Fall in Love! September Testing Thread

@elencor oh honey I will be praying honey. Thanks for the update. Keep us posted.

@gigglebox in my ideal world I’ll wait until my period is a week late to test. But of course the day I got a positive opk I ordered easy@home and frers, . Because Amazon takes 7-10 days here usually. Gone are the days of same-day/next day ordering! It’s for the best… I’m less impulsive when I can’t get something immediately.

The thing is I love the thrill of an early bfp but then I’m petrified over-analyzing progression, panicking over spotting (happens a lot in the early days for me) etc. I’d rather just wait a while and keep the hope alive or get AF.

I’ve been wanting to write here for a couple of days but didn’t know how to say it. Just want to say that these days reading this thread has been cheering me up and taking my mind off problems for a moment. Three days ago they found a mass in my abdomen and might be a serious cancer. Might be something benign too, I’ll have the results of MRI and biopsy in a week or so. I’m so so scared. I’ll be ovulating probably this weekend but of course we’ve stopped TTC for the moment. There’s nothing I wish more than to get good news and just resuming thinking about baby #2. Anyway just wanted to tell someone, as I haven’t told anyone but my husband and boss for the moment.

Also, unfortunately my sil has probably had a miscarriage. She started bleeding a few days ago, went to the doctor who told her the embryo was still there but it looked bad. She continued to bleed and having a lot of pain for a day and then stopped, haven’t bled since. Do you think the baby might still be there? She is about 7 weeks now.
Shame to hear you’re going through so many things right now. I’ll keep you and your sil in my prayers for comfort.

Please let us know when you get results.
@elencor oh honey I will be praying honey. Thanks for the update. Keep us posted.

@gigglebox in my ideal world I’ll wait until my period is a week late to test. But of course the day I got a positive opk I ordered easy@home and frers, . Because Amazon takes 7-10 days here usually. Gone are the days of same-day/next day ordering! It’s for the best… I’m less impulsive when I can’t get something immediately.

The thing is I love the thrill of an early bfp but then I’m petrified over-analyzing progression, panicking over spotting (happens a lot in the early days for me) etc. I’d rather just wait a while and keep the hope alive or get AF.
Oh I can completely relate to that! I wish I could be one of those stories of the women who find out they’re pregnant by peeing on a stick and it’s a BLARING positive! Hahaha
I just get too excited. I’m either breastfeeding so getting pregnant is just not really happening, or I’m actively ttc and way too curious to know asap. Haha!
Elencor prayers sent up for you! I am so, so sorry you are going through this. Prayers whatever it is is benign and you’ll be back to ttc very soon!

Mrskatie i feel that haha. I keep thinking that could have been me this time! Still racking my brain why i bothered resting
hi @shaescott so exciting!!

AFM 4dpo and already itching to test. Everoll facepalm laughing crying, picture all those emojis. I am praying I can hold out until at least 10dpo. But my GOAL is wait until my period doesn’t come (and I’m praying it doesn’t come).

I just started getting a yeast infection :( Of course I hope it’s a sign. I’ve only ever had one other in my life and that was about 6 months ago. Don’t know why I’m suddenly getting them, they’re freakin awful.
hi @shaescott so exciting!!

AFM 4dpo and already itching to test. Everoll facepalm laughing crying, picture all those emojis. I am praying I can hold out until at least 10dpo. But my GOAL is wait until my period doesn’t come (and I’m praying it doesn’t come).

I just started getting a yeast infection :( Of course I hope it’s a sign. I’ve only ever had one other in my life and that was about 6 months ago. Don’t know why I’m suddenly getting them, they’re freakin awful.
I’ve heard they’re very common in pregnancy! I got a string of them… after getting a sourdough starter.

Slightly TMI details in spoiler lol
Cannot confirm with absolute certainty that it was the cause, but the timing was extremely suspicious, and after I got a few, my husband actually managed to get a yeast infection, right after I had been playing around with the starter again (I didn’t feed it even close to every day cuz I’m lazy lol). Buddy was SWOLLEN. I have never seen a male “member” look like that before. It was horrifying, he had to go to urgent care. They confirmed it was a yeast infection, and luckily the anti fungal fixed him up in a few days. Moral of the story, wash your hands WITH SOAP after touching sourdough starter. Just in case the strain of yeast you’ve got also likes warm moist human.

As for testing, there’s zero chance I’ll be waiting until AF is due, I do not have the patience or self control :rofl: I’ve learned my lesson and absolutely won’t test before 8dpo, and generally I don’t bother until 9dpo, feels like a waste of a test otherwise. 10dpo is my goal. I’ve got a bunch of the 10mIU wondfos, but I’m very tempted to order more FRERs. Only issue is they’ve replaced them with the opaque pink cap ones, and I’ve seen people compare the same urine on the old translucent pink cap vs the new opaque pink cap, and the new ones seem way less sensitive. The tests at my work pick up 5 mIU (found this out when my patient got a faint line and beta was 7). Very tempted to use those lol
oooh look it's getting all exciting in this thread again! HI Shae!
Good luck @MrsKatie ! I hope you can hold out. I love early testing but there's definitely something to be said about just getting line and not having to play the "is it or isn't it?" game.
Oh no shae!!! That's a great PSA, I didn't know that could happen!

Thank God and knock on wood, never had a yeast infection but that sounds horribly unpleasant. Hoping it's a sign for your Katie! fx
@thencomesbebe that's so exciting!!! I was pregnant with my second along with a good friend and my SIL, we were all due exactly 10 weeks apart from each other (I was first, then friend, then SIL). We had a good time with it, even made a date to go on an epic shopping and food adventure where we went out and had fun and ate whatever we were craving. It was glorious. I am trying to be better, food-wise this pregnancy (so long as my body will tolerate it) but I will definitely have to allow myself a day of indulgence like that again. Why not? In fact everyone should have a day like that!
Yeah I never had a yeast infection in my life but I had one 6 months ago for the first time and now do again, wtf!
Hi gals!
Just checking in.
I am 3 dpo today. Will test before September ends. Yay!
@HalfricanMa I’m the same way about testing. Except I always give in later in the day. But. When I’ve actual been pregnant, I got positives at 9dpo in the afternoons.
@Uniquegirl18 i don’t see anything yet. Crossing everything for you when you test again
@MrsKatie sorry about the YI. I’ve had them recently too. No bueno. I do think you’ve got just as good of a chance as any other month! Good luck when you test! I will likely start testing just after you around the 29th

@Jules8 I do hope you join us soon to test. Happy anniversary and good luck !
@elencor I’m so sorry to read your news. I am hopeful for you. Please keep us posted. As for your SIL, the bleeding could be caused by something other than baby. Hoping baby is okay.
@thencomesbebe yay for your friend. I love being pregnant with a dear friend. I’m excited for your first scan coming up!
@shaescott Hi! Good luck when you test. I will be following you and testing soon after.
Hope we get some more sticky BFPs in this thread.
Sorry if I missed anyone.
@shaescott i had the most vivid dream last night that DH got the crazy penis infection and in my dream they were gonna have to amputate part of it and it was gonna be smaller and I was hysterical! So maybe vivid dreams… another early symptom??
@shaescott i had the most vivid dream last night that DH got the crazy penis infection and in my dream they were gonna have to amputate part of it and it was gonna be smaller and I was hysterical! So maybe vivid dreams… another early symptom??
HAHAHAHAHA I love it. It basically looked like a bunch of puffy rolls, like rolls on a baby’s arm, but red and closer together. You would KNOW. What was the amputation plan? Were they gonna take part of the middle or base, or was he gonna be headless? :rofl:

@elmum good luck!
@gigglebox yeah it’s not really talked about, but I did see a study of several bakeries that found that the yeast used there was often the culprit of employee infections. Wild stuff.
So I put in a bunch of fake follicular phase temps based on previous cycles’ temps to get a better look at what my chart is really showing. My temp dropped right back down today, I’m hoping it was just an estrogen surge or maybe even implantation. Idk, but I saw a bunch of FF charts labeled pregnancy that didn’t have the standard rise or had big dips even late in the luteal phase, so we’ll see.


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