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FALL 2017 Rainbows~ 7 Rainbows born!

I am glad to hear so many of you are staying active. I always get lazy during tax season but usually I bounce right back. Unfortunately this year I just continued to be lazy until this week. I decided to get back to it! I started walking at lunch but it's already 90+ here so it can be too hot at times. I walk my dogs every other day once the sun goes down. I just signed up for MMF Pregnancy Coach's free 14-day program. I figured I can just do those routines over and over again. They are fun and not too long.

Miss Yogi - are you practicing yoga at home or do you have prenatal yoga classes where you live? We don't have any options here so I've been trying to find good videos to watch at home.
Ashaford woo 90+ lol I don't like the heat. I'm dreading walking dd1 to school in August :haha: have you tried YouTube for prenatal yoga?

Med glad your 3D went Well! And yay for halfway! Love that milestone ::happydance:

Ttc did you have your appointment yet?
Walking is definitely a great thing to do to stay active.

I do yoga both at home and at a studio, but I am actually a trained yoga teacher so my practice is fairly strong already so I just continue to go to my normal classes and I modify if needed. Because I already practiced a lot before I feel totally comfortable just continuing. You would probably do fine going to a slower paced class, as long as you told the instructor about your pregnancy.
Asha! That heat sounds miserable! Only been up to 80 here and I'm already dying.

I did have my appointment. My ob thinks I'm just so sick from being so anemic. I'm having low blood pressure too which can make you more nauseous. So I'm just to take it really easy and rest a lot. I feel so dumb but it's literally just too much for me to do normal daily things I used to do no problem. Like grocery shopping then coming home and meal prepping. Like I could do one a day but not both.
MissYogi your name now totally makes sense to me :haha: that's so neat thay you're an instructor! Yoga classes are usually super great with pregnant women. I've been to quite a few and I just let the instructor know and she just tells me alternate positions for certain poses and what not. So that's awesome you already have that background!

TTC I've had low bp before, upping salt intake really helps :thumbup: are you on iron for the anemia? It's so hard to slow down when you already have little ones to chase around!
Thanks still ❤️ I don't know if I've mentioned in this group but I have a blood disorder called thalassemia that makes me anemic in pregnancy even though my iron levels are fine. If I take extra iron, it could build to toxic levels. My red cells don't carry iron appropriately so I get very anemic then I get blood transfusions. Obviously that's not great during pregnancy so we try to wait as long as possible before I get one. Definitely going to up my salt intake though!
Yes - the heat is already awful here. Luckily it rained this weekend and cooled it off a little. I am not going to be ready for the upper 90s and low 100s this summer. I will be sure to keep a bottle of water with me where ever I go!

Thanks, MissYogi! I will look into a studio around town. I love yoga although we have limited options in Alabama. I always go to a studio when I visit my sister in NYC and it makes me so jealous that they have such wonderful instructors and studios.

TTC- one of my friends is a nurse. I was telling him that my last blood draw showed me borderline anemic. I've since increased leafy greens and all that stuff. He said to increase my vitamin C intake. Vitamin C helps your take in more of the iron you ingest. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It really makes you feel helpless without energy. :( I hope you can rest.
Thanks Asha! I'll be feeling much better once i get a transfusion. It doesn't matter how much iron I absorb, my red cells can't use it properly.

I'm sooooo not looking forward to the summer heat!!!!!! 😰

When's your next appointment?
How is everyone else?

Currently feeling quite sore. I've been having hip pain from sleeping on my side at night and I don't really know what to do about it.
Aside from that, feeling heavy and sore in my abdomen - I assume that's pretty normal.
I think I felt baby do a couple of rolls yesterday morning, such an unusual feeling and the first very definite feeling that there's a baby in there moving around.

Our anatomy scan is Friday. I'm keeping the worry about that shoved down in the back of my mind for the most part. I am very excited to find out what we're having.

Also, my cat threw up yesterday... so I threw up, too.
Also, I've just started doing some hip-opening stretches and pregnancy yoga for lower back - this could be part of the cause of the light soreness of my abdomen.
Ebaurhaus, hip openers shouldn't make your abdomen hurt, if anything they would just make your glutes and hips sore. I'd definitely get that checked out. If it comes from sleeping on your side, I really suggest getting a snoogle pillow! I got given one and it has changed my world. I used to only sleep on my back and found it really hard to start sleeping on my side, but the snoogle helps to prop me up so that I can be partially on my back but not directly. I love it! DH loves it too, he always sleeps in it when he has naps during the day :haha:

My ultrasound is tomorrow! I am so excited to make sure baby is healthy in there, it's always so nerve wracking before getting checked. Still not finding out the sex, so hopefully there are no slip ups!
MissYogi yay for ultrasound! Fx no one slips up and ruins your team yellow. Be sure to remind them, I know lots of people who had that happen :(

Ebauerhaus sorry about the hip pain, do you sleep with a pillow between your legs? Lol at the cat and throwing up making you throw up. I can't stand when my cat throws up. Excited for you to find out the gender! Do you have any guesses?

TTC sorry about the blood disorder, that does make it complicated. Transfusions feel so weird lol will you be able to have one soon so you can feel better? I hope the salt increase helps with BP at least :thumbup:

Ashaford is it humid where you live? My DH is from NC and oh man the humidity was too much for me lol

It's almost summer time though :happydance: my oldest "graduates" preschool next Friday :cloud9:
Ebaurhaus, hip openers shouldn't make your abdomen hurt, if anything they would just make your glutes and hips sore. I'd definitely get that checked out. If it comes from sleeping on your side, I really suggest getting a snoogle pillow! I got given one and it has changed my world. I used to only sleep on my back and found it really hard to start sleeping on my side, but the snoogle helps to prop me up so that I can be partially on my back but not directly. I love it! DH loves it too, he always sleeps in it when he has naps during the day :haha:

My ultrasound is tomorrow! I am so excited to make sure baby is healthy in there, it's always so nerve wracking before getting checked. Still not finding out the sex, so hopefully there are no slip ups!

I'm setting up a sleeping situation for my hips right now and hoping that will help, but I've been thinking I'll need to look into a pregnancy pillow of some sort soon.
Unless the belly sensitivity gets worse over the next day or two, I'll likely wait till my next appointment to mention it to the doctor (on Monday, so not long to wait!).

Yay for an ultrasound. I'd really love to just have one at every appointment for peace of mind... but not so. Sad.

Ebauerhaus sorry about the hip pain, do you sleep with a pillow between your legs? Lol at the cat and throwing up making you throw up. I can't stand when my cat throws up. Excited for you to find out the gender! Do you have any guesses?

I've been trying to remember a pillow the last couple of nights, the pain has only just started so I've been forgetting sometimes.
The cat thing. Oh, it was so silly. I was telling her off for eating too much ham and throwing up and then I'm like "whoops."

If the hair on my chin is any indication, I'd say boy.
But somehow I'm still leaning toward girl. I think it's because I saw a cute baby dress at Old Navy. Lol.
Good luck at your ultrasound today, MissYogi! My sister bought me a snoogle for mother's day. It changed my world too. AND Yes, my husband was the first one to use it. :haha:

E - I hope your pain goes away soon. The sore abdomen could be from yoga too if you aren't used to some of the poses. Good luck at your appointment Monday. It's so fun seeing everyone progress.

My next appointment is not until June 13th. I'll be 23w 3d at that point. I have to do the 1hr glucose test followed by an ultrasound. I am so nervous about the glucose test. I know I won't fail it but I'm afraid my blood sugar will crash. I am hypoglycemic. My body overproduces insulin so when I eat something sweet I get this huge push of insulin and the glucose disappears quickly leaving me with very low blood sugar. Luckily my doctor knows and will keep a close eye on me during the long one hour wait. :huh:
Still - it is quite humid in the summer time. I think it's usually at least 70% humidity on most days. Luckily it's expected to rain all week so we have been blessed with highs in the low 80s.

I've continued playing golf since we found out I was pregnant. My doctor was fine with it as long as I didn't have any spotting or pain. Some women play until they have the baby. The only thing keeping me from playing is the heat. I think I'll have to hang up my clubs in the next few weeks. :cry:
Ashaford my appointment with glucose test is also 13 June :haha: Sorry the test will be harder on you from the hypoglycemia, that doesn't sound fun :( Are you allowed to eat prior to? that sucks that the heat is keeping you from playing golf!
I'm originally from Oregon and so I don't do well with heat, and having lived in southern CA right on the Ocean the last 7 years the heat never seems THAT hot lol I did have to work out in the Mojave desert a few times though :shock: now THAT is HOT.

MissYogi hope everything went well today :flower:

Ebaurhaus cant wait to find out which one it will be! The wives tales were literally 50/50 for me haha

Re Snoogle, I also have one, and DH has already been warned he better not steal it. He is known to be a pillow thief :haha:
Ebaurhaus cant wait to find out which one it will be! The wives tales were literally 50/50 for me haha

I love the old wives tales.

So excited, yes! My husband and I work at the same coffee shop, so Friday, before our scan, we're making custom tip jars so that our customers can vote whether they think it'll be a boy or a girl. :D
Such a cute idea, EBAUERHAUS! I can't wait to find out. I'm on a support group and there are about 10 of us who are currently expecting. 8 of us are having boys. :winkwink:

I'm going team pink for you just because I feel like we need some more girls in the picture. Are you hoping for one over the other?

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