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FALL 2017 Rainbows~ 7 Rainbows born!

I'm officially halfway today! Now I'm just panicking about how much there is to do before baby arrives. It's just too much adulting for me!
Yay for half way!!!!! :wohoo: I'll join you in a week!!! I hope this second half goes faster than the first half :haha: I'm ready to be on labor watch!!
Pink I'm with you, bring on the fall lol

MissYogi yay for halfway!!

Is anyone here doing a nursery? We don't do them but I love seeing other people's lol we tried it with our first but we wound up cosleeping and the room turned into storage lol so didnt even bother with dd2 or this one.
We aren't doing a nursery because dd2 is still in that room, and we are team yellow so can't decorate anyway!!! If it's a girl we will just use the same stuff in the nursery that's in there. If it's a boy I've added quite a few things to my Amazon registry to put in. But baby cosleeper for the first couple months minimum anyway , dd1 was 9 months, dd2 was 3 (she was a terrible cosleeper).. so we will see. I'm trying to figure out when to move dd2 into dd1s room. They both sleep so well separate from each other, I don't want to mess anything up lol!
I am doing a nursery, although we will have a bassinet in our room for the first few months. We are doing a mountains/adventure theme. DH and I actually had a bit of a fight last night because there is so much to do and I'm getting to that point where I need to see some progress to feel sane but he's just too laid back about it and hasn't helped. He also keeps just piling extra things in there when he doesn't know what to do with them and I then have to go and put them away so I feel like it's always one step forward, two steps back. Normally we don't fight much at all but I think the realization of being halfway hot hard yesterday and a bit of hormones and a bit of nesting instinct and I just lost it. Oops.
MissYogi I've seen the cutest stuff for that theme! Love it. Sorry you got into it with dh, dang hormones really do a number on us don't they? :hugs: Hopefully once you're done working you can focus on it more and not feel so stressed about it:thumbup:

Pink I had the opposite problem, my girls have slept together since Katie stopped cosleeping (9 months) so when dh wanted them to have their own rooms they slept terribly lol we will be putting Dd2 in a toddler bed soon and I want them to share again. Lol
Congratulations on team blue, Dana! I can't believe all these boys. :)

We are doing a nursery too. Our theme is woodland creatures. Lots of bears, deer, foxes and rabbits. It kind of started with my trying to get my husband to get rid of the deer head in our deep freezer. :) I encouraged him to use the rack as curtain holders or a wall decoration. Luckily my plan worked. Hooray for more freezer space before the baby gets here!!
Ashaford HOW CUTE!!! Love that idea!! I love the adventure and woodlands theme and have added some things to my Amazon list for if it's a boy, it's mostly moose themed, but the walls in the nursery are a two toned dark brown/grey color (hard to explain) but If baby is a boy I'll be putting some birch tree vinyl up for behind the crib and we will decorate with moose and stuff
. I'll post some pics of what I'm thinking :) ... but again all this will be done post baby :)
Here are some examples of what we will do if it's a boy :)


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We've got some hard work ahead of us lol We are moving my son in the big spare room that he will be sharing with his baby brother. He wants green walls, but I'd like to do 2 blue walls. Like nice pale blue and green. I'm gonna have to sort out his toys, to remove the ones with small parts. We need to buy another toy storage thingee with baskets, a crib mattress, crib bedding and a car seat. Thankfully we've got the rest covered! I'm looking forward to decorating their new room! Husband is stuck with the painting job! 😝

Did you guys find your babies names yet? We are completely stuck. We need a name that can be easily pronounced in English and French. We love the name Elijah, but it's hard to pronounce in French.
Asha and pink we are going with a woodland theme too!!!! Mine is because I'm lazy! My two year old has had that theme so I will be moving him out and moving baby in :rofl: I'll buy a few things but we don't need much!

Dana I'm going to be moving my older two in together! It's tricky to figure out the toys etc! Good luck finding a name! I'm unfamiliar with French but Elijah is so so cute ❤️
For girl we have chosen Madison Claire and for boy we were between Benjamin Parks and Elijah Parls and dh has won on the name Elijah and we will call him Eli ... I keep trying to get him to change his mind to Brody my other top choice but no go, he's set and I do like it so I'm fine with it!!
Dana, I see under your name that your sons name is Zachary... I think that goes lovely with Elijah! My nephew is Zachary and his brother (my other nephew:haha:) is Landon!
No name here. :nope: love Elijah though, that's my nephews middle name!

The outdoor themes seem to be pretty popular right now! Love it, so many cute things to do with those<3

My neighbors next door are being so loud right now....who eats dinner at 1000pm:shock: explains why I never see them during the day lol
I think we are gonna go with Elijah. &#128515; My French family will just have to learn how to pronounce it! &#128541;
Congrats on all the new gender discoveries! Boys!!!
Glad everyone seems to be doing well. I'm on my last week of shift work and going steady days. Arrgghhh. I hate 5 work days each week!
I feel so behind hearing that quite a few of you have names already decided on! Hubby still hasn't looked at any and keeps thinking of no-ways off the top of his head. I may end up naming this baby myself! Lol.
I love Elijah! Unfortunately I can't use it because my parents dog is named Eli.

We have decided on our names but we are keeping them secret until baby comes. I love them though!
Mediterranean were in the same no name boat :haha: but dd1 wasn't named until she was born so maybe that will be the case again lol

Dana is Elijah hard to pronounce in French? What about Elias?

I have my appointment today, I think ashaford does as well?
Pink - I LOVE the moose theme. So cute!

Dana - I love the name Elijah. Such a strong name.

The only reason we have a name is because he will be a Jr. If we were having a girl, I'd be lost with names. Richard "Brady" Jr. for our little one. My husband's grandfather went by Brady too so it's perfect.

Good luck at your appointment today, Still! I have my 1hr glucose test. :brat: But at least I'll have an ultrasound right after. Maybe with all that sugar we'll get to see some fun movements.

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