Moxie, or anyone else, can I ask you if you think I OV 'properly'?
I'm not sure all of my charts are avalible to view on FF but I've got them on my comp. .
I'm really worried because I've only had two cycles with big temp jumps at ovulation and the biggest one I got pregnant, I'm worried that I'm not ovulating properly each month
x x x x
I'm not sure the charts will tell us anything -- temp jumps have more to do with the timings of ovulation. We all know that temperatures vary from day to night naturally. Temps also vary over the month due to hormone changes. They can also vary due to sleep patterns and illness. Months can vary due to seasonal weather changes. So you see, there are a lot of variables, and they all interact in a complicated way.
The important thing is the shift, not necessarily how it occurs, and the stable temps afterwards. Sometimes we might have 'off' months. Sometimes the temps won't be all that stable. Other than confirming when ovulation should or might have occurred, charting is a pretty well useless diagnostic tool. Use it to learn about your body and your cycle. But once you know yourself and your cycle, do only what you need to do to ensure you BD on the right days.
Honestly, Maaybe, if you've already conceived once, the odds are that you are ovulating appropriately and that you will eventually conceive again. You probably have improved odds for an IUI procedure where your husband's semen is washed and treated. Male Factor infertility demands patience most of all. Conceiving will simply take longer than average. You may need to rely on specialist techniques such as ICSI, but in the end your odds will be superior than someone with female-factor infertility undergoing the same procedure.