Minuet- I remember my first cycle on clomid. My hopes were sooo high. I mean my dh and I had a bfp in January without any assistance so how could we not get pregnant with 3 good sized eggs, a trigger for timing, and a great seman analysis wash. I mean the sperm is right there. I thought there was no doubt. Then second cycle came and I blamed my first cycle fail on our not so relaxing vacation (we walked for miles and miles). Then my second cycle I was more relaxed but lots of hope knowing the timing is much better and I could relax. Nope bfp.
This time when we did iui I was hopeful but prepped for a failed cycle. After the iui I asked the np if we could go over everything and make a plan for next month. So we planned on femara with trigger and iui. She also said dh sperm count improved so much that we didn't really need iui but it would improve our chances. I went on my way thinking why would this time work if the last two didnt. I even made an appointment with a fertility specialist. I have kept my appointment because I fear the result of this ultrasound.
Bad news ultrasound lady could not see anything.. no fetus found. She is really worried went to talk with radiologist and my md. Ugh. Talk about limbo.
Thanks ladies surgery went really well doctor said it was just in the accepting part of the fallopian tube so he had to remove it. He said it had started to leak which caused blood in my abdomen. He is astonished I had no pain he said i should have been in er a few days ago in the fetal position by the size and leaking. I honestly felt nothing so that scares me. He said we can start trying mid January again once I bleed. This time he said betas every 48 to 72 hours and once greater then 2000 need ultrasound immediately.
FBT glad you are ok. And I'm sorry.
14 is the number ladies.
miuet - I hope you get your positive OPK soon with a strong o!
beaglemom - update us on your fertilization report. When will you get the results back on the PGS?
BFN for me this morning. If my cycle is back to before I started the meds and I'm back to my 13-day LP then CD1 will be Sunday and since I need to start the meds on CD2 it means I will need to order the meds by Friday the latest. I will be 12 DPO then. This is why I tested early. If I don't get a BFP by Friday morning I'm going to have to shell out the $1K for meds.
I will have to sit down with my doctor when I go in to discuss future plans. I'm thinking maybe 2 more cycles of injectables then possibly moving into IVF. With a mmc and two chemicals I'm thinking IVF with PGS might be our best bet.