f***ing mil has just rung complaining that we don't let her see shelby and that we're refusing to let her in our house. I turned her away once laszt week when fil was due to arrive from 150 miles away for his frist visit as Shelby was sleeping. She gets really disturbed with lots of visitors and our night is usual screwed when people come to visit as Shelby ends up crying half the night and being a right pest.
I knew she would be like this, when I turned her away - by saying - "sorry, i'd invite you in but Shelby is sleeping and fil is arriving any minute so don't want to wake her as she'll be stroppy tonight if she doesn't get enough sleep" - she then left dragging her feet, face turned into a frown as if i'd told her her fricking mother had died. Grrr. She really does my goat! And I know she'll be blaming me for being selfish. Also she keeps offering to babysit even though I've already explained to her a milion times that we're bfing and she won't be able to look afetr her until she weaned. I don't have enough ebm to leave her with her and I don't want a million different people feeding her as she'll end up rejecting my boob. She's my baby god damn it!
I knew fine she'd be trying to take over as she has f**k all hobbies and life, and has been waiting desperately for this baby to arrive to give her something to do. It's perfectly fair she only see's her a little bit, my own mum livers 700 miles away and has to spend a fortune to come see her and that will only be every few months as they don't have much money. God why are mil so fricking pishy! ARGHHHH!!!!!!!!