Fall is here...now to plant my little pumpkin seed!!!

Floridasian when I first got my last kitten, he would run crazy at night & it would really freak me out. I think he literally would run in to walls or something...it was so loud!

I will only wake up my dog when he is whimpering & shaking. If just small grumbles or legs kicks, I leave them alone. Also has your dog ever wagged his tail in his sleep? It is so awesome to see that.
My older cat used to do that when she was a kitten. She's a senior now and pretty much sleeps all day except for feeding time. She's still relentless and meows and follows you around until you feed her!
Am I weird that I'm excited to test out my trigger when I haven't even triggered yet? The thought of having an excuse to test every day and see the reverse progression is very exciting to me!

Haha. I'm a freak!
I know I haven't been on in a while but had to put my two cents in about this 19 kids and counting...from what I can tell they kind of just run around the house and property with the older kids forced to be in charge while mom takes care of the little ones. And I saw an episode where the older girls had to cook and clean. Along with the dad in the show mom comes and cleans the house. One of the daughters packe for everyone when they went on vacation. And then that same episode the parents couldn't even put their kids in order with the name!! Time to stop!! Then I saw an interview tonight with the daughter who's pregnant saying that she wants to have just as many kids as God will bless her with so basically like how she was raised...scary!

How are you doing, Michelle? I know you are taking a break right now. Hope all is well!
Am I weird that I'm excited to test out my trigger when I haven't even triggered yet? The thought of having an excuse to test every day and see the reverse progression is very exciting to me!

Haha. I'm a freak!

Yes you are a freak! Ha ha...not really! I saw a lot of women who would not test it because they didn't like seeing 2 lines when it wasn't real. I would rather see that than doubt my results later. I hope it leaves fast for you...took 6 days for me on average.

I seriously am planning to test my IVF trigger & test every day until my beta. I am anxious to see 2 dark lines fade away & then come back!!!
I would much better see two lines knowing it's not real than doubting myself at 10 or 12 DPO not knowing if it's real!
Floridasian I am taking my provera 3 times a day because I basically started and I freaked out because the medication was Supposed to hold off a cycle to help with my endometriosis. They prescribed me provera 2 times a day but they upped it to 3 times a day for 2 weeks. But I am still spotting and the two weeks are almost up. I am going to call tomorrow because if I'm still bleeding then the endo is growing! Plus why keep paying and taking a medication that doesn't work?

Also, Injectables and IUI may be put even more on the back burner because dh is talking about going back to the police academy because a town over from us are going to be hiring 12 new cops within the next year. And he is close friends with a cop there who's been there 7 years now. He told dh that he would get him hired. Super exciting to put us in a way better place financially but sucks for months because ttc may be put on hold for way longer. BUT I would just jump to IVF right away once we start up again. I am hoping that since I am on metformin that once I get a normal cycle it will help me O plus I have continued working out pretty hard which is supposed to help a lot with pcos. So maybe it will happen naturally. One can hope:)
Sorry such a long post. And glad to hear about your meds going well for you. I was supposed to use hmg when I did the Injectables. Don't know if you have heard of it or not.
Interesting. I know Provera is sometimes prescribed to jump start a cycle but I didn't know it could be used to treat endo.

I'm not familiar with police training but why would you not be able to TTC if your DH goes back to the police academy? Will he be out of town for months?

Yes I have heard of hmg - Bravelle, Menopur, Repronex are all examples of hmg. Basically it's a mixture of LH and FSH while the Follistim beaglemom and I have been using is just FSH. Maybe the extra LH in the medication is better for PCOS? It would make sense because LH helps you ovulate and women with PCOS often have long cycles and need the medication to help make it happen.

Best of luck to you on whatever you decide to do!!
We wouldn't be able to do fertility because he would have to quit his full time job to go back to the police academy for 3-4 months full time. So only one little income, mine lol. Of course he gets a GI bill from the military but he only has a little left. So it will be pinching pennies for a while. Then who knows if he will be hired right away as an officer?? So he of course would find other work. He wants to start the same month as the injectable and IUI what set for, January:(. And side not he has already been through it once but he got recalled right as he was about to get hired on somewhere. State of Ohio says you have 1 year to find a job or you have to take a 2 week refresher course. Well he was gone almost a year and the state never froze his time during his service they gave him like a week to be able to find a job or he would have to do it all over again. So we just thought this wasn't meant to be and he went to college. But he got an awesome job offer and he took it and quit school with about a year and a half left. But recently is when his friend said you go back I'll get you hired. And it's more of a career than he has now. Which is working on machines in a steel factory. That's my big, long, messed up story lol
Also, re wants to do an ultra sound tomorrow to see why I am still bleeding?! But I am not going to count us out for a medicated cycle in January just yet. Maybe things will work out and we can try one more. Hopefully our last! And The medication Provera doesn't reallytreat the endometriosis it just helps kill off the microscopic endometriosis that is currently growing. If that makes sense?.. Lol To help for when we go back in January then Endometriosis won't be as bad as it could be
Also here is a link (hope it works) to my friend who turned me to my re and her true heartbreaking struggle in life and with infertility. She also had a bad tumor in 6th grade and during her ivf cycle she over stimulated causing her kidneys to begin to shut down. She was in the hospital for a good while. Anyway, she's great and she gives me hope all of the time! Enjoy!!
Michelle - sounds like the police job is the right path to even if it means stalling your TTC efforts for a while. I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet but it sounds very inspirational! Exactly what we need right now!

CD8 scan showed 14mm follicle on the right and 15.6mm follicle on the left. The others are probably too small to do anything. Lining was 8.1mm (which I'm VERY happy about) and I still have at least 2-3 days until ovulation and it can possibly grow above 10mm by the time I ovulate!! :happydance:

RE wants me to continue on 83.33 iu of Follistim for the next two days and I go in for another scan on Saturday morning and will probably trigger Saturday night at 10 PM.

I am feeling really good about this cycle!!

Can't wait for your update on your doctor's visit, beaglemom!!
Oh yay Florida!! Those are excellent number!! I can't wait to see the final sizes on Saturday!!!
Michelle...the new opportunities for your husband sound great in the long run for your family!

Floridasian - good luck. One thing about the trigger...are you doing timed instead of IUI...if taken at night, your O time is 10 am...so last time when we did timed, we took it in the am so I would O at night. Not sure if your dr will mention it or if it matters to you.
Ok...so long update...here we go...I am copying this to my IVF thread as well, so it may be a ton of info for you ladies.

Still had an upset stomach this morning. But my body hates mornings as it is. So by the time we ate an early dinner I was fine...feeling queasy now, but drinking some Gatorade. Hopefully I will feel better by this weekend...gonna try to keep fluids in me.

I went in to see my dr...she was running about 30 minutes late. I already had a consult earlier in the year, so we basically discussed my decision about PGS & she seems very hopeful for me since I am young & high egg reserve. So it wasn't a long meeting...sat with finance again...same old story...I did have to pay everything today (except meds which are separate). She said I could get a refund if I got the IVF grant. So quick food before my meds class. Came back for my class...we had a long day! My baseline u/s is set for Nov 20. I will stop bcp that day & begin meds on Nov 24. My first monitor visit is Nov 28. Then they will determine the next steps. She said I could be doing retrieval as soon as Dec 2...which seems fast. I am supposed to have a mock transfer in there somewhere, but by the time I made my appointment, I was a little tired so looked at my paperwork & didn't see it on there. So I need to ask about that. They may be combining it with my baseline.

Now for my meds...they don't seem to be monitoring me as much as you guys...but let me know what you think. So my favorite part of this whole thing. I am using follistim again. But she showed us how to mix it with the menopur....so one shot in my abdomen. Then when I have to add in the ganirelix, she says I can add that to everything & make all three in one shot with a needle the same size as my follistim needle. I was so happy about that. The she got to the dreaded progesterone part. She offered the oil syringe, gel suppository (I think like what Jen took), and a pill form that is still a suppository. The il was the cheapest, but I said I wanted the pill. Two good things with the P...1 – they had some donated meds they gave us that last 2 weeks, & 2 she also gave us a coupon. Oh & then my trigger is the ovidrel I already had taken before...only difference was I take 2 viles instead of 1.

So after everything I found 2 things I need to confirm...mock transfer date & whether they do lining scrape. But overall a great day. My dr seems very confident. I asked the finance lady about the guaranty cycles. She explained it but said if my dr really thought I needed it, she would push it...& she didn't even mention it to us.

So we left there & had a few hours to hang out shopping & had a ridiculously expensive dinner...but now comes the time to start pulling back on our spending...I dread my credit card bills! But oh well.
Sounds like everything's coming together, beaglemom! That is a lot of information to take it all in. It's actually happening now and it's happening quick! You must be so excited! Yes the money part is scary but I'm glad they agreed to give you a refund if you get the grant. I have also heard that the oil syringe hurts the most but somehow it appears to be the most prescribed method?

I think we would be doing just TI this cycle. My doctor hasn't said when I'd o yet but it looks like the follicles will not be quite ready yet by the time I go in Saturday morning and that's why he said I would probably trigger Saturday night. It looks like they would prefer administering the trigger shot themselves if possible so there must be a good reason that he wants me to trigger at night. I am planning on possibly BD'ing four nights in a row starting Friday night so that if I somehow o early (same day as trigger) I'm covered. If I o Monday morning (36 hours after 10 PM on Saturday) we have BD 12 hours before and 12 hours after which should be ok as well.

That is my plan for now but I'll bring my trigger shot in on Saturday just in case I'm actually ready to trigger in the morning.
Wow beagle I am learning so much from you about this whole process. Thanks for sharing and if I get there I am coming to you! And the job does sound amazing and I am only 26 so still very young so if we have to wait I am sort of ok with it lol. Also, it I know this is it for you!!

So went for ultra sound and everything came back normal. Both ovaries quiet and lining thin which he said is what he wants. So still no real reason for my period/spotting. He also explained to me why he didn't give me lupron (if I am remembering the name correctly) for treatment of endometriosis which is because it can send you into menopause! I got my prescription for injectables and the med is repronex. I am getting it from www.ivfmeds.com for about $25 a vial and will need 20-40. So not too bad at all. I mean wouldn't we all prefer to not have to pay all this $$$ to get pregnant?! But we are :( God gives us what we can handle but 60% of the time I feel I can't handle this lol. Anyway, hope everyone is doing great:)
Never understood why some docs want to do trigger themselves. I did my own...no different from the follistim to me. But oh well. I think the oil is preferred be cause cheaper.

Michelle I think I know someone else that used that site with cheap options. And we are women...we can handle anything ;)
Beagle did that person respond well to their medication? Did they get pregnant? Honestly I am kind of scared using them because I have never heard of them. But they look legit and re says they are good. So I should calm down lol (yea, right:))

Forgot to ask, do you all think it's weird that Im only taking the injection and not the injection plus letrozole? I read online a lot of people do both. I am so scared of having to take one shot a day for a week. And it's intra muscular(if that's right) so like back hip area:(
I don't know anything about that med. But I looked it up & seems similar to follistim. I would not worry about not being on femara...different dr do different things. Femara was added to mine when doing IUI, but not really sure the why behind it. Floridasian - are you taking femara this time?

I just went to your website & it doesn't look the same, so maybe they didn't use that one...there are so many out there.
I'm only doing injectables this cycle, no Femara, so your protocol is similar to mine, Michelle! Repronex is similar to Follistim. The only difference is that Follistim is pure FSH and Repronex is a mixture of FSH and LH (I'm guessing it's better for people with PCOS). Today will be my 8th injection of Follistim and it's really no big deal. Mine's done subcutaneously and I do it on my belly. It doesn't hurt except I got a few bruises because I didn't ice the injection sites first.

It appears that my follies are growing slower but steadier on the injectables. With Femara the drug keeps your estrogen level low so nothing was happening for 5 days. Then after I stopped the Femara the follicles went into overdrive and experienced a growth spurt and everything grew super fast in like 2 days for me.

I read countless reviews on all online fertility drug companies and I think ivfmeds.com is legit, although the website looks different than when I did my research a few weeks ago. Several of the links are now empty and contain no information for some reason. I believe the company (if I remember correctly since there's no information on their website anymore) is based in Israel so there might be an issue of getting your meds on time.

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