end of april due dates updated with list

Princess, I'm sure you have already but have you tried taking to dh? I understand about letting him go out whilst he can, but you have already made big sacrifices for the baby and he now needs too aswell. Doing those long shifts on yr feet is a killer, I'm a nurse and do 13 hr shifts and by the end of my shift I can't stand up straight or breath properly with the pain. Is there any way you can take early maternity leave?
I feel bad for you! You need someone to cook you a nice dinner, give you a foot massage and run you a nice bath :hugs: men can sometimes be abit crap and not know how to do things right unless they are bluntly told!
My DH is away working in the uk (I live in Ireland) he got a 9 month contract just as I found out I was pregnant (typical!) I have struggled being on my own and doing eveything by myself (all scans, antenatal classes etc) I really have to say I have alot of respect for women who do this now without a partner! Xx
Anyone else waking up at 3 am and not being able to fall back asleep? Yesterday I stayed up for 20 hrs. Now my right breast has a clogged milk duct.. ouch. Have a heating pad on it...
Thank you for your support ladies, Rooster I can start my Mat leave anytime from now but I don't want to have to leave early due to loss of earning ands I'd have to go back earlier. And I dont think its fair that I should have to leave early because my managers arn't giving me the support I need, if they stuck to there word I would cope alot better and prob be ok to work for a good few weeks yet! Iv had a pretty good night sleep and feel better my hips are still aching tho so its going to have to be a couple of paracetamol before work today. I told OH last night that I need him to stop leaving stuff on the floor because I can bend down but I didnt want to talk to him properly whilst I was in such a bad mood else it would be an argument so Im going to ttry and sit down with him properly tonight and explain Im not nagging hm Im asking for his help and tell him what needs to be done, fingers crossed he doesnt turn it into an argument.
MrsSmartie your nursary is gorgeous!!! Did you paint the floorbords to match or where they already white? Im so jelous now I wish I'd been a bit more creative with ours, might end up re-doing it before LO arrives lol.
Dollface Iv had a few nights where Iv woken up at stupid o'clock due to varius aches and pains and not been able to get back to sleep, its an absolute nightmare I know! Try and get a nap in today if you can, even just an hour and you'll feel alot better.
Anyone else waking up at 3 am and not being able to fall back asleep? Yesterday I stayed up for 20 hrs. Now my right breast has a clogged milk duct.. ouch. Have a heating pad on it...
Yep... Virtually every single night for months. Have been given sleeping pills but don't want to use them as they're unsuitable for pregnancy and lead to withdrawal for the baby. God knows why they suggested those! It's the worst; hope you can nap in the day x
Hi Ladies, sorry this post is going to be a bit of a downer but I need to vent had the day from hell!!!
So last night I get home from a 10 hour split shift in agony, I have no energy to do anything more stressfull than getting into bed, which is exactlly what I do, 11pm and I am out for the count. Then at 2am this morning my OH is hammering on the front door as hes too pie eyed to put the right key in the lock and let himself in, I dont really mind tho I encorage him to go out whilst he still can he works hard all week and just because I cant go out and let off steem anymore doesn't mean he shouldnt either, anyways this then lead to an hour of trying to get him into bed whilst he thinks its hillarious 2 force feed me chips covered in mayo (I hate mayo). finally I manage to get him sorted (after much despare and a few giggles) at about 3.30am and I get back to sleep at 4ish only to have to get up at 6.30am to get ready for work again
Today I worked 8-5, my manager has agreed that I should have a 15 min break every 2 hours minimum because Im having problems with my hips and being a waitress means Im constantly on my feet which isnt helping. Today on my 9 hours shift I was able to sit down for a break for 10 min!!!! By the end of the shift Im in so much pain I can hardly stand let alone walk, Im getting BH from the stress and Iv cried twice. After work I have to go pick up OH from MIL and drop him of at his pool match. So when I get home all I want to do is relax.... hahaha I wish!!! MY OH has kindly gone shopping, he has put away the chilled food, everything else is still on the kitchen floor, theres his empty plates glasses and cans all over the living room and clothes on the floor from one end of the house to the other, so before I can even contemplate a bath and bed I have to start cleaning the house at 7.30pm!!! The pain Im in right now is undescribable there isn't one part of my body that doesn't ache and right now Im sat on my bed writing this crying!! I am so sorry for using this page to vent but I feel that if anyone understands how Im feeling right now it will be you lovely ladies.
On the brighter side it is so nice to hear from everyone who is at the same stage in pregnancy, and UKgirl23 your LO space looks amazing!! It would be great to see some other nursarys, I'll try and get some photos of mine up in the next few days.
I Hope everyone is well and having a much better day than me!!!
Sorry again for the rant

Oh hun im sorry ur feeling this way and i cant imagine how u feel as being a sahm im not on my feel all day.... U should push more for a break more go speak to ur midwife hun.... As for ur oh i understand where ur coming from i said to mine enjoy it now cos u know how ur life changes once baby is here. But he doesnt wanna go out so stuck with him in when he not working asking if im ok every 10 mins....
Here is a big hug for u really hope u sort it out with ur work...

Ive got a scan today nervous for some reason but not sure why... And then got my gtt tomorrow whhich im so not looking forward too..
PrincessBoo, I really hope you and your OH can talk about your needs and he sees it as a cry for help rather than a criticism! It sounds like you have it very rough with your job and could use all the support at home you can get!

Dollface, I hope the heating pad does the trick and your duct unclogs soon hun! Ouch, sounds painful! I didn't even know you could get a clogged duct this early (especially since I haven't had any leaking yet!)

Snoopchick, can't wait for an update from your scan! I am sure everything was just perfect, hun! :hugs:

As for me, I got my GTT results today when I called my doctor's surgery and they were NORMAL! Yay! One less worry on the long list of things us preggo ladies have to fret about :)
Can I join in? I'm due 5th May with a little boy!

So excited to be in the 3rd trimester now, and so looking forward to meeting my little boy, although also know I'm going to miss him being in my tummy, so am enjoying every moment.

Already feeling quite large, and people are commenting on how big I am already, so think I'm going to end up with a big bump! But I love my bump so much!

I've had a great 2nd trimester, have had the tiredness back for the last couple of weeks, so it gets to around 3pm and I'm feeling all drowsy like in the 1st trimester, could have a nap at my desk right now!
How did your scan go Snoopchick? Im sure you had nothing to worry about! Iv not had a GTT is it a routine thing were supposed to have?
Hi Penny83! Welcome. I agree with the nap thing, infact I got home from work today at 3pm and went straight to bed Iv just woke up lol.
So heres a thing Iv been wondering about... why are women who are trying to bring labour on told to DTD drink pinapple juice go for a long walk etc? Iv been doing these things all through-out my pregancy and (thankfully) it hasn't produced a baby... so are they truely old wives tales told to make us feel like we have some control over when our babies are comming, or does doing these sort of things have a different affect on our bodies/babies after a certain point in our pregnancy?
Hope everyone is having a good day today x
to be honest I don't know! I tried all of the old wives tales but the truth is you have to have a lot of sex for it to do anything, you have to eat fresh pineapples and it has to be something stupid like 20 of them for it to work but all you'll get from that is the shits and blisters in your mouth, raspberry leaf tea made me so sick I had to go to hospital for monitoring and if the curry does work who wants to be in labour with the shits?? lol IMO none of those things work. Castor oil being the worst one anyone could ever do. The only think I believe in is the medical induction techniques such as sweeps, drips, and gels and sometimes those need to be done more than once to get us going lol.. I'm a firm believer in baby will come when baby is ready he/she can't stay in there forever ;) lol x
Hey just home from scan and consultant appt... Every thing was perfect my dd asked the man who was scanning if he could get baby out so she could hold her lol....
Consultant is happy with the growth and i dont need to go back till im 36 wks so we happy...
I'm glad everything went well snoopchick :)
How did your scan go Snoopchick? Im sure you had nothing to worry about! Iv not had a GTT is it a routine thing were supposed to have?
Hi Penny83! Welcome. I agree with the nap thing, infact I got home from work today at 3pm and went straight to bed Iv just woke up lol.
So heres a thing Iv been wondering about... why are women who are trying to bring labour on told to DTD drink pinapple juice go for a long walk etc? Iv been doing these things all through-out my pregancy and (thankfully) it hasn't produced a baby... so are they truely old wives tales told to make us feel like we have some control over when our babies are comming, or does doing these sort of things have a different affect on our bodies/babies after a certain point in our pregnancy?
Hope everyone is having a good day today x

I think yr body will only go into labour when it's ready. Apparently you have to dtd like 8 times in 20 hours to bring on labour and I can't see anyone after 38 weeks wanting to do that ;) x
Hey just home from scan and consultant appt... Every thing was perfect my dd asked the man who was scanning if he could get baby out so she could hold her lol....
Consultant is happy with the growth and i dont need to go back till im 36 wks so we happy...

That's so cute what your daughter asked! I'm seeing my OB tomorrow.
I have only seen a mw once and my OB once so far. Not had a GTT test or anything! I feel a bit abandoned! Does anyone else feel like that?! X
Oh my goodness rooster, you've only had 2 appts so far? I totally understand why you might be feeling abandoned! I have seen my mw at least 6 times, or maybe 7?

Snoopchick, how cute of your DD! Glad scan went well!

And as far as the inducing of labor, I read that all of those techniques only work once the body is "ready" hormonally to give birth. Specifically, that the receptors in the womans body which respond to the chemical in sperm which helps start labor are "swtiched off" until the baby and the mother's body are ready so it can't do anything. Then, once the baby is ready to be born, the receptors will "switch on" so to speak and you can in fact induce. If that makes sense?!
Im glad your scan went well Snoopchick, your daughter sounds like shes really excited to be a big sister!
I knew all that stuff didn't make sense I guess they just come when they're ready! Is time starting to drag for anyone else? I thought after xmas time would fly by and LO would be here before we knew it but so far this seems like the longest part, I think I need something to look forward to between now and my due date to hurry things up a little lol.
Have a good day ladies x
Its dragging now i have to admit i had hospital appt to break it up ive got my gtt today and my midwife next wed then the next thing is my due date and then my bils wedding which i could still be pregnant for lol... Then we have a holiday in may and im seeing robbie williams in june so i have a busy 3 months come april lol....
Rooster Ive only been seen 3 times I feel really abandoned xx
Its dragging now i have to admit i had hospital appt to break it up ive got my gtt today and my midwife next wed then the next thing is my due date and then my bils wedding which i could still be pregnant for lol... Then we have a holiday in may and im seeing robbie williams in june so i have a busy 3 months come april lol....

Snap Iv got midwife on the 19th, health visitor on the 26th and social worker on March 14th (My dad and my step-mother are trying to adoptand apparently the SW needs to talk to all his kids as part of the consideration process) OH takes his driving test on March 25th (Im sure I get more nervous about this than he does) then hopefully a baby on April 20th. Then the excitement begins OH and I are planning on going out as a family most w/e to all the places we havent had a chance to go to together because Iv been working, i.e the zoo, aquarium, lands end etc then weve got tickets to see Rihanna in June which is another thing that Im counting down the weeks too lol
Rooster Ive only been seen 3 times I feel really abandoned xx

Glad I not the only one! X

Does anyone else have a 'feeling'they might go early or overdue? I know that know one ever knows for certain (unless yr having a planned c.section/induction) I just have a feeling I will have this baby before my due date...or maybe it's just wishful thinking! X
Im glad your scan went well Snoopchick, your daughter sounds like shes really excited to be a big sister!
I knew all that stuff didn't make sense I guess they just come when they're ready! Is time starting to drag for anyone else? I thought after xmas time would fly by and LO would be here before we knew it but so far this seems like the longest part, I think I need something to look forward to between now and my due date to hurry things up a little lol.
Have a good day ladies x

Time is still flying by for me! But that's because life is insanely busy right now!! My sister is getting married on March 2nd as well (and I'm her Maid of Honour!), so we have a big family event coming up too before baby is born, so there's just lots going on.

You've got Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day and Easter? Although I know not everyone celebrates all of those. Hopefully time picks up for you a little bit. You could always plan something yourself in a months time or something that you're looking forward to? A pre-natal massage, or a weekend away with OH, maybe a big girls night in with movies and munchies? Just something fun that will happen sooner to help break up the wait.

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