Expecting #1 and over 30

Yay Zeez! Glad your NT scan was a good one and everything is looking good!!! Sorry you didn't get any good pics :hugs: I can't get a nice profile of Bean cause she is sitting with her head buried in my left hip so my bones get in the way of getting a good angle on that! :dohh: But hopefully you'll get some good ones on your next scan :happydance: So exciting for your DH to see all that and finally have it all feel real :thumbup:

Thanks for your suggestions on alleviating constipation. I eat fruit before every meal and vegetables with lunch and dinner. I eat a high fiber cereal for breakfast that is high in soluble and not just insoluble fiber. I have been eating a lot of clementine oranges but went out and bought some kiwis after reading your post. I'm not big on watermelon but I also bought some grapes. I love soup but DH won't cook it and I've just been too tired!!! But you're right, I should make more soups. I'll ask my mom to make one today as she is visiting with my dad. Also, I drink 9-10 cups of water/herbal tea and 3 cups of milk a day so I sure hope it's not dehydration!!!!! I think my body is just slooooooooowed down…it has to be the darn hormones cause if I eat more fruit and veg I'll have NO room for protein at this point :dohh: THANK YOU for your suggestions though - let's see if the citrus helps things at all :flower:

As for me, I'm not sleeping much since about Monday so I'm TIRED. Just can't get comfortable and seems that as soon as I do, I have to get up and pee :dohh: My back keeps spasming so I think Bobo Bean had a growth spurt and my body is trying to adjust to her new weight. At least I hope that's the case and it's only temporary!!! I'm exhausted. I took a new belly pic on Thursday (see below) and the whole updated progression is on my journal as always.

Hope everyone is well!!!! xx


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Mrs chezek- So sorry for your constipation. i totally understand your pain. With pregnancy your hormones do slow your bowels down as everything is relaxed. i have been trying to drink more fluids but I also find it difficult. I hope you are able to sleep better after LO growth spurt but she will only get bigger from here:winkwink: I have been using extra pillows...but still finding it harder to sleep as well!:hugs:

I have my followup u/s to check my LO kidneys this Wed. I hope all is ok. He has been moving like crazy..I even can see the little kicks now, still little hard though. Hope everyone is doing well!!:hugs:

Here are my 12 week, 15 week, and 20 week belly pics!!


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Such a perfect little bump Clarkey! :happydance:

Good luck on Wednesday :hugs:
Hello lovely ladies!

Loving the bump pics - i will have to take some. I took some a couple of weeks ago but there weren't great! DH is not much of a photographer!! I will try and take some tomorrow before i go out. It is my birthday tomorrow and i just keep think this is the last birthday I will have before i am a mummy!!! I really can't believe i have only 15 weeks to go! I have been trying to work out mat leave but it gets quite complicated - but only have 10 weeks left at work after xmas!!!!!
She is moving loads now - and I love it, I thought it would be really weird but it makes me feel reassured that she is well.
The nursary is coming on well - I will post some pics once we have the furniture in place. Going to buy a glider chair on sunday and maybe look at a few other bits. There is just so much to get and so much choice it is difficult to know where to start!

Hope you all have a good week xxxx
So its gone a bit quiet on here...how is everyone? I have my scan first thing tomorrow morning & we're going to find out what Munchkin is. I'm counting down the hours!

Anything new with you ladies? I'm 20weeks1day today & feeling fat today :-\
Happy belated birthday Joey!!!! :cake:
Did you get to take any pics? Would love to see how your belly is progressing :flower: I look forward to your nursery pics. I can't wait to get started on ours!!!!

poppy - can't believe you're at 20 weeks already!!!! :happydance: Looking forward to your team announcement. Any guesses as to what you're having? I had a 'fat day' today too! Went to the gym and just felt like an elephant around everyone else who was running around and exercising as I was sluggishly moving from machine to machine. :dohh: Whenever I feel that way I put my hand on my tummy and feel for some kicks and think how lucky I am to be growing a beautiful baby girl and it makes me feel better :kiss: At least for those few minutes :winkwink:

IT IS QUIET around here :nope: Where is everyone? Busy with the holidays I suppose…I haven't bought ONE xmas present yet! I am SO screwed! Need to get to the stores pronto. And our tree is half covered in lights and that's it. My mom is coming by tomorrow to help me finish decorating it. I just have NO energy. It's terrible cause xmas is my favorite time of year!!!! And normally I'm all about decorating, baking, singing carols and so on. This year, it's like I'm stuck in a sink hole and it's all passing me by and I'm too tired to try to keep up :dohh:

Hope everyone is well though! Miss you ladies :hug:
Poppy- I see you are :blue: yeah!! welcome to my club :happydance:

Chezek- It is quiet on here. I have been busy with xmas and trying to organize the "junk" in the room which will eventually become our little boys room. I didnt realize how much stuff I had stuffed in the closet and drawers :blush: hubby calls me a closet hoarder..:haha:

I know how hard it is to get this xmas stuff done with no energy... just get a bunch of gift cards, Im sure everyone will understand. My mom decorated my tree on Monday as well :)

AFM, Im sick with a head cold, not fun. I can't sleep either :( I had my u/s yesterday and no more hemorrhage!!:happydance: But LO kidneys are still mildly larger then normal. I have to wait for them to call with a follow up. The kidneys may resolve on their own I hope before birth. My cervix is also soft but closed so I started on supps to prevent braxton hicks. On a better note, LO has been a little kick boxer...very reassuring!!
I'm team blue. Our little boy is just beautiful :)
We have found out Friday that we are going to be team :blue:..I got to see him do all kind of flips…I think he was doing Zumba :p...then when she was on his face I got to see him yawn...so cute and amazing...hope everyone is having a good weekend...
clarkey - YAY for no more hemorrhage!!! I'll keep everything crossed for your LO's kidneys though :hugs:

poppy & sash - woo hoo for team :blue:!!!! We need more blue around here :happydance: Congrats to both of you!

AFM, I continue to be just flat our tired :nope: SO much to do still this and next week but it's all exciting stuff so at least that is getting me through. I'm trying to put together our baby registry as I finally ordered my shower invites (for my mom who is hosting) and she'll be sending them out soon so I want to make sure people have a list when they go looking! There's so much stuff so it's overwhelming...we got most of our big items sorted out but now it's time to fill it out with the smaller stuff that guests can get for us...any cool ideas for stuff on your lists???? :flower:
Congrats Poppy & Sasha on finding out that you are both team blue! It is so amazing to see your lo in the scans.

Clarkey - I hope you you get good news in regards to your lo's kidneys.

Chezek - I asked for more necessities at my baby shower (ie. diapers, wipes, body wash, muslin wraps, face clothes, books etc.) However, I did get a sleeping bag, diaper bag and a collapsable baby bath which will be extremely useful.

Pilot - Only 5 weeks too go if our lo's decide to come on time! woohoo! Can't wait to meet him/her!
Congrats Poppy & Sasha on finding out that you are both team blue! It is so amazing to see your lo in the scans.

Clarkey - I hope you you get good news in regards to your lo's kidneys.

Chezek - I asked for more necessities at my baby shower (ie. diapers, wipes, body wash, muslin wraps, face clothes, books etc.) However, I did get a sleeping bag, diaper bag and a collapsable baby bath which will be extremely useful.

Pilot - Only 5 weeks too go if our lo's decide to come on time! woohoo! Can't wait to meet him/her!

Idk, I have a feeling mine is going to get here a bit sooner (as in 3.5 weeks now).
I have a bet going on with OH. I claim LO is going to be here on the 13th, he says 14th.
I think almost all the days in January have been ordered by my and OH's family.
I guess I have to start thinking about getting some cosmetic stuff for the baby, huh? I haven´t even bought the diapers yet. I´m going to go with the cotton ones, held in place by wool stretch diaper pants. (I´m not a big fan of disposable diapers, but mostly it´s because I´m cheap, and think they´re way too expensive) ;)
Hey everyone!! Sorry Ive been MIA, a lot going on the past week. I was admitted to the L&D ward twice with severe right stomach pain and uterus tightening. So scary as i didnt know what labour pains felt like and I was just over 21 weeks. They thought I might of had appendicitis but looks like I tore my right round ligament and I also have an irritable uterus. So painful as uterus is still stretching and baby is moving a lot (which Im not complaining about).

I just cant do anything now, get up to the bathroom then back on the couch. Hubby has been really helpful. Sucks that its over the holidays but at least I got my Christmas shopping done early. The Dr said it should get better in 2 weeks but its been a week and not much improvement. This little boy is causing me so much trouble already:winkwink:

His little kidneys have improved so as long as he is ok then I am happy!

Hope everyone is doing well and ready for the holidays! :hugs:
Hey everyone!! Sorry Ive been MIA, a lot going on the past week. I was admitted to the L&D ward twice with severe right stomach pain and uterus tightening. So scary as i didnt know what labour pains felt like and I was just over 21 weeks. They thought I might of had appendicitis but looks like I tore my right round ligament and I also have an irritable uterus. So painful as uterus is still stretching and baby is moving a lot (which Im not complaining about).

I just cant do anything now, get up to the bathroom then back on the couch. Hubby has been really helpful. Sucks that its over the holidays but at least I got my Christmas shopping done early. The Dr said it should get better in 2 weeks but its been a week and not much improvement. This little boy is causing me so much trouble already:winkwink:

His little kidneys have improved so as long as he is ok then I am happy!

Hope everyone is doing well and ready for the holidays! :hugs:

Wow, :hugs: to you.
I hope everything gets better for you during the holidays.
I get a lot of Braxton Hicks myself these days (especially today). Is that what you had when your uterus tightened?
Nice to hear about LO´s kidneys :)

Little one is head down again... I´m meeting the midwife again on the 27th, and then she can tell me if he is indeed preparing for birth or not.
He was head down during the last appointment on the 18th, but he popped back up the day after, with a huge "galump" movement.
Merry Christmas ladies! Hope you all had a lovely day with family and friends! :xmas9:

Pilot - I hope that you lo's head is down. Fx'd that both of us go early rather then overdue!

Clarkey - It certainly sounds like you've had a bit of a rough time lately. Glad to hear that things are looking good with your lo's kidney's though.
Merry Christmas ladies! Hope you all had a lovely day with family and friends! :xmas9:

Pilot - I hope that you lo's head is down. Fx'd that both of us go early rather then overdue!

Clarkey - It certainly sounds like you've had a bit of a rough time lately. Glad to hear that things are looking good with your lo's kidney's though.

Heyhey, happy holidays everyone :)
I think LO has his head down again. He´s kicking a lot up against the center of my ribs these days, and my crotch feels like someones kicked it again (same feeling as when he turned his head down last time).
This is a strong one :)
Lots of braxton hicks contractions these days. About 10-30 per day. Usually get better when I take a bath.
I´m constantly tired these days, and don´t sleep well at all. Everyone I talk to, says that´s to be expected, and it probably means that birth is not that far away.
Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas or holiday!!:hugs:

I have been feeling a little better over the last couple days. I hope the ligament strain is healing and I can start to do a little more. Im definitely not going to over do it though.

Pilot- The dr said it was too early for braxton hicks and i had an irritable uterus which is apparently different...but I know a lot of people that have had braxton hicks contractions early in their pregnancy. Its not as bad now but I think I was dehydrated which could cause them.

Thats great your LO is head down..not too long now, I cant believe it is almost time for you!!:happydance: Do you have everything ready??
Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas or holiday!!:hugs:

I have been feeling a little better over the last couple days. I hope the ligament strain is healing and I can start to do a little more. Im definitely not going to over do it though.

Pilot- The dr said it was too early for braxton hicks and i had an irritable uterus which is apparently different...but I know a lot of people that have had braxton hicks contractions early in their pregnancy. Its not as bad now but I think I was dehydrated which could cause them.

Thats great your LO is head down..not too long now, I cant believe it is almost time for you!!:happydance: Do you have everything ready??

Just about - I just need to buy a few cotton diapers (I´m going organic... :thumbup: ), and some baby cosmetics, like cream for sore skin and such.
I have most of the other stuff from my elder siblings already. (crib, bed, changing table, clothes...)
I started feeling braxton´s from week 25, usually just 2-3 per day, but they´ve been increasing in frequency and strength in the last couple of weeks.
Just this night, I had 1 about every hour through the night, strong enough to wake me up.

I hope your strain heals fast :) :hugs:
Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone!!!! What an exciting year ahead for us all xxxx
Hi ladies!

Just popping by for a quick hello. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

I'm unfortunately sick. I finally went in to see my doctor this morning and he heard some rustling in my lungs which is a first sign of bronchitis so I've been put on antibiotics :cry: I'm so sad as I hate taking such things while pregnant but I know it's what is best in the long run. This "cold" started on Saturday and just seems to be getting worse and worse so something had to be done. I just hope that there truly won't be any side effects or it will kill me to know I've hurt my bean somehow. I also saw a new chiropractor today that my doc recommended as my hip pain is pretty much awful right now and that combined with the restless legs and the congestion and coughing is keeping me up all night. Probably the main reason I'm not getting any better!

Hope everyone is having a good week! I'll try to come by more often now that I'm feeling slightly better and catch up with you all.

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