February 2013 babies

Loompy - feel free to vent here, I'd be the same I think. I wasn't able to breast feed my son, (well I tried for 4 days but he had slight jaundice, they thought he had an infection so had a drip in the back of his hand for the first 5 days and was very lethargic so didn't latch on at all) and the number of poster about breastfeeding in hospitals and clinics is slightly OTT in my opinion, yes we all know it's best but if you can't for any reason it can be almost like harassment! And for a midwife to not notice something as significant as a double mastectomy in your notice is, quite frankly, unforgivable - then advise you on how to check your boobs, if it wasn't so insulting it would be laughable. Hopefully she has learned from this and reads notes in future.

Sorry you had to experience that, hopefully your next appointment will be better :hugs:
I know I said I wouldn't worry about my spotting anymore, but well......I'm worried!!! The spotting is still happening. On Sunday night and Monday morning, I had a lot of mucous like discharge happening. There were red stringy membranes mixed in. I heard the mucous could be from increased estrogen but I don't know about the stringy stuff. Once yesterday, I went to the washroom and I had bright red blood when I wiped (none in my underwear or in the toilet). I wiped three times and by the last time I wiped it was looking more brown. I still have the stringy stuff going on though. I called and left a message for my OB/GYN's nurse. Hopefully she calls me back today. I feel like I am in limbo and don't know what is happening to me!

I was watching The Doctors today and this topic came up. I think she said somewhere in the neighborhood of 35% of all women have spotting during pregnancy and it's perfectly ok. I know that probably doesn't help much....I hope your doc gets back to you soon!
Loompylooloo - sorry they didn't take the time to read your notes properly.
I worry about breastfeeding because I suffered low supply with Gabriel. At 3 months, he'd completely dropped off the weight charts and his HC and length were starting to drop percentiles as well. He was diagnosed as 'failure to thrive' -- Such a horrible term. I had to supplement with formula and was lucky enough to be able to combo feed until he self-weaned. I hope I have a better supply this time around, but expect I'll end up combo feeding. The formula these days has really come a long way and I think it's great that we have a healthy option available to us when things go wrong. I know a few ladies who've had success finding a milk donor to give them their excess breast milk too, so that they didn't have to give formula. It's a great option if you can find someone.
Happy American Independence Day to you American mommies! :)
I think there is too much pressure on mums to breastfeed at the moment. In the uk midwives are tasked with increasing the number of mums who breastfeed and as a result are far too pushy. A couple of friends of mine who struggled due to low supply and their babies ended back up in hospital were really distraught feeling they'd failed. Another friend was on the postnatal ward next to a first time mum who was really struggling to get her baby to feed and a midwife said very loudly to my friend 'you're doing a great job at breastfeeding, unlike some around here....' I think that's terrible! No one is in doubt that breastfeeding is a great start for a baby but formula is very advanced now and I doubt there is all that much difference.
I know I said I wouldn't worry about my spotting anymore, but well......I'm worried!!! The spotting is still happening. On Sunday night and Monday morning, I had a lot of mucous like discharge happening. There were red stringy membranes mixed in. I heard the mucous could be from increased estrogen but I don't know about the stringy stuff. Once yesterday, I went to the washroom and I had bright red blood when I wiped (none in my underwear or in the toilet). I wiped three times and by the last time I wiped it was looking more brown. I still have the stringy stuff going on though. I called and left a message for my OB/GYN's nurse. Hopefully she calls me back today. I feel like I am in limbo and don't know what is happening to me!

I'm sorry you're still struggling with this, it must get very frustrating ](*,)
I hope they've gotten you in for a scan or will soon. As always, continued prayers for you!
ok, so many of you mention a mid wife and booking appts and stuff. Where I'm from we get a first OB appt (my dosc usually don't see us til 12 weeks, but I've been seen before that in the past, and now that I'm 41 the want to see me at 8 weeks where they'll book an 'early" ultrasound. Then we follow through with an OBGYN for the 9 months. I have heard of midwives, and believed they were for people who deliveredd at home. Would you mind explaining how it works where you are? (I'm the curious type :) )
Our local obgyn office has both obgyn's and midwives. When I got my + at home, I simply called and told them how far along I was and they scheduled my first appointment. Everyone starts out meeting a midwife first. You can choose to be midwife led or obgyn at that point. If you have complications that require more specialized care then they'll have you be obgyn led. The midwives use the same hospital for the birth and you can have whatever kind of birth you want there. Basically they realize that for most women pregnancy is a perfectly normal, healthy event and doesn't require medical intervention and so a midwife is all you need to see you through the birth. However, if any complications come up they've got the specialists at hand to take over when medical intervention is required.
I was never pressured to BF, it's just something I've always felt very strongly about. Formula is perfectly fine, but it's not anywhere near as good as breastmilk. There are plenty of times where formula or combo feeding are the better or only option and nobody should feel guilty about using formula when it's required.
I live in a small city and we don't have very many midwives. So I am on a waiting list to get one and am stuck with my OB/GYN for now.

Anyways, here is my update:
I am now bleeding like I have my period! I was absolutely convinced I already miscarried. I went to the ER again because I needed to know if I had in fact miscarried. Turns out they can see the fetal pole, the baby is the right size, my beta is over 20,000 and the heartbeat is 124bpm. They could not find a reason for the bleeding. Shortly after I came home they called me and said the radiologist had reviewed my ultrasound and said I have a subchorionic hematoma below the sac! Not what I want to hear but finally an answer!!!
Glad they figured out what's going on Mrs T, even if it's not fantastic news. At least your baby is ok. I hope it dissolves on it's own for you.
Hello...may I join you?

I am 44 and (shockingly) pregnant for the 2nd time (I have an 11 year old and an adopted 3 year old!!). Never thought this would ever happen again to me...I was told my son was a miracle. Now here I am. LOL

I don't have a specific due date yet because I ovulated really late and my scan showed a sac of 5w3d on the 25th of June. Go back for another scan on July 13th to date. :) I'm thinking a Valentines baby here though! :)

I am very nervous as I've had miscarriage before my son, however, that was 12 years ago! LOL...so I'm hoping my body is a bit stronger and wiser (NOT OLD!) this time! LOL
Thank you oorweeistyin...:) Everyone said after we adopted our daughter (she came to us at 5 months and the adoption was finalized this past Dec 2011), that I would get pregnant. I scoffed and told them that my eggs were all dried up and useless...haha...joke was on me I guess! LOL
Welcome JustaTrace! Is there a date you'd like me to put you down for on the first post? I can always change it after your scan on the 13th.
JustaTrace what lovely news. Huge Congrats to you!
MrsT I hope the bleeding resolves itself! Must have been so good to know about the heartbeat. Can't wait to hear mine!
In the uk we go to the Dr when we get our BFP and tell them we are pg. They generally ask which hospital we would like and we then get a date for a booking appt in the post. At least that is what happened for me this time. Am sure it was different the last three times but can't remember. We see a midwife....we always see a mw here first and are generally seen most by a mw and they book us in and do bloods, urine etc. They assess us and decide whether we should be mw led or consultant led depending on our risk factors and previous history. If we are mw led we can choose pretty much what we would like to do. We can have a hospital birth, birth centre birth which is very natural and there are no drs on hand or a home birth. If not we are seen by a consultant and our care is led by their decisions. We don't have Obgyn here as far as I am aware but I think they are the same as consultants. Our first scan tends to be at 12 weeks and this is where they date the pg and then we have an anomaly scan at 20 weeks where they look for anything that may be wrong. We are seen regularlarly at the drs surgery by the mw and monitored severe month or so until we get near the end and then it becomes more regular.

Hope you are all feeling well! I am ok today, just tired. Had to curl up in bed at 3.30 as I felt so horrid but doing ok today!
Keep smiling!
Hi Ladies,

Welcome Justatrace and congrats. I'm 40 this year and have suffered with infertility due to pcos. I had fertility treatment for my first due to not ovulating at all and since then my fertility has been all over the place but I have luckily conceived naturally. Weirdly since turning 35 my ovaries seems to be firing out eggs like mad so sometimes age does not mean less fertility!

MrsT im so glad you finally have an answer. Have they said if it will cause any problems or should it go away?

Loompy sorry to hear what you've been through. Hopefully this young midwife will have learnt a valuable lesson if nothing else.

Perpetual, in the uk we are looked after by a midwife which 99.9% are female throughout our pregnancy and labour. We are only referred to a obstetric consultant if complications arise, and they will only appear at the birth if there is a problem. 'Booking in' is the term used for our first appointment with the midwife where all form filling and initial bloods and urine is taken. We discuss where we want to have the baby, our previous pregnancy/birth history etc. Once we are booked in we are in the system and we wait for our first scan.

As I predicted I have been sent an appointment for scan on the 17th July. The hospital are going by my LMP so they think I will be 11 weeks. I know I will only be 9 so too early for the NT scan. Feel like its a waste of everyone's time but it's procedure for hospital to do it this way. At least I get to see my baby an extra time!
THanks for the welcome! :)

Seity, I don't have a confirmed date yet. I'm thinking around the 14th or 16th but not sure. If you can wait a week, I will give you my date then.

I'm feeling very crampy today though...it's higher up in my stomach and around the sides so I'm thinking it's my bowels. When I had my C section for my son, he went up under my ribs (had to use spreaders to get him out!) and that resulted in part of my large intestine getting "smoothed out"...so the hormones are making me so bowel crampy and constipated! UGH...hoping they go away soon...it's making me nervous.

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