Fake faint line madness?!!

Maybe i shud just start a journal to detail my thoughts! Maybe iv just not seen a faint pos irl for such a long time iv forgot what it looks like! I didnt test early with my 2nd so havent seen a faint real life pos for over 4 yrs.
I kno logically theres very very little chance of pregnancy but my symptoms make me feel otherwise.
If I'm being completely honest yeah - I think starting a journal in the WTT section may be for best. Whether you mean it or not because of the faint lines you think you're seeing you might be accidentally giving false info to mums googling.

Your comment about posters being here who have completed their families irked me. I've completed my family after I have our daughter primarily because my body hasn't coped with this pregnancy (though fortunately the baby herself has been fine). I don't post or read this section for "the thrill" or because I think I'm pregnant. I post because havibg been pregnant 6 times I figure I can advise on tests. The difference here is your post with the belief that you might actually be pregnant and whether you mean to or not you can be quite dismissive of the advice you get.

I'm sorry but you don't have symptoms. You don't. You had a period early which can cause it to be mucousy. If your rash is viral (which I suspect that it is) then it will account for being tired and sluggish. I've been a nurse for nearly 10 years and I have to say that I've NEVER heard of anyone being told they're pregnant from presenting with a rash. My son has had a flare up of eczema right now seemingly out of no where with zero changes to his diet or anything else. It happens. We're trialling different creams to ease it.

I don't see anything on your tests other than indents but again I wouldn't expect to. I know you say you don't expect to see anything but then you also say that you think you had IB and have symptoms so obviously you DO think there's a chance you're pregnant despite the extreme unliklihood of it. And I don't think that this obsession is healthy for you or your relationship.

I think the suggestion of talking to a professional about your feelings re: all this is a good one. I genuinely worry for your mental well being re: this because testing right after a bleed seems very far gone from your usual way. I understand you really want another baby but your obsession is going to end up hurting you if it continues.

I'm sorry if this all seems harsh but I feel like you're not taking a lot of advice on board and going in circles. Of course you're free to post as is everyone but I think you need someone to make you take a step back before you get hurt.
Hi jo, I think if you were pregnant Hun they would be darker by now. Maybe take some time out and clear your head. Hope your ok. Xxx
I think this is YOUR thread to update as you wish. I have been where you are and despite not 'trying' have posted my tests in here before, there's always a chance?? How can people on here tell u what is or isn't happening with your own body? If you want to check to rule it out because of a dodgy period carry on.

It's extremely RUDE and uncalled for to call someone's mental health into question based on them being desperate for another baby and posting tests in a test GALLERY. And I think if people wanted to breach those kind of subjects doing so in private mail would be more appropriate and probably met with less hostility. I cannot believe people would throw around comments like that so flippantly on a public forum. I'm not sure why you testing is getting so many people's backs up. If I see something I say I do and if I don't see anything I say a don't. It doesn't bother me to look. This has honestly really annoyed me. I think some posts are becoming very condescending. You can make your own decisions about your own life and relationship. Advice on those matters was not asked for and it's far too personal to interject with assumptions and judgments when only you know what's really going on.

If people are confused as to why u are testing they can stay clear of the thread it's not a compulsory read.

You are going to continue to test anyway, and if you still feel you are seeing lines updating this one thread, that again is your own thread, is doing no harm.
I think this is YOUR thread to update as you wish. I have been where you are and despite not 'trying' have posted my tests in here before, there's always a chance?? How can people on here tell u what is or isn't happening with your own body? If you want to check to rule it out because of a dodgy period carry on.

It's extremely RUDE and uncalled for to call someone's mental health into question based on them being desperate for another baby and posting tests in a test GALLERY. And I think if people wanted to breach those kind of subjects doing so in private mail would be more appropriate and probably met with less hostility. I cannot believe people would throw around comments like that so flippantly on a public forum. I'm not sure why you testing is getting so many people's backs up. If I see something I say I do and if I don't see anything I say a don't. It doesn't bother me to look. This has honestly really annoyed me. I think some posts are becoming very condescending. You can make your own decisions about your own life and relationship. Advice on those matters was not asked for and it's far too personal to interject with assumptions and judgments when only you know what's really going on.

If people are confused as to why u are testing they can stay clear of the thread it's not a compulsory read.

You are going to continue to test anyway, and if you still feel you are seeing lines updating this one thread, that again is your own thread, is doing no harm.

I'm a registered mental health nurse if that helps at all. And I mention it based on a genuine concern as both a person and a professional. I don't think it's healthy how obsessive that Jo has become and I mention it based on an honest worry in how this will be affecting her as it's been ongoing for months. I don't throw around the remark flippantly in the slightest and I've said before that of course Jo is free to post. Likewise so are each and every one of us who have seen this become more and more obsessed and illogical. My concerns are warranted from many Many years of experience in my field and believe me when I say that I have not mentioned it lightly at all.
I think this is YOUR thread to update as you wish. I have been where you are and despite not 'trying' have posted my tests in here before, there's always a chance?? How can people on here tell u what is or isn't happening with your own body? If you want to check to rule it out because of a dodgy period carry on.

It's extremely RUDE and uncalled for to call someone's mental health into question based on them being desperate for another baby and posting tests in a test GALLERY. And I think if people wanted to breach those kind of subjects doing so in private mail would be more appropriate and probably met with less hostility. I cannot believe people would throw around comments like that so flippantly on a public forum. I'm not sure why you testing is getting so many people's backs up. If I see something I say I do and if I don't see anything I say a don't. It doesn't bother me to look. This has honestly really annoyed me. I think some posts are becoming very condescending. You can make your own decisions about your own life and relationship. Advice on those matters was not asked for and it's far too personal to interject with assumptions and judgments when only you know what's really going on.

If people are confused as to why u are testing they can stay clear of the thread it's not a compulsory read.

You are going to continue to test anyway, and if you still feel you are seeing lines updating this one thread, that again is your own thread, is doing no harm.

I'm a registered mental health nurse if that helps at all. And I mention it based on a genuine concern as both a person and a professional. I don't think it's healthy how obsessive that Jo has become and I mention it based on an honest worry in how this will be affecting her as it's been ongoing for months. I don't throw around the remark flippantly in the slightest and I've said before that of course Jo is free to post. Likewise so are each and every one of us who have seen this become more and more obsessed and illogical. My concerns are warranted from many Many years of experience in my field and believe me when I say that I have not mentioned it lightly at all.

I think making the remarks based on her testing alone is flippant. As a registered mental health nurse do you not think a carefully worded pm would have been a better way of voicing your concern?? People who have had several losses, or who are ltttc will have had their mental health affected in some way, I know from experience, even ttc without any issues can be mentally draining but I doubt anyone would make comments about that on here in the gallery, regardless of how often they posted. Something so delicate should be done privately. As I've said before people post in here who are technically classed as infertile. Everyone is welcome and has their own story. I think Josephine testing here shows a clear desire for another child and I do see lines on a lot of her tests so documenting these for future reference isn't a terrible idea. I think these 'intervention' type responses aren't needed or warranted in a test gallery. Maybe this is how Josephine copes with her situation or maybe she enjoys testing. I've seen people start threads testing from 2dpo and never once have seen responses such as I have on here like 'why are you testing'. If it were me I would feel they were rude , even if they are being said out of concern or from a good place
Written word on a forum can easily be taken out of context.

I wasn't surprised Josephine became a little defensive, but to the above poster (sorry can't remember your name) who is a MH nurse, I am surprised you didn't pick up on that in the first place given your qualifications and instead said you felt "irked". Don't be offended, this is simply how it came across to me, reading. I'm sure you are good at what you do, but it's much harder to read a person with only their text to assess.
This is a sensitive subject, especially in light of the fact Josephine clearly wants another child but this isn't mutual with her OH at this time.
I think it may have been more constructive to explain that it's ok for people who have completed their families to post on a pregnancy test thread, because they want to help.

I do think everyone who has posted in a similar way, with similar opinion, has done so with good intentions. But I think because text is hard to read as it is meant by the person posting, it can cause friction. Some appreciate bluntness, I do myself, but some are more sensitive to this and so whilst they may appreciate honesty, when honesty is paired with bluntness it may be taken the wrong way.

I sent Josephine a PM in case she wanted to talk away from the thread.

I think all of your intentions come from a good place, but if everyone starts to get pissed off with each other then this will only lead to Josephine feeling alienated, which isn't what anyone here wants.
This post is meant with good intentions but it may well be read out of context. Apologies if it is
Whoa guys this has all gotten so crazy.
I made that comment about people on here who have completed their families being on the gallery because i kept being told i shouldnt be testing, when just like bumpkin says above there are people here who are posting in all kinds of different situations still testing!! It shouldnt matter that im not ttc, neither are u lovely ladies who have completed your families you are all still here too! And i probly will be too but to someone else whos never used a pregnancy forum the idea of that may seem a little odd! Its not to me its just the same as me being here :dohh:
Written word on a forum can easily be taken out of context.

I wasn't surprised Josephine became a little defensive, but to the above poster (sorry can't remember your name) who is a MH nurse, I am surprised you didn't pick up on that in the first place given your qualifications and instead said you felt "irked". Don't be offended, this is simply how it came across to me, reading. I'm sure you are good at what you do, but it's much harder to read a person with only their text to assess.
This is a sensitive subject, especially in light of the fact Josephine clearly wants another child but this isn't mutual with her OH at this time.
I think it may have been more constructive to explain that it's ok for people who have completed their families to post on a pregnancy test thread, because they want to help.

I do think everyone who has posted in a similar way, with similar opinion, has done so with good intentions. But I think because text is hard to read as it is meant by the person posting, it can cause friction. Some appreciate bluntness, I do myself, but some are more sensitive to this and so whilst they may appreciate honesty, when honesty is paired with bluntness it may be taken the wrong way.

I sent Josephine a PM in case she wanted to talk away from the thread.

I think all of your intentions come from a good place, but if everyone starts to get pissed off with each other then this will only lead to Josephine feeling alienated, which isn't what anyone here wants.
This post is meant with good intentions but it may well be read out of context. Apologies if it is

I do agree about everyone getting pissed off being pointless and I don't mean to offend I just feel like Josephine is merely posting her tests for opinions and that doesn't make it open season on her personal life she never asked for relationship advice. I feel very bad this thread took a turn like this. I hope it doesn't put Josephine or anyone else off posting here x
Written word on a forum can easily be taken out of context.

I wasn't surprised Josephine became a little defensive, but to the above poster (sorry can't remember your name) who is a MH nurse, I am surprised you didn't pick up on that in the first place given your qualifications and instead said you felt "irked". Don't be offended, this is simply how it came across to me, reading. I'm sure you are good at what you do, but it's much harder to read a person with only their text to assess.
This is a sensitive subject, especially in light of the fact Josephine clearly wants another child but this isn't mutual with her OH at this time.
I think it may have been more constructive to explain that it's ok for people who have completed their families to post on a pregnancy test thread, because they want to help.

I do think everyone who has posted in a similar way, with similar opinion, has done so with good intentions. But I think because text is hard to read as it is meant by the person posting, it can cause friction. Some appreciate bluntness, I do myself, but some are more sensitive to this and so whilst they may appreciate honesty, when honesty is paired with bluntness it may be taken the wrong way.

I sent Josephine a PM in case she wanted to talk away from the thread.

I think all of your intentions come from a good place, but if everyone starts to get pissed off with each other then this will only lead to Josephine feeling alienated, which isn't what anyone here wants.
This post is meant with good intentions but it may well be read out of context. Apologies if it is

I do agree about everyone getting pissed off being pointless and I don't mean to offend I just feel like Josephine is merely posting her tests for opinions and that doesn't make it open season on her personal life she never asked for relationship advice. I feel very bad this thread took a turn like this. I hope it doesn't put Josephine or anyone else off posting here x

I don't think what you said is offensive. I think you feel a little annoyed on Josephine's behalf because some posts may seem as if they are posted more out of annoyance. I doubt they actually are, but they can be read a number of ways.

I replied to a thread a few weeks ago, I can't remember what I said but someone responded to that and it seemed as though they were being a little bitchy so I then quoted it back outlining what I meant by what I said and explaining what I meant. I didn't mean anything offensive by what I said but I think it was taken that way. Things can get read out of context.

I agree though, some things may be better saved for private message.

My post wasn't in response to you in particular, it was more generally because this is how the thread feels at the moment x
I am excellent at my job, thank you. I can also be irked when recognising the cause behind this behaviour (defensiveness and the want for a baby) very much in the same way that I was more than irked to have my arm broken by a patient when she was experiencing a psychotic break. Knowing and recognising the reason behind something does not mean that it can't annoy or frustrate you regardless of your professional qualifications.

As I said, my advice comes from what I see as an escalation. Written word is hard to convey across and likewise I prefer to be blunt. I am genuinely concerned of the impact that repeated testing will be having and I voiced that concern much like others have. Of course Jo is free to post but others can also comment on why this is illogical when it is repeated behaviour and voice concern on how this will effect her in the long run.

I won't be returning to this thread, I've said my piece and I hope that Jo takes on everyone's advice and understands the good place it comes from.
I thought you may take that the wrong way. This is what I mean.
There are ways of voicing concerns to people you know to be more sensitive to bluntness than others may be, without aggravating the situation by being as blunt as saying you were irked. I don't see that as something that had to be said, it only serves to antagonise, as it did.
Being good at your job I know doesn't mean you are immune to being offended by things, but it does mean, particularly in MH, that you know there are more sensitive ways to put things
I do agree i wasnt after relationship advise or mental health advisr for that matter. I also think its assumed that i want to convince oh to ttc immediately. I dont, for many personal reasons i kno its best to wait. But waiting is hard and testing eases the wait. Makes me feel involved still, if id done no testing and happened to catch first cycle ttc, id be upset i missed out on testing! I do have ocd and have obviously turned into a poas addict recently but its not taking over my life or anything. I have so many symptoms each cycle mayb because of the pcos that i cant help but wonder about that one in a million chance. It doesnt upset me to see a neg hpt cos i expect it but of course i still hope for a positive. I did even title the thread very very appropriately so you were all forewarned of my testing madness before you got involved!!
I do agree i wasnt after relationship advise or mental health advisr for that matter. I also think its assumed that i want to convince oh to ttc immediately. I dont, for many personal reasons i kno its best to wait. But waiting is hard and testing eases the wait. Makes me feel involved still, if id done no testing and happened to catch first cycle ttc, id be upset i missed out on testing! I do have ocd and have obviously turned into a poas addict recently but its not taking over my life or anything. I have so many symptoms each cycle mayb because of the pcos that i cant help but wonder about that one in a million chance. It doesnt upset me to see a neg hpt cos i expect it but of course i still hope for a positive. I did even title the thread very very appropriately so you were all forewarned of my testing madness before you got involved!!

I'm sorry you've felt the need to explain yourself. We are strangers to you, who have no right prying into your private life merely because your asking for opinions on a pregnancy test. I'm hoping the thread calms down and you feel you can always come here when you want or need to x
:hi: I am a completed family but I come on here because I miss POAS and so I like helping people figure out if it is a BFP or not from faint lines :shrug: my way of staying part of the BnB community because after being on here for so long sometimes not sure where I belong and like to contribute if I can

I actually like your thread as you POAS like a crazy lady but you seem level headed about it and WOW you have had some crazy evaps

I hope you figure out what the rash is all about and I hope to one day see your BFP on here :thumbup:
I think, Josephine, you want to have some kind of plan ahead regarding ttc which is only natural when you want another child. Relationships are difficult sometimes, especially when you aren't quite on the same page and I think this happens to us all at some point. I know my husband and I haven't always been on the same page with various things. I don't think you want to pressure him into anything. I think you want to know what's what. I may be wrong! I don't know. I know I would feel like I would want a future plan if I were you though. But that's me.

Waiting is hard! As a child I thought waiting for Christmas or my birthday would be the hardest wait I would have to face lol! If only.

I can see why you test, because there is undoubtedly a fail rate with any contraception, the only true foolproof contraception is don't have sex! So there is always that chance, however tiny it may be, and I think many of us here know what it's like to be a poas addict too. I am a self-confessed poas addict most definitely! I test at stupid dpo despite knowing I won't see a positive, in case I do, in case I got ov day wrong, because I HAVE to know. I'm a planner. I can't stand being in the dark so I drive myself crackers instead. Some may say it's unhealthy, but that is for me to decide as it is you, too.
If you start feeling like it's taking its toll you can choose to take a step back, there isn't anything stopping you. Only you can judge how you feel about these things. And if you feel fine testing, whether you see anything or you don't, then that's fine!

Everyone will have an opinion, people will post and many a time they do so to try to be helpful. If I see something I say I do, if I don't then I say so too. Don't be worried about posting, whether that's here in this thread or in a journal, you have as much right to post as anyone else does.

I know you have said it isn't the right time at the moment, but if there were to be a happy accident, you would be ok
I think we're all guilty of poas knowing foolwell it will be a bfn:winkwink:, you get a niggerling thought so the temptation to test is irresistible! lol:dohh: I no because ive had this too!!

I don't see any harm in it im sure jo knows what she is doing.:hugs:
Plus i dont think its fair of anyone to say to anyone that they are 100% indisputably not pregnant when there is always the rare cases where women dont test pos for weeks, have decidual bleeding etc and for other people to recommend medical advise such as 'you are fine to have x-rays' i dont think is on. I was keeping my mouth shut about these things but if everyone else is saying what they think then sod it lol.
I kno its different as it was a one off and sorry to use u as an example laila but laila posted that frer evap she had. And she tested even tho her oh had a vasectomy! And no-one went mad asking her reasons or slating her for testing. I found it so ironic after all the grief i got for testing while using condoms then one of those people had tested despite a vasectomy i actually laughed when i saw it i was in disbelief!!
Aww thanks twag!! That was my thought that those with completed families must miss poas lol. Im so glad u like following my thread its aimed at poas addicts lol
Of course id love a happy accident cupcake :haha:
Thanks rics yup im a grown woman i can handle my addictions lol x

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