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end of april due dates updated with list

I'm like that with some stuff but others I just need to buy it there and then :haha: I'm not very patient with waiting until I see it in a different shop to price it all up lol! Yeah it's a good thing though I think, especially if it means you get to have more nice things! :thumbup:

Oooh don't you're getting me all broody :haha: you haven't got long to wait now anyway!!

I know it's adorable! With next you can tell the difference between their stuff and say asdas because next is a lot more unique with their designs I think! Oooh fingers crossed, LO had some lovely babygrows from there off one my friends they were beautiful :flower: and you can tell the quality too!

Oh she's so spoilt :haha: she's going to be a little fashionista :winkwink: everytime I go shopping I have to pull myself away from the boys stuff lol! I think it's because we're so used to buying pink/blue that we're drawn to the others now :haha:

Hmm that's weird! Perhaps it was wind again, I had windy pain last night :dohh: hopefully shopping later will turn it into contractions :haha: lol yeah perhaps it is a good thing! You'll steal their thunder otherwise :winkwink:
Afternoon everyone.

My nesting is back....I want stuff done, and I want it done NOW! haha poor hubby. Good job he doesn't mind defrosting the freezer and cooking dinner.

Not a lot else happening here, we dtd this morning, used protection lmao, as im paranoid that the 'man stuff' might bring on labour. I had 3 or 4 quite strong braxton hicks after.

It's odd to think in 10 days il be sterile, I don't want any more children after this one, but still, feels odd.

She just started getting hiccups :)

Hubby got so excited about baby coming, that last night be could hardly get to sleep haha. I think he is a bit stressed too though, he is worried about the section and my recovery.

What's everyone up to today then?
Hi Jenny,
Are they going to make you sterile after the c.section? It must be a stange feeling!
I'm ok, vomitting earlier with heartburn which I guess means baby hasn't dropped! Feeling very tired again.
I know what you mean about the nesting, had a fit about the living room being dusty earlier! I only dusted it the other day! X
Hi Jenny,
Are they going to make you sterile after the c.section? It must be a stange feeling!
I'm ok, vomitting earlier with heartburn which I guess means baby hasn't dropped! Feeling very tired again.
I know what you mean about the nesting, had a fit about the living room being dusty earlier! I only dusted it the other day! X

They are clipping my tubes during the section. I get a bit scared it wont work tho lol, so might get hubby done too.

Oh no that sounds horrible :-( I hope baby drops for you soon.

Dust is driving me crazy, no matter what I can't seem to get it all off aarrrggggg
LOL Feff i thought it was wind at first too :haha::blush: but it was proper painful and regular and just where i would normally get my period pains when its a real heavy one :wacko: either way it never went anywhere LOL so im back to trying to enjoy the last 9 days of pregnancy :haha:

How did your shopping go? Did you get any more contractions? i dont think i would know a contraction if it smacked me round the face...well not until i was in proper painful labor LOL :haha:

Aww maybe your right about being drawn to the opposite stuff cos we so used to looking at the one :thumbup: that makes me feel better, been feeling a bit guilty cos i love my little man so much already but so love cooing over some of the girls clothes LOL

Bless her :haha: she is gonna be the best dressed baby in town :winkwink: have you decided on a name for her yet? my friends sisters little girl is 2 weeks old and she still hasnt decided on a name yet :wacko:

Jenny i dunno how you can DTD at the minute :wacko: i feel like a whale and just moving about is as much as i can manage LOL poor hubby is very much deprived :haha: maybe thats why yours is being so good and doing his chores :winkwink:

Are they steralisng you in the same op hun? Must have been a tough decision for you to make :hugs: it must feel strange to think of being sterile whilst looking forward to meeting your little lady :flower: my hubby is getting really excited about the baby too :haha: bless them its so cute :flower:

We ended up going to B&Q (hubbys idea and very predictable) then we went for lunch in a nice pub restaurant and now home loafing on the sofa LOL quite a nice easy day :flower:

Rooster im sorry you been vomiting hun :hugs: miserable being sick :nope: i heard it can come back at the end sometimes :dohh: might not mean baby hasnt dropped...unless thats what heartburn is??? i not heard that before though :shrug:
It's not with out some difficulty lol, but we found a position where I dont have to move at all, abd is comfy for us both :-D im still on a pretty high level with sex drive.
Could be one reason hubby is very good with chores indeed lol

Yeah they will make me sterile in the same op. I doubt I could cope with having more than 3 children, mentally and financially. Plus sections get more risky with each pregnancy too.

Lol your hubby is a sneaky one, least you had a nice time though hun. Put your feer up and chill now :-D
Lol Jenny how do you manage to dtd? :haha: I haven't even seen my feet in months never mind find the energy to do that!

Aw rooster hope you feel better soon :( I don't think my LO has moved down either yet :( I look like I'm carrying a bit lower but I still feel her move all over the place!

Oooh Smanderson maybe it was things starting then! As soon as I feel pains I sit still I'm too scared to move about just in case :haha:

Didn't end up getting much, was walking around tesco and my back and bump started hurting loads! I mean really hurting :( so I had to come home, I was in agony :dohh: did end up buying a good cake cook book though and I'm feeling lots better now thank god :thumbup: how was your day? :flower:

I know I felt bad too at first :haha: but then I realised that's what it is, just because I haven't really focused so much on boys lol!

Hehe she will :winkwink: well I haven't settled completely but I'm thinking of Elodie :) I'd never even heard of it before I started looking and I think it's really pretty! Is your little man just DJ? Or are they initials? I know 2 people called DJ but one just DJ and one Dolton James :haha: I was scared that would happen to me lol!!

This one doesn't take much energy. :)
Hahahaha!! You just take it easy whilst OH does all the work :rofl:
Eak i didnt think about that, this is your third section isnt it? Defo better to be safe and 3 babinos is plenty big enough family :flower: i dont know how we will cope financially with one LOL but i guess we will find a way :thumbup:

He is a very sneaky one :haha: we even ended up stopping off at his beloved garden center on the way to B&Q!!! ahh well, im scoffing choccy brownie squares by a toasty fire and chilling out while he is boarding out the loft :haha: i think win overall :haha: even though he will probably subject me to more art programs later :wacko:
Yup if he wants it, he will have to do the work, wiggling and bending are impossible acts for me at the mo, he doesn't seem to mind too much :)

Yeah I agree, much better to be safe than sorry. Il be 30 with 3 kids, that's defo enough for me :)

school uniforms and other clothes and shoes are what wipes me out with money mostly lol, they grow too quickly.
Haha i do that too Feff! I feel like im holding my breath too :haha: frightened if i move too much it will stop things :rofl: Ohh Elodie is a pretty name :flower: i not heard of it before either but its really nice :thumbup: DJ is Douglas Junior :haha: its a family tradition for hubby so i didnt want to go against it but love the idea of him being DJ :thumbup:

Phew, glad your not in pain now hun, wonder what it is about shopping that makes your contractions start :shrug: i sometimes get BH when i walk the dog :shrug: maybe its all the walking about??

I dunno, i was pretty convinced it was things starting last night but then i fell asleep haha!!! so it pobs just practice ones or something :shrug: i heard some ladies get practice contractions so im gonna try and put it down to that although im pretty excited at the thought he could come at any time now :happydance:
Cripes! I hadnt even thought of school uniforms!!! Can we make them stop growing when we have run out of cash? LOL they can start again on payday :haha::winkwink:

gosh i feel old! Im 31 and having my first :wacko: i think we waited maybe a bit toooo long before we were ready :dohh:
Yep I'm the same :haha: thank you :flower: at least she won't have to worry about having the same name as people in school :haha: oh that's cute! Little dougie junior hehe!

I know it's really weird :wacko: it wasn't like I've had before though it was really painful! Nothing now though, uhhhh I just want her out :dohh: yep perhaps that's what it was then!

Hehe maybe it was them! It's so exciting isn't it :haha: I don't think we'll ever be this excited/anxious over anything again :haha:
Ohhh maybe if its more painful hun :thumbup: annoying all the stopping and starting isnt it :dohh: wish these babies would come out now :wacko: although as i get closer to D day i am getting more frightened LOL last night when i really thought...ohhhh crapppp this might actually be it!! i was a bit like...but but im not ready :wacko::blush: its getting so real now, im swaying from mega excited to mega frightened :haha:

I just been told by a lady on another thread that these period pains was what her contractions were like in the real thing :thumbup: i dunno why midwifes dont tell us what we are looking out for, i though the period thing was a practice or build up thing :dohh: ohh well, at least we know now :thumbup:
Is it the period pains or the cramping that are contractions tho? Because I've had the constant heavy "I'm about to come on" feeling for about a week now but I only really get the crampy period pains at night which normally wake me up! Not last night tho I GOT A WHOLE NIGHT SLEEP :happydance:!!! I went to bed at about 12.30pm (the OH and I had been out with some friends) and didnt wake up untill 7.30 this morning with only 1 toilet trip!!! So I feel on top of the world today!!!
I can also add curry to the the list of things not working to get this baby out :nope: lol, had an indian last night and afterwards I felt really awful and uncomfortable my tummy was tight and my back was aching and I was starting to think maybe it might have done the trick.... untill I stood up and realised that I'd just eaten to much :blush: and because I'd been sat down my food hadn't settled properly lol. Oh well it was a very good meal!
I also found a answer to the shaving issue I was having a few weeks ago... a full length mirror outside the shower and a lot of patience and care. So I'm all tidy again ready to be poked prodded and peered at by everyone and there dogs, aslong as LO arrives in the next few days otherwise Im going to have to do it all again lol.
My OH has essentially talked himself into a sex ban until after LO has arrived and I'm all healed after announcing to our friends, in the middle of the indian takeaway, that sex is shit atm because im so big..... hmmmm.... thanks babe, you really know how to make a hormonal insecure girl feel a whole heep better :cry:! To be fair sex isn't great atm becuase its uncomfortable and obviously less "athletic" and exciting than it used to be but i thought he would appreciate the fact that I was trying to satisfy him!!! Oh well hes going to be even less satisfied for a very long time now unless he does some serious grovelling.
My sister text me yesterday she works for asda and she said they have another baby sale coming up on th 18th-22nd April so if anyone need a last minute stock up on essentials or have forgotten anything keep an eye out for it!
Feff Elodie is a beautiful name, I've heard it a few times before but it is a very uncommon name and so pretty! And Smanderson I've always like Doug for a little boy, will you use his full name at all or will it always be DJ?
Rooster I don't think having heartburn means LO hasn't dropped, at my last MW appointment I was 3/5th engaged but the other night I was having awful heartburn and acid reflux! I also still feel kicks everywhere normally under my ribs when I'm driving or poking out my sides at all other times lol. My bump never really looks like a bump anymore either more like lots of wierd lumps where shes running out of room and I can see all her different limbs (although I'm still not sure whats what exactly :shrug:)
Jenny how did you get them to agree to getting your tubes tide? My SIL suffered a major prolapse after having her son last year and shes just been told the only way to fix it would be to take out her womb but they won't do it because shes too young, she'll be 29 this year, she'll have to wait until shes 35 atleast before they consider doing what needs to be done, even tho shes adament she doesn't want anymore kids.
Right time to get up, got to go do the weeks shopping (an exciting prospect today we had a new Aldi open up the road from us earlier this week and I haven't had chance to have a nosy yet) the off to the MIL for roast yum yum.
Have a good day ladies
Sorry to hear about your SIL hun :(

This will be my 3rd section, and they don;t like you to have more than that, so that's why they offered it to me. I figured I may as well, while they are there.
Princess i think the cramping period painful bit is the contraction and maybe the period ache is LO moving down? Im not sure, none of it makes much sense to me, how can all this be going on in there and we havent a clue what it all is or means LOL :wacko:

Haha!! Your hubby must be eating his words now :haha: he SHOULD be grateful you let him go there at all! I just cant even think about it at the minute, just moving is enough for me :wacko:

I think im going to swing from calling him baby Douglas to Dougie to DJ depending on my mood LOL i dunno, we'll see what he looks like too, maybe one of them will suit him more :haha: any ideas on names for your LO?

I get kicks in the exact same places as you Princess :flower: sometimes i think he is trying to escape out my side LOL

How are you all feeling today ladies? Whats the plans for the day? Princes your lucky to have a lovely roast cooked for you :flower: we are going to head to the park soon for our picnic :happydance:
I just did 2 hours worth of ironing, my back is now killing me :( grrrrrr

Im being lazy and doing fajitas for lunch today.

I thought I was over the nesting, but it's back in full force :( im annoying myself with it.

Awww have a lovely pic nic hun. It's raining and is very windy here, kids are desparate go play on their new bikes.

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