February 2013 babies

You're braver than I, JJay. I'm dying to know the gender already.
I've been having horrid trapped wind this pregnancy. I woke up and my whole lower belly was in agony from it. Took a gas-x and was burping nonstop for 4 hours at which point I finally took a second one and that helped me feel a lot better.
I've been having gas so bad it presses on my diaphragm and causes me to dry heave until I get the burp out. It's awful.
Glad I'm not the only one getting those pains- but wouldn't wish them on you- it is reassuring though if that makes sense??

My dh has now come around to not finding what gender the bump is. I dont want to know but then look at my scan and think is that a nub?? Is that fact I have no sickness boy/girl?? I'm guessing and guessing but don't want to know :D
I'm anxious to know :) - three weeks and 2 days to go! Having a hard time bending over comfortably and also sleeping, feel like I have a rock in my lower abdomen so I feel like a frog with my legs out to the side :haha: can't sit "like a lady" anymore!
Yesterday was the first day I felt almost like my old self. Except for the heaving in the morning, and the need to eat every 90 minutes, I was not nauseous! It felt wonderful! Today was a repeat of yesterday, except I didn't get the heaving feeling when my stomach started to get empty.
My 2 eldest daughters were both supposed to move in January- over a thousand miles away each- ad today both told me they're staying here a little longer. DD (20) asked to come in the delivery room with me again (which made me cry with reief) and said she'd stay til after the baby arrives, and DD(22) will stay until May when she graduates with a double bachelor's degree. Feeling pretty good today despite only getting 4 hours sleep last night :dohh:
Perpetual- that is lovely of your daughters! See, even though they don't understand it yet, it is obvious you have done a great job because they are thinking of you and wanting to look after their mum. Your younger daughter may end up wanting to be a midwife!!
That's great news PM. It sounds like you've got some good kids.
Hi Perpetual, I'm sooo happy your girls are staying a little longer. I wish my girls were a little older so they could see this one being born. I think they would be scared. My 10yr old has just done sex education at school. She had to watch a video of a baby being born. The first thing she said when I picked her up was 'I have just had THE WORST day of my life, I feel traumatised', then she burst out laughing! I laughed soooo much!

Loompy, I am feeling a lot better thanks, although like you I still have my moments. What is weird is that I feel ill after eating, not just nauseas but like I'm getting the flu or something. I get a headache and dizzy and just feel unwell, it's bizarre :( it lasts for an hour or two. Am going to mention it to my midwife on Tues when i see her. I'm glad your feeling abit better and hopefully it will pass altogether soon. Im sure everything will be fine at your scan but i understand why your nervous. How is your DS now? Is he the little guy in your avatar pic? He's gorgeous if he is, and he looks the picture of health!

One more sleep to go then I'll know if I'm team pink or blue! Will let you know tomorrow ladies, have a good day x
Hi Perpetual, I'm sooo happy your girls are staying a little longer. I wish my girls were a little older so they could see this one being born. I think they would be scared. My 10yr old has just done sex education at school. She had to watch a video of a baby being born. The first thing she said when I picked her up was 'I have just had THE WORST day of my life, I feel traumatised', then she burst out laughing! I laughed soooo much!

Loompy, I am feeling a lot better thanks, although like you I still have my moments. What is weird is that I feel ill after eating, not just nauseas but like I'm getting the flu or something. I get a headache and dizzy and just feel unwell, it's bizarre :( it lasts for an hour or two. Am going to mention it to my midwife on Tues when i see her. I'm glad your feeling abit better and hopefully it will pass altogether soon. Im sure everything will be fine at your scan but i understand why your nervous. How is your DS now? Is he the little guy in your avatar pic? He's gorgeous if he is, and he looks the picture of health!

One more sleep to go then I'll know if I'm team pink or blue! Will let you know tomorrow ladies, have a good day x

Bumpity - yes, he is the little one in my pic! He is the biggest and the toughest of the 3 monsters. He had 8 hours of open heart surgery at 8 weeks old but is doing so well now that he only has to go back to Gt Ormond St Hospital once a year for a check up. Fingers crossed he stays that way! Hope the MW can shed some light on your flu like symptoms. Will be interested to hear what she says! My beasties will be in Cove, Hampshire tomorrow with the in-laws. Are you far from there?
Hope everyone else is ok.
Perpetual- that is lovely of your daughters! See, even though they don't understand it yet, it is obvious you have done a great job because they are thinking of you and wanting to look after their mum. Your younger daughter may end up wanting to be a midwife!!

Both girls came in with DS (5). One was 14 and the other 16. I thought it was great to have them there with DH. DD (20) really wants to be there again. I think she is forming a strong attachment to this little one because she would be about 36 1/2 weeks pregnant right now if she had not had a mmc in February. The closer we get to her due date the more attention she's paying to my bump. I know sept 25 will be agony for her :cry:. That would be cool if she wanted to be a midwife...it would mean she had found some direction.
DD (22) is much less enthused about little one. I'm not sure she'll want to come in or not- heck, the way she talks to me about the baby, I'm not sure I want her there :nope:. I don't need a lecture about how I got myself intot his situation while I'm in hard labor.
DD (14) might want to come though, yet I think she may not be emotionally capable of handling me being in such a state. DH isn't crazy about any of them coming in, but I'll push for at least DD(20).

Bumpity- one more sleep!! :happydance::happydance: I'm so excited for you! Hope LO cooperates!
Hi ladies, thanks for all your kind words about my grandad, it's been a long, long week what with the funeral, telling my work about pregnancy (was more stressful than telling family!) then Euan started nursery school on Thursday so not only have we been physically driving around half of central Scotland this week it's been an emotionally exhausting week too! And I've had sciatica this week too, so lots of pain and not a great deal of sleep but it's worn off now thankfully.

Today I'm shattered, was asleep before 11pm last night, woke up at 6.30am and I've already had 2 naps this morning :dohh: Fortunately DH & DS are off out for a little while so I can put my feet up and catch up with CSI:Miami :lol:
:hugs: Lulu

Bumpity, how did your scan go? I'm looking forward to finding out pink or blue!
Hi Ladies, sorry for not posting sooner, it has been a couple of very busy days (were moving!).

Scan was fantastic and am pleased to announce we are having a boy!:happydance: It was very obviously a boy :). We saw him in 4d and although tiny and admittedly a bit alien like, lol, he is already gorgeous! Can't believe I'm going to have 2 young boys and if he's like my DS I am going to have my hands full, am slightly scared, lol!

Was told part of my placenta is on my cervix, not told to what degree but she did say it would explain my bleeding. She said they will discuss it at my hospital during my 20 week scan. Am feeling slightly nervous but hopefully it will move.

The best part of doing the scan was seeing my DS reaction. He was fascinated and didn't take his eyes off the screen. He was asking questions and became quite protective of me, rubbing my belly and kissing me! He wasn't interested before but now he talks about him, am soooooo happy:cloud9:

Hope you ladies are all well xx
Aww, that all sounds fantastic Bumpity1. I also think you're the first to find out the gender! Congrats on another boy!!
Congrats bumpity! So lovely your ds reaction. Many many congratulations.
Hi Perpetual, I'm sooo happy your girls are staying a little longer. I wish my girls were a little older so they could see this one being born. I think they would be scared. My 10yr old has just done sex education at school. She had to watch a video of a baby being born. The first thing she said when I picked her up was 'I have just had THE WORST day of my life, I feel traumatised', then she burst out laughing! I laughed soooo much!

Loompy, I am feeling a lot better thanks, although like you I still have my moments. What is weird is that I feel ill after eating, not just nauseas but like I'm getting the flu or something. I get a headache and dizzy and just feel unwell, it's bizarre :( it lasts for an hour or two. Am going to mention it to my midwife on Tues when i see her. I'm glad your feeling abit better and hopefully it will pass altogether soon. Im sure everything will be fine at your scan but i understand why your nervous. How is your DS now? Is he the little guy in your avatar pic? He's gorgeous if he is, and he looks the picture of health!

One more sleep to go then I'll know if I'm team pink or blue! Will let you know tomorrow ladies, have a good day x

Bumpity - yes, he is the little one in my pic! He is the biggest and the toughest of the 3 monsters. He had 8 hours of open heart surgery at 8 weeks old but is doing so well now that he only has to go back to Gt Ormond St Hospital once a year for a check up. Fingers crossed he stays that way! Hope the MW can shed some light on your flu like symptoms. Will be interested to hear what she says! My beasties will be in Cove, Hampshire tomorrow with the in-laws. Are you far from there?
Hope everyone else is ok.

That must have been a scary experience. GOSH are the best though aren't they, he couldn't be in better hands. Im happy to hear he's doing so well. I live a few miles outside Winchester so I think not that near. How have you been feeling?
Yay, Bumpity! A boy!

Sorry I've been away, but I was assigned two more weeks of bed rest now that the bleeding has finally stopped. I went in Friday for my 16 week visit and the heartbeat was great - and the bleeding had already stopped by then, so I'm hopeful all will be well!

I haven't felt any moving, yet - but I think it will happen soon. I hate that I missed the sharing of names! I can share mine, but it just feels a bit out of context at this point. :blush:

For a girl, we've picked Noelle Violet. Noelle because we like it, and Violet because that was my Gramma's name.

For a boy, that's a tough one! Wayne for a middle name because that's my dad's middle name. First name... Clinton for DH's great uncle? Levi or David just because we like them? There are a few other possibilities on the boy name list, but we've decided to put the choosing on hold until we find out if it is a boy or girl.

PM: I must say, I LOVE the name Wyatt - but hubby-dear isn't a fan and won't let me put it on the short list. I also love my baby brother's name, Joel - but hubby won't hear that one, either. Luckily, there are quite a few that we both like. :thumbup:
Hi Shancherie, I was wondering how you were. So glad to hear the bleeding has stopped. I'm sure you will feel movement soon. I love the name Violet, it is an old fashioned name which I love. The older names are becoming more and more popular here in the U.K. If I was having a girl I would have a long list of names but think I am going to struggle with boys names. My DS wasn't named for 6 weeks after he was born because we couldn't choose. I let my DH have his way in the end and we gave him my choice as a middle name. Wish I had kept it now as could have used it for this one, oh well!

Had my 16 week midwife appointment yesterday. Very uneventful but she did say to not worry about what the sonographer said about my placenta and to wait and see what they say at my 20 week scan. If I hadn't had any bleeding I wouldn't be worried at all as most do move, but if I'm bleeding already this early and it doesn't move I know thing can get complicated. She also said it was a posterior placenta which are less likely to move and they also need to be further away from the exit than an anterior one ( I really should stay away from google!). Anyway unless I start bleeding again I'm going to try a not worry and wait and see what they say at 20 weeks.

Hope you all have a good day xx
Hi Shancherie, I was wondering how you were. So glad to hear the bleeding has stopped. I'm sure you will feel movement soon. I love the name Violet, it is an old fashioned name which I love. The older names are becoming more and more popular here in the U.K. If I was having a girl I would have a long list of names but think I am going to struggle with boys names. My DS wasn't named for 6 weeks after he was born because we couldn't choose. I let my DH have his way in the end and we gave him my choice as a middle name. Wish I had kept it now as could have used it for this one, oh well!

Had my 16 week midwife appointment yesterday. Very uneventful but she did say to not worry about what the sonographer said about my placenta and to wait and see what they say at my 20 week scan. If I hadn't had any bleeding I wouldn't be worried at all as most do move, but if I'm bleeding already this early and it doesn't move I know thing can get complicated. She also said it was a posterior placenta which are less likely to move and they also need to be further away from the exit than an anterior one ( I really should stay away from google!). Anyway unless I start bleeding again I'm going to try a not worry and wait and see what they say at 20 weeks.

Hope you all have a good day xx

my daughter's friend (mum to my Goddaughter) had a low lying placenta that nearly covered her cervix but fortunately it moved up, and Raegan was born last February. I hope all turns out fine for you as well! :hugs:

Congrats on team Blue!!
Hey shancherie,
Nice to see you around. It's never too late to share name options. That one of the funnest parts about being pregnant.

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