February 2013 babies

Welcome WhoopC :)
Glad to see everyone is basically well... hope you feel better sancherie and bumpity!
feeling flutters and wiggles, but only one official kick. Excited because DH brought up names all on his own the other day and it has been a source of discussion for days (he has been anti-name choosing for 3 months, just like with DS). He chose a boy's first name-which was not one I had really been considering. I don't find it objectionable and actually kind of like it, so I said ok and insisted on my top pick for boy's names as a middle name. His name is less popular than the one I liked so I like mine better as a middle name anyway. He seems satisifed :). We will have a Wyatt Matthew in the family if bump is a boy :happydance: DD's (21 nad 20) HATE IT!
Girls names I have a billion, and they change frequently. I am anti-trendy and definitely don't want a top twenty popular name. My top most pick ended up being too high on the list so I canned it. My main issue is that each of my kids is named, at least in part, with meaning behind it (after a granparent DD(21), old friend DD(20), family name DS(5) or as a dedication to God DS(17) DD(14) and DS(5)). This child was so unexpected, and I view him/her as a true gift/blessing from God after my loss, so I am pretty much insisting the first or middle name have a meaning like "God's gift" or "God will increase" etc. DH came home with a very pretty name for a girl that just flowed, but there was no meaning in it for me :nope: still working on what to name her. Afriad I'll finally get him to agree on a girl's name I just love, only to find out in 3 or 4 weeks that bump is a boy :haha:

I also agree that girls are much more cmplicated than boys,mostly when they hit the teens and 20's. I have had so many issues with my older 2 (from weddings being cancelled 3 weeks before the date, to pregnancy losses, abusive boyfriends, I'm moving a thousand miles away to be with *the only boy in the world who could ever hold my heart because we're so in loooove*, and oh so much stinkin drama from all 3 of them, :dohh:). I have no preference to what the baby is really, but I agree a boy would be easier.
Dorothy means "gift from God"... or Giovanna (so, probably Joanna, either). I've been looking up names that mean "gift from God", "miracle", and "warrior"... sadly, none of them really resonate with me.

I'd love a boy... but I think chances are significantly stacked on the 'girl' side... especially since we've battled male-factor fertility challenges and this was a spontaneous pregnancy (girl swimmers are hardier)... but we haven't decided yet if we're going to find out (in about 6 weeks?!?!!!) or not.

Went to the OB yesterday... finally got a heart rate for baby (seriously, 2 scans and they didn't bother noting heart rate?!)... 155 :) Found it pretty quickly, too... so I'm taking that as a good sign :) I think I'm actually starting to believe this!
Dorothy means "gift from God"... or Giovanna (so, probably Joanna, either). I've been looking up names that mean "gift from God", "miracle", and "warrior"... sadly, none of them really resonate with me.

I'd love a boy... but I think chances are significantly stacked on the 'girl' side... especially since we've battled male-factor fertility challenges and this was a spontaneous pregnancy (girl swimmers are hardier)... but we haven't decided yet if we're going to find out (in about 6 weeks?!?!!!) or not.

Went to the OB yesterday... finally got a heart rate for baby (seriously, 2 scans and they didn't bother noting heart rate?!)... 155 :) Found it pretty quickly, too... so I'm taking that as a good sign :) I think I'm actually starting to believe this!

It's real hard to pick a name. Baby will have to live with it for a long time (til they're old enough to change it at least :haha:). I have been leaning toward Elizabeth/Beth/and Elise as a middle name.
glad you finally got a heart rate. I had to ask the sonographer to figure it out, otherwise they wouldn't have.
I haven't felt any movement yet, but I know it's just a matter of time. No names picked, we won't even discuss them until after we know what gender we're having. I do have a list started with a few names on it (all girls names at this point), so that I can compare it to my husband's list.
PM - Elise is one of my sisters names, so I like it very much. I like Wyatt Matthew. Nice solid name.
I'm a fan of nice, classic names (spelled correctly) and none of the trendy stuff I hear these kids naming their children lately. I admit I go to the baby name section from time to time just to weep at some of the choices I see in there. Makes me wonder if they actually like their kids. :haha:
Hubby and I haven't discussed names, but I've got a few that keep coming to mind.

For a boy (unlikely, but it never hurts to have one in reserve ;) )... James Michael... they're family names on both sides... My Dad's a Michael, as is on of Mum's brothers, and my maternal grandfather was a James... his Dad's a James, and he's got two uncles named Michael. Not 'fashionable', but sturdy names.

For a girl, I keep coming back to Siobhan. We're both of Irish heritage (my parents came over in '74... his great-grandparents came over), so I like the traditional names (and proper spellings). Siobhan means "God is gracious", too (Irish for Joan). I keep pairing it with Anne in my head (it's my middle name, too)... Just looked up the meaning of that one and apparently it's "God has favoured me"... so that actually works really well for our little miracle baby!

Hubby probably won't like them, though... tradition in his family is that boys get a middle name starting with 'J'... and he'll probably say he'd never remember how to spell Siobhan (and I refuse to spell it Shivonne).

But we should probably focus on whether or not we're going to find out gender, first :haha:

I've also considered Ciara (traditional Irish spelling of Kyra... KEER-ah)... but I worry that even fewer people would know how to pronounce that than Siobhan LOL
I haven't REALLY thought about it yet, but I like Phillip Robert for a boy maybe? My dad's bro is named Phillip, my aunt (his sister) is a Phyllis, and my OH's brother is also a Phillip, and their father is a Robert. PLUS the bassist and guitarist from my favorite band are Phillip and Robert (Lesh and Weir) lol. It's a big maybe, but MAAAAAAAAAYBE ;)
Welcome WhoopC!

Scary to hear that girls are more difficult to raise :wacko: hopefully we will get lucky and Rosie will continue to be an angel!

I have a feeling we are going to have another girl this time although my intuition is rubbish as I though boy last time!

So far we've got Sam, Jack, James or Charlie for a boy. Ella or Daisy for a girl ( although I'm not sure if Rosie and Daisy would be a little too twee!) we've not really discussed it much though so its likely to change!

Is anyone else finding that time is flying by? My last pregnancy seemed to last a lifetime and I can't believe I'm going to be 16 weeks this weekend! Halfway is just round the corner. I'm starting to think I'm a bit disorganised, I haven't bought or sorted a thing yet and last time I had the nursery painted and decorated by now!
got a text from my neice (also pg 3 weeks behind me) asking if I still thought I was having a girl. I said I really didn't know-even though I have been "feeling" girl based solely on how crappy I have felt. I told her we find out in 3 or 4 weeks. She saw a post I put on DH facebook page with a vince gill song "pretty little Adriana" which I posted to prove to DH that he could indeed pronounce the name and get to the end of it without forgetting what he was going to say. She approved of that one I posted but think she was hinting at my choice of boy names. Matthew is tops on both of our lists and she said it was ok if I used it because her DH said no way to it for them. Apparently she has convinced him to use Matthew as a first name and was just waiting to see if she "could" without stepping on my feet after giving up dibs on it :haha:. She must have been thrilled to hear I gave in to DH on Wyatt and kept Matthew only as a middle name. One of each of our sons share the middle name shawn, too, so it'll be another family tie in.
I agree Seity - Wyatt Matthew is a good solid name. DH had suggested Gabriel and I thought of you. But if we shorten it to Gabe and use our last name "Belisle" it flows together rather poorly :haha: go ahead and try it :haha:

I am partial to Aneliese, Adrianna, Juliette, Juliana, and Meridith. I'm stuck with anna in a lot of these names. Seems to be my trend this time around. Originally I liked Sydney Jane (Jane for my mom Janice and his mom Jeanette) but as mentioned earlier Sydney was only rising still in popularity so...had to can it.

DarkLady I had no idea how to pronounce that girls name either :dohh: so I assume it sounds like the other spelling which I actually "got"?
Welcome WhoopC!

Scary to hear that girls are more difficult to raise :wacko: hopefully we will get lucky and Rosie will continue to be an angel!

I have a feeling we are going to have another girl this time although my intuition is rubbish as I though boy last time!

So far we've got Sam, Jack, James or Charlie for a boy. Ella or Daisy for a girl ( although I'm not sure if Rosie and Daisy would be a little too twee!) we've not really discussed it much though so its likely to change!

Is anyone else finding that time is flying by? My last pregnancy seemed to last a lifetime and I can't believe I'm going to be 16 weeks this weekend! Halfway is just round the corner. I'm starting to think I'm a bit disorganised, I haven't bought or sorted a thing yet and last time I had the nursery painted and decorated by now!

Going by at a steady pace for me. Would be faster if I wasn't currently out of work with no idea if I'll have any :cry: I knew I'd be out of work in December between school and the baby, but didn't expect my 2 year Hiatis to turn in to a 2 1/2 year one. I wish I had a room to put my baby in. lol...sort of. LO will stay with me for at least the first year I think. Depending on gender it may end up bunking with DS(5) after that. We have 6 bedrooms (admittedly 3 are super tiny and unable to be used double occupancy...barely single occupancy rooms :haha:) but DS(5) and DD (21) have reasonable sized rooms as is mine. DD (20) owner of one of the micro tiny rooms keeps threatening to move back out (just got her back May 6), and now DD (21) is telling me she's going to move to Nevada (yes there is a boy there) because they have a graduate school in Psychology and she just loves the desert atmosphere. If both eldest DD's move out I will move out of Master bedrooma dn head to the upstairs room that DD (21) now occupies and put wee one in the tiny room next door :). Will be just as happy if neither move out just yet.

I haven't touched baby clothes but I have acquired some baby necessities like a bassinet and swing (second hand). People are offering and I'm accepting. Gave it all away after my loss 4 years ago.

I'm happy to see so many traditional non wacky names :)
I'm not sure, but I might have just felt the baby. It was like a muscle twinge. I'm pretty sure it was the baby, but I can't rule out that it wasn't just a muscle twinge either.
I haven't shared my names with anyone before, but some I'm partial to are Audrey, Nora or Eleanor, Miranda, Lillian, Emily, and Abigail. Also a couple possible middle names are Joan, Helen, and Marie.
Yep, it was definitely the baby. Felt it a few more times today. I was having a little wine and chocolate after dinner and felt a few more kicks. So cool!
Good morning everyone :) Thanks for the warm welcome! I won't share my baby names because I didn't pick them out, although I am warming up to them. Along with OH beating his chest he insist that he is the "Baby Namer", a title I was unaware of pre-conception. :/ So it appears I have no choice in the matter whatsoever, I really love the little boy name he chose so there is no fight there, but the little girl name is what was described as a 'non-traditional', definately not 'properly spelled' but cute all in the same name. Another reason I'm not so secretly hoping for a boy. I have definately been feeling the little one joyfully tumbling around in there, and for 2 days now I feel like my belly button is being stretched from the inside. It's not necessarily painful but sooooooo uncomfortable as I have this phobia about my belly button. I can't stand for anyone to touch my belly button and anything to do with my belly button totally freaks me out. I do not know why I am this way, but have been every since I can remember. SO, the fact that the belly button is pulling is really a stressor to me. I'm nutty. I've also picked up a new craving....apples, apples and more apples any kind.
Loving all the baby names!!! I really like traditional names. I have heard some strange names where I work so Definately want one that a child can live and grow up with. I have a had a few fluttery feelings but not sure if it is the baby or my imagination. Sure I will feel him/her soon enough :)
:happydance: Hurray for feeling the baby Seity
up since 330 AM, and with my mind still racing over an hour later no hopes of falling back to sleep before my alarm goes off :dohh: In a major panic about who will watch the baby while I go to school and then while I do my clinicals. 2 eldest daughters, who I had been hoping would help, both told me this week that they're each moving to different states thousands of miles away come January. Add to this, this past Sunday a friend from church told me that her six week old granddaughter is in a coma at the hospital because the babysitters husband/boyfriend shook the hell out of her. IF she survives she will be blind and likely mentally impaired-possibly deaf, too. The baby's parents were friends with this couple for quite some time. My long standing babysitter-my grandmother- recently moved to Florida to live with my uncle because of dementia kicking in. I swore I wouldn't worry about this until after 12 weeks, an now at 15 weeks I'm overcome with a sense of dread. I am happy about this little one...I just don't now how on Earth I'm going to manage. Even if I quit school -which I've dedicated the past 4 years to getting straight A's in order to get into this program- I still would need to find flexible childcare and continue to put up with a major lack of work in the painting business. DH wants to buy a house while the market still sucks but I'll lose all financial aid if we do it before I'm out of school. Not to mention how "fun" it would be to pay a mortgage on one income AND have to pay for classes, books, and supplies. If I postpone school I also postpone his desire for a house and have to listen to him piss and moan about how he hates to live in this house. Yeah...it's no wonder sleep evades me...](*,)

As for names, my 3 eldest don't like the boy's name :(, DH won't agree on a girl's name, and I'm ok sharing with all you because we'll never likely run into each other with kids of the same name :haha:
:hugs: PM - I have days like that too. If my husband wasn't a SAHD, we'd be screwed. No family or friends to watch Gabriel and no way we'd be able to afford daycare for Gabriel, much less two children. My husband also hates this town and my house (bought before we ever dated), so he's always stressed and depressed and I get to listen to him moan about that. We'll have to move soon after this one is born because it's too small for a family of four and I just don't know what we're going to do about that yet. That's life for you. :coffee:
PM... does your school have any (regulated) childcare options on-campus for students? You can't possibly be the only student at the school (or in your program) with this issue, right?
Pm- I'm panicking about childcare etc also. I don't know how long I can take for maternity leave because I have my own business but know I won't want to leave the baby. Then I have a helpful practice manager who sneered when I said I hope I can get 7 months off. She said I cannot believe you will be leaving a baby in care so early. Seriously what choice have I got!!! I would love to stay at home but I also need to work to provide ( if I did dh would need to work away and I want us to be a family). She hasn't got children but did desperately want them. I feel guilty already about it! Heaven help me. The mum guilt is starting already :(
My husband has a job that's long hours and he travels a lot so I can't rely on him to be around to help. I would like to work but I know that all the child care juggling etc would be down to me so it makes sense for me to stay at home. I'm lucky I have a choice and admire you ladies that have to juggle work and child care. I have lots of friends that do this and grandparents can be a savior! I envy people whose parents want to help out! My Mum lives 2 hours away and works full time so i cant ask her and his parents are not interested. Lindy don't let any small minded person make you feel bad for your choices, this woman obviously doesnt have a clue.

Have felt baby doing somersaults so very happy and spotting as stopped, yay!
Don't feel bad Lindy. I can't imagine staying home for 7 months. That seems like forever.
Bumpity - That's great you don't have to worry about childcare. And :happydance: Yay for movement!

I also envy those with family who'll help out. My husband has some aunts and uncles that live 5 hours away. They're the closest family to us. My parents live clear on the other side of the country, so they've only seen Gabriel once when he was 9 months old. We just can't afford to fly (and refuse to anyway until the TSA is disbanded).

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