Expecting #1 and over 30

MrsChezek…I am running less…well actually I was never a fast runner…I mostly jog…I think fastest I ever did was 9 minute mile during 5k races…I am sticking with Zumba though…o yea and I did get my Doppler…so far I have been able to find peanuts heart beat every time…what I do is I find my placenta first because and then look for babies heart beat because baby is always close by…I usually wait after Zumba or after I have been active to listen to the heart beat because it just seems to be easier to find and is louder…how are you dealing with aftermath of the storm..

I see everyone else is coming along just fine….lots of moving and setting in…
AFM…I am just waiting around for this first trimester to pass…it just seems like it is taking forever…I just heard changes of things going wrong after first trimester are much slimmer…however I did have two job interviewers (over the phone because job is 5 hours from my town) which would mean, if I got it $10,000.00 a year raise…I did not tell them that I was pregnant and I feel bad about that but I have talk to other people and they said not to tell during interview but when position is offered to you…also if I got the job I would be assistant director at center that takes kids 6 weeks to 5 years and would be able to check on my baby quite a bit…even if it is just for few minutes…

Hope all of you are having a wonderful and relaxing weekend…
Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

sam - so exciting about the baby shower. I can't wait for mine but it's still a long way off.

joey - congrates on team pink! and thanks for the info on the tens machine. I'll definately consider one now.

pilot - whew, you've got a lot on your plate even with out working. glad hubby is on board with the home birth.

breezy - good luck with the move. I think pink and grey is a lovely combination for a nursery.

mrschezek - I'm also hoping not to get too much baby clothes but with my mother I doubt I'll be able to stop it. have fun and enjoy your trip!

clarkey - good news about the heartbeat. can't beleive they're making you wait for the scan but I'm sure everything is fine.

sasha - you're almost out of the 1st trimester and the risk has dropped considerably anyway. great news about the job - good luck.

afm - managed to do some spring cleaning this weekend due to DH's inspiration. I'm teasing him that he is nesting since he has had the flu and his meds not agreeing with him he is suffering more preggie symtoms than I am. Also I'm starting to worry that all I think about is pregnancy, birth and baby. I hope this isn't permanant or I'm going tobe one of those very boring moms with no life.
Hello everyone!
Decided to come back now that I'm past the first try and the peanut is doing well. I swear I can feel them dancing in my tummy!
It's so great to hear all of the babies and mommies are doing so well! I love hearing all of the genders.
I have my nuchal scan weds. so hopefully they will give me a hint. If all else fails we are doing a private gender scan after Thanksgiving. Can't wait!
Welcome back Simms!!! Glad you are doing well. Did you have any problems early in your pregnancy? I have to wait another couple weeks to find out the gender...Im so impatient. The Dr wanted to do the scan between 18-120 weeks to be 100% sure as mistakes are made if its too early.
Welcome back Simms!!! Glad you are doing well. Did you have any problems early in your pregnancy? I have to wait another couple weeks to find out the gender...Im so impatient. The Dr wanted to do the scan between 18-120 weeks to be 100% sure as mistakes are made if its too early.

Early pregnancy was ok. I had some spotting which made me nervous but other than that nothing too crazy. The m/s put me down though ugh.. Can't wait to hear what you are having!! There's no way I could have waited to find out. There's a sonographer about 20 minutes from my house that is supposed to be the best around. I think she has a 99% success rate. Then I have my anatomy scan a month after just to verify ;)
How has your pregnancy been?

Nice to hear from you Simms - glad everything is going ok!!

I have been feeling little flutters the last couple of days but last night was the first time I felt her move properly!!!! DH could actually feel her too! It was amazing!! Made a start on the nursery yesterday - had fitted wardrobes put in and now I just need to decide on a colour and book the decorator! But I just can't decide!! Was thinking a neutral but then last night started thinking of a light grey! Any ideas???

Welcome back Simms!!! Glad you are doing well. Did you have any problems early in your pregnancy? I have to wait another couple weeks to find out the gender...Im so impatient. The Dr wanted to do the scan between 18-120 weeks to be 100% sure as mistakes are made if its too early.

Early pregnancy was ok. I had some spotting which made me nervous but other than that nothing too crazy. The m/s put me down though ugh.. Can't wait to hear what you are having!! There's no way I could have waited to find out. There's a sonographer about 20 minutes from my house that is supposed to be the best around. I think she has a 99% success rate. Then I have my anatomy scan a month after just to verify ;)
How has your pregnancy been?

Im actually on bedrest right now as I had a large bleed at 13 weeks and u/s showed a hemorrhage under my placenta:wacko: Its been crazy but everything is worth it for this little one. I see the Dr in 3 weeks and hopefully will be off bedrest. Should have my u/s in 2 weeks but waiting for my appointment time. I havent had any m/s but a lot of dizziness. Im actually going to post my 16 week picture now and compare to my 12 week!
Joey- gray is a nice colour and goes well with pink!! i love it!! So exciting to feel flutters. I have felt a few here and there but cant wait to feel the actually kicking and moving :)
Here are my 12 week belly compared to my 16 week belly:happydance:
Not sure if there is a big change yet.


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Welcome back Simms. Good to hear from you.

Joey - so exciting that you can feel the baby move. Can't wait for that myself.

Great bump pics clarky.

Afm just got back from my first scan and everything is all good. Baby is in the right place, growing nicely, yolk sac present, really active and a heart beat of 166. Scan put my due date at 2 days later than my temps did but the doc says the scans can be off by 5 days.

Finally i believe I'm pregnant (took DH along to prove I wasn't imagining it). Got a couple of video clips but no pics because something went wonky with his system and only the videos would save.
Thats great Zee!! We took a video of the little one moving around at 9 1/2 weeks as well. So amazing when so small! Glad everything is good with you. :)
Welcome back Simms!!! Glad you are doing well. Did you have any problems early in your pregnancy? I have to wait another couple weeks to find out the gender...Im so impatient. The Dr wanted to do the scan between 18-120 weeks to be 100% sure as mistakes are made if its too early.

Early pregnancy was ok. I had some spotting which made me nervous but other than that nothing too crazy. The m/s put me down though ugh.. Can't wait to hear what you are having!! There's no way I could have waited to find out. There's a sonographer about 20 minutes from my house that is supposed to be the best around. I think she has a 99% success rate. Then I have my anatomy scan a month after just to verify ;)
How has your pregnancy been?

Im actually on bedrest right now as I had a large bleed at 13 weeks and u/s showed a hemorrhage under my placenta:wacko: Its been crazy but everything is worth it for this little one. I see the Dr in 3 weeks and hopefully will be off bedrest. Should have my u/s in 2 weeks but waiting for my appointment time. I havent had any m/s but a lot of dizziness. Im actually going to post my 16 week picture now and compare to my 12 week!

Oh wow I'm sorry to hear that! Hopefully you will be back to normal soon! Heard that is quite common but no fun nevertheless.
Had my NT yesterday and sonographer said to think pink! So many girls on this thread.
Hello ladies :hugs:
I'm running around like crazy as we got back on Wed night, spent all day yesterday doing house inspections at the house we're buying - everything looked great so far! It was really cool to spend the whole day at that house and really get a good feel for it…we still love it! SUPER exciting :happydance: Today I have a client shoot in an hour and then we're meeting with our realtor to go over the reports from the inspections yesterday. We're off to TX for Thanksgiving on Monday so lots planned over next 3 days before we leave town again…I'm tired already and I just got back from vaca!!!

sasha - good luck with the job hunt. FX for you that you do get the ass director position! Keep us posted :hugs:

smimms - welcome back! And you said "them" dancing in your tummy - are you having twins??? Congrats on team :pink:!

joey - congrats on feeling bean move!!!! that was super exciting, wasn't it? I cannot decide what to do with the nursery - I spent some time in the room in the new house we'll be moving into yesterday and there isn't much wall space. A lot of the room is built in bookcases…but I still want to paint it something pretty…I'm leaning toward yellow. It's one of my favorites as it's still pretty neutral but it's happy :flower:

clarkey - great photos!!! look at that adorable bump of yours :hugs:

zee - yay for a great appointment!!!! I wish my doc did videos…just pictures and they're pretty poor resolution but they do the job I guess! Congrats :hugs:

OK I need to get dressed and head out the door to meet my client...it's around 37F so I better dress warm as we're shooting at the park. :hug: to all!
Mrs Chezek- Glad to see you had an amazing trip!! Nice to see you back here. You sound so busy. Exciting to hear your LO is moving a lot...Im still waiting for that. Im 17 weeks, not sure when it will start.

Simms- Team pink already!! wow congrats. I had a scan at 13 1/2 weeks as well and they said it was too early to tell...I bet they just didnt want to tell me...grrr. i have to wait another week and half...so anxious!!!

AFM, I feel like I havent had much going on lately. Belly doesnt seem to be growing but Im probably just driving myself crazy...
Mrs Chezek- Glad to see you had an amazing trip!! Nice to see you back here. You sound so busy. Exciting to hear your LO is moving a lot...Im still waiting for that. Im 17 weeks, not sure when it will start.

Simms- Team pink already!! wow congrats. I had a scan at 13 1/2 weeks as well and they said it was too early to tell...I bet they just didnt want to tell me...grrr. i have to wait another week and half...so anxious!!!

AFM, I feel like I havent had much going on lately. Belly doesnt seem to be growing but Im probably just driving myself crazy...

What are you talking about! you have a gorgeous belly :hugs: Mine at 19 weeks wasn't any bigger than yours at 16 weeks!!! (see photo below) Your baby is still small so it doesn't need much room. Enjoy the freedom of not having to tote around a big belly while you can! I'm starting to feel big and my back is starting to ache a lot :dohh: My doc said that only really at 24 weeks can you get a confident gender scan as up until then they are still developing and their parts aren't that big. That sometimes you can get lucky earlier on but that there is a lot of room for error and misinterpretation. So I think your doc didn't want to mislead you! They do it at 20 weeks cause it's when they need to do an anatomy scan and it's too expensive for them to wait and do a gender specific scan at 24 weeks. Hang in there! Your big reveal is coming soon :hugs:

I'm going to ask DH to take my 24 week photos now...usually I try to take them before breakfast as to avoid any bloat but I had to run out the door this morning and DH slept in with a tummy ache. Will share that when I process the pic :flower:


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Hello ladies :hugs:
I'm running around like crazy as we got back on Wed night, spent all day yesterday doing house inspections at the house we're buying - everything looked great so far! It was really cool to spend the whole day at that house and really get a good feel for it…we still love it! SUPER exciting :happydance: Today I have a client shoot in an hour and then we're meeting with our realtor to go over the reports from the inspections yesterday. We're off to TX for Thanksgiving on Monday so lots planned over next 3 days before we leave town again…I'm tired already and I just got back from vaca!!!

OK I need to get dressed and head out the door to meet my client...it's around 37F so I better dress warm as we're shooting at the park. :hug: to all!

Wow, I hope everything works out on the house for you :)
37F, that´s about what we have here these days. It started snowing yesterday, and everything is white today. So pretty, but a pain to drive in. (toyota aygo doesn´t fare very well in snow).

Mrs Chezek- Glad to see you had an amazing trip!! Nice to see you back here. You sound so busy. Exciting to hear your LO is moving a lot...Im still waiting for that. Im 17 weeks, not sure when it will start.

Simms- Team pink already!! wow congrats. I had a scan at 13 1/2 weeks as well and they said it was too early to tell...I bet they just didnt want to tell me...grrr. i have to wait another week and half...so anxious!!!

AFM, I feel like I havent had much going on lately. Belly doesnt seem to be growing but Im probably just driving myself crazy...

Movement is supposed to start sometime from about week 16-20 with first pregnancies, sometimes even later (depending on where the placenta lies).
I started feeling my little one move at 14 weeks (bubbles), and that´s very early according to every midwife, sonographer and doctor I´ve spoken to.
The reason is that my placenta is lying completely behind the baby, pushing him against my stomach.

It looks like you´re in the same time I was when I didn´t really feel pregnant... It felt so good, when little bub started moving regularly.
Of course, now, I barely ever get a break. He seems to be inheriting all the strength from me and his father, he can really move around in there sometimes. (we´re both pretty strong individuals, stronger than the standard at least).

What are you talking about! you have a gorgeous belly :hugs: Mine at 19 weeks wasn't any bigger than yours at 16 weeks!!! (see photo below) Your baby is still small so it doesn't need much room. Enjoy the freedom of not having to tote around a big belly while you can! I'm starting to feel big and my back is starting to ache a lot :dohh: My doc said that only really at 24 weeks can you get a confident gender scan as up until then they are still developing and their parts aren't that big. That sometimes you can get lucky earlier on but that there is a lot of room for error and misinterpretation. So I think your doc didn't want to mislead you! They do it at 20 weeks cause it's when they need to do an anatomy scan and it's too expensive for them to wait and do a gender specific scan at 24 weeks. Hang in there! Your big reveal is coming soon :hugs:

I'm going to ask DH to take my 24 week photos now...usually I try to take them before breakfast as to avoid any bloat but I had to run out the door this morning and DH slept in with a tummy ache. Will share that when I process the pic :flower:

Totally agree with "enjoy the small belly while you can" comment :)
I feel like a mountain these days ;)

AFM - I feel pretty tired these days. The apartment is pretty much upside down now, with boxes all over, and 3 more disassembled furniture (shelves) lying around. I don´t have any energy to do anything.
I might do the dishes and start on taking stuff out of a box, before crashing for a nap.
OH is working hard, and dealing with a cranky almost 7 month pregnant future wife-to-be, so I don´t want to nag on him too much.
Thanks ladies for the reassurance!! i know im just sitting here on bed rest thinking too much lol. I know I should enjoy being smaller now as you both said. I do feel little bubbles at times but not sure if that is the baby. Really looking forward to feeling actual kicks though :)

Chezek- Cant wait to see your 24 week pictures!! Have my anatomy scan booked for Nov 28!!! Will keep everyone posted!:happydance:

Pilot- Cant believe you're almost 7 months!! wow!! Im sure OH understands when you are a little moody. You have been running around doing a lot lately, rest up ;)
Thanks ladies for the reassurance!! i know im just sitting here on bed rest thinking too much lol. I know I should enjoy being smaller now as you both said. I do feel little bubbles at times but not sure if that is the baby. Really looking forward to feeling actual kicks though :)

Chezek- Cant wait to see your 24 week pictures!! Have my anatomy scan booked for Nov 28!!! Will keep everyone posted!:happydance:

Pilot- Cant believe you're almost 7 months!! wow!! Im sure OH understands when you are a little moody. You have been running around doing a lot lately, rest up ;)

Yep. only 9 more days until 7 months now.
I´m reading up on hypnobirths, and will start listening to my CD tonight.
The next couple of months I will be doing a lot of studying for the hypnobirthing technique. (and OH too of course, as he´ll be my birthing partner in this).

Here´s my newest bump picture (30 weeks) :)
I haven´t grown that much in the last couple of weeks, but I feel a lot bigger and clumsier. Stretch marks have reached about an inch above my belly button, and all my clothes feel tighter.
Most of our stuff is here already (what we need to use at least), and we´re just taking stuff from boxes and putting them where they belong.
We need to find the screws for 2 of the shelves before we can assemble them... hehe. They´re in one of the boxes scattered around here. :shrug:

The apartment is starting to take shape though. The parrot will be released from quarantine on Thursday, and then we can put all the baby stuff where it belongs :)
pilot - I can't wait for it to snow…I wish it snowed here more regularly. It just kind of comes for a few days, then we have to deal with the dirty sludge for another few days and then it's gone. I love heading to the mountains every winter where it's just white every day! I doubt we'll get to go this year though as bean is due start of March…once snow starts for you, does it stay white through winter? And I totally hear you on the tiredness…I feel great most of the day but I do have to take breaks if I try to actually do physical labor stuff. My to do list today is laundry, baking a cake and doing yoga and the thought of it all makes me tired. Usually, this would be like a third of my to do list! :dohh:
Great belly shot! Look at you. So nice and round :happydance: 30 weeks! WOW time flies…

Here is my 24 week belly profile. I posted the progression shots on my journal from week 7 until 24. Check it out anyone who's interested! :kiss:


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pilot - I can't wait for it to snow…I wish it snowed here more regularly. It just kind of comes for a few days, then we have to deal with the dirty sludge for another few days and then it's gone. I love heading to the mountains every winter where it's just white every day! I doubt we'll get to go this year though as bean is due start of March…once snow starts for you, does it stay white through winter? And I totally hear you on the tiredness…I feel great most of the day but I do have to take breaks if I try to actually do physical labor stuff. My to do list today is laundry, baking a cake and doing yoga and the thought of it all makes me tired. Usually, this would be like a third of my to do list! :dohh:
Great belly shot! Look at you. So nice and round :happydance: 30 weeks! WOW time flies…

Here is my 24 week belly profile. I posted the progression shots on my journal from week 7 until 24. Check it out anyone who's interested! :kiss:

It depends on where in the country you are.
In the east and north snow usually stays from November until March (plus or minus a month either side). Where the capitol is, it depends on what neighborhood you live in. Some of them have severe snow all winter, but most of them just have snow for about 3-4 days per month, then that beautiful slush...
Yep, always tired.
I´ve also noticed I´m getting more cranky every day. Poor poor OH.

Btw, I love your bump pics :) Soo gorgeous. Do you do them yourself?
They look like they´ve been taken at a studio. :thumbup:

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