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FALL 2017 Rainbows~ 7 Rainbows born!

Baby is doing his nut in there today! I'm getting kicked and punched everywhere at the same time lol I feel like a truck rolled over my lower back. Just when I thought I couldn't get more uncomfy... 😂
Good morning, ladies! Sorry I've been MIA. We've been doing a lot of home improvements we've been putting off. We figured we needed to get the house in order before we start on the nursery. I hit 25 weeks this weekend and realized I'm closing in on double digit days left until my due date. Only 103... :wacko: I think hubs and I are finally in preparation mode. I'm ready to get this little guys nursery all set.

I hope everyone is doing well. I played golf yesterday since it was so cool here (82F instead of 92F). I beat my husband! I guess I still have it even at 6 months pregnant. :happydance:
I can't believe we're all halfway plus :shock: so exciting!

Ttc sorry to hear about pelvic rest, that's no fun. Fx it moves soon and you don't have to worry about it.

Ashaford yay for beating hubby at golf lol good luck with the nursery!
I've been MIA but glad to see all the great updates on here! So many boys!!!!

Boy for me as well.

Is anyone struggling with weight gain? Last time I gained 30 pounds, and this time I'm on a similar track, but I still find it super hard to see the numbers on the scale. I'm 23 weeks and I've gained 17ish lbs.
I am trying to be really mindful of my weight gain, with my dd1 I gained almost 70 lbs but I was pre-e and gained almost 27 lbs of fluid in my last 6 weeks. With dd2 I did things WAY differently and only gained 28 lbs and no fluid retention like dd1. This time I'm 21.5 weeks and have gained 11 lbs. I hate seeing the numbers jump on the scale but I know it's necessary! I'm just worried of gaining like I did with dd1. When I'm breastfeeding the weight seems to just melt right off but it's still frustrating! I'm small to begin with (4'10" and 93-95 prepregnancy weight) so I don't hide even 5 extra pounds very Well!!
Ebauerhaus lucky your loud neighbors moved out! I wish mine would. They aren't loud until the evening, its so annoying lol yay for deciding on a name! Will he have a middle as Well?

It's been a bit since I've been on, so I don't know if I answered this yet, but his name - he'll have two middles - is Rain Matthias Danielsen. I love it a lot. Matthias is my husband's middle name and Danielsen is a surname on that side of the family, as well.
Is anyone struggling with weight gain? Last time I gained 30 pounds, and this time I'm on a similar track, but I still find it super hard to see the numbers on the scale. I'm 23 weeks and I've gained 17ish lbs.

I started with a BMI of 29 and have not gained a thing as of yet at 21 weeks 3 days. I know I still have plenty of time to put on an extra 50, but the hope is I'll stick to only about 20lbs gained. Since I was already overweight, though, not a lot needs to be gained.
I've been MIA but glad to see all the great updates on here! So many boys!!!!

Boy for me as well.

Is anyone struggling with weight gain? Last time I gained 30 pounds, and this time I'm on a similar track, but I still find it super hard to see the numbers on the scale. I'm 23 weeks and I've gained 17ish lbs.

I'm trying not to worry about it but it's always in the back of my mind. I started out at a healthy 135lbs at 5'6". I was asked to not workout until after my 16w appointment because they wanted to make sure my cervix stayed closed (I went into labor at 16w last year unexpectedly). Now at 25 weeks I'm closing in on 160lbs. :cry: I gained almost 15 lbs my first trimester though because the only thing I could keep down were carbs. I just started back on a 14 day Fit Pregnancy Workout by Michelle Marie to try to slow the weight gain. I just wish it wasn't so hot already. I'd love to walk at lunch and after dinner. I'm sure that would help too.
I hear you! It seems to stress a lot of people out, I wish it were easier.

I'm 5'2 and was 111 pre pregnancy, so also show weight very easily. I've gained 17-18 as of now, with 10 in the first trimester. It wasn't even that I ate carbs, or badly...it just seems to pile on at the beginning. Then I read these guides that say 1-5 is average in first and I feel awful. I averaged 10 lbs a trimester last time so we will see. But I just struggle every time it goes up a lb. it's like the shock of seeing a new number really overwhelms me....

Poor Dh wants to throw out the scale lol
Ya I get stressed about weight gain too although I've kept it pretty steady. I started at 135 and I'm 5' 8" so I was definitely healthy, and then I had not gained a lot by 19 weeks, only about 5 pounds, but now all of a sudden it's gone up like crazy and this morning I was 146. I know it's still in the normal range but if I keep increasing this much each week I'm worried I'll gain too much.
Miss Yogi - your weight gain sounds like textbook to me. You are doing great!
Thank for the reassurance ladies! I guess I just got concerned that it'll keep going up so quickly and I'd end up gaining way too much weight by the end. I'm just going to have to remind myself that I'm meant to gain weight and my body will do what it needs to do.
Hey ladies,

I haven't been around for a bit but read all of your posts.

So far at 25 weeks I've gained 16 lbs. I gained 28 in total with my son so I'm hoping to stay in that range this time as well. I will have to check how much I gained at this point with him. I'm carrying different with this little princess. Lower than with my son and I'm a month bigger but measuring right on with how many weeks I am? I don't know how that is but hoping I'm not looking 10 months when I am full term with this one
I'm at the lab right now doing my glucose testing. The drink wasn't bad at all but this hour wait is painful! I can't leave to shop next door cause walking burns sugar and there's no wifi!
I'm really struggling with weight this week. I think it's just the scale. If they would keep that number to themselves, that would be awesome. I started at 138 and I'm already 163 at 27 weeks. At this rate I'm going to be a whale. I went for a long walk last night after the sun went down. I guess all I can do is try. I just don't feel like my diet has changed that much since pre-pregnancy. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Trying not to stress about it but it's really getting to me after my appt yesterday. :(
Ash, some times we just gain, your body knows what it's doing.. I know it's disheartening, I gained 70 lbs with dd1, it all came off quickly with nursing but it was awful!! Most of my gain with her was from inactivity (scared of losing another baby) and poor diet.. but my Dr wasn't concerned and said a lot of smaller women tend to gain more.

Med how did the test go? I agree the waiting is the worst!! Especially with no wifi!
Ash, I would just try to stay a little active. It's good for you and baby but try not to stress about weight. It's hard I know but if you aren't eating junk food like it's going out of style, the weight gain is par for the course.

Pink, the test was ok. The needle hurt this time but I had a different tech I've never had before. Some are better than others. I'll get my results in a couple weeks at my next appt
I've officially hit viability! I've been eating horribly for the last week though and I am out of town for a while so I can't weigh myself but I think it'll be bad this week. I need to get back on track!
Yay for viability, Miss Yogi! That is such a good feeling. Being out of town is so hard to eat healthy. I hope you can get back to a routine when you return. I was out of town last week and when I got home went straight to the farmers market and stocked up on veggies. My body was craving them. haha!

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