February 2013 babies


Basically you can post your weekly bump and everyone can see the bumps grow as the pregnancy progresses.
Hey there ladies. Been off the radar a bit as I have been feeling pretty rubbish. Am SO tired. Have been sleeping so much. Can't do anything without having to lie down after. Still feel a bit sicky but not eating enough and think I have lost a few pounds which I really don't want or need to do. Seeing MW tomorrow morning to hoping they can help me out a bit. Am finding work exhausting! I am a special needs assistant at a school and run around after a four year old for 5 hours without a break and it is such hard work. Didn't go in yesterday as my son had a fever and today I said I couldn't go in as I feel too unwell. It is beginning to get to me a bit as I feel totally useless. I would just like a bit more energy to do things with my kids. We are considering telling our 8 year old as he is so worried about me as I am constantly in bed and saying how tired I am. Have any of you told your other kids?
Anyway, enough of my moaning and groaning.
Congrats to Seity on your anniversary.
MrsT ...am glad you may have got to the bottom of the bleeding.
Just want to say a huge thanks to you all for all your lovely support. You are all lovely!
Hey there ladies. Been off the radar a bit as I have been feeling pretty rubbish. Am SO tired. Have been sleeping so much. Can't do anything without having to lie down after. Still feel a bit sicky but not eating enough and think I have lost a few pounds which I really don't want or need to do. Seeing MW tomorrow morning to hoping they can help me out a bit. Am finding work exhausting! I am a special needs assistant at a school and run around after a four year old for 5 hours without a break and it is such hard work. Didn't go in yesterday as my son had a fever and today I said I couldn't go in as I feel too unwell. It is beginning to get to me a bit as I feel totally useless. I would just like a bit more energy to do things with my kids. We are considering telling our 8 year old as he is so worried about me as I am constantly in bed and saying how tired I am. Have any of you told your other kids?
Anyway, enough of my moaning and groaning.
Congrats to Seity on your anniversary.
MrsT ...am glad you may have got to the bottom of the bleeding.
Just want to say a huge thanks to you all for all your lovely support. You are all lovely!

Hang in there loompylooloo! Were you like this with your other kids?

I told my eldest 4 kids right off, but my 5 year old I have not. He's a blabber mouth. But yesterday he saw me reading my pregnancy book, and asked "Mama, why do you have a pregnnt book?" He sees me on this site with all the babies, has questioned why I want him to be careful of mama's belly (he's a rough houser), and I asked him the other week while holding my Goddaughter if he'd like a little brother or sister of his own...so inevitably he's gonna figure it out relatively soon. Hopefully not before 4th of July where the WHOLE family is gathering because my grandmother will be up from FL
So after 2 days of not spotting, it started back up again last night. Very light but so stressful. I go for an ultrasound today so hopefully that will be reassuring but I know the internal ultrasound will cause some bleeding too. I just wanna go to sleep and wake up in my 2nd trimester. :)
Good luck with your U/S today Mrs. T. I never get bleeding from internal U/S, but you may have a more sensitive cervix.

Had my scan and jellybean's heart was beating away and dates seemed about right. No more trying to live in denial. Yikes, I'm going to have 2 kids *horror*!!!

Congrats Seity, lovely pic!

Hope your scan goes well today MrsT. Hoping you get an explanation for the bleeding so you can stop worrying xxx

Loompyloo, oh I feel sorry for you! I know what it's lie to feel that tired you just want to lie down. Our 10 & 12 yr olds know and they've been great. We weren't planning on telling them but they read some texts on DH's phone. TBH I dont think I could have hid it as they have witnessed me being sick and like you, needing to lie down quite a lot!

Lulu I have an upset stomach too. Wondered if it was due to the pregnancy?

I'm currently going from debilitating nausea to feeling ok. No set pattern but at least I'm getting some moments of relief, unlike my last pregnancy. So I suppose I should be grateful!
Seity, I love your pic. So beautiful!
MrsT, I am so sorry about your stress. Hope you get an answer soon!
PerpetualMama, thanks for your lovely post.
I slept on and off until 2.30 today and feel better for it. Kids are staying at granny's tonight and think we will tell the oldest about the little one tomorrow as he is so worried. My husband was I'll for 4 months at the beginning of the year so he is very sensitive about illness following that.
I suffered with hyperemesis with the other 3 and ended up in hospital from the sickness with 2 of them so I am doing very well so far but think it is the drugs. Still worrying about the food issue as I keep reading people saying that eating rubbish puts the baby at risk of this that and the other but what if that is all you can manage? Thinking about it I didn't eat so well with the other 3 and they turned out ok!
Must stop thinking about all these silly things and rest my tired brain. Thanks for all being there!
We've told our son, but being only 2 he doesn't quite 'get it'. He was a bit upset during my scan when I was lying on the table. He's such a mama's boy and has to be by me if I'm around. However, he stood next to me and held my hand the whole time and that made it OK.
Congrats Seity! Your scan looks beautiful, such awesome detail for an early bean :) I love it!

Good luck Mrs T on your scan today! I hope it all goes well.

I hope this pregnancy goes better for you Loompylooloo, most of us only have to feel dreadful for a couple months. If this nausea kept up te whole 9 months I'd be disgusted, never mind constant vomiting. Prayers for you, hun.

2 more weeks til my appt...going to start the day count down in my head :) I get silly like that, everything becomes in relation to when my next baby appt is, :haha:
everything go ok Mrs T? Been thinkin about you while I worked today, hope the scan went well and the bleeding/spotting has stopped.

Checked out your "non-bump" on the link Seity. pretty belly :). I looked like that a month ago ...stupid bloat making my pants tight. Can't wait to get on a scale, with all this food going in I wouldn't be surprised if I've put a few on :nope:
Thanks yeah everything is good. Spotting only lasted one day this time and was really light. I decided to stop stressing over it and figure I am just one of those unlucky people that will spot in the first trimester. My mom reassured me it was very common in her 4 pregnancies as well. She said with one of her pregnancies she didn't find out she was pregnant until her second trimester because she thought she was getting a period the whole time and was so shocked to find out how far along she was and all her pregnancies were successful. So I am not gonna think about it anymore. :)

My ultrasound went okay. I thought I was six weeks that day but the technician said I was measuring 5+5. She could see the yolk sac but no heartbeat yet. I figured it might be a few days too early to see so I am anxious for the next ultrasound (don't know when that will be).

After a week off, I go back to work tomorrow. I am not looking forward to it especially since it's also Canada Day! But at least I'm off at 6:30pm so I can still go join in the festivies after work but I might be wiped out. But I will try to stay up for fireworks. :)
Thanks yeah everything is good. Spotting only lasted one day this time and was really light. I decided to stop stressing over it and figure I am just one of those unlucky people that will spot in the first trimester. My mom reassured me it was very common in her 4 pregnancies as well. She said with one of her pregnancies she didn't find out she was pregnant until her second trimester because she thought she was getting a period the whole time and was so shocked to find out how far along she was and all her pregnancies were successful. So I am not gonna think about it anymore. :)

My ultrasound went okay. I thought I was six weeks that day but the technician said I was measuring 5+5. She could see the yolk sac but no heartbeat yet. I figured it might be a few days too early to see so I am anxious for the next ultrasound (don't know when that will be).

After a week off, I go back to work tomorrow. I am not looking forward to it especially since it's also Canada Day! But at least I'm off at 6:30pm so I can still go join in the festivies after work but I might be wiped out. But I will try to stay up for fireworks. :)

Glad everything is good! I think heartbeats are usually seen sometime after 6 weeks.
My grandmother went through that with one of her sons. The doctor told her she was pregnant and she argued that she had her period on Christmas. The doctor said "I don't care what you got for Christmas, you're pregnant!" She was quite far along by then too.
I was off work for over a week due to weather, and going back on Thursday was, ugh. Working with nausea and hunger stinks.

Hope you enjoy your Holiday! :)
Glad to hear everything seems ok so far Mrs. T. Scan sounds good for 5+5. You should see the baby and heartbeat next time, which I hope isn't too far in the future. Enjoy Canada Day!

PM - I can get pretty bloated by evening time and I think I'm just a bit thicker in the mornings this week. At least, when I wake, I have a full feeling that I think is my uterus. I take my pictures on Sundays, so tomorrow morning I'll take my 8 week picture and see if I can notice any difference.
Seity, so glad your scan went well! Looks like another perfect little bean for you =)
Hi All...
I am 35 (nearly 36) and pregnant after 2 MC's.
I am currently due 21st Feb, but after a scan I think they may move my date at my dating scan to March... But can I join in with the Feb mum's until I get moved??
I have had a early scan and currently on Progesterone to help things along, have another scan on the 13th July where I hope to see a tiny bean with a HB (fingers crossed)...

Congratulations to you all xx
Welcome Becks2. You're welcome to stay here as long as you like (even if they move your dates). I hope the progesterone works and you get a sticky bean this time around.

Am I missing anyone on the first post? I'm really good at forgetting to update those sort of things sometimes.
I know I said I wouldn't worry about my spotting anymore, but well......I'm worried!!! The spotting is still happening. On Sunday night and Monday morning, I had a lot of mucous like discharge happening. There were red stringy membranes mixed in. I heard the mucous could be from increased estrogen but I don't know about the stringy stuff. Once yesterday, I went to the washroom and I had bright red blood when I wiped (none in my underwear or in the toilet). I wiped three times and by the last time I wiped it was looking more brown. I still have the stringy stuff going on though. I called and left a message for my OB/GYN's nurse. Hopefully she calls me back today. I feel like I am in limbo and don't know what is happening to me!
Mrs T - I have no experience so I'm not sure what that can be, fingers crossed it's all normal though and you get a call back soon to get some proper advice :hugs:

Welcome Becks :) Fingers crossed for your next scan too.

Seity - your scan is lovely :) I can't wait til I get mine, no idea when it will be. But it's definitely a big step in making things hit home isn't it.

Quick update on me - I had my first doc appt yesterday so really just starting the ball rolling with notifying the medical peeps. I was so nervous before I went into his office, it was a new doctor in our practice, one I've never met before and he was really nice. Went through my previous notes, asked me questions to calm me down and explained that as I don't smoke, rarely drink and as long as I follow all the necessary dietary guidelines then I'm doing as much as I can to sustain this pregnancy. I asked about the possibility of an early scan but it's the midwife unit who will decide if I need one. So I have to wait for my booking appointment to find out about that. Hopefully that will happen soon.

But he did alter my edd slightly, based on the length of my cycles (normally 26 days) he reckons my due date is now 24 February, not 28th.

How many people have you told you're pregnant? I haven't told anyone, other than DH obviously and on here. Part of me just wants to tell people and stop hiding but at the same time if it doesn't work out I don't know if I can cope with people knowing that again.

Hope everyone is well, I'm off work on holiday for the next 2 weeks, staying at home and hopefully getting work done in our garden but the weather at the moment is dreadful. It's be torrential rain every day since I finished work last Thursday! Typical scottish summer :lol:
Mrs. T - I have no experience with spotting. I just hope they can find some answers for you soon and that everything is ok with your baby.

Lulu - It sounds like it was a good visit overall. I hope you get your booking appt and scan soon. I know it's hard waiting, but there's really nothing they can do in these early days. Doesn't make it any easier to wait though.

Before the scan I told one of my sisters, my best friend, my husband, and both sets of grandparents (in that order). After the scan, I made a facebook and google+ post to friends and family and I told one close coworker.
I don't plan to say anything at work until after my 12 week NT scan at the earliest. I may not say anything until after my 20 week scan when I find out the gender, just to see if anyone notices before then. :haha:

I found the baby on my doppler at 7+6!! Pretty cool. Probably won't be able to find it regularly for another week or two, but that's ok. I love being able to 'check in'.
Hi Becks2 and welcome! Stay here as long as you like! So nice to have eyou here! Huge congrats on your BFP!
Mrs T. I hope you have a answer to your spotting by now. I am so sorry that you are going thought this!
I had my boing appt on Saturday morning. It wasn't a hospital I had been to before so was a little worried but it was great. I had a student/newly qualified midwife who was nice but obviously a little inexperienced. She took a while to warm up and I don't think she read my notes properly as she was talking about hormonal changes and said I should keep checking my breasts for lumps. I looking at her blankly as in the section where you write about past surgery I had written that I had had a double mastectomy in 2009 so I don't have my own own boobs! I knew this would happen somewhere along the line and thought I was prepare for it but don't think I was. I was also upset by all the breast feeding stuff everywhere. I fed my other 3 but chose to have surgery as I had an 85% risk of developing breast cancer and thought that we had finished our family. I now know that I am going to find the whole feeding situation really hard but there is nothing I can do about it. Anyway, enough of that. I have been put under consultant care due to the fact that I am taking medication for sickness and becau number 3 was born with a life threatening but undiagnosed congenital heart defect so we want extra scans. It may mean that i can't have a home birth as planned but I will go with whatever I have to.
Wow that is a long post.....sorry. Had to get a few things off my chest.....excuse the pun!
Hope you are all smiling!

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