Fake faint line madness?!!

I don't really get why you're testing when you're bleeding. I know you said it's because of the itching but isn't it more likely that the itching can be caused by an issues me and the other girls have previously highlighted than pregnancy? I think so far its clear that your cycles aren't what they'really meant to be which would account for the strange period, i really thinl you should temp and track your cycles. I mean this in the nicest way but you're going to drive yourself insane doing this and cost yourself so much money :(

I don't see anything on the tests but then I wouldn't expect to. Any line you ARE see is almost certainly an evap. I don't trust CB in the slightest as I had a very convincing evap just before this pregnancy and I would have sworn blind I was pregnant till AF showed on time a few days later.
I'm sorry I don't see anything. With your OPK, I quite frequently see a fairly dark line immediately before af and after, as well as right before or on the day I ov as well. Obviously the lines I see at ov are positive so darker, but the others aren't light by any means. It doesn't mean anything. I think when people relate OPKs to pregnancy they are usually positive or a lot darker, I think

Yes I agree. Your opk makes sense for where you are in your cycle. If an opk picks up a pregnancy it is usually darker than the control as in when u are ovulating. As for the cb i don't see anything X

Thanks for confirming this, I wasn't certain :thumbup:
Also, agree with above. Unless you have lots of money and it doesn't matter, but even then you risk driving yourself insane with testing this much. The thing is, in the nicest way possible, it's even less likely to be pregnancy when you are testing during or immediately after af, and then even less likely when you use condoms, reliably for the most part. I mean, if you want to do that fair play, it's obviously up to you! And that's fine, if you are fine. But I am struggling with the logic of it. I can understand when you want to test to see if you are in the tiny percentage where contraception fails, but testing during af or before you have ovulated doesn't make sense. Unless you are trying to prove certain tests give evaps? Or false lines of some description.
I think too, the best thing you can do is start temping alongside using OPKs. At least this way you won't be in any doubt as to when you ovulate, which will indeed save you a whole lot of money where tests are concerned because you will know it's pointless testing at certain times for sure.

Your itchy rash is highly likely to be from an allergy or an intolerance to something. If you haven't changed anything then it's more likely an intolerance to a certain food, or ingredient used in something you eat. Especially if you eat a lot of something in particular, because when you eat a lot something for a long time, your body can turn on that, and you start reacting to it.

If you are genuinely convinced this rash is due to pregnancy, then you should ask your GP to give you a quantitative blood test to rule it out. I think for your own sanity you have to, because you know in the back of your mind there are so many variables with tests and each individual and the longer you think of this, the more you can convince yourself of a pregnancy, which if it isn't there, will be that much more of a heartbreak when it becomes apparent.

I hope you don't take that the wrong way. X
Yeah thanks for the opk info i wasnt sure how they shud look after af. I dont think im pregnant but i do think the itching is hormonal rather than an allergy.

Im just testing for fun and curiosity to see about evaps etc. Im not stressing over it dont worry! Im not clinging onto any false hope. Thats why iv only posted them here where i said i would x
Todays opk :)


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The only hormone related things I can find are due to menopause, which I can only assume isn't happening to you? Are you showing any other signs of this? It would be unusually early so I doubt it's due to that. Could be due to autoimmune progesterone dermatitis, possibly also hormone imbalances, but temping will give you a good idea if hormone imbalance is a possibility for you.

I know I go on about it too much, but I honestly think it would help you figure a few things out. If you try it, usual temps in the follicular phase (the part between period and ov) should be below 36.4 and usual lp temps should be above 36.6. This is average, obviously this can and does vary with healthy cycles too, but seeing too many temperature variations can indicate hormonal problems
Maybe i shud add i didnt buy the clearblue after af they were left from before af cos she was a week early. Iv not completely lost it lol. I did buy some cheapies tho but i wudnt buy expensive ones to use after af!
Yes the auto immune progesterone thing!!! Looks a possibility! I kno i shud temp but i just dont think id be very good at it. Id forget or id move about, times would be off etc and i dont think it would be very accurate. I also worry that im ocd enuf with the tests already i dont want to end up obsessively temping too!! It might be just another thing for me to get hung up on. How would i tell a hormone imbalance from temps? It scared the life outta me when i saw all that menopause stuff i hope its not that!!! See its helpful to post as i get some useful responses!
Ok firstly, it takes approximately a month to make something routine. You have to be strict with yourself. It's second nature to me me these days, I have been temping since January.
If it's a little out, it isn't a huge deal. You will still see a shift in temps when you ovulate. Try to make it within an hour of the same time each day. Put it right next to your side of the bed, that way you can't miss it.

It probably isn't menopause or premenopause. They are far less likely candidates. Hormones are more likely in that there's an imbalance there. The way to tell this with temping is knowing the averages and seeing what yours are like. So, during the follicular phase the average temps shouldn't go above 36.4, or 36.38 to be more precise. Temps during your luteal phase should stay above 36.60 (some see a dip when implantation happens although some see the same dip anyway and some don't see anything of the kind) up until your period, or close to it. This is because progesterone should be dominant during this phase of your cycle, as it causes temps to increase. The occasional variation won't matter, it's unlikely to be anything to worry about. But if your chart looks quite rocky or obviously below average temps all the time, then this could well indicate a problem.
Always take temps orally or vaginally, but be consistent in the method you use, and don't use underarm because they will always be lower than they would be otherwise.
You won't be able to reliably tell if there is a potential problem until you have a few cycles charted, as it's likely there will be times when you don't remember, or it's a different time, or you moved about a lot first... lots of things can alter it, and you want a few charts down first to give you a good idea of your averages. When you have this, you can take it to your GP if you have any concerns, or if you want confirmation that things seem fine
What if your rash is just dry skin or eczema? I have it too. Not a big deal and certainly not an indicator of pregnancy...no point in taking opks while still spotting on a period. There's a time when u should start to take them etc. At this point Josephine I really think all you are doing is flushing money. Everytime u pee on a stick imagine peeing on a 5$ bill and throwing it out lol. It's really pointless, what are we supposed to be looking for anyway? Not trying to be mean hope it doesn't come across that way X
Good point, could it be eczema? I have weird red insanely itchy bumps appearing on my elbows when I am stressed out. Didn't used to, but randomly started happening a few years ago and doctor put it down to something like eczema, dermatitis I don't know, can't remember precisely what they said but they said it would flare up when stressed anyway
Its not eczema! Why does everyone say that lol. Its not even dry. Its tiny almost like blisters but they are mainly gone now its just the itching. It feels hot like its coming from the inside the skin itself isnt dry or flaky or anything. Am waiting on the bloods anyway till my doc appt next week. That will be a week after af anyway so by that point in my mind i can be 100% sure of no pregnancy. Im def going to suggest hormones to him and see what he says. I do have a lot of the menopause symptoms actually looking at them! :(

Im just sharing laila!! Its helping me!!
Its not like a bit of a dry skin patch its a properly distressing full body itch worse on palms. Keeping me up at night, normally sleep in just my pants but been sleeping fully clothed cos the sensation of the duvet brushing my skin is too much. I like to wear sandals but the feeling of my trousers on my ankles is too tickly so im wearing socks constantly. Im not just over reacting to a skin issue i promise!
Hi Josephine, just wanted to reply here because Im currently suffering itching like yours, I got my bfp a few days ago. My own bfp started off very very faint like the lines I can see in your tests and I had also had 2 days of bleeding.
The itching can be everywhere but tends to be worse at night on my hands and feet. The GP said its the change in my hormones and should settle which it has a little.
Im stalking this thread now to see if you are actually indeed pregnant xx
Its not like a bit of a dry skin patch its a properly distressing full body itch worse on palms. Keeping me up at night, normally sleep in just my pants but been sleeping fully clothed cos the sensation of the duvet brushing my skin is too much. I like to wear sandals but the feeling of my trousers on my ankles is too tickly so im wearing socks constantly. Im not just over reacting to a skin issue i promise!

It sounds like contact dermatitis. You are probably allergic to something you are wearing, most often detergent. Also I've had blistering eczema not fun.
Hi Josephine,I do see something light on your tests but do agree with you they must be evaps! Just to make you feel a Little less insane I have also tasted after and during bleeding when periods are strange for curiosity but also being desperate!
I totally understand why your testing, its so hard! But I agree with the others to keep your self sane I would try and steer clear of buying anymore tests, only as I know how the faint lines make you feel :(
Maybe as others say, keep up the opks then hopefully that will keep the poas addiction at bay!!
I hope your ok xxxx
The rash sounds awful I hope you get an answer from the blood test!

I agree I think you should step away from the tests lol don't drive yourself mad. Xxx
Aww thanks everyone! Maybe hives i dunno isnt that just an allergic reaction too? Maybe contact dermatitus but iv not changed any detergent or soap or anything.
babyweight thanks so much for popping in!! How many days after the bleed did u get ur bfp? Tell me more! Its worse in my stretch marks too.
Ooh I had faint bfps before my bleed, then one morning after dtd I started bleeding and it continued for 2 days. I thought it was over but my pregnancy test a week later was positive and then 2 weeks later still more positive. The itching began not long after ovulation so exactly when I would have conceived and not a day has gone by where its not very apparent by 9pm!
I also have sore boobs, tiredness, some nausea and have been very emotional. Also strong sense of smell and craving sweet foods I dont usually like.
I have an epau appointment next week so shall know more then xx
Good luck and keep us informed x

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