**EXTREMELY! LUCKY** Perving Thread

Good luck with the interview! I've had an interview with them in the past, make sure you've got pen and paper handy because sometimes they rattle stuff off at you and then ask you questions about what they've said.

I know how you're feeling, I've been watching bleeding X-factor clips on youtube this morning and ended up in tears lol

Been an emotional week all round though - my sister had her baby last Saturday, and as much as I want to be so happy for her I'm not :( She fell pregnant a month after we told our family we were trying again. Just feels like it should be me, and to add insult to injury the month she gives birth I don't even ovulate so haven't even that to hold on to

This TTC is way too emotional at times
Ohh bloomin hell! I get sooo nervous I don;t listen properly :dohh:
Thanks hun :)

Aww that must be so tough :hugs:
I would hate so much to be in that situation. . . my brother is 14 so hopefully I don't have to deal with that for a while :hugs:

x x x x
cheekybint, I believe you have ovulated but later than you originally thought. It is possible that the other follicle formed a cyst which burst, hence the pain. It's also possible that you ovulated twice. Remember that temp rises are caused by an increase in progesterone and a decrease in estrogen. The decrease in estrogen is a result of competing follicles dying away (aka a single follicle racing ahead causes the others to degenerate), as the estrogen is proportional to the number of follicles growing.

It is unlikely to see a raise in temp over a period of 3-4 days that is not related to ovulation. I wouldn't throw the towel in for this month; wait and see what happens this week.
Oh Moxie you have made my day, you would not believe how pleased I am to read this!
My interview got cancelled and rearranged and I only got told half an hour before I was meant to have it!! :dohh: I've been working myself up alll day lol

Also we've just been told I need an appointment to have some tests to check I can go on clomid :shrug: Never heard of this before. . . ?

Looking good then cheeky :thumbup: (I believe Moxie over myself anyday! :haha:)
Moxie you know what's going on with chart low temps and chart this round?

:flower: x x x x
NP, cheeky -- I'm glad to help give some perspective. Sorry about all the errors in my posts lately. I've been writing from my iphone and it's pretty awkward! I don't notice all the errors until later.
My interview got cancelled and rearranged and I only got told half an hour before I was meant to have it!! :dohh: I've been working myself up alll day lol

Also we've just been told I need an appointment to have some tests to check I can go on clomid :shrug: Never heard of this before. . . ?

Looking good then cheeky :thumbup: (I believe Moxie over myself anyday! :haha:)
Moxie you know what's going on with chart low temps and chart this round?

:flower: x x x x

Oh no that's terrible maaybe, after all that build up too!

I'm not sure about what tests they would want to do before prescribing Clomid, I never had any specifically for that purpose. Maybe they want to do LH/LSH tests first? :shrug:
NP, cheeky -- I'm glad to help give some perspective. Sorry about all the errors in my posts lately. I've been writing from my iphone and it's pretty awkward! I don't notice all the errors until later.

I have the same problem, predictive text can be a right pain lol
Maybe. . .

I've already had them done though :wacko:
I swear they just want to waste time :dohh: lol

x x x x
My interview got cancelled and rearranged and I only got told half an hour before I was meant to have it!! :dohh: I've been working myself up alll day lol

Also we've just been told I need an appointment to have some tests to check I can go on clomid :shrug: Never heard of this before. . . ?

Looking good then cheeky :thumbup: (I believe Moxie over myself anyday! :haha:)
Moxie you know what's going on with chart low temps and chart this round?

:flower: x x x x

You are missing a big gap of temps there so it's really anyone's guess, Maaybe. Sorry :-( But for what's it's worth, you tend to have temps around 36.4 in luteal phase outside of the normal peak which you probably missed.
Thanks Moxie, I think AF has just landed. . .
My luteal phase was only 11 days! :shock:

x x x x

EDIT: Thinking about it I was already a little worried as I had one lasted 13 days and one lasting 15 and I know it shouldn't change more than a day really. . .

Oh but I think this month might be because I've not been bothering with my vits.
This is the first time in a year and a half I haven't taken them properly so maybe that's why :shrug:

x x x x
Bit late OMG page 168 where have i been lol

We are ntnp but charting for my doc, i have become a bit of a test subject for him as i have been on the pill since i was about 12 he want so see how long it takes to conceive and what my cycles are like ( didnt get a chance last time round as Jaden was conceived on the pill and using condoms)

Link to my chart is below only the current one is right as i completely messed it up last cycle (somrthing went wrong as i bled twice)

I guess this is my frst proper month as we stopped the pill mid pack as i had a sickness bug and missed a few days so wouldnt have been protected anyway so just stopped around the 18th of July.

Temp rose again today.

FF has now put me at 4dpo, still not convinced though, will see what tomorrow brings
Ladies I had an episode this morning :blush:

AF has come on proplery but I had serve cramps and backache so much I was lying on the bathroom floor lol, I felt dizzy and hot and so sick I had my head down the toilet bowl! And . . . I kept feeling like I need a poo :shy: which I didn't . .
It felt just like when I had the miscarriage :(

I was very scared, have no idea why that has happened, it's my third period since the MC :shrug:

:flower: x x x
maaybe, I am not sure but it looks like your lp has shortened which is weird, I dont know if maybe you had some sort of chemical pg, did you test this cycle at all?

If it gets to bad I would defo. call a dr.

I hope you are feeling better soon.
I know really short for me :wacko: Only thing I can say is since my MC I haven't been taking my vits regualry and they've got vitB6 in which I think can lengthen LP?

Well I said to OH I had some normal tiny clots very dark red but then I had some more fleshy 'bits' which weren't exactly clots so I'm not really sure what's gone on :(
No this is the first month in a long time I haven't tested! Although if it was a chemical or something else I'm glad I didn't know cos I couldn't stand thinking I was pregnant again just to be shot down with all this.

Yeah it's a lot better now, I'm a but sore and my head's banging but I'm alright.
If I get the pains again I'll have to ring someone, I half thought it might have been my appendix going :dohh:

:flow: x x x x
I think you ovulated on cd 15 mabey i think ff has it wrong =D I have had cycles where my lp was shorter then normal i think if it happens again i would talk to your doc about it =D:hugs:
Thanks RG, I'm not sure I did though, going off the tests I would agree with FF.
Although it's not the length I'm worried about as much as the pain!

:flower: x x x x
If it hurts to much defintly see your doc hun it could be ectopic ????
Still no AF for me hopefully i got something to celebrate if she hasnt showed by tuesday morning im gonna give my doc a call if i havent had apositive hpt incase i am pregnant i dont want to chance loosing another when i found out my problem =D
I don't know it felt just like the miscarriage, it's not today it was just yesterday when it first started.
I don't think it's ectopic since I'm actually bleeding but then I didn't test this month :shrug:

Your chart is looking good :thumbup:

:flower: x x x x x

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