Fake faint line madness?!!

My sister #1 got pregnant on the pill, never once got a positive HPT, kept going to the Dr because something wasn't right her periods weren't normal etc eventually Dr sent her for a scan and low and behold she was 3 months pregnant!

My sister #2 got pregnant on the coil!!

My friend had her normal monthly AF they whole way through her pregnancy and he is now 11 :shrug:

These things happen so yeah if in doubt test it out :thumbup:
I keep finding that the thanks button vanishes of some posts and i dont kno why :shrug:
If everyone is done bickering can i go back to poas now pls?!:haha:
Plus i dont think its fair of anyone to say to anyone that they are 100% indisputably not pregnant when there is always the rare cases where women dont test pos for weeks, have decidual bleeding etc and for other people to recommend medical advise such as 'you are fine to have x-rays' i dont think is on. I was keeping my mouth shut about these things but if everyone else is saying what they think then sod it lol.
I kno its different as it was a one off and sorry to use u as an example laila but laila posted that frer evap she had. And she tested even tho her oh had a vasectomy! And no-one went mad asking her reasons or slating her for testing. I found it so ironic after all the grief i got for testing while using condoms then one of those people had tested despite a vasectomy i actually laughed when i saw it i was in disbelief!!

Can I just point something out without you taking it the wrong way:

Dental X-rays during pregnancy deliver such a low dose of radiation that the risks to the unborn child are next to nil. If you were unaware of that then I can understand your concern, but the person who posted this was right in what she said. It's a case of a quick Google search and the NHS website states what I wrote above, and what the person who posted also said. I only say this because they were trying to be helpful, they weren't trying to be rude or trying to get at you.

Laila posted her test because she found it surprising she got that kind of line given she wasn't pregnant. She wanted to put it out there with all the false lines recently (and there have been quite a few) that it can happen. She wasn't aware that even with vasectomy there's a small risk of pregnancy still. She posted her test assuming there wasn't a risk of pregnancy, to show that you can and do get these false lines at times.

Whilst I agree some posts have been out of line, some also haven't too. They have been posting with good intentions to try to help. I know it's also hard to hear when people's opinion is that the chances of pregnancy in your case are slim. They are. You are right to say they aren't non existent but at the same time you know what the score is too, and I mean that with the best intentions. I don't want to sound mean! But I also don't want you to think some of the people who have contributed have been rude when they haven't. Some have, blatantly, but some have only given their honest opinion and also stated facts in order to help.

It's a difficult thing to post about sometimes because we all want you to have the outcome you would ideally like, but at the same time it is also hard to be honest and say if we don't see anything. I have found it hard to say to you when I haven't seen anything because I wouldn't want to hear that if I were in your shoes too so I do understand it from all angles
Yes i understand exactly why laila posted her test i was trying to point out she has every right to just like me!
I did realise about the dental x-rays but i didnt kno if op did. Also my dentist asked me if i was pregnant and when i said i didnt think so but was concerned i may be because of the rash she said 'well we will wait until u are sure.' So she wont do them if im pregnant maybe its at a funny angle or something.
I just don't want you to think that some who have posted are trying to get at you when they aren't.
It's odd your dentist won't but I guess they all have their own policy?
Hey jo hope your ok, I too have tested just after AF and received lines on some ICs I always had that what if I am one of them people who don't get BFPS but am pregnant, I never was but that little voice in my mind wanted to be pregnant so much. Now I have a rash on my neck and I am pregnant but that's due to steroid usage (prescribed for use in pregnancy not to bulk me up). I really think if testing makes you feel better then you do what you need too! It is a lot of money if your not using cheapies though. I think the one month you don't test is when you will get your BFP even if DH isn't on board I think it will be a happy accident. Glad to see you don't take some things to heart and I wish you all the best with your testing journey
Robo steroids can be a nightmare for rashes! I remember having to have them stabbed right in my backside when pregnant and the following day my cheeks were bright red and so hot! I freaked out at first as they didn't tell me to expect that
It's all over my neck looks horrific but worth it if it keep the baba strong. It's awful isn't it they don't warn you about it. X
It's all over my neck looks horrific but worth it if it keep the baba strong. It's awful isn't it they don't warn you about it. X

I actually had to ask! They simply stuck my bum with it and that was that. Had to go back the following day for another so I asked them if it could cause that to happen and they said it was a common side effect. They aren't the nicest things but keeping baby strong makes it all worthwhile x
I dont kno where to post now but im just gonna carry on here for now for those that are following...new test few diff pics at about 5 mins


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Post where you feel happiest to post, Josephine.
In some of those there looks like there's a grey line like an evap, but then I don't see it in the other photos so I think it's the photo or the upload making it look that way
I agree with cupcake post where you are happy to post!

I am seeing the same as cupcake on some I see something but on others not at all :shrug:
On one pic there's is a clear line but not so much on others.
Are they clear in real life? X
Which pic do u see it on? On my screen nothing has done a weird upload line the pics look pretty well as they do on my phone. I wasnt sure if i did or not irl. I could see something on it dry this am but now its gone all gross wee stained and i didnt hav chance to get a pic earlier x
To me it is a grey line (I think) on pic 1 & 3
Had lines of these last cycle...had never gotten lines on them in past cycles ...got excited.... but then my 4 yr old son also had a line and my friend with iud had a line... lol lol so I dont trust these at all....Each batch seems to be different...
Thanks every batch does seem to be different they dont usually giv me lines but occasionally i think they have x

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