Fake faint line madness?!!

Mine on my elbows isn't dry or flaky, it's bright red, inflamed and almost looks like I have been bitten by something. I have had it when stressed out for the last few years, steroid cream helps but I avoid the use of it usually. It buggers off after a while but it's so intense sometimes I scratch until it's bleeding
Yes i have been too! Hmm could be so many things! I kno u guys will tell me off but heres todays hpt at about 5 mins


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Dang girl your still testing like crazy =)
Where are you in ur cycle now??
Lol ShadowWolf. Nice to see u again am i remembering wrongly that u had a bfp not too long ago? Hope it wasnt a mc for u. Sorry i cant quite remember.
Im cd 9 today so past af. I promise to stop with the hpt on thurs so 1 week after the bleed. Just incase it was ib which it probly wasnt. Iv gotta hav x-rays for dental work soon so i do want to be sure!
I really do think you need to step away from the tests, they will drive you mad staring at them thinking/wishing you can see something or hoping it's a bfp, your cd9 so the chances of you being pregnant will be pretty non existent. I understand the wanting to be pregnant but considering your using condoms again the chance of catching is slim, no matter what any of us say it's your choice to test as and when but I do think you should step away from them and have a proper conversation with your other half as it seems to be that you would like another child. Im sorry if I'm coming across as blunt I don't mean to be but I do think you will cause yourself more stress/heartache by carrying on x
Hun, have you considered speaking with someone? Maybe if you speak with a professional they can help you come to terms with making a decision about another baby with your Dh. I'm saying this out of genuine concern. I really think this is becoming an unhealthy obsession for you X
Believe me, you are safe to have the x-rays, you can already be sure. You are not pregnant. You just had your period and all the lines you did have were at best, nasty evaps. Hope your dental work goes well and you heal up quickly from it.

I know you have talked to oh but does he really understand just how badly you want another baby? If he truly did surely he would compromise even if it is just saying ok in a few months/a year. It's seriously going to hurt your relationship being at such polar opposites in regards to this, especially with your pcos so conception could possibly not be as straightforward and quick as someone without it. Disagreeing on something this huge speaks volumes about the fact that you two are just not on the same page in life goals and resentment will creep in eventually either on your part or his. I honestly hope you two can sort this out because at present your wants and feelings are on the back burner and he is getting exactly what he wants and that is not going to work out long term. Again, I am sorry to be blunt but sometimes it is kinder to be that way than telling people what they want to hear.
Yeah i totally understand im very concerned it will cause problems in the relationship im more than aware of that!
Its the itching i want to get to the bottom of really right now. Im honestly not holding onto hope or making myself crazier. Its just the only time iv felt this itchy sensation has been in my pregnancies which makes me think its a hormonal issue. As for the opks im just curious as to whats normal for me and how many surges i have. I think cupcake ur advise about temping to find out about hormones was great im def going to re-read ur posts in future!
And yes lil i worry about how long it will take us to conceive again esp now im 30 im feeling the clock ticking!!
I actually have been less obsessed this time round i think iv been busier. In other months i did spend ages staring at the tests and taking loads of pics, trying to get the best one etc. This time iv just had a (fairly!) quick look and took a couple of pics then gone about my day..not saying i dont go back to look at them but iv def not been analysing them as much!
I think if you can't imagine your life being happy without another child, then you and your OH have to have some kind of proper conversation and agreement because I was thinking the same as what has been posted earlier. If I were you, I wouldn't be able to live like this, constantly wanting another child with my OH stubbornly denying me that. I don't know how much you two have talked about it properly
Quite a lot! I think he may consider it in a few years time but im worried how long my fertility will last.

I know i shouldnt be testing but to be fair i kno some of u ladies have completed your families but still are stalking/talking on the pregnancy test gallery too!!
I'm sure your OH has his reasons as to why he doesn't want another child etc. That can't be disregarded either. I wouldn't want to pressure someone into something they really don't want, that's a clear recipe for resentment. However you are only 30! Even if u wait another 2 years, your fertility should not be affected. I had my third at 33, I know pcos can pose a problem but many times it's not an issue I guess it depends. If I were you I'd have a serious talk with my other half and if he were completely totally adamant about not wanting another then I would either let it go or wait it out a bit long and see. Not easy that's for sure. A friend of mine wanted another baby very badly and we all couldn't understand why her Dh wouldn't budge. The truth of that matter was that her husband was very concerned about finances and that they really couldn't afford another, while my friend was so obsessed with just wanting another baby that she wasn't even thinking clearly. So for them, it just wouldnt have been possible financially and my friend had to come to terms with that and be realistic about the entire situation. I hope u can both come to an agreement that makes everyone happy
I don't think it should matter whether ladies have completed their families or not if they are on here, some very good advice has being offered to you and seems to be skimmed over, does he actually understand how much you want another or even how much you are testing? Some of your replies to ladies whether or not you mean it come across rude in away especially when suggestions have being put across to you.
I think those who have completed their families also like to partake in the excitement of other people's linespot threads, and also giving advice because they have obviously been there already and perhaps have a lot of poas experience. I don't think they are all stalking poas threads because they still yearn to do the same, although there could be some who do but it doesn't matter why anyone is on a particular thread as long as they are trying to be helpful which everyone seems to be.
Also, some who have first thought they completed their family (like I did) may change their mind later down the line as well, things aren't always set in stone.

If I knew for sure we had completed our family I would likely still be looking at the pregnancy test section trying to be helpful because I like seeing others get their positives and getting involved in their happiness because it's nice, and also it's a general interest to me anyway (human body, pregnancy, birth, all of it)
I dont mean to come across rude iv def taken into account all the useful advice :) thats part of my reason for posting its been so helpful!
I just meant that if ladies who have completed their families can post here surely i can too! I feel like i cant post now but want to cos i kno theres a couple of people who are interested and its always good to reach a conclusion on these threads for people who may be googling similar symptoms in future. Plus i can look back and keep myself sane by saying 'well look here u had a line and werent pregnant that time either.'
So you will be pleased to hear iv run out of hpts for now! My last one. I used a sample of fmu mixed with smu (smu is darker but fmu longer hold). I see something that showed right away... its more obvious on the dry pics but first the wet at 3 mins


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Dry pics about half hr


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