February 2013 babies

Hurray! Finally found Pip's heartbeat on my doppler. So reassuring to hear that sound :) just had to share x

gotta love that sound :) it makes all the difference some days just to hear it and know thet're still be-bopping around in there :cloud9::cloud9:
Hurray for a great appointment FebruaryMama! I do the NT scan and the bloods, mostly because I like the chance for the extra scan :D
I get my 12 week NT scan a week from today. Very excited!
Bumpity... we'll take your rain on this side of the Atlantic, please! All the crops around here are in jeopardy of significant loss... especially the corn crops (and corn's in 3/4 of the products at the grocery store... even the meat, since it's a significant portion of the animal feed). They're already talking about potentially 60% losses and massive price increases on produce and other groceries come fall :(

I've got my IPS1 booked for the 11th... and I'm losing my mind. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it another 2.5 weeks before finding out if Baby's ok or not. And OH won't be able to attend the scan, since he'll be at work... so if it's bad news, I'll be all alone.

Bumpity... we'll take your rain on this side of the Atlantic, please! All the crops around here are in jeopardy of significant loss... especially the corn crops (and corn's in 3/4 of the products at the grocery store... even the meat, since it's a significant portion of the animal feed). They're already talking about potentially 60% losses and massive price increases on produce and other groceries come fall :(

I've got my IPS1 booked for the 11th... and I'm losing my mind. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it another 2.5 weeks before finding out if Baby's ok or not. And OH won't be able to attend the scan, since he'll be at work... so if it's bad news, I'll be all alone.


Lots of crops here are suffering for the opposite reason, the fields are flooded. Talking about the price of food going up too.
I'm sure your scan will be fine but it's normal to be anxious, especially as you have waited along time for this baby and it's a shame your OH can't be with you. What about a friend? Just for moral support. Will be thinking of you on the day. Mine is on the 3rd, will keep you posted.
Jeepers! Hey Mother Nature... spread the rain around a bit, eh? LOL
Hope everyone's NT scans go well :) it looks like my 12 weeks scan will be quite late as I've been told it won't get booked until after my next midwife appointment which is at 12+1. Still at least I won't have as long to wait until the 20 week scan! Has anyone thought about the 20 week scan yet? We have decided to stay team yellow again as I love the surprise.

Hope everyone starts to feel better soon. I felt much better at 14 weeks last time, hopefully it will be the same with this one - I feel rough today!
Just wanted to clarify: yes, it is the new blood test for Down Syndrome that is something like 98% accurate. The nurse told me today over the phone that since it is so much more accurate, the first trimester screen (blood and NT ultrasound) is not necessary. So, I guess I will have this blood test at some point (they will call to make the appointment). Has anyone had it or has it been offered to you?
I'll be finding out the gender at 20 weeks. I like my surprises early, so I can plan ahead and pick out the name.
Just wanted to clarify: yes, it is the new blood test for Down Syndrome that is something like 98% accurate. The nurse told me today over the phone that since it is so much more accurate, the first trimester screen (blood and NT ultrasound) is not necessary. So, I guess I will have this blood test at some point (they will call to make the appointment). Has anyone had it or has it been offered to you?

I am having the blood and NT test on Thursday. So worried about it. Been told will take a week for the bloods to come through. Not heard Of the other test and no other test is listed in my NHS test book.
As far as I know, the new blood test is only available in the US at this point. I wasn't offered it, although I had heard about it before my first appointment, so I assume it just not available at my OBGYN practice yet.
I'm not sure if we'll find out gender before or not... I don't really want to ask OH before we hit T2 because he's being super paranoid about jinxing things. (not that I blame him one little bit!)
I had the surprisew factor 4 Times and rather liked it. My motto was, if God wanted me to know what it was before it was born he'd have made my belly button turn pink or blue :haha: BUT, current DH was so impatient to know what his first little one was and I gave in. This time around I'll probably find out, too (although the thought of a surprise is really appealing) because we gave all our baby things away and I'll probably be looking to score some hand-me-downs from family and friends who have recently had babies. DH wants to know and won't really discuss names until we find out :growlmad:
The test in the US is called MaterniT21 and I wish we had it here. Hopefully it will be at some point, but will be no use to me as this shop ( store) is shutting after I have this little one, lol!

I didn't want to find out the gender at first but I am so impatient I probably will. Have a feeling it's a boy as this pregnancy has been very similar to my DS's as been having headaches which I only did with him and I'm also very congested which I only had with him too. Will have to see if my feelings right.
So does that blood test ONLY test for Downs (Trisomy21)?? Or does it check for spina bifida and the other trisomies and it's just poorly named?
Hi Ladies,

Haven't been on here awhile as just been feeling sick and fed up. Loompy I feel for you, it's so unpleasant. The last straw was having a horrendous nose bled while violently throwing up at the same time. Went to my doc who prescribed me Cyclizine. Has anyone taken this? Have only taken it once as made me so sleepy, couldn't possibly drive it would be dangerous! Glad the holidays are finally here and it's stopped raining, at last. To the ladies who live outside the UK, the rain here has been unbelievable, causing lots of problems all over the country. But now summer seems to have arrived, hurrah!

Februarymama are you talking about the blood test that can detect downs without the need of scans or other invasive tests? Can't remember what it's called but it's not available in the UK. But I have opted for the NT scan at 12 weeks with the combined blood tests.

Seem to feel a little better the last couple of days so maybe I'm coming out the other side ( fingers crossed).
Hope you are all well and happy.

Bumpity1 I have been taking Cyclizine and Metoclopramide together and it really helped me as I ended up in hospital. I stopped taking the cyclizine yesterday as the combination of the two was making me so sleepy I had to keep,taking naps. I did feel ok to drive as long it was no longer than a few minutes up the road. I have to say it got me through a difficult time and I will go back to it if my sickness rears its ugly head again! Am always at the end of the phone if you feel really rubbish and fancy a chat!
Seity, I looked at you bump pic and felt like a whale next to you. I think fourth time round the muscles go......or that is my excuse :winkwink:
I hope all of you are doing well. I will post my scan pic soon. Have to use my other computer as this one won't let me!
Thanks so much for all your support, you make me smile!
It checks for Trisomy 21, 18 and 13. As far as I know, it doesn't check for anything else and is as expensive as doing an amnio. Seems like the NT scan where they check everything is still the better way to go.

Loompylooloo - I can tell that I'm bigger than the first time around at this stage. I imagine each pregnancy you show a little earlier. I'm amazed at anyone who has more than 1 kid voluntarily. Most days I feel like 1 is 1 too many.
It checks for Trisomy 21, 18 and 13. As far as I know, it doesn't check for anything else and is as expensive as doing an amnio. Seems like the NT scan where they check everything is still the better way to go.

Loompylooloo - I can tell that I'm bigger than the first time around at this stage. I imagine each pregnancy you show a little earlier. I'm amazed at anyone who has more than 1 kid voluntarily. Most days I feel like 1 is 1 too many.

:haha: I must be the looney lady as I've carried 5 to term so far. Don't know if it's my age (41) or my stretched out muscles, abs, etc or more likely a combination of the two...but I feel gigantic (maybe also because I had recently gotten so thin that it just shows faster?) Knowing the LO is just popping out above my pubic bone and isn't really lending to the belly makes me feel like I must be a piggie. Monday's doc appt will show if I packed on a ton of weight or if I can attribute this to bloat. All I know was that I didn't pop out like this with DS 6 years ago!

Has anyone looked at the maternity clothes out there? They all seem to intentionally try to accentuate the bump. I'm sure I'll be ok with that once I'm past 3 months along but I feel foolish to accentuate and say "I'm 10 1/2 weeks/ 2 1/2 months" :dohh:
For my 12 week scan this afternoon. I'm so nervous. I hope everything is going ok. Going to be a long wait for bloods to come back. I'm just praying everything is ok.
Good luck Lindylou, hope it all goes well :hugs:

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