Engagement Gifts


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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hey eveyone, what do you get a couple who have stayed together for over a year for their engagement gift...they have everything they need so i am a bit stuck...dont want to ask them cause that takes the surprise away???
bxox :-k #-o
havent a clue, we were never given any engagement gifts.
lol... can't beat selfridges or john lewis vouchers....

well thats what i'd like lol!!


(i'm useless!)
I suppose it depends on the amount you want to spend.

If they have everything they want/need then get them something they don't need but would like.

Lava lamp, funny gadget, sex toys!!!!, etc
:thumpup: i think i am going to do a bit of both ideas, a nice voucher for the sensible part and something dirty for a wee bit too....she has to open it in work too....mwaahahahahaha..... :twisted:
a ferret, i bet they don't have one!
a ferret, i bet they don't have one!
lol, got lots of cocktail making equipment type stuff (they like their cocktails) and beautiful photo frame for a photo from the night they got engaged and a wedding planner folder thingy oh and some gift vouchers for confetti.... :oops:
Get them a form for a loan application, they're gonna need it! i hear abbey do decent rates!
beatlesbaby66 said:
lol, got lots of cocktail making equipment type stuff (they like their cocktails) and beautiful photo frame for a photo from the night they got engaged and a wedding planner folder thingy oh and some gift vouchers for confetti.... :oops:

flimmin eck u got thm loads!!!
sorry when i posted get them a ferret i appear to have been in a cave and the post echoed.....funny that, i don't remember being in a cave.........
You can get newspapers from any dates, u could get a newspaper on the day they got together....

An engraved photo frame with both their names on?
cool, i will try to remember the newspaper thing for their wedding present, i have got their engagement stuff now.

thanks for the ideas though honey

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