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FALL 2017 Rainbows~ 7 Rainbows born!

I'm finally getting my u/s on friday! I hope baby will be healthy! My husband insists it's a boy lol I have no clue. I was so sick in first tri that I threw up 2 out of 3 meals and lost weight. I crave salty and sugary food, but not chocolate like my last pregnancy. I'm not as big with this baby as I was with my son. Any gender guesses? 😝
Dana good luck Friday! All of my pregnancies were completely different from each other lol so I'm never sure about symptoms.

TTC good luck tomorrow, fx everything looks perfect and healthy :flower:

The round ligament pain is real for me. Ugh. Anyone else?
Good luck Dana! I'll guess boy for you!

Still, I also get round ligament pain on and off, often it is actually sort of a throbbing sharp pain that makes me nervous but I know it's just my ligaments stretching and blood flow to the uterus.

I've had the worst day at work today, I teach some very mean kids that have really challenged me a lot and I'm just feeling so so excited to be done with it.
MissYogi that's how my round ligament pain is too. So aggravating! I'm sorry to hear you had such a terrible day :hugs: I hope the next few weeks fly right by for you!

TTC thinking of you and your scan today:flower:

I am on leave now :happydance: still have some paperwork processing to do over the next few weeks but I get to do it while on leave so it's easier :)
E hope he cooperates for the next scan :thumbup: any names in mind yet?

We are thinking of naming him Rain and giving him daddy's middle name, Matthias, but we're actually also considering a second middle name because why not? :D

Exciting news, though. I found out a Christian maternity company in town is giving out free ultrasounds so that they can train some new techs - so I jumped on that bandwagon and will have a scan in a few weeks on the 27th of June!

Then the re-do anatomy scan is the 10th of July. Absolutely not gonna complain about getting to see baby twice within a couple of weeks.
Oh, wait. The free scan is June 27th and then the anatomy is July 3rd, lol. So, more like within a week. I hope the little guy isn't too bothered by the prodding.
Good luck tomorrow, Dana! So excited for you to finally see your little one. :)

E - I love the name Rain. That is very unique. That is awesome you are getting a free ultrasound.

AFM - I'm not-so-patiently waiting for my June 13th appointment. Luckily this guy is active and all his moving makes me feel more confident that he is doing okay in there. My feet have started to swell a bit at the end of the day. I've been checking my blood pressure and it's actually on the low side so I think the swelling is just normal. I read where maternity massage can help. So I found a massage school that offers 1 hr maternity massages for $30 as opposed to the $75/hr at the local spa.
Still!!!! Congratulations on leave starting! Hope you can finish the paperwork and relax now ❤️

E that's exciting you'll see him again twice!!!!

Asha that's a great deal on massage! I hope you enjoy! I do think the swelling sounds normal. Maybe put your feet up at the end of the day too and it can help.

So my scan went super well!!!!!! Babys looking great and in the 87th percentile!!!!! Haha! My placenta is low lying on the edge of the cervix, so pelvic rest until it moves up and I need to watch for bleeding. I'll see the perinatologist again in a month and my OB in between.
And we found out our team!!!! I didn't have a real preference but I had really really wanted another boy! (My dream family would be 5 boys lol!) I was nervous its been such a different pregnancy so I was thinking girl. Well... it's a boy!!!!! I'm just over the moon! His name is Ford Thomas ❤️
Love the name choices ladies!!! O my goodness so many boys joining this group I can't believe how unbalanced the boy/girl ratio seems to be right now, even in my every day life I know 7 pregnant ladies and all of them are having boys!! Crazy!! It's making me dh crazy because he's walking around saying "all these boys and we will have a girl!" :haha: (I hope that doesn't sound negative, he will be pleased either way but I think if this baby comes out a boy my dh won't know how to handle his excitement or emotions lol) he's wanted a boy his whole life!! I don't mind either way and part of me feels selfish for staying team yellow, but the other part of me knows if we wait until baby comes out it won't matter to us one way or the other!
Thanks girls 😊 I'm so nervous, I woke up twice in a panic attack. I just want the baby to be healthy! I just started feeling him/her move last week. Sometimes he/she can go hours without moving, some days real quiet and others hyper lol Should I be worried?
Dana I think the movement and days of less movement are normal.

TTC congrats on team blue! Man we do have a lot of boys! Lol

Ashaford is it still hot where you are? The heat makes my feet/hands swell, so that could be contributing to it. I hope you can get a massage soon, I love prenatal massages!

E yay for free scan :happydance: I love family names included in the naming of babies <3

My DD1 has preschool graduation tomorrow :cloud9: she's so very excited lol
Dana I just started feeling baby move this last week and still have days or times when I feel nothing at all, my Dr said movements tend to get consistent after 23 weeks? And sometimes later!! I'm trying to stay relaxed too , luckily I have my Doppler!
Luckily I have a Doppler too lol helps to keep me sane! &#128514; My ultrasound is in 2 hours, I'm so nervous. I just want to hide under the bed. &#128551;
Dana congrats :happydance:

this thread is almost all team :blue: lol Mediterranean I think you're the only :pink: that we know of for sure. We will see with our 2 :yellow:
Congrats Dana!

I am still feeling confident that mine is a girl so maybe I'll even things out a bit!
I can't believe all the boys!!!!! So exciting!
Can't wait to see how the team yellows turn out to be! MissYogi I hope your intuition is right and can even things out!

Also, shoutout to Pink! Dang woman I think every nub guess you've had has been right!
Congrats dana!!!

:haha: ttc, well I've had my fair share of wrongs and some very huge shockers in gender predictions , I just hope I'm right on mine and I've got a boy also :rofl:

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