Fall is here...now to plant my little pumpkin seed!!!

Well. The doctor's office said the ultrasound would be $140, and after talking it over with the hubby we decided it was worth seeing how my body is responding to the Clomid.
It wasn't good. She said I'm not responding to it the way I'm supposed to. The lining is thin, and my follicles are really small. The right has a 7 and 8mm, and the left ones are smaller.
So that adds to my concern about the constant hip/ovary pain, if there's nothing very big to cause anything!
I'm pretty upset. If 50mg caused ovulation on CD21, it seems to me 100mg should have caused it a lot earlier. And to be only 7/8? That would have to do a LOT of growing to get anywhere.
This cycle is going to be a waste; and they are talking about bumping up to 150mg. :cry:
Well. The doctor's office said the ultrasound would be $140, and after talking it over with the hubby we decided it was worth seeing how my body is responding to the Clomid.
It wasn't good. She said I'm not responding to it the way I'm supposed to. The lining is thin, and my follicles are really small. The right has a 7 and 8mm, and the left ones are smaller.
So that adds to my concern about the constant hip/ovary pain, if there's nothing very big to cause anything!
I'm pretty upset. If 50mg caused ovulation on CD21, it seems to me 100mg should have caused it a lot earlier. And to be only 7/8? That would have to do a LOT of growing to get anywhere.
This cycle is going to be a waste; and they are talking about bumping up to 150mg. :cry:

Sorry minuet. You never know though you may have a chance. How thin is your lining? If it is already thin on 100 mg why are they going to continue with comid? Can you ask your doctor about femara? Femara doesn't thin your lining like clomid does.
Okay...we have 5 embryos that were biopsied. So I guess we lost 2. The sample is going to the lab this afternoon with results early next week. I cannot believe more waiting.

Someone on the threads said no gender selection in NC. Well that is not true. But my office does not allow PGS for the sole purpose of gender selection. They also transfer the best one...so no input from us on what gender we want. Still unsure if we want to know the sex. Maybe once a positive beta.

I felt an odd sense of relief & anxiety all at the same time. I was happy to hear 5, but then kept thinking I started with 14. I think the odds are something like 33%...I think that is something Erin said...1 out of 3. So I should get at least one...fingers crossed I get 2.
Sorry minuet! Do you have PCOS? If so have you taken or asked your doctor about Metformin? I don't have any personal experience but I've heard good things about Metformin bringing O forward. Like FutureBabyG said, Femara is better on the lining than Clomid so you might have to investigate into that as well.

beaglemom - this science is truly fascinating! I'm sure you'll get at least two normal ones. I don't know if I want to find out the gender either if it were me. I know I want a boy, but what if I only get one normal embryo and it's a girl? Am I going to be less excited about the whole pregnancy? What if it's a boy and I get attached to it too early and it doesn't stick? I'm not sure how many clinics in the US actually allows you to select the gender. There was an article last week about an Australian couple who spent like $50K to come to the US to do gender selection because they wanted a girl (already had 2 or 3 boys). I think that was in California so it must be legal there.

My temp is dropping. I just hope AF can stay away until Sunday so I can go in on Monday on CD2 and start my meds then. If it arrives tomorrow then Monday will be CD3 which probably also means we'll most likely have to cut our Christmas trip short and come back for another scan on Friday. We'll see.
Floridasian I hope af stays away until Sunday and you can have a happy holiday with your family.
I feel great, but every time I feel like I am closer to going back to work something happens and then I am set back. I am looking forward to femara and seeing the fertility specialist.
Sorry minuet. You never know though you may have a chance. How thin is your lining? If it is already thin on 100 mg why are they going to continue with comid? Can you ask your doctor about femara? Femara doesn't thin your lining like clomid does.

FutureBabyG She didn't say how thin the lining was and I was too shocked and disappointed to ask, but I'm planning to go in tomorrow to ask. I'll be making an appointment to talk to the actual doctor(not just a nurse) about this cycle and see what she thinks and if we should switch to femara.
We are definitely wanting to be very aggressive, but not so much so that we miss a chance by being too rushed, if that makes sense.
I am glad that you are feeling great, and are going to be seeing a specialist soon! It does help to work with an RE.

Floridasian yes, I have PCOS and tried metformin last year with poor results. This year I'm on myoinositol and dci, which has improved my insulin levels more than metformin did. I also think it is responsible for the decent cycling I've had, albeit without ovulating.
I'm sorry that you got a BFN, but glad that AF showed up on the right day for you, if it can ever be a right day.
Okay...we have 5 embryos that were biopsied. So I guess we lost 2. The sample is going to the lab this afternoon with results early next week. I cannot believe more waiting.

Someone on the threads said no gender selection in NC. Well that is not true. But my office does not allow PGS for the sole purpose of gender selection. They also transfer the best one...so no input from us on what gender we want. Still unsure if we want to know the sex. Maybe once a positive beta.

I felt an odd sense of relief & anxiety all at the same time. I was happy to hear 5, but then kept thinking I started with 14. I think the odds are something like 33%...I think that is something Erin said...1 out of 3. So I should get at least one...fingers crossed I get 2.

Agree with floridasian, the science behind this is fascinating! I'm glad you still have five, and they have to be great, which means great odds of success. :)
Had my CD2 scan today. Doctor said my ovaries look small and my antral follicle count was only 8 (4 on each side) so he ordered another AMH since the last time I had it done was over a year ago.

I then told him we were considering IVF soon and I asked him if we were good candidates. He wouldn't answer me directly and just said we would have to wait for the test results.

So I'm starting the 75 units of Follistim tonight and I go back on Saturday for another scan. I'm glad we don't have to rush back on Christmas day so that's good.

But what he said made me a little nervous and uneasy.
Had my CD2 scan today. Doctor said my ovaries look small and my antral follicle count was only 8 (4 on each side) so he ordered another AMH since the last time I had it done was over a year ago.

I then told him we were considering IVF soon and I asked him if we were good candidates. He wouldn't answer me directly and just said we would have to wait for the test results.

So I'm starting the 75 units of Follistim tonight and I go back on Saturday for another scan. I'm glad we don't have to rush back on Christmas day so that's good.

But what he said made me a little nervous and uneasy.

I hate those kinds of answers. I hope your results come back okay...I know there will be some issues, but hopefully nothing IVF can't help with. It must be so frustrating knowing you have done this on your own before, but the help is not helping. If you do IVF, def consider PGS. You remember Erin...she did a fresh & 1 FET. The FET ended in a cp. But she did PGS on her last embryos & found out one was good. So she didn't have to waste time on the other ones. I would think with your history, this would be a good option for you too. But it is a higher cost...but if you factor in extra transfers if a fresh fails, I think it balances out.

Good luck to you.

I am still waiting on my PGS results which is very nerve racking. But I am back to work after vacation, so plenty to keep me busy.
Umm. Am I missing something?

Thursday a nurse did an ultrasound and told me I wasn't responding and would need to go up to 150mg. Obviously I would rather have my doctor's opinion on that, so I called today to set up an appointment to talk to her.
The receptionist said the earliest I could get in for that was February. I asked how that was possible when I need to talk to the doctor about NEXT cycle, you know, January? And she said that was the earliest available and I'd have to talk to the nurses to see if they could do anything.

Is this normal?? Is it normal to not actually get the doctor's input before starting a new cycle? Do the nurses relay my questions to her behind the scenes and report back, or are they just handing out their own advice? Am I missing something here?
Had my CD2 scan today. Doctor said my ovaries look small and my antral follicle count was only 8 (4 on each side) so he ordered another AMH since the last time I had it done was over a year ago.

I then told him we were considering IVF soon and I asked him if we were good candidates. He wouldn't answer me directly and just said we would have to wait for the test results.

So I'm starting the 75 units of Follistim tonight and I go back on Saturday for another scan. I'm glad we don't have to rush back on Christmas day so that's good.

But what he said made me a little nervous and uneasy.

I'm sorry, I hate it when doctors don't give good answers.
minuet - that's insane. Is this the same doctor's office you've been going to? Are you seeing a RE or an OB? Either way Feb is crazy. I'm lucky I'm in a small town so appointments aren't that difficult to come by. Even my first new patient appointment was only 3 weeks out. I'd suggest taking that appointment and ask if they can call you when an earlier appointment opens up. If not you can always call every couple days to see if there're openings. People cancel their appointments all the time.

The AMH is shipped out and tested by an outside lab. The nurse said with the holidays it might not come back until next week. Last time I had it done it was back in two days. I'm hoping they might have it back by my next appointment on Saturday though.

My quote without the Follistim was only $189 less so I ended up getting it because I figured I can never get it that cheap on its own in case I do need it and have to buy it separately.
You must be sitting on pins and needles waiting for your PGS report, beaglemom! Good luck!!!

Yes I think the real value in IVF for us is in the PGS testing. For me I think that's really what we need - we were able to get pregnant on our own a few times so it's either my egg and DH's sperm that is abnormal and PGS will hopefully be the answer for us and give us a THB. I hope my clinic does it. If they don't and I have to drive two hours to the next closest clinic that does it then so be it.
Minuet - my nurse relays info to my dr & gives it back to me. But on the other side, I am able to get in to see my dr usually within a couple of weeks. That seems like an insane amount of time & maybe your dr is overextending.

Floridasian - that is an awesome deal for the follistim, so I would have done that as well. As far as PGS, it is usually not if your dr does it, mainly if they can do it overnight. My office can do a fresh cycle with PGS, but some offices can't so you end up doing an FET the next cycle. But I have heard some drs be very against PGS. So hopefully your dr is open to it. But I guess if not, you can always transfer 2 when you do it...or find a dr who will listen to the PGS option. I have heard drs say it dmages the egg & that is just not the truth. But do your own research. As you can see from my case, none of my eggs were damaged from PGS. I had 7 eggs on day 3 & 5 able to biopsy. They do not even touch the egg, it is the fluid around the egg.

Ugh...stupid telemarketer just called me...I thought it was my results.
Minuet- I have a nurse practitioner that does my iui and prescribing of fertility medications but like the ladies said she speaks with my doctor. I can always speak with my doctor. Sorry you are having so much trouble getting answers.

Floridasian- that is so frustrating. I have never had a cd 2 scan. I am hoping to do an injectables cycle in march or april. I know this is stupid but I kind of want to wait and do femara for 3 cycles. The other half says get going you're only wasting time.

Beaglemom crossing fingers for a good report from the pgs!
They called me a while ago...I didn't have time to post.

She said I have good news (so in the pit I was thinking did all 5 make it?). But she said I have 2 out of 5. I was hoping for 3, but honestly, I felt this huge relief when she said it. When you really think about it, I either have 2 shots or 2 babies. The PGS embryo is already better quality. So I am focusing on 2 babies. She asked about gender and I told her not yet. My husband does not want to know for both...takes away the surprise for baby #2. But I do want to knw once we have a positive beta. So overall I feel pretty good. So 2 weeks from today is my FET class. And hopefully shortly after, I can do the FET. The nurse said I had to be on bcp for at least 2 weeks.

Oh man...all I keep thinking is I have 2 babies just waiting for me...at this moment, I am not even thinking about a possibility of failure. I am truly filled with excitement & relief.
They called me a while ago...I didn't have time to post.

She said I have good news (so in the pit I was thinking did all 5 make it?). But she said I have 2 out of 5. I was hoping for 3, but honestly, I felt this huge relief when she said it. When you really think about it, I either have 2 shots or 2 babies. The PGS embryo is already better quality. So I am focusing on 2 babies. She asked about gender and I told her not yet. My husband does not want to know for both...takes away the surprise for baby #2. But I do want to knw once we have a positive beta. So overall I feel pretty good. So 2 weeks from today is my FET class. And hopefully shortly after, I can do the FET. The nurse said I had to be on bcp for at least 2 weeks.

Oh man...all I keep thinking is I have 2 babies just waiting for me...at this moment, I am not even thinking about a possibility of failure. I am truly filled with excitement & relief.

Congrats! So exciting.
Beagle so glad to hear you have to good ones! So what's the expected date for the transfer?

I just got done with my injectables "class" DH was pissed because he had to do all of this in the military so he was like I know all this crap! But we did learn how to mix it and where to inject (butt/hip area) and that I'll need to be laying down. But all of that could have been explained over the phone and email of paperwork/handout. But you know what at least we know what to do and expect during this next cycle. DH is really hoping this works and me too!

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