February 2013 babies

Around here, it's pretty rare to get in with an OB before 12 weeks... GPs do most of the 1st trimester care & scheduling of IPS screen, etc. My GP had already given me a req for an u/s "oh, around 6 or 7 weeks" for viability/dating, but we managed to get me in with my preferred OB early (about 6 weeks) due to my history and thyroid... I'm apparently considered "high risk". eesh.
I don't think I've seen a GP in over 5 years. I don't even have a doctor anymore. I'm never sick and just see my midwife for the annual pap.
I haven't seen a GP worth the time in about 7 years LOL But with my lazy thyroid and my asthma, I can't afford to be without one... stupid prescriptions and regular bloodwork *grumble*

I have a few friends in the province who've gotten pregnant while not having a GP... but they still had to stick with walk-in clinics until 12 weeks... even if they had a gyne for their annual pap. Even the midwives don't generally see women until about 12 weeks. We're under-supplied with qualified folks who're willing to deal with pregnancies, I guess. My GP's supremely happy that we managed to get the OB to see me early... I think he's afraid of pregnant women :haha:
Thanks for the welcome, Seity! I was curious to hear stories from all of you about your first appointments. I was quite surprised to hear that my OB doesn't typically see you unless you are between 8-10 weeks along. Has this been your experience as well? They said that she likes to do it then so that she can check for the heartbeat (makes sense, but an earlier appointment to ease at least my mind would make perfect sense to me as well!). If I am scheduled for my first appointment at 9 weeks, when should I expect my second appointment (given the timing of those first semester screens)? Definitely new to pregnancy and to forums - I guess I can only benefit from your collective experiences! Thanks a bunch!

Welcome to the thread :)

I had my first visit at 9 w to take a history, answer any questions I might have, and schedule a scan, had the scan a few days later, then next visit is scheduled between 11 and 12 weeks for an internal and to scedule bloodwork. Then my OB will see me every 4 weeks after that until mid 3rd trimester. I get another scan around 18-20 weeks.

Loompylooloo, hope you are feeling better! :hugs:
I had my first scan yesterday and am 100% relieved after seeing the LO. Baby was bouncing all around, moving its arms a lot and has a good, strong heartbeat of 175. I could not be happier.

We were counseled about all the different kinds of testing we can have done, especially since I am 39, turning 40 before baby is born. What tests are you ladies having done?
I had my first scan yesterday and am 100% relieved after seeing the LO. Baby was bouncing all around, moving its arms a lot and has a good, strong heartbeat of 175. I could not be happier.

We were counseled about all the different kinds of testing we can have done, especially since I am 39, turning 40 before baby is born. What tests are you ladies having done?

Yay! Glad baby is doing well :)

AFP blood test around 16 weeks, and level 2 ultrasound at 18-20 weeks. Not doing any other tests (personal choice) because I won't go in for amnio or abort anyway and I'm a nervous wreck as it is. Hubby would flip at bad news and put me in a bad position. Scan at 18 weeks in conjunction with AFP results will give decent indication of Downes risk or neural tube defects.
Fantastic news Casper72!
I'm having the NT scan at 12 weeks and bloods. Plus, I seem to recall they do more bloods at 16 weeks to go with that. I'll get a risk based on those and depending on what they say will consider the CVS or amnio. Not likely, unless it's a risk such that the baby might die before it turns one or something super bad like that. If it was just a risk for downs, I wouldn't do more test. At 20 weeks they'll do the regular level 2 U/S. I figure U/S and bloods are non invasive, so I'm happy to do those.
Hello and welcome to the newbies!
I have been feeling so much better until this morning when I woke up and was sick twice. I nearly cried. I can't bear the thought of being so I'll again! I think I did too much after coming out of hospital when I would have rested more. Not sure how I am going to manage as tomorrow is the last day of school before we have 6 weeks holiday! We have builders here too so the garden is out of bounds. Going to have to rely on begging friends to entertain us!
I had a scan whilst I was in optical and baby is measuring a week ahead which is fantastic . Means potentially a week less of sickness. Don't have my official dating scan until 2 August so will know official dates then. I want to attach a pic of my scan but the button to attach things is greyed out and I can't attach. Do you know why? Please help!

Sat in bed feeling yuck. Going to have an early night and have a nap before I have to take all my tablets at 9pm.
Night all!
Hello and welcome to the newbies!
I have been feeling so much better until this morning when I woke up and was sick twice. I nearly cried. I can't bear the thought of being so I'll again! I think I did too much after coming out of hospital when I would have rested more. Not sure how I am going to manage as tomorrow is the last day of school before we have 6 weeks holiday! We have builders here too so the garden is out of bounds. Going to have to rely on begging friends to entertain us!
I had a scan whilst I was in optical and baby is measuring a week ahead which is fantastic . Means potentially a week less of sickness. Don't have my official dating scan until 2 August so will know official dates then. I want to attach a pic of my scan but the button to attach things is greyed out and I can't attach. Do you know why? Please help!

Sat in bed feeling yuck. Going to have an early night and have a nap before I have to take all my talents at 9pm.
Night all!

My neice is pregnant, 3 weeks behind me, and she gets hyperemesis with each pregnancy. She was so bad this week the doctor put her on B6 and unisom. half unisom tablet with a B6 tablet at both breakfast and afternoon, and a full unisom with B6 at night. That seems like a sleep cocktail to me, I'd be groggy all the time. Have you ever heard of such a remedy?

Hope you feel better soon sweetheart :hugs:
The ingredients in Unisom and B6 combine to make a very effective anti-nausea drug. You can google it. It used to be prescribed all the time as a drug called diclectin. The only reason it was pulled in the US was the drug company was afraid of lawsuits even though it is safe and it wasn't a very profitable drug It's actually available in other countries still, just not the US.
Hope you feel better soon Loompy. I'm really looking forward to getting passed the first tri. It feels like one long hangover without the fun!

Testing wise I'm just going for the 20 week scan, I'm not doing the nuchal, quad or triple tests as I wouldnt want to do an amino or CVS due to the risks. Therefore if the other testing came back as high risk I would just spend the rest of my pregnancy worrying.
Diclectin's still prescribed here like candy, practically (I just got a scrip for it earlier this week... up to 6 a day if needed, although I'm hoping one at bedtime will do the trick like it did last time around). I'm surprised to hear it's not a profitable med, 'cuz I seem to recall it being crazy expensive to buy! (thank gawd for good prescription coverage... I'll have to remember to check tonight to see how much it cost this time)

wrt testing... we're doing IPS screening (blood & NT u/s at 11-13 weeks, then more blood at 16-18 weeks). I'd like to be prepared for the higher possibility of challenges, especially since I've got some concerns about neural tube defects (since we weren't trying and I wasn't paying much attention to my folate intake... or my caffeine intake)... and I think that screening also includes screening for things like cystic fibrosis (OH just told me there's been some in his family, so if I'm a carrier, we'll really want to get him tested for that one, too). But I'm not willing to risk amnio or anything more invasive than u/s, so that'll be it. Just a "hey, there's a higher than average chance of this issue... so we should be prepared for the still slim possibility" thing. We don't have a problem with challenges, but at this point we'd prefer not to be totally blindsided by them any more.
Hello everyone, great news with scans going on :) Welcome to the new ladies :)

I've been really quiet this week, back to work after my holiday and I've been exhausted! Then my dad ended up in hospital after rupturing his quad muscle on his right leg so been visiting him, etc. So busy week all round.

The start of week seemed to be the start of my sickness, although Monday night I think was more to do with a migraine :( Haven't been sick for a few days but been really queasy at times. Loompy, I can't imagine what it's like to be sick the amount you have - I really feel for you :hugs:

Had to laugh at DH though, on Thursday morning I was sick just as I about to leave for work so had to sit down for 10 mins and he said to 'Well you should be happy - you wanted to feel horrible!" Not really what I wanted to hear at that point!!
Lulu - your DH's comment did make me giggle! Let's hope that is your one and only ciky moment! Mine is ok but with 10 tablets to take a day I should hope it would stay that way! I am just so tired but I think that is becuase the anti-sickness tablets I am taking are antihistamines and they knock you out. I am struggling by about 7pm and need to go to bed! I am like a 90 year old!
Hope all you girlies are feeling good!!!!
Lulu - your DH's comment did make me giggle! Let's hope that is your one and only ciky moment! Mine is ok but with 10 tablets to take a day I should hope it would stay that way! I am just so tired but I think that is becuase the anti-sickness tablets I am taking are antihistamines and they knock you out. I am struggling by about 7pm and need to go to bed! I am like a 90 year old!
Hope all you girlies are feeling good!!!!

I love your picture :) pretty children!
Loompy I'm with you on the exhaustion! Last Saturday and now today I've been totally wiped. It's like I can muster enough energy to get me through the week but at the weekend I can't do anything for a whole day other than sleep or lie on the couch.
Hurray! Finally found Pip's heartbeat on my doppler. So reassuring to hear that sound :) just had to share x
Had a great first appointment today and got to meet our little bean on the screen today. She waved to us - it was about the cutest thing I have ever seen :) It was such a nice appointment and everyone was super nice. They didn't make any big deal out of my age (39) and just treated me like a happy pregnant lady.
Also wanted to ask: they offered the new blood test for Down Syndrome, which they offer as a new service to moms over 35 - does anyone have any experiences with this? Did you do the other first semester screens in addition to this one?
Hi Ladies,

Haven't been on here awhile as just been feeling sick and fed up. Loompy I feel for you, it's so unpleasant. The last straw was having a horrendous nose bled while violently throwing up at the same time. Went to my doc who prescribed me Cyclizine. Has anyone taken this? Have only taken it once as made me so sleepy, couldn't possibly drive it would be dangerous! Glad the holidays are finally here and it's stopped raining, at last. To the ladies who live outside the UK, the rain here has been unbelievable, causing lots of problems all over the country. But now summer seems to have arrived, hurrah!

Februarymama are you talking about the blood test that can detect downs without the need of scans or other invasive tests? Can't remember what it's called but it's not available in the UK. But I have opted for the NT scan at 12 weeks with the combined blood tests.

Seem to feel a little better the last couple of days so maybe I'm coming out the other side ( fingers crossed).
Hope you are all well and happy.

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