Expecting #1 and over 30

Hello all...nice bump preg-pilot...I hope all of you that are in New York area are doing well...I was watching 20/20 last night and they showed nurses that took care of babies in NICU when the power went out..and it was so scary but amazing as well because all the babies survived...:thumbup:..I am 10 weeks and 3 days today...I still go to Zumba since I have been doing that way before I got pregnant and I do jog a little as I was doing that as before...So my mother calls while I was on the way home from Zumba and like an idiot I tell her where I was...well she made feel shitty..like I was doing something that would purposefully hurt my baby...so of curse I snapped and then felt bad because I was short with her and just told her I will never tell her where I am any more...I am 34 years old and suddenly do not know what is best for my body and my peanut...ironically enough she has smoked, drank coffee and beer because one of Bosnian old wife tails that your milk comes in better, while pregnant with me and my brother...and somehow what I am doing is more harmful...go figure...So I have learned my lesson...make things up when mom or mother in law calls so I do not say something I will regret when they make comments or they will say something that will make me cry...thanks for listening...o yea I forgot to mention I have ordered a hand held Doppler...I was debating because I was not sure if I was going to be able to find a heart beat or not...but waiting 4 more weeks to hear it in the doctor's office was driving me crazy too...then I was worried that if I was not able to find it I would freak out more...however I was able to find little peanut and hear that wonderful sound...:happydance:..I just need to tell myself not to freak out it one day I cannot hear it because babies move...Hope you ladies are doing great and have a great weekend..
Wow Pilot, nice bump..you're getting close. So exciting! Do you have a birth plan or just hospital? Im just going to the hospital and they can figure everything out..lol.

Sasha- I also tend to snap a lot more. dont worry about it! Blame it on the hormones :winkwink: My mother smoked with me too but her excuse was they didnt know any better back then like they do now. Funny how it used to be. I debated on buying a doppler as well but didnt end up getting one. I would also be nervous if I couldnt find the HB and then end up in ER...lol. Im glad you are doing well and cant believe you are 10 1/2 weeks!!!:happydance:

AFM, I go for my Ob appt wed to hopefully book my next u/s and see if the hemorrhage has shrunk and placenta has moved. Praying everything is good with the little bean and maybe see the sex??? i will be over 16 weeks when I have the u/s so I hope they can see something!!!
Hello all...nice bump preg-pilot...I hope all of you that are in New York area are doing well...I was watching 20/20 last night and they showed nurses that took care of babies in NICU when the power went out..and it was so scary but amazing as well because all the babies survived...:thumbup:..I am 10 weeks and 3 days today...I still go to Zumba since I have been doing that way before I got pregnant and I do jog a little as I was doing that as before...So my mother calls while I was on the way home from Zumba and like an idiot I tell her where I was...well she made feel shitty..like I was doing something that would purposefully hurt my baby...so of curse I snapped and then felt bad because I was short with her and just told her I will never tell her where I am any more...I am 34 years old and suddenly do not know what is best for my body and my peanut...ironically enough she has smoked, drank coffee and beer because one of Bosnian old wife tails that your milk comes in better, while pregnant with me and my brother...and somehow what I am doing is more harmful...go figure...So I have learned my lesson...make things up when mom or mother in law calls so I do not say something I will regret when they make comments or they will say something that will make me cry...thanks for listening...o yea I forgot to mention I have ordered a hand held Doppler...I was debating because I was not sure if I was going to be able to find a heart beat or not...but waiting 4 more weeks to hear it in the doctor's office was driving me crazy too...then I was worried that if I was not able to find it I would freak out more...however I was able to find little peanut and hear that wonderful sound...:happydance:..I just need to tell myself not to freak out it one day I cannot hear it because babies move...Hope you ladies are doing great and have a great weekend..

It´s definitely good that you´re remaining active as long as you can :)
I felt so queasy to start with that I couldn´t move much at all (even swimming was hard). And in the second tri I was so busy moving between countries that I didn´t have time for anything. Now I have PPGP (pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain), so I can´t move much at all. I´m starting on pregnancy-yoga swim classes on the 23rd of November (they don´t have any openings earlier).

Just be careful with one thing when using the Doppler. I once heard what I was sure was 2 distinct heartbeats, but it turns out that the sound from the placenta is different from the sound of the baby´s heartbeat.
The placenta has a "whooshing" sound, while the baby´s heartbeat sounds more like horses galloping. Hope that helps ;)
I was sure there were 2 in there for a while, because even the rate of beats was different between the placenta and the baby. (placenta was going at about 130bpm, while baby was closer to 150...

Wow Pilot, nice bump..you're getting close. So exciting! Do you have a birth plan or just hospital? Im just going to the hospital and they can figure everything out..lol.

Sasha- I also tend to snap a lot more. dont worry about it! Blame it on the hormones :winkwink: My mother smoked with me too but her excuse was they didnt know any better back then like they do now. Funny how it used to be. I debated on buying a doppler as well but didnt end up getting one. I would also be nervous if I couldnt find the HB and then end up in ER...lol. Im glad you are doing well and cant believe you are 10 1/2 weeks!!!:happydance:

AFM, I go for my Ob appt wed to hopefully book my next u/s and see if the hemorrhage has shrunk and placenta has moved. Praying everything is good with the little bean and maybe see the sex??? i will be over 16 weeks when I have the u/s so I hope they can see something!!!

I´m not going to the hospital at all. I don´t really have a birthplan, just some ideas that I hope will work out.
I have a midwife that will tend to me during my homebirth.
I have a bunch of hopes, such as a waterbirth (midwife brings a tub), a hypnobirth and a lotus birth.
Midwife agreed to try everything, but of course everything will be figured out as we go along :)
Hello ladies

Glad all you NY ladies are safe and well!

Sasha I am still oing to Zumba every week! I love it and will continue to go as long as I can. My Zumba teacher continued until she was 7 months! I am finding it is getting harder but as long as you listen to your body - and exercise is supposed to make labour a little easier!!!!

One thing I have noticed since I have been preg is the amount of people that feel it is ok to comment on your life and how you live it!!!! It is hard not to feel guilty about everything you do!!

I have my 20 week scan tomorrow - so excited to see the baby again!!! Just hope everything is still going well!

Hope you have all had a good weekend!

Hi all, Hope everyone is doing well especially those of you who were affected by Sandy!

Preg_pilot - Great bump pic!

Joey - Hope all went well at your 20 wk scan.

Clarkey - Hope all goes well at your OB appoint and that your placenta has moved.

I've been super busy. Had my baby shower 2 weekends ago. I had a lovely afternoon and got some lovely gifts. Best part of the afternoon was watching people's reaction to and guessing which chocolate was melted in the nappy/diaper. Last Wednesday we had our antenatal with a physio and then this past weekend we had our weekend antenatal with the midwife. We found all the sessions really worthwhile and got heaps out of them. Has anyone heard of or is thinking of using a TENS machine during labour? The physio recommended it so now I'm trying to find a bit more about it as a method of pain relief. Had my 28 wk OB appoint last week too and bub was head done (just hoping s/he stays that way). He was also really happy with my/bub's size, so although I think I'm huge, I'm just hoping that bub will come out an average size.
pilot - wow, awesome pic. i think thats a great plan. It's good to know what you want but still be open to things changing as you go along.

sasha - as longas you were active before staying fit is the best thing you can do for your baby. Keep it up as long as you're comfortable and ignore the comments from people that don't know as much as you do.

joey how did your scan go?

Clarkey - good luck - I hope that everything has sorted itself out and you get to aenjoy the rest of your pregnancy with out stress.

sam - I'm considering trying a tens as well but haven't had a chance to research it much, I'm wondering if blocking the pain signal will interfer with the bodies natural pain killers being released? If you get more info or decide to try please let me know how it goes.

afm - No ms yet, wondering if it'll skip me all together since I'm already 8 weeks. but I'm reeeaaeally tired all the time and my pants are getting tighter. this is despite the fact I've managed to keep my weight down to pre-BFP numbers. I was heavey to start, have PCOS and slight insulin resistance so have to control the weight to stay low risk but it's harder than thought. On a happier note my first scan is next week ! can't wait.
Pilot- That should be nice a home birth...I cant do that due to my high risk pregnancy but thats ok.

Joey- How was ur 20 week scan??

Sam- Thats exciting, had your baby shower. Im looking forward to that in February. i never heard of TENS to aid with the pain during labor. Something to look into...

Zee- Yeah for your scan next week...so exciting! Cant wait to hear about it. You will see your little one moving around, its amazing how active they are when so small.

AFM, OB appt tomorrow. I will update everyone with the news!!

Scan went well - they never really say much while they are scanning do they?! But she said at the end everything looked fine, and all the measurements were good. I will try and post a pic on here. Also, confirmed that we are having a girl - which is good as I had already started buying a few things!!!
Also had my midwife appt today - which again was fine. I checked with her about Zumba, and she said that it would not harm the baby and just listen to your body.

I work in the pain division of a medical device company alongside pain consultants and neurosurgeons so I have some experience of TENs. It can be very effective for some pts. My DH uses it for his back pain - and it totally gets rid of it. It works as a distraction so you will still feel some pain just not as much (it is called the gate theory). It won't effect natural pain killers and can be used alongside pain medication. Hope that is of some help!! Like I said DH uses a TENs so I will be giving it a go if I get any back pain later in the pregnancy!

Good luck on all the scans and apps coming up!!!!



Ok - so if this works these are my 20 week scan pics!!!
Aww such cute pictures joey :)

I had an appointment with the midwife yesterday. Next one is in 3 weeks.
Bump measuring slightly larger than normal, but nothing too huge :)
Heartbeat was 135-150.
We´re going to get private classes for hypnobirthing from the midwife soon. Hopefully OH won´t be so stressed out after those.

Furniture is finally here :happydance:
We´re just going to assemble things as we go along, not going to overdo anything. I´m just relaxing at home, and taking some things out of boxes (OH is working tonight).
FINALLY a free moment to catch up on all your posts! Today is DH's bday and I just finished serving him his birthday breakfast - french toast, one of his favorites. He slept in. Next, I have to try on a bunch of clothes and figure out what fits still that I can take to DR. I don't want to leave the packing until tomorrow and be panicked if nothing fits!

preg_pilot - I'm so happy for you that you're all moved in and the bird made it and OH is home :hugs: Happy nesting!!!! And I hope your PPGP settles down. I had a bit of a flare up of it earlier in my preg and it's not fun. Awesome belly shot too! Did you already have the glucose tolerance? Enjoy the hypnobirthing class :hugs:

Clarkey - I'm glad you guys got away with just a bit of water! Sandy was awful. It's scary that we've now had two hurricanes two years in a row…I hope this isn't the future! Good luck with your appt and FX your placenta did move!!!!!

sasha - I'm glad you're still running. I ran before BFP and my doc told me to stop. I knew I could keep going cause I read a billion articles telling me it's ok and many of my friends ran up to their 8th month of pregnancy…but the guilt got me and I gave it up. Now I sort of regret it as I don't do any card cause I hate stationary biking…I just go for a 45 min walk 2-3 times a week. But I'm definitely getting pudgier (in addition to my beautiful bump) and I don't like it! At least I kept weight training though he told me to stop that too. Did you get your doppler? How's it working out?

sam - how awesome for your baby shower! Super exciting :happydance: I cannot wait until mine…is 26 weeks the time to have it? I was going to plan mine for January when I'd be 32 weeks…is that too late? I should probably ask around about that…let me know what you think! And I too hope your bub stays head down!!

zeez - FX ms stays away!!! ANd how exciting that your first scan is just around the corner. :happydance:

Joey - welcome to team :pink:!!!! :yippee: Lovely pics!!!!! Such exciting times…thanks for the info on TENs…I might look into it as my backpain now is getting pretty uncomfortable.

OK, I have to go take care of some stuff before we head out to the mall. My baby brained self left my iPad at our realtor's office the other day :dohh: I hope it doesn't keep getting worse each week. I'm SO forgetful!!!! It's scary...and sad.

:hug: to all!
MrsChezek - I probably had my baby shower on the early side. I had it that early because my Mum and Grandmother both wanted to attend and they live in Cairns (2 hr flight from where I live). If I had waited until I was 32/33 wks it would be the end of Nov/beginning of Dec and flight prices go up dramatically making it more difficult for my mum and grandmother to come. Also everyone is starting to get into christmas parties and everything by then. I got heaps of toiletry stuff (diapers, wipes, wash etc), muslin wraps, towels as well as toys and books. All stuff I really wanted! However, now I can go out and shop for any of the stuff that I still need. As you know that you are having a girl I have heard from other people that when they knew their LO's gender they got heaps of clothes at the baby shower. Especially because people can't resist buying cute girly clothing. After my long winded discussion, I'd say 32 wks is the perfect time to have a baby shower as it still gives you time afterwards to get anything that you still need.
Hi Ladies! So happy to hear all of the good news catching up.

Chezek Glad all is ok for you and your family. We do a lot of work your way and I have heard such horrible stories. Happy b-day to your DH today. :cake:

Pilot I have a whole new respect for you, moving preggo is no joke and I've just been packing. Happy you are getting settled in. I took the whole week of Thanksgiving off to get settled in.

Joey Love the pics, congrats and welcome to team :pink:

Clarkey Any news yet? FX'd all went well.

Sam My shower is opposite of yours, mine isn't until February (the late end) because of my sister's travel. I'm thrilled your shower went well, I love getting gifts. :haha: Sounds like all was well at your appointment, can't wait to see what arrives for you. Have any feeling as to what you think it is?

Zee You sound just like me, I waited and waited, still nothing! I hope it passes right by you :flower:

Afm Lovely sd has officially turned into a teenager, it's been a pretty rough couple of weeks. UGH. but on a better note....we move next weekend into our new house! It's done and we got landscaping done today. I can't believe it's already here and I'm so not ready. Been nursery searching for this little Shamrock and think we are going to do baby pink and gray. Totally not me, I'm such a tomboy that loves bold colors but there is something about that combo that I find amazing. Anyone doing any nursery shopping?
sam - thanks for your feedback! I guess in the end it doesn't matter when we have the shower as long as our loved ones make it!!! I'm worried about getting all baby clothes as I really don't want a lot. I might ask my organizers to specify that NO MORE than one piece of clothing per guest is allowed. Would that be too cheeky??? I don't know about you but I'm SO excited for the holidays while being pregnant…just makes everything so much more special. I'm literally counting days until Thanksgiving :happydance:

Breezy - I'm so excited for your move! Hope everything goes super smooth - FX :flower: We're nursery shopping but more in the sense of just the crib and a dresser/changing table. I don't think we'll buy too much more until after we move into our new place in the Spring. Between the store we went to today and the one we went to a month ago, we must have seen a couple dozen cribs and there just isn't one we love. It's bumming me out a bit but there are a couple we like enough…so I guess if push comes to shove, we know there's something we'll be happy with. The brands we really love in terms of quality and eco friendliness just don't have designs we like and then the couple designs we like are not that great in terms of quality. Perhaps I should start my own crib line… :haha:
preg_pilot - I'm so happy for you that you're all moved in and the bird made it and OH is home :hugs: Happy nesting!!!! And I hope your PPGP settles down. I had a bit of a flare up of it earlier in my preg and it's not fun. Awesome belly shot too! Did you already have the glucose tolerance? Enjoy the hypnobirthing class :hugs:

sasha - I'm glad you're still running. I ran before BFP and my doc told me to stop. I knew I could keep going cause I read a billion articles telling me it's ok and many of my friends ran up to their 8th month of pregnancy…but the guilt got me and I gave it up. Now I sort of regret it as I don't do any card cause I hate stationary biking…I just go for a 45 min walk 2-3 times a week. But I'm definitely getting pudgier (in addition to my beautiful bump) and I don't like it! At least I kept weight training though he told me to stop that too. Did you get your doppler? How's it working out?

Yep, already had my glucose exam, and everything came out normal, so relieved :) (though I´m gaining faster than I like, but apparently that happened to both ladies in the family who have a similar body to mine).
Oh, I will enjoy the hypnobirthing classes, I just hope OH will too :)
PPGP is almost tolerable these days, I can move almost normally, so I´m going to enjoy the next few days of almost non-pain :cloud9:

I think it´s weird that your doctor told you to stop exercising... it can only be beneficial for you and the baby, as long as you don´t overdo it...

Pilot I have a whole new respect for you, moving preggo is no joke and I've just been packing. Happy you are getting settled in. I took the whole week of Thanksgiving off to get settled in.

Afm Lovely sd has officially turned into a teenager, it's been a pretty rough couple of weeks. UGH. but on a better note....we move next weekend into our new house! It's done and we got landscaping done today. I can't believe it's already here and I'm so not ready. Been nursery searching for this little Shamrock and think we are going to do baby pink and gray. Totally not me, I'm such a tomboy that loves bold colors but there is something about that combo that I find amazing. Anyone doing any nursery shopping?

Aww :blush:
I´m kinda happy to be unemployed (kinda - as in almost completely, I still always feel guilty for being unemployed, like I'm a useless member of society).
But it´s nice to not have to go to work from 8-4, and then unpack some stuff. Nice to be able to take the entire day, and take long and nice breaks in between.

Btw, I have really good memories from the color theme. My mom´s kitchen from our little house was painted gray with pink trimmings. I thought it looked gorgeous. :)

AFM - This night was horrible again. I´m pretty sure I´m constipated, and the pain was severe enough to keep me up until 4am, and sometimes bad enough that I completely stopped breathing for a while. (I tried to remind myself to breathe through the pain).
I´m going to the pharmacy later to get some sorbitol and husk to get things going. Also going to get some raisins, and a prune juice...
Chezek- Hope u had a good day yesterday for DH bday! you're such a good wife! Good luck on finding items for the nursery, i have been looking and finding it difficult as well. Have fun during your babymoon!!:hugs:

Joey- Really happy your scan went well!! Cute pics! There are a lot of team pink on here, need some team blue :)

Pilot- Have fun setting up the baby's room and hope that darn constipation goes away. I know how that feels and its awful!

Breezy- wow a lot of people moving here, good luck settling in next week.:hugs:

AFM, Saw my Ob yesterday and heard the lovely HB 150-160s. So much louder now. uterus is measuring good. I have to wait until 18 weeks for my next u/s to check the hemorrhage and determine if i can go back to work. Was hoping to see the LO next week but have to wait another 2-3 weeks. Still waiting on my appt date and we will be finding out the gender so stay tuned!!!:happydance:
Constipation is slowly getting better, pain not as severe. :) I hope to sleep well tonight. (last 3 nights have been bad).

On a happier note, OH has finally agreed wholeheartedly on the homebirth :)
He heard a horror story from his friend who recently delivered in hospital, and now he´s completely happy about me staying at home :happydance:
Pilot - my doc didn't tell me to stop exercising just to stop running and such. He said to stick to walking and stationery bike. I just don't like biking in place! So I'm left with walking :shrug: Glad your pain has subsided and that DH is now on board with a home birth :happydance: And that your test went well! My doc said to come in around 29 weeks for mine...

Clarkey - cant wait to find out your team! Glad your appt went well :hugs:

AFM, the flight over to DR was pretty smooth. It's hot here but not unbearable and the beach is lovely. I'm struggling a bit with food as everything is buffet and I'm leery of it as who knows how long it's been sitting out! At dinner I asked for 2 langoustine tails cooked to order at one of the few order stations and while one was way overlooked, the other was practically raw!!!! So I might just risk the cooked stuff under the heat lamps. Our plan is to get to the buffets just as they open to assure freshness.

How is everyone else? Any exciting weekend plans??
Lots to do this weekend.
Today I´m assembling the TV-bench and the bird cage (though the bird can´t move in for the next couple of weeks due to quarantine procedures).
Going to try to empty most of the boxes scattered around.
Later today I´m going to mom´s place to bake some cakes.
Entertaining a few guests tomorrow.

OH is at work until 2pm today (it´s almost 11am now).

Bit first... one TV episode, and then work work work :)

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