Expecting #1 and over 30

Breezy - how'd you do in fantasy football?? My Giants won so I'm happy :happydance:

We spent all day going to open houses. Saw several crappy homes and one really nice one. But it's at the top of our budget and although we both really liked it, we didn't love it so I think we're going to wait. We can't move until April anyway so there's no rush...other than of course the chance that the market might pick back up!! :dohh:
I beat DH for the first time ever! Currently the score is 73-129 and I still have a kicker tomorrow night. I smoked him. Eli was my QB last year, I love the Manning boys. Eli gets better and better every year, I always like to see a W for them.
Mortgage rates are amazing right now, that why we chose to rent our current home out and buy. My house was my bachelorette pad so I wanted us to have something together. We got a renter last week through a property management co. and they sign a 2 year lease Wednesday. It took a lot of stress off of us. House searching can be so overwhelming, keep searching and you will find the perfect home that you both love.
Sleepy today.
I got back 1.5 hours ago from New York, and in 1.5 hours I´m heading to the airport again.
I just packed everything we need (I think), and am currently trying to get all the papers required for the bird sorted out.
I wish I could just go to sleep right now, but that´s a luxury I won´t be getting until sometime tonight (in about 12 hours or so). Maybe I´ll be able to sleep a little bit on the plane, though that seems unlikely, as we´ll probably be sitting on jump seats today (full plane).

Yay... papers have been sorted. I´m going now to fetch them. Only about an hour until I have to get going to the airport.
Phew, I´m glad that worked out before I had to go.
Breezy - Nice work!!! I played fantasy for the first time last year and learned SO much more about football!! I've been a big fan of the sport for the last 10 years but playing fantasy really makes you learn the positions and the ins and outs of the sport. I of course snapped up Peyton Manning at the draft last season as I somehow managed to miss the news that he was INJURED. So I didn't do too well ;) I too love Eli and Peyton…they are amazing players. My "bachelorette pad" was a townhouse I bought 10 years ago and lived in for 2 cause I then met DH (then BF) and we moved to Cali. So it's been rented since - waiting for the market to pick back up so I can sell it :flower:

Pilot - when I first read your post I was like you're doing all this flying on little sleep!!!! I thought you were working as a pilot but it seems you are just flying as a passenger? I haven't read your journal in a while so I think I'm just confused. But hope you have a safe trip! And I hope you get your sleep tonight :hugs:

AFM, I'm feeling good. My bump is pretty solid now and none of my workout pants fit :dohh: So I'm heading to the mall, meeting a friend there for lunch and hopefully getting me some new pants. I need a new sports bra too cause the girls don't fit in my high impact one and the low impact yoga bras aren't supportive enough even when I go walking. These girls are big and bouncy :holly:

I was also able to move my doc appt to tomorrow afternoon so I'll hopefully get to hear his take on the gender scan and we can decide if we want to do a private confirmation scan. I'm so excited for your scan tomorrow Breezy!!!! :happydance: Can you believe the day is almost here???
Pilot- Where are you heading to now? you seem like you're on the go a lot. Is this for your job? I would love to travel more. good luck with everything and hope you get to sleep well tonight.

Breezy- only a couple days...EeeeKK. Maybe its a girl too!!

Chezek- i hope you find your dream home. Its good you have until April, I know it will happen!

Sooo im just relaxing here, kinda boring but i guess i will take advantage now as I probably wont be resting too much after the baby's born. Im waiting on my OB to call me back with an appt. Im only having minimal light tan spotting, barely there...thank god!
Clarkey - Glad to hear that all was well with your LO at your scan. Sorry to hear about the placenta previa though. Hopefully with lots of bedrest it will move.

Chezek - GL with the house hunting! At least you have plenty of time to find your perfect home.

Pilot - I don't know how your managing all this travel with so little sleep, as that's all that I want to do! Hope you have a safe trip and able to get a good night's sleep soon.

Breezy - Looking forward to hearing the results of your scan tomorrow.
MrsChezek - I thankfully had my last shift of the winter last Saturday. These days I´m only flying as a passenger. I´m going back and forth between Iceland and Denmark to move our stuff and our parrot between countries.
It´s midnight here now, and I´m operating on 4 hours of sleep. Not good at all.
Hehe, it´s been a while since I could fit into any of my clothes.
I´m also starting to feel Braxton Hicks contractions these days. Can be quite uncomfortable, but not overly so, unless when I keep walking. They´re worse then.
I hope you find some good workout pants :)
We´ll also be having a scan after week 30 (a 3d one). OH is really excited about that one.

Clarkeyness - I´m heading "home" to Denmark, go move our stuff onto pallets and fetch the parrot to bring home with me. Personal reasons this time. Last shift was this Saturday (until next spring).
Thanks, I hope I sleep well too. Only about 8 hours until I have to wake up now, to start packing. :)
I hope your spotting stops soon. :hugs:

sam79 - yea, sleep is a luxury that´s hard to find these days... but on the 29th (only a week more), we´ll be nicely settled in Iceland, just waiting on our furniture to arrive. So, the next couple of days are stressful, but after that we should be good.

I had two minor breakdowns today. I called the import authorities in Iceland, to confirm that I had gotten my import papers approved (which they were), and whether or not they had looked at the health inspection papers for my parrot.
They had not.
And the papers were not okay.
A test was missing, that requires at least 10 days to complete (and we leave Denmark for good in 7 days...)
I went there and cried my eyes out, and they couldn´t do anything for me. Just advised me to try to get the test done as soon as possible.
We´ve been talking to the vets here (in Denmark), and they claim they can´t do that test unless the bird is already dead (avian influenza test).
But, the Icelandic authorities will not allow the bird into the country without that test...
We were just going to do our best, and I was having a minor nervous breakdown, when they called me again, and informed me that I had been granted an exemption, where I would be able to bring the bird home, and have the test performed there. She will just have to spend a little longer time in the quarantine room.
Apparently OH called them from Denmark, explaining the situation, and getting that exemption.

A crying pregnant woman couldn´t get what she wanted, but he could from a phone in Denmark? Wow, that guy´s got talent...

Sorry about the rant, just needed to get this off my chest today :blush:
Pilot Glad all is ending well even though the day may have been a little much for you. WTG OH :happydance: making you happy and that is what is important.

Chezek This is my 4th year playing. I love it, it's kind of bad how obessed I am, it's helping pass the time when I'm feeling a little lazy on the weekends that's for sure. I'm currently in 1st place in the whole league, I'm the only girl playing too! :thumbup: I feel like this could finally be my year, I've never made it to the playoffs and I feel it's a good time for lots of first this next year! Manning would have been a good pick up, that happened to a guy we play with, ruined his whole year. He was initially suppose to play though so it wasn't too bad of a pick :winkwink: I take it you've had good luck with your renters then? It's makes me nervous but it can also be really great.

Has anyone heard from MD lately...if you see this say hello! Thinking about ya.

Tomorrow is the big day!!!! I'm going to have to tell you ladies because I can't tell anyone else until Sunday. This is going to be sooooo hard for me. :loopy:
Breezy...I am so excited for you...I cannot wait to hear what you are having.

Pilot..so glad that your bird can go with you.

Clarkey...I am so happy that LO is doing well and I am sorry to heart about placenta. I was not sure what that was so I goggled it...hopefully yours will do what is suppose to do soon since it is still early...

Zeez...How are you doing? Our EDD are very close together...I am only few weeks ahead...I am excited for you as well to have your first scan...

Everyone else that I have missed just wanted to say hell. I do read these posts every day but am not much of a writer. I am more of a stalker, lol.

AFM…I was somewhat worked up this weekend. I have had cramps all weekend (no bleeding or spotting)…I guess they are like AF cramps should feel like…I actually never had bad cramps with AF so was not sure what to compare it with. I would get migraines instead of cramps during AF. Since it was weekend I could not call my doc so I goggled things. Boy that was a mistake. I have worked my self up because I have read so many things about m/c this early in pregnancy and cramps. I did call my doc first thing in the morning and spoke to the nurse. She has told me that, what most of you have told me, it is probably (did not like word probably) just starching of the uterus and baby growing. She asked about beading and severity of cramps. She has also told me that she did not want me to worry so if I continue to have cramps to call and they would do another scan. I have decided to stop goggling things because I am getting freaked out about all of the things that could go wrong...just want to enjoy this.
Chezek GL today at your appointment!

Sasha Good ol doctor Google, it has scared me a few times too so I stay away.

Clarkey How is bed rest going? You doing ok?

Pilot The 3D scan sounds fun! We haven't decided if we going to do one yet, :shrug: Hiopefully you can finally get some rest, you make me tired :haha:

Only 5.5 hours from now.....hope this lo will give us a show. :winkwink:
The day is here Breezy!!!!! Cannot wait :happydance: Hopefully you won't make us wait like that crazy girl with all the photos and video hoopla :winkwink:

pilot - I'm glad your OH could work his magic and your parrot can make the journey home with you!!! He must have super powers if the crying pregnant woman didn't work :winkwink: I don't look forward to feeling BH contractions but I'm glad they aren't too bad for ya. Hope the next week flies by so you can be all moved and get some sleep!

Breezy - yeah my renters have been great. One woman started falling behind in payments and after 4 months we told her she had to clean up or move out and she was very nice about it and said she couldn't' afford it anymore and moved out. We gave her time to find a new place and let her repay what she owed us over time so it was good. My current renter is super good - she's all into updating the home too. You should be fine - our leases protect us to an extent but I'm sure you chose someone good!

Sasha - yes! stay away from dr. google or you'll be diagnosed with deadly things each time. I try to stay calm and I actually search the boards here if I have symptoms or post and ask others if they have experienced it - it makes me feel better to hear how 'normal' half the stuff I freak out about is!!!! I hope you kick back and enjoy your pregnancy soon :hugs:

I'm seeing my doc at 3:30pm ET and hopefully getting confirmation or the go to schedule a gender confirmation scan. We'll see. Off to the gym now in my new gym pants. Athleta (a Gap sub-brand) had nice ones with a soft, wide band that fit well in case any of you are interested in super comfy yoga pants. They have back pockets too so they look like pants and DH said I could wear them around as pants!

FX Breezy!!!! xx
Breezy - Can't wait to find out what you are having! Do you have any idea as to what you think the results are going to be? Good luck!
I can't wait to tell someone!!!! You guys are the only people I can tell until Sunday besides DH so you will know right after we leave today.

Gypsy So glad to see you here! I've thought it was a boy from the beginning but I could be wrong....Everyone I know thinks it's a girl besides me, all the wivetales test I've taken say it's a girl and I've had a few girl dreams and not boy dreams...Really who knows?!?!?! A heathy baby is all we care about.

Only 4 more hours. :happydance:
Where are you Breezy?? :happydance:

So I showed the image to my doc and he said girl. He then showed us why but said that it's not a very good picture and since he isn't seeing things live, he can't be 100% sure. But his guess was girl so here we are. He said if we decide to pay for a gender scan to wait until 24 weeks as it will be clearer then so we'll decide on that later I guess :flower:

Oh and he said not to stress about that echogenic focus in the heart - we showed no other markers and this one is a more far fetched one so it's most likely nothing. Yay! :yippee:
We have a healthy baby..........GIRL!!!!!!! :happydance::headspin::dance::yipee::wohoo:

They couldn't give %100 of course but we saw no indication of boys parts. I'm so over the moon excited! I've ALWAYS wanted a girl. :cloud9: So proud to be team :pink:

Chezek Not only are we a few days apart but now will have girls close together in age as well. So lucky to have you! Appointment sounds like it went well, congrats!
Yay for team :pink:!!!!!!! :happydance: :wohoo: :yipee:

How exciting! Congrats to you and your DH :hugs:
I guess both our Chinese gender predictions were correct :flower:
Hello ladies!!! I am so sorry I having been checking in for ages!! Just had a quick look through to try and catch up - glad to see you are all doing well!!! And the lovely news of little girls for MrsC and Breezy!!! Yeah!! That makes three of us!!!

Going to try and catch up on everything else now - sorry I have been away for so long - have missed you all!!!! xxxx
Yay breezy - congrates! So happy for you :wohoo: :pink:.

Mrschezek - great news about the markers. The risk was always small but now you can relax a bit.

Sasha - the cramps are scary I know. I was suprised by them and after some research found out it was very normal but no one warns you about them. My next scan is on the 21st and I can't wait. I really don't feel pregnant yet - maybe hung over (tired, achey and just a bit quesy).

It seems like the first trimester is just one long tww - hoping you're (still) pregnant. Someone should invent a stick that tells you your Hgc levels so you could see them raising every week and know lil bean is ok. They would make a fortune on me alone:blush:
Congrats Breezy on finding out that you are team :pink:!!!

Zeez - Now that you are 6 weeks you could always hire a doppler to hear the HB and put your find at ease. For me personally, once I started to feel movement regularly I started to stress a little less and started enjoying my pregnancy more. I'm sure that your little bean is doing well.

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