February 2013 babies

Gabriel came at 38+3, but I was expecting and hoping he'd wait until week 41. 42 weeks is a normal cooking time, so I don't know why they always seem to want to induce before you've gotten to 42 weeks. If this one is comfy, I'll refuse to be induced unless they can prove there's a danger to my baby, like signs my placenta is degrading. Honestly, I expect this one will come early and be a January baby.

ah...you've got the high efficiency cooker, not working with an easy bake oven like me :haha:
Wow 38+3 I'd take that! By LMP I should be 9 weeks, by my ovulation date 8+2 and the scan has me as 8+6. I'll see what date my 12 week scan says and then try and argue for as late a due date as possible. I had a c section last time so am hoping for a VBAC this time around and I know I will start to get pressure for a repeat section once I go overdue. Rosie was born at 42+1 (42+3 by LMP) so I am fully expecting to go 2 weeks over again...
Hi All,
I was just wondering whether people had started suffering with any symptoms yet ie Morning Sickness, Sore Breasts, Headaches, Tiredness etc??

After 2 MC's I am paranoid that I am only suffering with Tiredness and not really much else other than the odd headache!

I have a scan this Thursday which should hopefully put my mid at rest xx
Hi All,
I was just wondering whether people had started suffering with any symptoms yet ie Morning Sickness, Sore Breasts, Headaches, Tiredness etc??

After 2 MC's I am paranoid that I am only suffering with Tiredness and not really much else other than the odd headache!

I have a scan this Thursday which should hopefully put my mid at rest xx

I've got the sore boobs, waves of "OMG, can I just curl up here and take a quick nap? PLEASE?!?!?!", and pretty much non-stop queasiness (thankfully, no puking... yet).

I had my first scan on Saturday (viability & dating, since this is pg #4 and we have no kids)... measured 2 days ahead with a perfect little heartbeat, which makes today 8w... 5 more weeks 'til I can breathe a little easier. C'mon little bean!
My main symptom is tiredness too and everything was fine at our scan yesterday. Hoping yours goes well on thursday x
I had zero symptoms with my son, except for mild tiredness. I felt fantastic the whole pregnancy.
This time I've got mild symptoms, tender breasts, more tired than last time, and sensitive stomach on occasion. I get hungry often and can't eat big meals, but as long as I eat small meals, I'm fine.
HI...I've got sore boobs (but not excrutiating - only when the kids bump them or lie on them). I'm tired, but not exhausted...however, I am ready for bed by 9pm every single night and fully asleep before my head hits the pillow. I am also suffering from insomnia! Wake at around 3 am and can't fall asleep for a few hours. Try to stay up later but end up falling asleep on the couch anyway! LOL...(must be my old bones!)

Other than that, I feel pretty darn good. A few twinges here and there (pulling and gas pains). I can't wait for my ultrasound on Friday!!! Just want to be sure everything is fine and find out for sure how big the baby is measuring.

I found out I was pregnant on June 19th but at my scan on the 25th (had it because I am sure I ovulated really late this last cycle and couldn't remember my LMP date), she said I was at max 5w 3days. So by my count, I should be 8 weeks on Friday. I dont care how big or small..just want to see a HB and a healthy baby.
Hi Ladies,

Am fed up of feeling rubbish! Sickness gets worse after eating so dread eating but have to as I'm starving. Am struggling to find drinks that I can stomach, which is new to me, I don't remember it being like this with my other pregnancies. I have lost 5 pounds and jeans are feeling looser not tighter like i think they should be, I'm just over 8 weeks now and this worries me. With my last pregnancy I remember having a proper bump at 10 weeks as was on holiday and couldn't do up my wetsuit! Can't feel anything of a bump yet. Do any of you have a bump yet? Or can you at least feel where your uterus is? Hoping I'll suddenly pop over next week or two.

Happy to hear everyone's scans are going well.

MrsT hope your ok. Sorry to hear what the Doc said and I hope he was wrong. Sending you :hugs: x
No bump for me. I posted my 9 week picture in the 35+ bump thread if you want to see my non-bump. I have to take gas-x a lot when I eat or I feel bad. I get gas pressure that causes nausea, so as long as I take care of the gas I feel fine.
Seity, You have one of the flattest stomach I've ever seen! Lucky girl!
Seity, You have one of the flattest stomach I've ever seen! Lucky girl!

It's a good thing most of the time, but a bit of a let down, when you want to show off a baby bump and there's nothing to show.
Just wanted to say Thank you, I feel a little better that I have only really suffered with tiredness, I do get the odd time when I think I feel sick, but then I eat something and it goes away...
Had my midwife appointment today, to my LMP I am 7w5d, but as i ovulated late I think i am only really 6w3d...
I have a scan on Thursday and really hope I see something to put my mind completely at rest... (suffered 2 MC's - both empty sacs)....

Fingers crossed this is third time lucky xx
Hi Ladies,

Am fed up of feeling rubbish! Sickness gets worse after eating so dread eating but have to as I'm starving. Am struggling to find drinks that I can stomach, which is new to me, I don't remember it being like this with my other pregnancies. I have lost 5 pounds and jeans are feeling looser not tighter like i think they should be, I'm just over 8 weeks now and this worries me. With my last pregnancy I remember having a proper bump at 10 weeks as was on holiday and couldn't do up my wetsuit! Can't feel anything of a bump yet. Do any of you have a bump yet? Or can you at least feel where your uterus is? Hoping I'll suddenly pop over next week or two.

Happy to hear everyone's scans are going well.

MrsT hope your ok. Sorry to hear what the Doc said and I hope he was wrong. Sending you :hugs: x

I have a belly, but it's just because I was so thin before I got pg that I notice it now that I have put on a few pounds because of the constant need to eat. Oh, that and the fact that after carrying 5 kids for close to 42 weeks each my old abs don't hold ANYTHING in. When I lay on my back I can feel a slight bump above my pubic bone which would never show if I stood up. Feeling a tad dumpy these days since none of my brand new summer clothes really fit anymore without making me look...yeah, dumpy :sad2: Sexy little Shorts can't button so I'm back to wearing my old lady shorts from many moons ago. again :sad2: All will be worth it for my little munchkin (Hoping second tri will afford me more energy for exercise, less nausea, and less dire hunger!
No bump here... just fat ;) I think I can feel my uterus swelling, though (and I can't sleep on my tummy any more).

Wahoo!!!! I just upchucked in my office! Joy :p Thank goodness I've got ziploc freezer bags stashed everywhere in creation, 'cuz there was no warning, either. (and yes, I do realize it's really strange to be excited about puking LOL but with my history I'm taking it as a very good sign... plus a tiny part of me thought "finally... all that nausea finally amounts to something!" ;) )
No bump here... just fat ;) I think I can feel my uterus swelling, though (and I can't sleep on my tummy any more).

Wahoo!!!! I just upchucked in my office! Joy :p Thank goodness I've got ziploc freezer bags stashed everywhere in creation, 'cuz there was no warning, either. (and yes, I do realize it's really strange to be excited about puking LOL but with my history I'm taking it as a very good sign... plus a tiny part of me thought "finally... all that nausea finally amounts to something!" ;) )

sorry :haha: that just made me laugh...we put all of our leftovers in ziploc bags. I think I'm going to have to stop doing that as it is already difficult to open my fridge without starting the heaves going, never mind the imagery of barf in a ziploc :sick: congrats! I know I felt better the first time I started heaving--just to know I was getting there!
No bump here... just fat ;) I think I can feel my uterus swelling, though (and I can't sleep on my tummy any more).

Wahoo!!!! I just upchucked in my office! Joy :p Thank goodness I've got ziploc freezer bags stashed everywhere in creation, 'cuz there was no warning, either. (and yes, I do realize it's really strange to be excited about puking LOL but with my history I'm taking it as a very good sign... plus a tiny part of me thought "finally... all that nausea finally amounts to something!" ;) )

That made me giggle so much. Bleurgh.....sick in a ziploc!
I have been so tired that I have been doing Olympic style sleeping. I asked a friend who is a Dr and she said the meds I am taking for sickness make you drowsy. I have only managed to take 2 instead of 3 today which is great as I am less tired and I feel really good today. Almost normal! :happydance:

Bumpity1 I hear your sickness pain. Have been there and done that and will probably do it tomorrow ~luckily today is an eating day! I have lost about 3.5 pounds but I do appear to have a pot belly. I think that is purely because this is number 4, my muscles have gone to pot and because i was really skinny before.

MrsT I hope you are ok. Sending you huge hugs :hugs:
You ladies can keep the MS. I'm more than happy to feel fine.
Isn't it mad how we all long for symptoms for us to feel yucky? But like you DarkLady I had a mc earlier this year so I'm longing for symptoms - really, really strong symptoms :lol:

All my symptoms are fairly mild just now

- a little tired but then I'm on holiday just now so I reckon I'll be more tired next week when I'm back at work
- mild nausea - but the multi vits I'm taking have ginger in them so possibly that is really helping!
- occasional heartburn - as above. I had horrendous heartburn when I pregnant with my son, constantly had indigestion tablets at my side!!

Just under 2 weeks to my first midwife appt. It's a 'history' appointment apparently, not quite sure if that is different to a booking appt but I'll just have to wait and see.

MrsT - thinking about you, hope you have had better news :hugs:

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