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end of april due dates updated with list

Feeling pretty achey again today, in my back though not my belly :( I think if I knew what these aches were then it'd be easier to deal with :haha:

Thanks princess :flower: I love it lol, but I expect I'll change my mind when she's here :dohh: I'm terrible for it!

Not doing much here today, might make some cookies just to test them out, we haven't got an oven because it broke on Christmas Eve of all days :rofl: so we've been using a halogen one I think it is :wacko: so before I get creative I just want to make sure that it'll cook them! :haha: also think I'll look for some bedroom furniture and TRY to sort out LO's clothes :wacko: keep myself busy or I'll end up going crazy :haha:

Hope everyone is feeling well and has a nice day :hugs: and no one have their babies before me!!! :winkwink:
Also I was sat down earlier and felt a bit wet and I thought I'd weed myself again :haha: but I went to change my knickers and there was lots of discharge in there :wacko: don't know what that was, scared me a bit though!
Thanks Jenny was really lovely to get out and enjoy the sunshine :flower: we took the dog for a walk in the woods and had a lovely picnic whilst we were there :happydance: although the dog sat drooling most of the time :haha:

Shame its still raining where you are :dohh: hopefully the nice weather here will come your way too :thumbup: im keeping everything crossed today was a good sign for the weather and we may actually get some decent weather this spring :happydance: mmmm Fajitas!!! YUM!!! How is your back now? :hugs:

Feff did you get much of the LO's clothes sorted? what furniture are you looking for? my parents oven died on christmas day! We ended up taking half the stuff to ours and finishing cooking it while everyone opened their presents LOL

Depends what the discharge was like hun, i read somewhere that discharge increases the week before labor begins but also it could have maybe been your plug?? could be :shrug: especially as you been all achey today and where you hae had contractions when you been out and about :thumbup: oooohh exciting times!!!!!! one of us is going to pop soon surely :happydance:
Didn't end up getting anything done after no :( feel really awful, sick and tired and backache! :dohh: I had such great intentions for today too lol :haha: I'm glad you enjoyed your picnic finally :) been raining here all day but the suns starting to peek out a little bit now :) just looking for chest of drawers and maybe some wardrobes too, just some nice things to put in the bedroom really :haha: oh no haha! I didn't think you could get worse than Christmas Eve but you topped it :haha:

It was just white and thick like normal, but it was loads of it :wacko: I honestly thought I'd wet myself or my waters had broken! Oooh I haven't heard of that before, maybe then :haha: it is definitely exciting! I hope one of us do I can't handle the excitement anymore :rofl:
Haha take advantage of having the time to have days like this hun :flower: we wont have lazy days for much longer :haha: im sorry your not feeling well though hun :hugs: hopefully it will pass soon :hugs: have you looked in Ikea for them? We got some lovely stuff from there when we moved in here, we were lucky and moved in sale time in July so we got some great deals...could you maybe wait till the sales?

That sounds like its the increase in the week before cos i think the plug is jelly like...im not properly sure and i think most people have a bit of blood with it :wacko: something to look forward to!!! :haha:

OMG i cant stop eating this week!!! Its madness, i literally eat and eat and eat and im STILL not full up :wacko: whats that all about :wacko:
Hehe true! :haha: I'm feeling better now thank you, had a shower and something to eat and now I'm all cosy watching catchphrase :haha: I didn't even think of ikea lol! I'll have to have a quick look :flower: hmm I think I might be able to wait until then too :)

Oh that sounds lovely lol :wacko: I'm having some shooting pains in my lady bits and periody pains again now too :happydance:

I've been like that for the last few weeks! And it's always sweet things like chocolate and yogurts :haha: I can't help myself!!
Glad your feeling better hun :flower: im tucked up on the sofa too :D i cant find anything i want to watch though :dohh: i can also see a load of things i want to clean LOL but my back is hurting and im pretty tired and cant be bothered LOL so maybe i will make a list for tomorrow!!! haha

Phew!!! Was starting to think maybe it wasnt a prego thing and i just have a bottomless pit of a stomach :haha: im terrible for the sweet stuff, especially chocolate! I have so much weight to lose once bubs arrives im going to have to run on the treadmill whilst BFing just to scratch the surface :haha::dohh:
Did you watch off their rockers? I was giggling like a fool :haha: I love silly things like that lol! I'm the same, I want to get loads of things done but I really can't be bothered :(

Hahaha sounds exactly like me :haha: I'm dreading shedding the baby weight afterwards, I just like staying in the house and lounging about so getting off my bum and exercising is going to be a tough one :haha:
I never even heard of it, what is it? i ended up watching the voice for the first time and im looking forward to the gypsey money one later, looks good :D

hehe its like i have an umbilical cord of my own except its attached to my sofa!!!! i get up to do bits and end up right back on the sofa after every thing i do LOL just for a little rest :haha::blush:
It's old people I think they're actors like playing jokes on the public :haha: one old woman went up to these 2 men and said 'I wonder if you can help me, I've been with my boyfriend for a while now and we want to take it to the next level, can you tell me which looks better?' And pulled out 2 pairs of frilly knickers :haha: their faces were priceless lol! Yeah I'm watching that now :) it's interesting I think!

Hehe I'm the same :haha: I think right I'll do this then I'll sit back down for a while :rofl:

I've got a really crampy belly now too :( not a periody belly just cramping :wacko:
Hahaha that sounds fantastic!!! Im gonna have to try and find it on catch up! ...something for me to do tomorrow LOL :happydance:

Im all crampy too today :dohh:
My back is ok now hun thanks.
Yeah I wish the weather would just be nice and spring like now, we have had enough of winter.
I just put some Lansinoh on my nips lol. They kept going all dry and flakey eewww, anyways this stuff is awesome!!! It worked straight away :)

Iv been getting very strong braxton hicks the past couple of days, 6 or more in an hour, for a couple of hours, then they fade off....thank the Gods!!
I just really hope labour doesn't start off.

Its weird all you guys trying to make it happen as soon as, and here is me hoping mine doesn't lol.
Ive just popped lol:haha:! Just got up to go for a wee, whilst sat on the toilet felt a small pop but thought nothing of it, got back into bed and soaked through my pants lol! just rang L&D and they've said it defo sounds like my waters have gone:happydance:! No contractions yet so Iv been told to try and get some sleep and call them again in the morning. Not sure thats going to happen tho, 1- I am way to excited to sleep... my little girl is coming!!! and 2- Iv already soaked through 1 pad in about 10 minutes lol it just keeps coming!!! Anyway I will try my best to keep you updated, but theres a possibility I might not be back until its all over. So I wish everyone good luck over the next few days and I will see you on the other side!!!!
Yaayyy!!!! Princess im SO excited for you :happydance: i cant imagine you got much sleep after that!!! LOL keep us posted on your progress cant wait to hear how you get on :happydance: Congratulations hun :hugs: xxxxxxxxxx

LOL Jenny you really are the only one hoping NOT to pop :haha: every day i wake up feeling disappointing he is still in there LOL i know i only have 6 days left to the induction so i cant complain too much!! Not long till your section hun :flower: keep those legs crossed LOL :thumbup:

I got a couple of tubes of that Lansinoh it does sound quite magical LOL
Ooohhhhh princess so excited for you hun. I hope baby comes quickly.

Kids have just gone of to school :-D I love them, but I am thankful they are back at school now. This week is my final week of peace. I gotta get all the little jobs done in this time, befor baby arrives.
Oooh princess good luck!!! :flower: I hope everything goes well and you get to meet your little girl soon :) xxx
well to keep you all updated this really isn't very exciting at all lol. After my waters broke last night I tried to get some sleep but between the excitement and the sogginess it wasnt going to happen so insted I got up and cleaned. Finally went to bed at about 5am and got a couple hours kip. Woke up and rang L&D again to tell them that although Iv been leeking all night I only had about 4 contractions, so they told me to try and get an appointment with my MW today (shes only 2 min walk up the road rather than a half hour drive to the mat unit) for an anti-natal assesment to decied what to do next. So now I have to wait until 1.45 to see the midwife who will book me in for an induction at some point this evening unless lazy in there decides to help me out and start breaking free lol. So all in all having a baby isnt that exciting... so far lol.
Princess I thought they wanted ladies in as soon as the waters go? I been told i have to go in as soon as mine go...not that its looking like thats ever going to happen!!! I hope your midwife books you in soon hun, poor little bean in there is probably waiting for you to do all the hard work :haha: you never know, maybe the walk to your midwife will kick start things? make sure you stay upright, thats the one thing everyone seems to agree on LOL if you stay upright your labor will progress better :thumbup:

Keeping everything crossed things start happening soon for you hun and i hope you have a quick labor :hugs:

Jenny, you'll be bored and missing them by tomorrow LOL i know what you mean though, plenty of little odd jobs to be done before the little one arrives :thumbup: although i have to say, nothing that cant wait :haha: just hoovered the sofa! seriously bored!

Feff how you feeling today hun?
Aw princess sorry baby isn't cooperating with you :haha: she's probably having a good old laugh in there whilst you're wishing her out :haha: hope things get moving soon :hugs:

I'm feeling a bit better today thanks Smanderson, just aching on my one side I think I must have slept awkward :dohh: and a bit down! I feel like I'm always complaining lately :haha: I want to get up and sort everything out but I either can't be bothered or there's things stopping me :( just want everything to come together quickly lol! How is everyone else feeling? :flower:

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