Expecting #1 and over 30

Clarkey when is your scan? Wednesday if my math is right, right? Are you planning to find out the gender? :happydance:

pilot - I'm glad your house is coming together. We're still waiting on some paper work to come through and hopefully we'll have a new house to move into in the Spring. We are scheduled to close in mid January but we have decided not to move in until end of March. Our lease at the place we're at now doesn't run out until then and we figured it will be better to take the time to set the new place up in the meantime and move in after the baby is born. I think a new house and a new baby all at once would be too much! So I prefer to get used to the baby in our old place and then move to a new place once we have some kind of grasp on parenting. So for now, not much setting up to do as we'll just have bean in our room for that first month. Looking forward to your 3D pics :happydance:

Zeez - I waited until 9 weeks to tell our families - that's when my doc does a scan and he feels that once you make it to that point, it's a pretty small chance of miscarriage. He says that most people just don't find out if anything is wrong until week 12 cause that is when they have their first scan. But I waited until week 12 to share on Facebook as that seemed like a good time frame for us. I told my close friends after we told our families as like sasha, I knew I'd need a support group if anything did go awry.

joey - I have my next doc appt in a week and a half…but I'm thinking of having the gender confirmation scan on Thursday, at 26 weeks, just to be sure. Before we start picking names and stuff…my doc said that there's no more scans for me unless complications arise so we're just going to go for it and pay. I'll call some places tomorrow :happydance:
thanks everyone, we decided to tell the family and close friends at 11w5d which is this Saturday. the rest of the world will proberbly hear it from my mother immediately after that but we'll only post on facebook after the NT scan.

so excited for every ones scans. was amazing to see the little one the last time so can't wait for the next one.

I'm so in awe of those of you moving while pregnant - no wayI could have handled it but I'm useless with change at the best of times. I guess I'll need to get used to it quick!

as for names we still very far of from picking since in DH's religion you only name the child after it's born.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Pilot- Thanks, I will probably get my 3d u/s between the 26-30 week. :)

Joey- How was your scan? Hope the pre eclampsia stays away:hugs:

Chezek- Yes my scan is on Wednesday..Im actually more nervous then i thought:wacko: I just want everything to be fine. I am more excited to see the little one again. looking forward to hearing about your u/s gender confirmation as well!!

Zee- Excited to hear about you telling your family about the pregnancy...let us know how it goes!

AFM, I dont have any names picked out yet as we are waiting to find out the gender first!! 2 more days...EEeeKK
MrsChezek -
Yep, moving while pregnant is no fun at all.
OH is finally on dayshifts again, so we´ll have the evenings together this week to finish moving. Next week we´re probably getting the midwife over to train us in hypnobirthing. (I hope we´ll be done with emptying all the boxes then).
I think it is a very good idea to wait with the move until after little bean is born :hugs:
3D pics should be here soon. OH is going to load them up tonight, and they´ll be on here soon after that :)

You´re welcome :hugs:
Looking forward to hear about the gender scan :)

Yea. I love the scans too. They make everything so much more real.

I went to the midwife again today (31w2d), and everything went fine.
Heartbeat about 140 now, and a tiny bit of protein in my urine (tiny enough to be within any limits).
I have my next appointment in 3 weeks, and in the meantime we´re getting married :)
I also started going to pregnancy swim-yoga classes tonight. They´re called "kundalini yoga" and they´re alright. Just a bit slow for my taste.
I studied "hatha yoga" a couple of years ago, and it´s a bit more vigorous than these classes. I thought the class was about to begin when we started the relaxation routine.
It was only stretches and a couple of calf exercises...
MrsChezek -
Yep, moving while pregnant is no fun at all.
OH is finally on dayshifts again, so we´ll have the evenings together this week to finish moving. Next week we´re probably getting the midwife over to train us in hypnobirthing. (I hope we´ll be done with emptying all the boxes then).
I think it is a very good idea to wait with the move until after little bean is born :hugs:
3D pics should be here soon. OH is going to load them up tonight, and they´ll be on here soon after that :)

You´re welcome :hugs:
Looking forward to hear about the gender scan :)

Yea. I love the scans too. They make everything so much more real.

I went to the midwife again today (31w2d), and everything went fine.
Heartbeat about 140 now, and a tiny bit of protein in my urine (tiny enough to be within any limits).
I have my next appointment in 3 weeks, and in the meantime we´re getting married :)
I also started going to pregnancy swim-yoga classes tonight. They´re called "kundalini yoga" and they´re alright. Just a bit slow for my taste.
I studied "hatha yoga" a couple of years ago, and it´s a bit more vigorous than these classes. I thought the class was about to begin when we started the relaxation routine.
It was only stretches and a couple of calf exercises...

Glad all going well. How exciting about the wedding! Good luck with it all! :kiss:
Zeez - great decision. It will be nice to share the wonderful news with loved ones :hugs:

Clarkey - I'm sure everything will be fine! Though I was nervous myself :dohh: 2 more days! I tried calling the place that does the private scans and no one has called me back. No one picks up when I call - just voicemail. Maybe they're closed on Mondays…I want to book my scan!!

pilot - we start our Bradley Birthing classes this Saturday morning…I can't wait! :happydance: Will be nice to meet a few other couples that are in our shoes too. Hopefully the class isn't boring!
I can't believe you're past 31 weeks…time is flying!!!!!! I did vinyasa yoga and I found a DVD that does vinyasa for pregnancy that is pretty intense still…I bet you can find something like that. I find organized prenatal classes to be super slow as well cause they are extra careful!

Wait, wedding??? How awesome! Is there a big plan of some kind? Do share :flower:
Hey girls...I am happy to see things are moving right along on the thread...just wanted to dropp in and say hey...

Pilot you have lot of new things going on with you...moving, getting married and a baby...you go girl...CONGRATS!!!!

Clarkey...good luck tomorrow...you are going to get good news and let us know afterwards...

AFM...I had my Ob app and things have gone well…Heart rate was 150bpm...I just thought they had some kind of special machine to hear a heart beat and when the nurse came in she had same thing that I have at home...who knew...for a minute there I wanted to take it out of her hands and show her where it was because she was rolling it around everywhere lol...but I did not I was a good patient...I do have another u/s on Friday though :happydance:...I am so happy I found this place and that they do not charge anything...as for exercising I continue to do Zumba about 3 times a week…and for the names if it is a boy his name is going to be Nikolas David & for the girl we decided on Emma Lynn but I have noticed on the internet that Emma is very popular so we are still thinking on it and might go with something else…name we pick have to be easy to pronounce since I am from Bosnia and my parents are having hard time pronouncing some American names…
MrsChezek -
Birthing classes are brilliant venues to meet couples doing the same thing we are. I met OH´s brother´s friend in the yoga class yesterday. She´s about to pop. 37 weeks this thursday.
Yep, we´re getting married on the 12th of December.
Nothing big really, it´s just about getting the stamped papers and rights that go with it. (if something happens, the other inherits...).
He´s basically just going to get an hour off work in the morning to get married (the "ceremony" is at 9am), and then go back to work until 2pm.
Then we have a party at 6pm for our closest relatives. Nothing too huge. (about 30 guests).
There will be roast lamb, and cake (a proper wedding cake, as insisted by OH´s mother).
How exciting pilot! Good luck with everything - so many milestones for you at once :happydance: So where are the 3D pics??? :kiss:

sasha - Are they going to try to check for the sex on Friday?? I have the same issue as you - my parents are Polish and their pronunciation of some American sounds is 'painful' so we have to make sure they won't butcher our kid's name :dohh: I love Emma Lynn - very pretty!

I had a Skype date today with 3 of my good friends from Cali - they each have an infant under a year and they got together for a playmate and skyped me in. It was so fun to see all the babies! They were so cute :baby: Made me that much more excited to have my very own soon :happydance:
Still trying to get them into my computer.
We´re going to try to find a USB chip later today and move them over.
The file is too large for emailing... :wacko:
Pilot- Congrats on getting married Dec 12th! You are one busy girl, wow. :hugs:

Sasha- Excited to hear about your u/s friday!! Nice heartbeat! I also love the names you picked. We are waiting to pick names until we find out the gender.

So today is the day!! Another few more hours and hopefully LO cooperates. I will keep everyone posted. Any guesses????:happydance:
GIRL!!! That seems to be the trend :winkwink: Good luck Clarkey! Can't wait to find out :happydance:

pilot - you'll probably have to upload the file to YouTube or something similar and then share the link with us, as it will be too large to upload here too!

SO we got our gender confirmation appointment...10:30am ET on Friday! Cannot wait :kiss:
GIRL!!! That seems to be the trend :winkwink: Good luck Clarkey! Can't wait to find out :happydance:

pilot - you'll probably have to upload the file to YouTube or something similar and then share the link with us, as it will be too large to upload here too!

SO we got our gender confirmation appointment...10:30am ET on Friday! Cannot wait :kiss:

I won´t share the entire file, just some of the prettier pictures ;)
Fingers crossed for the scan :hugs:
Pilot - I thought you said it was a video! My bad :dohh: We decided to keep things 2D but I'll post any good pics we get on Friday - cant wait! :happydance:

Clarkey - where r u??? Hope everything is ok :hugs:
Hey sorry to keep everyone in suspense!! But Im breaking the cycle of girls as I am having a.....BOY:blue:!!!!:happydance: We are so excited!:cloud9:

I had a feeling but everyone kept saying girl so it made me second guess my thoughts. Our little boy was sleeping during the u/s so didnt move around a lot but of course after the u/s he starting kicking me and hubby finally got to feel for the first time!! Hubby had the biggest smile that made me tear up.

Everything with the u/s went well but they said the kidneys are on the borderline of normal to little large. They said this is common in boys and 9/10 its nothing so I have to have another u/s in 2 weeks. :wacko: I am nervous obviously as you always want things to be perfect. At least i will get to see my little boy again!
Pilot congrats on the wedding !

Clarky - yay for team blue. Need a couple of boys around to even things out. I'm sure everything will be fine but at least you get another scan soon.

Mrschezek and Sasha - good luck for your scans tomorrow.
Woo hoo for some more :blue: around here!!!! :happydance: Congrats Clarkey :hugs: I bet that was such a special moment for you and DH - finding out the gender and him feeling the first kick all at once!!!! Quite the day :flower: I bet the kidney thing is nothing to worry about but keep us posted…and yay for another peek at your little boy in 2 weeks!

Thanks Zeez…I'm super excited yet super nervous! I've let myself get used to Bobo bean being a girl and I sure hope things stay that way!!!! Will be great to just see her (or him) as it's been a month - which doesn't sound long written down but feels like an ETERNITY. :dohh:

*EDIT: 26 weeks today!!! Woo hoo :yipee: Love these weekly milestones...one more week to third tri I believe.
Yay for a little boy Clarkeyness!! I'm sure your lo will be just fine!

Pregpilot: Congrats on the wedding! I don't know how you manage to do so much.

I have been stalking to hear all of the beautiful news. Today I get my gender confirmation scan. Hubby is still stuck on boy and hanging on to the 20% chance that it is. I'm happy either way.

Glad everything looks good Mrschezek and the doc reassured you the calcium wouldn't be an issue.
Smimms! Hi :hi: So good to see you :hugs:
Let us know the result of your scan!!!!!
Yay for a little boy Clarkeyness!! I'm sure your lo will be just fine!

Pregpilot: Congrats on the wedding! I don't know how you manage to do so much.

I have been stalking to hear all of the beautiful news. Today I get my gender confirmation scan. Hubby is still stuck on boy and hanging on to the 20% chance that it is. I'm happy either way.

Glad everything looks good Mrschezek and the doc reassured you the calcium wouldn't be an issue.

Hehe, I don´t know myself honestly. Though the wedding is so small, and taken care of by our mothers entirely.
All we have to do is show up.
We´re both non-religious, so we´re not making a big fuss out of this.
Little one is kicking up a fuss though. He´s moving so much these days, it feels like he´s making the most of whatever time he has left before it gets really cramped in there ;)

I´ve completed my first week of prenatal-swim-yoga classes.
A bit slow for my taste. I guess I´m still in too good of a shape to really enjoy them. I don´t even get to strain my muscles a little bit before we start the relaxation routine. I´m going to go to the next classes though, since I´ve already paid for the next couple of weeks.

I´m going to walk over to the local gym tomorrow and see how much a month there would cost. I would like to go out for walks, but the ground is too slippery for me to risk it at 7 months pregnant.
I´ve already fallen once, and got lucky. Only fell directly onto my bum, and hit my elbow on the staircase...

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