Endometriosis & Laparoscopy

Hey, yes, so sorry. I've been extremely busy at work that I haven't had the chance to come on and catch up.

I am feeling excellent, thank you. My incisions are almost fully closed, and my bruising has lessened. I am not sore anymore, although I will randomly get a little pain every now and then. I'm assuming it's my ovaries healing, or the muscle/fat still closing up, or something. :shrug:

I did feel awful that first couple days at work, though. I was afraid that I'd given myself a hernia! But I'm okay now.

How are you doing, Amelia?

Sikis, welcome. :wave: It is very normal for you to feel afraid, and I don't blame you. I was freaking out before the surgery. I was so scared that I was never going to wake up from the anesthesia, or that they were going to open me up and not find anything. I will reiterate what Amelia said, that it was so nice to have someone to talk to about all of it.

So, we are here for you. :hugs: Yes, it is a scary thing, and you have every right to feel that way. All I can say is that being scared won't change anything, and yes, it is painful afterwards, but not unbearable.

I've never had any other surgery before, so I cannot compare it to that, but I can say that I have felt worse pain. And, luckily, I never had any shoulder pain afterwards.

Fizzy, I am feeling about the same as you! only my incisions are super itchy.
Just healing I guess, I also have random little pokes, stabs and stitches. I just figure that things are healing. I am still bleeding a little but I guess its still my period.
Hey ladies. Thank you so much for the support! I am very glad that both of you are feeling better. I just got back from the hospital for my pre-opp. They did blood work and asked me all the regular questions. This time I got chance to talk to an anesthesiologist. He assured me that everything will be ok with me during the procedure and I will be given drugs for the pain after. Also I found out that they are going to stitch me and not use glue. I wonder which is better- stitches or glue? Between us, I still hope that I get a BFP before the surgery, but if I heven't gotten pregnant for the last 3 years, the chances this to happen now are almost zero:cry:. So ladies, how is everyone doing today?
Fizzyfefe I am so sorry that you had to go back to work so soon. How are they treating you at work? I hope you work with compassionate people. My boss knows about the surgery, but she does not know how many days I am going to take to recover. She told me that her sister in-law had the same surgery and she was back to work on the next day:wacko:. Well I hope she doesn't expect me back to work on the same day hahhaha.
Amelia, I am very happy that you feel much better. Can you tell me what is the pain like? Are the incisions paintful, or is internal pain? I spoke with my brother in-law, who had laparotomy because of his appendix, and he had told me that he did feel internal pain, like cramps.
And one more thing ladis, when are you going back to BD?:happydance:
You can't imagine how happy I am to have your support!Baby dust to all of us.:hugs:

My pain was mostly cramps but I did get my period right after my surgery so it very well could have been period cramps. Things just felt "bruised" in my belly but not intolerable.... sneezing, coughing or laughing too hard probably won't feel so hot for a couple of days but its not that bad lol It did hurt pretty badly for me to pee the first 2 days even now I'm a little sore but he did remove scar tissue/endo from my bladder so I figure that is why. Your pain will probably be dependent on where and if they find anything to remove though. I have experienced menstrual pain much worse than what I felt after surgery. As far as :sex: goes, my Dr. told me I only needed to wait a week before putting "anything" up there. :flower:
Sikis, thank you for your kind words. They are very nice at work. It was my own fault for over-doing it the first couple of days. :dohh: I definitely don't suggest going back to work the next day, as the second day was more painful than the first! And, the doctor told me no sex for two weeks. So I can resume it on the 18th.

How do you feel now that you've talked to the anesthesiologist?

Amelia, you're right, I completely forgot about the pain during urination! I don't know if they put a catheter in while I was under anesthesia, or if it just hurt because of the incisions. Either way, it was aaaaawful, but it went away after the second day. (Sikis, I suggest drinking as much fluids as possible to help ease the pain!)

I'm jealous that you only have to wait a week!

Oh, one more thing... Amelia, has this happened to you? I was aroused last night (we didn't have sex, but I wanted to :dohh:), and my abdomen started to hurt. It felt like a burning sensation by the incision right above my pubic area, but it went away after I got un-aroused.
Hi Amerlia,

Glad to know your lap went well. I am scheduled for one in January and am freaking out big time as my pain threshold is pretty low and I am so worried I will hear the worst news after the surgery.

Sikis, happy to be lap buddies with you. I need one to see me through the next two / three months.

Just a little intro - Been trying to conceive for almost 2 years now. Have had 7 months of Gonal-F and Menopur injections with two failed IUIs. I have no symptoms of endo so far... x
Sikis, thank you for your kind words. They are very nice at work. It was my own fault for over-doing it the first couple of days. :dohh: I definitely don't suggest going back to work the next day, as the second day was more painful than the first! And, the doctor told me no sex for two weeks. So I can resume it on the 18th.

How do you feel now that you've talked to the anesthesiologist?

Amelia, you're right, I completely forgot about the pain during urination! I don't know if they put a catheter in while I was under anesthesia, or if it just hurt because of the incisions. Either way, it was aaaaawful, but it went away after the second day. (Sikis, I suggest drinking as much fluids as possible to help ease the pain!)

I'm jealous that you only have to wait a week!

Oh, one more thing... Amelia, has this happened to you? I was aroused last night (we didn't have sex, but I wanted to :dohh:), and my abdomen started to hurt. It felt like a burning sensation by the incision right above my pubic area, but it went away after I got un-aroused.

I am pretty sure that something isn't right with me........ I had bad pain today at work, I know it was coming from my bladder. Lower back pain too. I actually left work quick to drop a urine sample off at the dr. They said I didn't have an infection but there was some blood in it..... well there is always some blood in it, sometimes with an infection. I just don't understand, I am so frustrated right now. He put me on cipro just in case. The pain wasn't as excrutiating as right after surgery but I would avoid peeing right now if I could! Do you think it could still be from the catheter? Today is a week post op. It sort of feels like the pains I got before the surgery(the reason for the surgery). So frustrated :shrug: And actually yes lol I did have the same thing happen to me... I was thinking that it would have been perfect if I was ovulating and allowed to have sex. Maybe it has something to do with where the nerves travel?
Hi Amerlia,

Glad to know your lap went well. I am scheduled for one in January and am freaking out big time as my pain threshold is pretty low and I am so worried I will hear the worst news after the surgery.

Sikis, happy to be lap buddies with you. I need one to see me through the next two / three months.

Just a little intro - Been trying to conceive for almost 2 years now. Have had 7 months of Gonal-F and Menopur injections with two failed IUIs. I have no symptoms of endo so far... x

Well I wish you luck with it. I think if I didn't have other issues (uti?, sinus infection) that my recovery would have happened quicker. It will feel awesome when you get an answer after the surgery so just think about that part! :flower: My husband and I aren't very far from ttc for 2 years also.
Amelia I am so sorry to hear that you are in pain honey. You say that your back hurts as well. Do you think it could be kidney stones? I know how much this can hurt. I really hope you feel better soon. Thank you for explaning me about the pains after the surgery end especially comparing the surgery pain to HSG pain. It kind of helped me to relax a bit. So funny but last night was the first night without me dreaming about the damn surgery.

Fizzyfefe how are you hon? Well I told my boss today that I will be taking the whole week off so I guess there is no problem with that. As for the anesthesiologist, he was such a cute little old man, you know one of those 70 something years old grandpas that are giving you nice advices like you'r their own grandchild. He had told me not to worry about anything, that I will be in good hands, and the people who will take care of the anestesia are good professionalists and they won't let anything bad happen to me. So all this made me smile and relax, for now:lol:.So xf I don't freak out again.

Hey tannielicious, welcome on board! How are you feeling? Are you keeping it together or like me are driving yourself crazy? I will be glad to be your lap buddy.
Hey girls did you have any other procedures done along with the lap, such as hysteroscopy and dye? I am schedulated for both.
Love you, baby dust!!!!:hugs:
Hi Sikis!

Unfortunately, am not keeping it together and am freaking out big time. It would be the first time I'd be put under for any surgical procedure. In fact, it would be my first surgical procedure ever :dohh:

I am quite excited but also worried I'll hear the worst news ever. This tryin to conceive battle is really a hard one to fight... two years of tears, excitement and watching everyone else get preggers . But oh well... am hoping and praying that this lap would work miracles if there are issues!

Nonetheless, I had a HSG done in April and that turned out fine. One tube was clear and the other took a little time for the dye to go through. So I hope that is quite positive news :)

Hey tannielicious, welcome on board! How are you feeling? Are you keeping it together or like me are driving yourself crazy? I will be glad to be your lap buddy.
Hey girls did you have any other procedures done along with the lap, such as hysteroscopy and dye? I am schedulated for both.
Love you, baby dust!!!!:hugs:
Hey girls. I am so angry and very disappointed right now. I just got a phone call from the hospital, they are rescheduling the surgery for the 24th (Christmas Eve).The reason for that is that I may or may not get my period around the 17th and they dont want to take a chance. I am very sad, because my period has always been right on the clock, but last month it came earlier, which now inteferes with the surgery. I am so upset, because if I had the lap on the 17th I would have been back to normal for Christmas and New Years Eve. Now I have to tell my boss that I will be coming to work next week and take off the following. My husband has to tell at his work that he wants the coming Monday and Tuesday back, but instead he wants the 24,25th off( like this is possible). I will probably end up doing the surgery all by myself on Christmas Eve (how sad is that):sad2::sad2::sad2:.
Hey tannielicious, believe me that I am about to perform a surgey on myself right now. When I am pissed like that there is nothing that can scare me. That is way I told my husband to really pissed me off the day of the surgery, so I can go and get it without even blink an eye. That is how I got my belly botton pierced.I dont know if this works for you, but if it does then girl get angy so you can calm down(if you know what I mean). Did you feel pain during HSG?I was in so much pain that 10-15min later the doctor stopped the procedure, because my uterus was contracting. May be this was the reason for the spasm on my left side, or may be my left tube is not open ( who knows).
Hey girls. I am so angry and very disappointed right now. I just got a phone call from the hospital, they are rescheduling the surgery for the 24th (Christmas Eve).The reason for that is that I may or may not get my period around the 17th and they dont want to take a chance. I am very sad, because my period has always been right on the clock, but last month it came earlier, which now inteferes with the surgery. I am so upset, because if I had the lap on the 17th I would have been back to normal for Christmas and New Years Eve. Now I have to tell my boss that I will be coming to work next week and take off the following. My husband has to tell at his work that he wants the coming Monday and Tuesday back, but instead he wants the 24,25th off( like this is possible). I will probably end up doing the surgery all by myself on Christmas Eve (how sad is that):sad2::sad2::sad2:.

awww.....I'm sorry, that really stinks. But look at it this way, you just might get an answer for all your troubles right before christmas (awesome present) and I would feel pretty safe and lucky to have surgery on christmas eve.....you are definitely going to have some angels watching over you on that day :) Terrible that you have to wait though. I would be really upset too. You will get through it though.
Oh goodness ladies, I had a rough night.

So I've been taking care of the incisions like any other cut: washing them with antibacterial soap in the shower, letting them air dry, no big deal. They've been healing beautifully and are almost closed. Just the left one had a tiny scab, and the rest were almost flush with my skin. Well, last night, the one on my lift side was hurting, and when I looked at it, the scab had almost come off, and it was super red. I went into the bathroom and wiped it with an antibacterial wipe, and the scab came off. It oozed a little bit, and then I saw a suture poking out of my belly! :shock: Sometimes they don't dissolve, and the body starts to reject them by pushing them out. I tried to pull it out with a pair of tweezers, but it was stuck (it looked like the knot was caught under my skin). I didn't want to pull it out because I feared that it would re-open the incision. I cleaned it again, put some Bacitracin ointment on it, and covered it with a bandaid.

Just had a peek at it this morning, and the incision closed a bit more, and the reddening has lessened, but I can still see the suture, and it is still oozing. Oh, and did I mention that it HURTS? It hurt all night, and it still stings this morning.

Now I don't know what to do. My post-op isn't scheduled until the 29th, and I have to go to work Friday - Tuesday. I was going to call and reschedule the appointment for next week, but that means leaving the suture alone for almost a week. My mother says it should be fine until then, but I don't know. :help:

Amelia, I'm so sorry to hear about your pain. Are you feeling any better today? I don't think it could be the catheter that's causing this, since you are now over a week post-op. Have you tried drinking cranberry juice just in case? Please let me know if you hear anything more from the doctor, and how you are feeling. I am very concerned. :hugs:

Sikis, that really sucks that your surgery had to be rescheduled. I'm so sorry. :hugs: Do your periods usually last a week? I don't understand why they can't do the surgery if you are on your period... I was bleeding when they did it. (Then again, I did not have endometriosis, and I'd been bleeding since September.) I truly hope you get a BFP before Christmas so you won't have to go trough with it on your holiday.
Sorry to hear about the the new surgery schedule , Sikis. But trust that I will have you in my thoughts.:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I also hope you get a BFP before Christmas so that you won't have to go through it. I can imagine how frustrating it must all be but hopefully you will get something good out of this. I always tell myself that even though I am going through so much more than others to have my first , it would be really special when he/she does come!

P.S. Did your surgeon say about having to remove your belly piercing barbell/ ring ? Mine started to close up after a month of not wearing my barbell even though I've had this piercing for ten years now!
Fizzy......I am feeling very frustrated right now. I called the Dr. that did my surgery today and let his receptionist know what was bothering me but he never called me back. I'm feeling like I'm either a hyperchondriac or like my Dr. doesn't care? Peeing has become a lot easier and I have only taken 3 pills so far. But I just don't understand why I am having vaginal bleeding with #2:blush: I mean, it's fresh blood....bright pink/red like I have a scratch in there or something. And I started having pretty intense menstrual like cramps yesterday.... which doesn't make sense because I only cramp on the first two days of my period which was days ago!!:shrug:
Amelia, I can imagine just how frustrated you are. Has the doctor called you back yet? Are you still having pain?
Amelia, I can imagine just how frustrated you are. Has the doctor called you back yet? Are you still having pain?

The Dr. never called me back.... I'm not sure what thats about but I did stop bleeding and I'm having a little less crampiness so I will just wait until my post-op on monday. Maybe when he read the message, there wasn't anything that alarmed him..... so he didn't feel the need to get back to me. I think its weird.
Hey girls how are you? I am so so sad today. All those innocent children in Connecticut killed without any compassion. I pray for those 20 angels and their poor parents.:angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel: This is so devastating.
Amelia hon, how are you feeling today? I am happy that the your pain seems to be going away and the bleeding has stoped. I wonder why your doctor did not called you back. You seem to be very brave. As I know myself I would be freaking out and probably would have ended up in ER just to make sure that everything is ok. I hope you are getting better.
Hey Fizzifefe how are you? How are your stitches healing?I know your working the next few days, so be extra carefull, and please dont lift anything havier than a piece of paper O:).
Hey tannielicious, how are you girly? Anything new around you?
Today I got a phone call from my doctor. She had told me that she won't be doing my surgery, but some other doctor, who I have never seen :dohh:. So I don't know what to expect. Well ladies, I hope all of you are doing better and praying for our BFP's soon.
Hey Sikis!

Just waiting around for my doctor to confirm the surgery. Like you, my doctor won't be conducting my surgery as my insurance does not cover surgery done by her ( she does it at a private hospital). We've learnt our lesson and have now signed up for private insurance ...it's about CHF 200 a month more but if we get a BFP, at least she can deliver our baby *hoping and praying*

It is a shame about the shootings in CT. I was really upset about it and have sent a lot of prayers for those who have died and their families. I cannot imagine the parents' grief, especially if their child was difficult to conceive.

Loads of baby dust and love to everyone this weekend x
hey ladies.. i've not posted on this thread before but i'm worried that I may have endo (or something) just wanted to get some advice! I'm on CD2.. tonight I started getting severe pain in what feels to be my ovary or left side of my uterus. Any movement/standing/stretching/walking makes it hurts worse. I am very nauseated! This is not a new thing. I often have pain when going #2 (the pain is in the same place), constant lower back pain, strange period's that have been getting shorter. Other times (usually always at ovulation or period) I have problems with this side. Recently, I've started having pain during sex too. I asked my mom if i should make an appointment. She thinks it's just cysts and to hold off. She had a hysterectomy in her 30's due to fibroids, and now is having cysts and they want to remove her ovaries. We also have ovarian cancer in our family...
do you think I should wait until my next gyno appointment (in july) or make an appointment sooner? I REALLY want to have kids, so I hate to wait if I have some sort of problem!
hey ladies.. i've not posted on this thread before but i'm worried that I may have endo (or something) just wanted to get some advice! I'm on CD2.. tonight I started getting severe pain in what feels to be my ovary or left side of my uterus. Any movement/standing/stretching/walking makes it hurts worse. I am very nauseated! This is not a new thing. I often have pain when going #2 (the pain is in the same place), constant lower back pain, strange period's that have been getting shorter. Other times (usually always at ovulation or period) I have problems with this side. Recently, I've started having pain during sex too. I asked my mom if i should make an appointment. She thinks it's just cysts and to hold off. She had a hysterectomy in her 30's due to fibroids, and now is having cysts and they want to remove her ovaries. We also have ovarian cancer in our family...
do you think I should wait until my next gyno appointment (in july) or make an appointment sooner? I REALLY want to have kids, so I hate to wait if I have some sort of problem!

I would absolutely make an appointment now...... what your describing could be so many different things. Don't wait when it comes to your health, especially if you want babies. Please don't wait unitl July. :flower:

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