~*~Feb Lovebugs Baby Club :)~*~

Gill- :hugs: Hopefully as Shelby gets a bit older she'll become less of a novelty if you know what I mean so MIL might back off slightly? At the end of the day you're her mum and you know what Shelby does and doesn't need. Perhaps ask OH to have a word and say you're all still finding your feet and could do with a bit of space xx

f***ing mil has just rung complaining that we don't let her see shelby and that we're refusing to let her in our house. I turned her away once laszt week when fil was due to arrive from 150 miles away for his frist visit as Shelby was sleeping. She gets really disturbed with lots of visitors and our night is usual screwed when people come to visit as Shelby ends up crying half the night and being a right pest.
I knew she would be like this, when I turned her away - by saying - "sorry, i'd invite you in but Shelby is sleeping and fil is arriving any minute so don't want to wake her as she'll be stroppy tonight if she doesn't get enough sleep" - she then left dragging her feet, face turned into a frown as if i'd told her her fricking mother had died. Grrr. She really does my goat! And I know she'll be blaming me for being selfish. Also she keeps offering to babysit even though I've already explained to her a milion times that we're bfing and she won't be able to look afetr her until she weaned. I don't have enough ebm to leave her with her and I don't want a million different people feeding her as she'll end up rejecting my boob. She's my baby god damn it!
I knew fine she'd be trying to take over as she has f**k all hobbies and life, and has been waiting desperately for this baby to arrive to give her something to do. It's perfectly fair she only see's her a little bit, my own mum livers 700 miles away and has to spend a fortune to come see her and that will only be every few months as they don't have much money. God why are mil so fricking pishy! ARGHHHH!!!!!!!! :devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:

and breathe...... :haha:

Sorry its not funny i know. The MIL. Is Shelby her first grandchild by any chance? If so, expect her to drive you barmy forever. As said, Shelby is your child and the MIL is just going to have to accept she cant have everything her own way. Dont allow her to guilt trip you. But do keep in mind she is Shelbys grandparent and ultimately its only done out of love. My MIL often drives me barmy, mostly because she is just so soft and mushy, my kids walk all over her and if i tell them off, i am evil, but I would rather she drove me nuts and had a good bond with them, than no bond at all. Stay firm and she will learn the boundaries in time. (gosh its like toddler training :haha:)
Katy- with the problems you had with bf I would def talk to your hv about feeling down. Your best off addressing it now before it's to late!

Gill, I've got a sling, I know it sounds silly but I can't work it out, he dissappears under all the material and I worry he can't breath. The one time I did get it right he loved it!

Also mil are annoying. Mine asked me if a baby would count as a person in a caravan assuming we are going on holiday with them this year, I can't think of anything worse with a young baby being stuck in a caravan with the whole family (they have two young kids). Also people keep telling me to bottle feed so they can help. I don't want anyone else to look after my child I'm quite happy with what I'm doing thanks!
Hiya Ladies, I'm here (officially) at long last !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tired, and it has taken a few days to get BF sorted, but my milk is in now and she is sleeping on average of 2 hrs between feeds. Still, am having a bit of an issue with latching, she is proper lazy and it can take ages to get her to open her mouth properly so she isnt just sucking on the nipple end - ouch! Bought some lanisoh cream which is helping and she is getting better at it.

The First 2 nights I spent in the hospital I got about 3 hrs sleep (broken into 10 mins here & there) as she would feed and fall asleep but wake up screaming within about 5 mins of going in her cot. She did this on the first night home too which DH was most unimpressed about. I think he forgot how tiring it could be lol and I was worried that it wasnt going to change and how exhausted I was (at this point I'd prob had about 9-10 hrs sleep since I woke up on Sun morning.. The next morning tho, my milk came in and she slept in her moses on and off all day and we had a good night last night. I think it was just a case of her being hungry & wanting to be close to me, and now she has a full tummy & is getting used to her moses basket.

Hope you are all ok, Going to have a cuppa & watch tv with lil man now untill the mw arrives.
Morning all, congrats on tahlia caz, Fraser had a funny couple of nights to begin with too, I wonder if they find the change from the maternity ward (temperature/noise/lights) to home just a bit much to begin with. I hope she stays more settled for you now.

Claire, I have a sling I got from boots, its the best one I ever had in terms of simplicity and alleviating the worry of baby suffocating. It is basically like a bumbag lol that baby lies in, and face up so not into your body. It even has a harness to help hold baby in place and feel nice and secure.


Well yesterday we had elsie and masons jabs done and were out at playzone, so Fraser slept a lot. I had a feeling we might pay for it that night but it was more early evening. He was awake from 7pm till 10.30pm not happily either. I was starting to think it was going to go on all night, but then i realised it was day 9, so probably the start of a growth spurt and just offered him milk everytime he grizzled. He took a fair amount, around 6-7 ounces in total between 7-10.30pm but then he started to posset so i knew he was verging on overfeeding. He STILL wouldnt settle, so I tried the dummy and that wasnt working. In the end, I swaddled him, put him down in his cot, turned the light off and sat beside the cot. He cried for about 2 minutes then totally conked out. Overtired. That was him until 2.00am, when he fed in 20 minutes and went straight back to sleep until 5.55am where again he fed quick and settled this time in bed with me until 9.30am. So the night time wasnt bad at all but the evening....gaaah lol!
Afternoon ! cant seem to keep up with this thread, or maybe im just to tired to look page on the pages!

Adam is still very very windy - even tho we have changed over to cow and gate comfort, it has helped with his poos but other then that, it hasent done a lot, if anything he wants even more feeds, yesterday it went like this, 7:30am then 12am, then 3pm, then 6pm, then from 8pm on wards he is wide awake till 2pm at least... he then wakes every 2 hours from them. MW and HV keep saying i must try and keep him awake during the day, how the hell am i meant to do that? you cant force a baby to stay awake!

hope you ladies & babies are keeping well x
Afternoon ! cant seem to keep up with this thread, or maybe im just to tired to look page on the pages!

Adam is still very very windy - even tho we have changed over to cow and gate comfort, it has helped with his poos but other then that, it hasent done a lot, if anything he wants even more feeds, yesterday it went like this, 7:30am then 12am, then 3pm, then 6pm, then from 8pm on wards he is wide awake till 2pm at least... he then wakes every 2 hours from them. MW and HV keep saying i must try and keep him awake during the day, how the hell am i meant to do that? you cant force a baby to stay awake!

hope you ladies & babies are keeping well x

Hi annemarie

I sympathise as summer was just the same as adam as a baby, except she had silent reflux which is why she struggled so badly with wind. She was horribly sleepy and would take a ten minute feed, fall asleep, then wake ten minutes later screaming for more.

IN the end, I was told the same as you, to keep her awake. So I stripped her off in the day time, she was in nothing but a baby gro and nappy, kept the temperature in the house low, gave her a top and tail each feeding time. If she got sleepy on the bottle I would put her down on the floor immediately and play with her to wake her up. I would tickle the feet and when she would get sleepy on the bottle, tapping the end of it quite hard would encourage her to keep drinking.

She was on omneo comfort for a while too (did you know you can get it on prescription?) and I had to go up a teat size as its much thicker, she was sucking so hard trying to get some out, she would fall asleep in the end.
Thanks max - i will try them things, see if it helps.... you seems to be a pro at all this lol.... this side of it is all new to me, Paris - slept right thru after a week, and didnt have any problems really, but every baby is different! at first we didnt realise we needed to go up a teat size! i have found with the comfort,you have to really shake the bottle, a fair few times otherwise all the powder just lays at the bottom and goes all gloopy

its a pain to make it up isnt it, I actually didnt use it for more than a few weeks as summer went the opposite way and began to take less and less, instead of more. It didnt really seem to make a difference to her either.

Just out of interest, how does adam feed? When he is feeding is he quite settled or does he tend to gulp at the bottle then tense up? Does he arch his back out and legs out when struggling with his wind? Just curious to see if it might be more than bad wind, like it was with summer. Silent reflux is hard to spot because they dont projectile vomit like normal reflux, they swallow it back down. If he may have it, infant gaviscon could help a lot.
Aww annmarie! I hope it sorts out soon! I can't offer any advice as Shelby has reflux and I'm just about controlling it with feeding her lying down and lots of infacol.

MIL visit tonight - wish me good manners and patience! lol
Hey, i'm here now, Evie decided to turn up this morning at 4.25am...9lb 2oz...xx

how is everyone??
awww congratulations! Evie sure kept you waiting! I hope you arent feeling too rough :)
its a pain to make it up isnt it, I actually didnt use it for more than a few weeks as summer went the opposite way and began to take less and less, instead of more. It didnt really seem to make a difference to her either.

Just out of interest, how does adam feed? When he is feeding is he quite settled or does he tend to gulp at the bottle then tense up? Does he arch his back out and legs out when struggling with his wind? Just curious to see if it might be more than bad wind, like it was with summer. Silent reflux is hard to spot because they dont projectile vomit like normal reflux, they swallow it back down. If he may have it, infant gaviscon could help a lot.

most of the time he will gulp at the bottle then cry as if it isnt coming out fast enough -which we no it is-, he will only do this for a few mins then be ok, but yes to the arching his back and legs - he does this quiet alot, HV has even seem him doing it and all she said is " it cold be colic" x
its a pain to make it up isnt it, I actually didnt use it for more than a few weeks as summer went the opposite way and began to take less and less, instead of more. It didnt really seem to make a difference to her either.

Just out of interest, how does adam feed? When he is feeding is he quite settled or does he tend to gulp at the bottle then tense up? Does he arch his back out and legs out when struggling with his wind? Just curious to see if it might be more than bad wind, like it was with summer. Silent reflux is hard to spot because they dont projectile vomit like normal reflux, they swallow it back down. If he may have it, infant gaviscon could help a lot.

most of the time he will gulp at the bottle then cry as if it isnt coming out fast enough -which we no it is-, he will only do this for a few mins then be ok, but yes to the arching his back and legs - he does this quiet alot, HV has even seem him doing it and all she said is " it cold be colic" x

What is he like if you lay him down, after a feed? Can you do it, or is he very uncomfortable. If he does the arching of the back and the legs straight out stiff, it sounds to me like reflux, this is what summer did. The midwife tried to tell me it was colic too. With colic they pull their legs up, not out. I would push to try infant gaviscon in his feeds, its prescription or you can buy over the counter, but it should help if it is reflux.

f***ing mil has just rung complaining that we don't let her see shelby and that we're refusing to let her in our house. I turned her away once laszt week when fil was due to arrive from 150 miles away for his frist visit as Shelby was sleeping. She gets really disturbed with lots of visitors and our night is usual screwed when people come to visit as Shelby ends up crying half the night and being a right pest.
I knew she would be like this, when I turned her away - by saying - "sorry, i'd invite you in but Shelby is sleeping and fil is arriving any minute so don't want to wake her as she'll be stroppy tonight if she doesn't get enough sleep" - she then left dragging her feet, face turned into a frown as if i'd told her her fricking mother had died. Grrr. She really does my goat! And I know she'll be blaming me for being selfish. Also she keeps offering to babysit even though I've already explained to her a milion times that we're bfing and she won't be able to look afetr her until she weaned. I don't have enough ebm to leave her with her and I don't want a million different people feeding her as she'll end up rejecting my boob. She's my baby god damn it!
I knew fine she'd be trying to take over as she has f**k all hobbies and life, and has been waiting desperately for this baby to arrive to give her something to do. It's perfectly fair she only see's her a little bit, my own mum livers 700 miles away and has to spend a fortune to come see her and that will only be every few months as they don't have much money. God why are mil so fricking pishy! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :devil::devil::devil::devil::devil:

oh gill - :hugs:

dont mind your mil - they all like to do your head in! x
i feel like shit

xander just been weighed and he's lost weight. mw said i need to give formula as a top up 3 times a day. no wonder he's been feeding for soooooo long - he not getting enough, and today he's so sleepy and hardly fed, feel bloody awful!

hope you are all ok, i havnt had much time to catch up with you all but thinking about everyone and hopefully i'll be able to catch up on some banter soon xxx

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