Minuet, maybe you peaked during the night. But I will also tell you I got the O pains & cm before a pos opk. My opinion on this is that since sperm live a few days, your body gears up a few days earlier. Especially the increased sex drive. I think nature knows to get the boys in early. But this is all speculation. I have also heard people getting almost positive opks then they get lighter only to get pos the next day. So opk is not like a pregnancy test which should gradually get darker. They can go light then go straight to positive.
As far as my eggs, here is the deal. They pump your body up to get as many mature follicles as possible. Then trigger...then they go in before you O to retrive them. In my case I had a ton growing. At retrieval, they got 14...which is a good number...but obviously I would have loved more. During retrieval they collect a semen sample. Sometimes they put the sperm in the egg & let them "naturally" fertilize. But in my case we have male factor so they use ICSI which is they take 1 sperm & inject it in to each egg. 13 of the 14 eggs were mature. In my case, they got 7 of the 13 to fertilize. I was upset by this. I knew I would not keep all 14, but 10 would have been great. So they give me updates on how they were doing. Sometimes they will stop growing. The other thing I am doing is PGS. This is a process where they take cells from the embryos & test them to make sure they have enough chromosomes. So I will lose some embryos due to them not being good. This increases the success rate & decreases the mc rate. So on day 5 they test them & freeze them. I was supposed to have a day 6 transfer, but my P levels went up & so they switched me to FET. My levels going up basically means my body is ahead of the process so when putting the embryo in it would not work because my body was not in sync. So instead all will be frozen & one will be thawed when I do my FET. During FET they will manipulate my cycle & body so they it is ready for implantation.
Anyways...sorry for the long explanation. I hope you guys never have to do it, but it is def an awesome process. I can't believe we have this science available.