FALL 2017 Rainbows~ 7 Rainbows born!

Mediterranean- no, I haven't had any. Is that unusual? I was told that my first appointment will be at 7 or 8 weeks and I assume they'll do some tests then. Do you think I should ask for any tests this early?
Missyogi they'll probably do them then. I got mine done Friday at almost 8 weeks. It's just to confirm you don't currently have any blood disorders/diseases, confirm your blood type, etc.
MissYogi it's very early and normally you get the req for bloodwork when you go for your first appt so not unusual at all that you haven't had any done. I thought you never had but if you had a rally early m/c last time than you wouldn't have had the bloodwork done yet. You should get a few for an u/s at the same time.
Blood work isn't the norm ladies until later. Don't worry. I'm with an OB that does high risk pregnancies, so it's their norm.

Like I said, DH and my own family doctor don't order blood work until about 8 weeks just to be sure no issues.

Good luck today Meditteranean!
Good morning ladies! Sorry - it is tax season for me so I don't get to check this much throughout the day.

Meditteranean - that hcg level is awesome!

Stillpraying - I have had the weirdest cravings too. I usually follow a strict Paleo diet. No dairy, no legumes, no sugar, no grains. I have had biscuits and gravy on my mind for the last week. I finally caved and made some for breakfast.

Twins do not run in my family but we struggled to get pregnant after our loss so this little one (or two) is a clomid success. My husband is hoping for just one little one but I honestly hope it's two so we can have two and be done. :)

I had bloodwork done at 4 weeks, 5 weeks, and 6weeks BUT only because we lost our son at 17 weeks last year and they aren't sure if it was hormone related, incompetent cervix, or complications from my SCH. So far everything looks good and they didn't want to put me on progesterone. That much bloodwork is not normal though, just for high risk patients. I have my first ultrasound on the 28th and will likely have a re-check every two weeks until 17 weeks for my peace of mind and to make sure my cervix isn't wonky. Just trying to think happy thoughts until then.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
I'm hoping for twins. But I think it's just one bean. :)

See I find it strange that I'm not high risk. I have had 2 1st trimester losses, severe preeclampsia with dd2 (I almost died after labor), and then I had a 2nd trimester loss, losing my son at 15 weeks. Shouldn't all of that classify me as high risk?
Oh that makes me feel better to know you all didn't get bloods until later. I was only 5+3 last time so it makes sense.

So here's a symptom for you ladies to laugh at. I just farted in front of my class of grade 5 students. Someone kill me now please.
Sunshine that's great! How far along are you now? I really need to start writing everything down lol. Your husband is a dr? What kind? That comes in really handy I'm sure. Mine is a pharmacist so it's nice to know about med interactions and what's safe and not but it'd be nice to have someone able to order req's and ultrasounds whenever I need reassurance.

Ashaford, what were all your bloods checking so early, all your levels or just Hcg?

Stillpraying I would think all of your m/c's and complications would class you as high risk but I don't know how drs decide things sometimes. Were you with the same dr for all who would know about all of your history? Maybe they will follow you more closely this time around.

MiddYogi, I'm sorry to laugh but it is pretty funny. I could understand being mortified though. Better than a room full of adults. :)
I had my ultrasound today and after I relieved myself a little I got called in. I was soooo scared. The tech starts by saying you know I can't tell you anything. Shit. I know the rules though.

After a couple of minutes of trying to get a read on her face with nothing I start to say "I know you can't tell me anything...." and start crying. I was so full of emotions and my fears came out. She was nice and said calm down I'm almost done. She finished and said that she saw something that looked viable right now but I was measuring behind my LMP date. I was almost 7 weeks or 7 I can t remember what she said but because ovulated late I thought it might show 6+4 so that wasn't concerning. Thank God I did OPK's and knew when I ovulated or I'd be worried. She said because I was so early I'd probably get another scan. Fine by me! She said once there's a heartbeat the success is 80-90%. I said there's a heartbeat???? She said there is :). I started crying again and she wiped her eye too and said I'm pulling at her heart strings. It was a great day and such a relief!!!! I know I'm not out of the woods but this is the farthest I've gotten since my son ❤️

Sorry for the long story I know you ladies know the fear. Thanks for all your thoughts today :)
Mediterranean that's wonderful news. I'm so happy you had a great tech!!!! What a relief. Amazing news about the heartbeat <3. Overjoyed for you.

My Dh is a doctor but he can't prescribe me anything like that unfortunately. I still need a family dr to give me all the referrals and blood work. But he's great for answering my questions and has been able to get his hands on some nausea meds for me last time.

Still so happy for you.
OMG Mediterranean just reading that made me teary eyed! :hugs: I'm glad you know about late o otherwise that would have been so terrifying.
I'm seen in a military hospital so no I wasn't with the same Dr's throughout. But the name of the midwife looked familiar to me so I think I may have seen her before, I'll find out on the 10th. Maybe they aren't monitoring so close right now because they assume it's too early? Idk.

Sunshine that sounds fantastic! I don't know a lot about the levels, there's a chart on the countdown to pregnancy website tho. But it sounds great lol
Sunshine that seems very high! Wow! On the chart I looked up it said most aren't over 10000 until week 6. You are only at 5 aren't you?

Mediterranean that is awesome to find out about the heartbeat! So happy for you!

Today I have been obsessively checking for blood and nothing so far. I'm so nervous, I so want to get through the weekend
Sunshine thanks so much! It adds a little more happiness in such a stressful time. It's awesome you can talk to your hubby about concerns and possible have an "in" with other drs. How are you feeling?

Awe that's sweet StillPraying. I hope all of us have a similar experience at our u/s's maybe minus the tears :). It's so hard to think of having to wait until the appt with the dr to get the results of the scan. The 10th is coming soon (thankfully Feb is a short month) and you will get the ball rolling. I would definately be sure to explain all your history so they can monitor you more closely. Are you or your hubby in the military? Does he get deployed?

MissYogi, thank you! Tomorrow you will be past the last pregnancy right?! &#55357;&#56397; It's the small milestones that we look forward to.

I've done hours upon hours of research about everything pregnancy and miscarriage related. With HCG levels there is a standard per week but it's very broad. It's not the numbers themselves that really matter, it's whether the levels double every 48 hours from the initial level. Once your levels hit 1200-6000 though the doubling slows down so don't be concerned if it takes up to 96 hrs for the levels to double. Hcg will be higher if you have multiples though and I've also read that girls produce more hcg than boys.
3 more days missyogi :hugs: I'm the same. Ive had an 8 week loss so I just want this week over.

Dh and I are both in the military :)
Yes, tomorrow will be past when I started bleeding last time. Then getting to 6 weeks will be Monday and I'll feel more at ease then. My nausea has gone away a bit so I'm feeling nervous about that but honestly I'm just a bundle of nerves about everything right now so I'm trying to just remind myself that I shouldn't worry so much
I feel like there are so many more milestones for those of us who have lost babies.

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