great offer online we saved about £300 but i sent weeks and weeks googling LOL hubby thinks it may be a bit too bulky but i figure as long as we survive until he can sit up we can use a mclaren for round the shops and the tank for the park LOL :thumbup:

I do that with the car seat too :cloud9: its in the corner of our living room and has been for aaaages just in case LOL and i often look over and daydream about bringing him home in it :cloud9:

Ohh i wouldnt worry about giving birth hun, from what i seen on OBEM once the head and shoulders are out the rest just kinda slips out :haha: so as long as she is tall and not wide you wont have any probs :thumbup: well, thats what it looks like :rofl: im so clueless LOL

Haha bless him he was saying sorry he didnt mean it in a horrid way thinking i was upset but i told him sometimes i laugh so much i literally cry :haha: its so weird LOL well at least he only has another 10 days of weird randomness LOL :dohh:

Thank goodness im not alone with the windypops!! and the laugh/crying randomness LOL at least we can blame it on the baby and hormones :happydance::haha:

Hehe we are in for a shock arent we LOL when these lil beans arrive they will take over our world and we wont even notice cos they already have been little by little over the last 9 months :haha: i cant wait to get him dressed every day in cute outfits :flower: i love the dungarees so much :D poor lil man LOL hubby will have to keep me under control haha :blush:
Wow Smanderson it's good you could save that much money! I would have been the same, googling around for the best deal :haha: yeah that's true! I think that's what I'm going to have to do aswell lol :dohh:

It's lovely isn't it :) it's just so strange thinking soon there'll be a baby in there, an actual baby :haha:

Haha oh that's good! :rofl: yep lets hope she's just tall and not wide lol!

Hahaha oh love him :haha: I bet he hasn't got a clue what's going on lol! Yep just keep thinking that :thumbup:

Haha that's true! Oh trust me in my house its not little by little :winkwink: there's either nothing or everything in every room :haha: never thought a baby could have so much stuff! Me neither :) she's got such lovely outfits! Next has some lovely stuff too but they're quite expensive :( think I'm going to pop in today though and hope there's a sale on :haha:
Ohh im a horror for it, i rarely pay full price if i can help it LOL im a bit obsessed with getting a good deal :haha: i think its cos everything is so expensive and wages are pretty much the same so we couldnt have half the things we want or need unless i did find good deals :thumbup:

I love thinking about it :cloud9: just imagining his cute little face and cuddles :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: hurry up 22nd!!! LOL

I LOVE next stuff its soooo cute :flower: i hope they have a sale on hun, i know they had an online sale a couple of weeks back so maybe still have some stuff in their shops? Its defo worth getting it in the sales though :thumbup: got lots of DJ's stuff from their sales :happydance: that and second hand bundles off netmums :thumbup:

Ohh i cant wait to see the little outfits you got for her :flower: i would love number 2 to be a girl but like everyone says you get what you get so i will be happy with whatever but i do love little pink cute outfits hehe will have to hold back from putting DJ in anything too feminine LOL tempting though :haha: poor kid!!!

i had some weird periody pains last night, they were quite painful and regular but i didnt get any tightening on my bump then they stopped...nothing since booooooooo!!! :dohh: then again its the 13th and my nephew and FIL birthdays so probably a good thing :haha::winkwink:

Karen im sorry you have pre e hun :hugs: best of luck for Tuesday will keep everything crossed for you :hugs:

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