Expecting #1 and over 30

Loving all the bump pics ladies - I need to do some. Just haven't got round to it but to be honest I have prob only just started to show. I will post some this week I promise!!!

So the heart burn has started!!!! I never get this - I hate it!! Anyone else had this??

Have found some lovely wallpaper for the nursery so I think it is going to be pale yellow now with white furniture. Just have to make the final decision before the decorator comes. I am finding it really hard to make decisions at the moment - must be hormones!!!!

Btw, I love your bump pics :) Soo gorgeous. Do you do them yourself?
They look like they´ve been taken at a studio. :thumbup:

Thanks! Being a photographer, I'm pretty anal about them being uniform! :haha: I have this idea of printing them all side by side at some point and putting them up on a wall somewhere in the house. I set the shots up and my DH takes the actual photo. It's quite the process! :dohh: Hopefully it will be worth it in the end :happydance:

So the heart burn has started!!!! I never get this - I hate it!! Anyone else had this??

Have found some lovely wallpaper for the nursery so I think it is going to be pale yellow now with white furniture. Just have to make the final decision before the decorator comes. I am finding it really hard to make decisions at the moment - must be hormones!!!!


No heartburn for me yet - FX it stays away! But I am having a bit of nausea from bean kicking around a lot sometimes. Makes me queasy! And I totally relate on decision making and any thinking in general...my brain just feels tired all the time. Can't wait to see your nursery pics and belly shots!!!
Loving all the bump pics ladies - I need to do some. Just haven't got round to it but to be honest I have prob only just started to show. I will post some this week I promise!!!

So the heart burn has started!!!! I never get this - I hate it!! Anyone else had this??

Have found some lovely wallpaper for the nursery so I think it is going to be pale yellow now with white furniture. Just have to make the final decision before the decorator comes. I am finding it really hard to make decisions at the moment - must be hormones!!!!


I have not put any of mine on either!
I have being getting heartburn a lot especially at night, its horrid but bearable.

Glad the nursery planning is going well, be good to see the photos!
So the heart burn has started!!!! I never get this - I hate it!! Anyone else had this??

Have found some lovely wallpaper for the nursery so I think it is going to be pale yellow now with white furniture. Just have to make the final decision before the decorator comes. I am finding it really hard to make decisions at the moment - must be hormones!!!!

Yep, definitely had heartburn. One of the first symptoms to manifest actually.
I use "tums" from american pharmacies. Work like a charm (though sometimes only for an hour or two).
Still have it, and sometimes it´s really horrible. I feel like it would just be better to throw up and start again...
I´m not really going to decorate the nursery. OH is going to paint some cute pictures on the wall and then we´re getting donated things from my brothers and sister. Not much matching going on there.

Wow, well they´re gorgeous.
Mine are taken all over the world in different locations, different clothes and by different people. Not much uniform about that ;)
Hey pics taken around the world is a pattern of its own! Something really cool I'm sure your son will enjoy seeing :happydance:

How is everyone? I'm all packed and heading to Texas for Thanksgiving with DH's family...
Enjoy your thanksgiving Chez :)

I finally had a pretty decent night´s sleep. Only woke up occasionally to turn around.
That results in my having a bit more energy than usual, so I´ve just put a load in the washer (baby clothes that my brother and sister gave me), and washed 2 full sinks of cutlery.
I´m going to take about an hour´s break now, and then I´m going to spend at least 30 minutes doing some more housework.
That´ll be my pattern today.
One hour of rest vs at least 30 minutes of productive work. (taking out of boxes, loading the washer, assembling shelves and such.
Hey all...hope everyone is doing well...and from what I have read I see everyone is tracking along just fine…always happy to read happy news…Just wanted o drop in and say I Hope Everyone has a great Thanksgiving Holiday…

I am very excited about being off work for 4 days. O yea I almost forgot I found this place here that has given me an ultra sound for free...I was looking for place that would do it for reasonable price since my next one was not until 20 weeks and I want to have one and was planning to pay out of pocket since insurance only covers 3 so I called around and found AGAPE Women Service. It is a nonprofit organization that helps young girls finds alternatives to abortion. So when I have called them I have explained that I just wanted to see my LO boucle I have not seen him/her since 8 weeks…and wanted to know the price…I got appointment that day and they told me that I did not have to pay anything...they have women that are training for ultrasound tech so they have called me their "model" lol...it is amazing to see how much LO has grown from 8 weeks to 12 weeks…They told me the heart rate was 160bpm but that is pretty much all they can say…they are not there to diagnose or anything it is just for me to see LO and for lady to practice…and after thanksgiving they are going to give me a call to see if I want to come back so that she can practice some more…-:}..
Pretty good deal sasha! :happydance: I'm kind of in withdrawal from seeing bean...I might go do that gender confirmation scan just to see her! Plus get affirmation...everyone in DH's family thinks I'm carrying like it's a boy in there...I guess I just want to know!!

pilot - did you get all your stuff done? I'm a bit homesick...I miss my bed! The bed at DH's brother's place is so soft that my back feel broken after two nights...and 3 more to go!!!! Plus, it's right off the livingroom area so I can't fall asleep until everyone goes to bed and stops chatting (1am last night) yet I get woken up by the two lil nephews when they get up (7am or so). So I'm exhausted...

Hope everyone is having a good week! Pop in and say hi when you can :kiss:

Happy American Thanksgiving!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend with family and friends!! Im waiting for my anatomy scan next Wednesday!! 6 more days to go!! :)

Well, I got some stuff done.
It looks like I get it 50/50 these days. One day of energy, vs another one of complete lethargy. Yesterday I didn´t do much at all (but I ate a lot, couldn´t seem to stop), and it´s almost dinner time today, without me having done anything productive. I´m going to stand up soon and try to do some stuff. :sleep:

Mom came for a short visit after work, and is in shock by how much I´ve grown since last weekend :shrug:

The bird has been released from quarantine, so we´re finally going to be able to furnish the nursery. That´ll clear a lot of stuff that´s just been lying around our living room and kitchen (the baby cart, a bed, the changing table and other such stuff).

OH is working evening shifts this week so he hasn´t been around much to help with the heavy stuff, but we´ll probably manage to finish everything next week.

We have our 3D scan in the morning, really looking forward to that one :)
Had my 24 week midwife appointment today all went well. Heartbeat loud and strong! Such a great sound! :kiss:
Yay for 6 more days Clarkey!!!

Woo hoo for a good appt Sportys!

HAPPY AMERICAN THANKSGIVING to everyone! The turkey just came out of the oven and is resting. Can't wait to dive in!

Just wanted to say that I am super thankful to have found this awesome group of girls here and on the TTC thread. The process of getting to my BFP and the pregnancy so far have been a more wonderful ride with each of you in it :hug:
Happy Thanksgiving to all the US ladies!! Hope you are having a good holiday!!!

Some exciting news - just found out my best fiend from school is pregnant!!! She is 6 weeks along. Can't quite believe we will have babies around the same time!!! However, she can be a little bit of a drama queen so I know every symptom etc will be soooo much worse for her!!!!!

Bed for me now - just had a lovely bath with Sanctuary mum to be bath soak and feel super relaxed!! Enjoy your turkeys!!! :winkwink:

Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.

Sasha - that's awesome about the scans. glad you get to see your bean more often.

Clarky - So exciting about your scan too.

Pilot - glad you're settling in. Don't worry about everything else your biggest job is growing that baby inside you.

Sport - yay for a good appointment. Glad it went well.

Mrschezek - thanks and I agree. I don't know how I would have made it through ttc without all the support I received and it's wonderful to be sharing this journey with you all.

Joey. Congrats on your friend's pregnancy. Nice that you get to share being a mother together.

Afm - deciding when to tell everyone is harder than I thought. I was going to do it at 11w4 as most of the family will be together that day anyway but my NT scan is just 6 days after. Because of my PCOS I'm tempted to actually be the full 12 weeks and see baby one more time but it will be impossible to get my family together like this again for a while. Once we tell family it will go public very quickly - my mom and young nieces wouldn't be able to keep a secret so I'd have to tell close friends to avoid them hearing from 3rd parties. Also 2 of my friends have already announced their pregnancies at 7 and 5 weeks so I'm feeling silly for waiting so long as it is. When did you guys tell?
Hi Zeez - we told family at 8 weeks. Made sure that I had a scan before (not normally done in the UK so had to pay) to check everything was ok. But like you all the family was together and we were having a party so they would have noticed I wasn't drinking!!!! But they were really good and kept things quiet until after 12 weeks and I didn't post anything on Facebook until my 20 week scan. I quite liked keeping it a secret between our close friends and family!!

sportysgirl - yep, isn´t it? :) Congratulations on a successful scan :happydance:

ZeeZ- thanks :) I managed taking stuff out of a few boxes yesterday, and am thinking about going shopping today. Not sure if I feel up to it though. Went for my 3D scan this morning (will post pictures soon), and went straight home for a nap afterwards (9am scan).
I´m thinking I might save the shopping trip for tomorrow, and take OH with me. We want to find a closet to store brooms and cleaning supplies in. That is the one thing this place desperately needs.

I told my OH as soon as that stick turned blue, I told my mom at 6 weeks, but I waited to tell everyone else until I was 12 weeks. Then I didn´t do a big announcement or anything, I just gradually told people as I met them :coffee:

So, OH finally got to see our little baby boy for himself. And on a 3D scan nonetheless :happydance:
We have about 40 or 50 pictures of him, and 2 short videos where he´s scratching his eye, and swallowing some amniotic fluid. Sooo cute :hugs:
The first few pictures were a bust, as he was hugging the cord up to his face, but we jiggled my belly about a bit, and he moved the cord a bit lower.
Wow, I can´t wait until I get OH to upload those photos into the computer (there is no CD drive in this one), and put at least some of them in here. :baby:
Afm - deciding when to tell everyone is harder than I thought. I was going to do it at 11w4 as most of the family will be together that day anyway but my NT scan is just 6 days after. Because of my PCOS I'm tempted to actually be the full 12 weeks and see baby one more time but it will be impossible to get my family together like this again for a while. Once we tell family it will go public very quickly - my mom and young nieces wouldn't be able to keep a secret so I'd have to tell close friends to avoid them hearing from 3rd parties. Also 2 of my friends have already announced their pregnancies at 7 and 5 weeks so I'm feeling silly for waiting so long as it is. When did you guys tell?[/QUOTE]

We have told our famiy day I found out (6w2d)..was going to wait but it was hard since most of them knew we were trying and took almost 2 years...I also told at work after my 8w2d scan..I figure if anything is to go wrong I would be total mess..probaby not go to work for some time and I would need support of my family...I think it is just up to you and your hd...
pilot- WOW!! So exciting to see the LO in 3D. Cant wait to see your pics! We are planning on doing a 3D scan as well but not sure what week would be best??

Sporty- Happy for your baby's healthy strong heartbeat...what a lovely sound!

Chezek- hope you had a yummy turkey dinner! I agree, all you ladies are very supportive and are always there to talk if no one else is around during this exciting chapter in our lives!!:hugs: Thank you!

Zee- we told our parents right away about the pregnancy, but we didnt tell other family members until 11-12 weeks. i have gradually told friends as I see them and most know now. i havent posted anything on facebook as i am waiting for our anatomy scan next week :happydance:

AFM, 5 more days...:happydance:
How exciting preg pilot can't wait to see your pics!!

Going for another scan in the morning - just a follow up checking everything is ok as I am high risk pre eclampsia. Not too worried about the pre eclampsia as BP normal (at the mo) and urine fine plus I am getting monitored. Also, no point worrying as there is nothing you can do!!! Will be really nice to see baby girl again tomorrow!! Can't wait!!!

Has everyone decided on names yet???? Such a big decision!!

pilot- WOW!! So exciting to see the LO in 3D. Cant wait to see your pics! We are planning on doing a 3D scan as well but not sure what week would be best??

AFM, 5 more days...:happydance:

Yep, still waiting on some downtime with OH to load the pictures into the computer.
The firm here that does the 3d scans, advises people to do the 3d scan from about the 26th to 30th week, as then the baby is still small enough, and enough amniotic fluid surrounding it so as to get decent pictures.
But they do 3d scans up to week 36. Any sooner than 26, and the baby is going to look a bit "weird" as it´s not completely developed yet.

How exciting preg pilot can't wait to see your pics!!

Going for another scan in the morning - just a follow up checking everything is ok as I am high risk pre eclampsia. Not too worried about the pre eclampsia as BP normal (at the mo) and urine fine plus I am getting monitored. Also, no point worrying as there is nothing you can do!!! Will be really nice to see baby girl again tomorrow!! Can't wait!!!

Has everyone decided on names yet???? Such a big decision!!


Fingers crossed that pre-eclampsia stays away from you :thumbup:
We´ve "decided" on a name, but pretty sure you won´t be able to understand it ;)
It´s Þorgeir Ás Sigmundsson
decided is in brackets, as we´re going to make the final decision when we meet our baby boy for the first time.

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