February 2013 babies

Seity- do you keep in touch with family over the Internet? I know it's not the same but it helps. Dh's family are 4 hours away but luckily my mum is around the corner, although she works full time. I think it seems so hard not matter what when you are a mum. All any of us want to do is the best for our little ones be it at home or juggling work. My mum has told me know the worrying has started learn to live with it because it never ends now an gets tougher as kids grow. Think I will get slapping on anti wrinkle cream as well as anti Stretch mark oil and start looking out for grey hairs!!
My parents don't have the internet (yeah, I know, long story) I do try and call them from time to time, so they can at least hear him talk. I also send pictures in the mail on occasion. We skype with my husband's parents somewhat regularly. Plus, they are only an 18 hour drive away, so we've actually seen them quite a few times. Just got back from a trip down to visit them earlier this month.
Wow Seity, 18 hours is still far away, but we live in a tiny country in comparison so just an hours drive is a long one to me, lol!

Lindy, your mothers right you never stop worrying or trying to do the best for your kids. We moved house 20 months ago, leaving our house that we own empty and moved into rented 80 miles away just so we could get our eldest into the secondary school we wanted! Mad you may think but best move we have ever made, she's blossoming here. Dont think she realises what we have had to go through for her as parenting can be a thankless task, but im sure she will be grateful when shes older and understands. Oh and I never had a grey hair until I had my 4 yr old. My hair fell out after I had him and when it grew back it was grey! Am dreading what it will look like after this one :( thank god for hair dye :).
PM... does your school have any (regulated) childcare options on-campus for students? You can't possibly be the only student at the school (or in your program) with this issue, right?

There is child care at at least one campus, unfortunately it is not the one where ALL of my classes will be held. I go to a community college so they don't offer as much as the full fledged universities. Still, I like the price tag and this was never an issue for me before. I know for a fact I am not the only one with this issue because during orientation another girl was asking about unforseen mmedical issues. She is due 2 weeks after me if she didn't miscarry. She's worried about childcare during our clinicals. I am hoping to look into which facilities we'll be using for our clinicals in hopes that some of the hosptals offer employees childcare (fee based I'm sure) and that maybe they'll let me participate. Praying for this, because LO wuld be on site.

My Dad would never mind a little one for long, toddlers he would, but he's not a newborn kind of guy (plus he's an hour away) and he's my boss-still working and no plans for retirement. Surprisingly mom plans to retire in June so in the back of my mind I'm hoping she may help me out once a week. She's told me a couple months ago she's at a stage where newborns scare her (lol)-I was taking care of my Goddaughter who was not quite 4 months old at the time. This seems strange sice she's always helped with my little ones. Even I find newborn care exhausting and wonder how I'll manage. Hoping it's just because I'm pregnant and not because I've just gotten THAT old.
DH's parents are both deceased, but his brother is home on disability (40 minute drive away) so DH thinks he might be able to help. DH said I could take a year off school if they give me a leave, but I don't have enough money stashed to last an additional year out of work, and to take a year out of school just to go back to work seems kind of counter-productive...we'd still need a sitter. :dohh:
I cannot imagine an 18 hour drive to see family- like bumpity said ours is such a little country!

Bumpity- I'm sure she will appreciate it when she is older, it will just be a while! Glad she is settled in and happy. It gives you peace of mind.
Wow Seity, 18 hours is still far away, but we live in a tiny country in comparison so just an hours drive is a long one to me, lol!

Lindy, your mothers right you never stop worrying or trying to do the best for your kids. We moved house 20 months ago, leaving our house that we own empty and moved into rented 80 miles away just so we could get our eldest into the secondary school we wanted! Mad you may think but best move we have ever made, she's blossoming here. Dont think she realises what we have had to go through for her as parenting can be a thankless task, but im sure she will be grateful when shes older and understands. Oh and I never had a grey hair until I had my 4 yr old. My hair fell out after I had him and when it grew back it was grey! Am dreading what it will look like after this one :( thank god for hair dye :).

They don't always appreciate what you've done for them until they are adults and can look back and say "wow, I can't believe I took that for granted; they really put themselves out for me"
Either that or they think it was owed to them and wasn't quite enough (My 21 yr old is going through the "you have failed me as a mom" stage. Nothing I do is right or what she would choose. My ways are so immature/ridiculous/old fashioned/insert negative emotion here. I feel I am her target for criticism lately, esp since getting pregnant...which was so irresponsible of me, btw :dohh:) She told me last night, after a day of heaving for me, "God forbid I am ever unfortunate enough to find myself pregnant. That won't last long" My previously pro-choice-but-not-my-choice daughter informed me that she would abort her child if it wasn't a convenient time for her. I was internally beside myself and crushed, and I cautioned her not to EVER tell me she was pregnant if she planned on aborting it. I'm actually still angry at her for even saying such a thing to me...mostly because she has told me I had choices I could have made that would have allowed me to continue on with my own plans without complication :(. News flash: I wanted ALL my babies whether they were planned or not, and regardless of the lousy timing of some of them. :nope:
Hi ladies, sorry I've been MIA lately. My grandad who has dementia took a turn for the worse just over a week ago and sadly passed last Wednesday so it's been a bit full on with funeral arrangements last few days. It's sad that he's gone but he would have been 94 in 3 weeks so not a bad life and he was deteriorating so it's a relief really.

We've finally starting telling people which is a bit scary and a bit exciting at the same time. Makes it seem so real now. It was nice to be able to finally tell my dad as I had my scan the same day as my grandad (his dad) took ill and as yesterday was my dad's birthday so it was good to have some good news to focus on.

Although I think I was more nervous telling my boss today than telling my dad :dohh:
Hurray for telling people Lulu!
Sorry to hear about your granddad. My OH's grandma passed away a few months before my son was born. I think she was 92/93? Anyway, a long life and her health had been slowly getting worse, so I understand how, while it was sad and she is missed, it's also just happened to be her time to move on.

16 week appointment for me tomorrow afternoon. Basically, just a big blood draw, but I'll be scheduling my 20 week scan appointment :happydance:!!
Wow Seity, 18 hours is still far away, but we live in a tiny country in comparison so just an hours drive is a long one to me, lol!

Lindy, your mothers right you never stop worrying or trying to do the best for your kids. We moved house 20 months ago, leaving our house that we own empty and moved into rented 80 miles away just so we could get our eldest into the secondary school we wanted! Mad you may think but best move we have ever made, she's blossoming here. Dont think she realises what we have had to go through for her as parenting can be a thankless task, but im sure she will be grateful when shes older and understands. Oh and I never had a grey hair until I had my 4 yr old. My hair fell out after I had him and when it grew back it was grey! Am dreading what it will look like after this one :( thank god for hair dye :).

They don't always appreciate what you've done for them until they are adults and can look back and say "wow, I can't believe I took that for granted; they really put themselves out for me"
Either that or they think it was owed to them and wasn't quite enough (My 21 yr old is going through the "you have failed me as a mom" stage. Nothing I do is right or what she would choose. My ways are so immature/ridiculous/old fashioned/insert negative emotion here. I feel I am her target for criticism lately, esp since getting pregnant...which was so irresponsible of me, btw :dohh:) She told me last night, after a day of heaving for me, "God forbid I am ever unfortunate enough to find myself pregnant. That won't last long" My previously pro-choice-but-not-my-choice daughter informed me that she would abort her child if it wasn't a convenient time for her. I was internally beside myself and crushed, and I cautioned her not to EVER tell me she was pregnant if she planned on aborting it. I'm actually still angry at her for even saying such a thing to me...mostly because she has told me I had choices I could have made that would have allowed me to continue on with my own plans without complication :(. News flash: I wanted ALL my babies whether they were planned or not, and regardless of the lousy timing of some of them. :nope:

Hi Perpetual, it seems you have a lot on your mind right now. I think at 21 while technically an adult you still have sooooo much to learn about life. Your daughter will probably look back in afew years and think 'did I really say that to my mum?'. I remember thinking I knew it all at that age and had all the answers to everything but the reality is I knew nothing! Lol! Children are a blessing but will always turn your life upside down alittle no matter when you have them. You will get your child care sorted I'm sure. How many hours a week are you studying? Also, what are you studying? Think I missed this info if you have told us before.

Lulu, sorry to hear about your grandad, but it sounds like he had a good innings! My grans second husband (not my grandad) is in his 90's and has all his faculties. I have commented how lucky he is as dementia is cruel on everyone. So nice you can give family some happy news!

Well I have suddenly got an appetite! Oh no! Seem to be eating a lot more and really don't want to get like a whale! I have developed a bit of a thing for sandwich spread (does anyone know what im talking about), I havent eaten it for years and grabbed some the other day as it suddenly seemed appealing! Have nearly finished the whole jar already! :)I still weigh less than I did before I got pregnant though due to the rotten MS. But have definatly put a few pounds back on. I keep getting insomnia too so just as well kids are still on summer hols and I dont have to leave house early. Oh the joys of pregnancy.....

Good luck for appointment today Seity, exciting to get 20 week scan date, yay! :)

Long post, sorry for rabbiting on...........
Wow Seity, 18 hours is still far away, but we live in a tiny country in comparison so just an hours drive is a long one to me, lol!

Lindy, your mothers right you never stop worrying or trying to do the best for your kids. We moved house 20 months ago, leaving our house that we own empty and moved into rented 80 miles away just so we could get our eldest into the secondary school we wanted! Mad you may think but best move we have ever made, she's blossoming here. Dont think she realises what we have had to go through for her as parenting can be a thankless task, but im sure she will be grateful when shes older and understands. Oh and I never had a grey hair until I had my 4 yr old. My hair fell out after I had him and when it grew back it was grey! Am dreading what it will look like after this one :( thank god for hair dye :).

They don't always appreciate what you've done for them until they are adults and can look back and say "wow, I can't believe I took that for granted; they really put themselves out for me"
Either that or they think it was owed to them and wasn't quite enough (My 21 yr old is going through the "you have failed me as a mom" stage. Nothing I do is right or what she would choose. My ways are so immature/ridiculous/old fashioned/insert negative emotion here. I feel I am her target for criticism lately, esp since getting pregnant...which was so irresponsible of me, btw :dohh:) She told me last night, after a day of heaving for me, "God forbid I am ever unfortunate enough to find myself pregnant. That won't last long" My previously pro-choice-but-not-my-choice daughter informed me that she would abort her child if it wasn't a convenient time for her. I was internally beside myself and crushed, and I cautioned her not to EVER tell me she was pregnant if she planned on aborting it. I'm actually still angry at her for even saying such a thing to me...mostly because she has told me I had choices I could have made that would have allowed me to continue on with my own plans without complication :(. News flash: I wanted ALL my babies whether they were planned or not, and regardless of the lousy timing of some of them. :nope:

Hi Perpetual, it seems you have a lot on your mind right now. I think at 21 while technically an adult you still have sooooo much to learn about life. Your daughter will probably look back in afew years and think 'did I really say that to my mum?'. I remember thinking I knew it all at that age and had all the answers to everything but the reality is I knew nothing! Lol! Children are a blessing but will always turn your life upside down alittle no matter when you have them. You will get your child care sorted I'm sure. How many hours a week are you studying? Also, what are you studying? Think I missed this info if you have told us before.

Lulu, sorry to hear about your grandad, but it sounds like he had a good innings! My grans second husband (not my grandad) is in his 90's and has all his faculties. I have commented how lucky he is as dementia is cruel on everyone. So nice you can give family some happy news!

Well I have suddenly got an appetite! Oh no! Seem to be eating a lot more and really don't want to get like a whale! I have developed a bit of a thing for sandwich spread (does anyone know what im talking about), I havent eaten it for years and grabbed some the other day as it suddenly seemed appealing! Have nearly finished the whole jar already! :)I still weigh less than I did before I got pregnant though due to the rotten MS. But have definatly put a few pounds back on. I keep getting insomnia too so just as well kids are still on summer hols and I dont have to leave house early. Oh the joys of pregnancy.....

Good luck for appointment today Seity, exciting to get 20 week scan date, yay! :)

Long post, sorry for rabbiting on...........

You're right. I look back on those years and shudder to think I behaved the way I did and said what I did. Thanks for reminding me it's just another stage.
What is sandwhich spread? Flavor?
I have put on 7-8 lbs, am always hungry, but most food turns my stomach so I'm picky so I don't throw up.

I was accepted to the ultrasound program in May. I have been going to school part time for 4 years, and this was my second tme applying to the program-and they only accept 15 students once a year. My grades had to be perfect in order to stand a chance of getting accepted, and I had to take a special test which counted toward the tie breakers (I got 2 99's on the porton of the test they required). Next week I start classes 3 nights a week for 3 hours a night-until December 21. Then next semester January through May will be 2 classes, not 3, but still 3 nights a week for 3 hours...but one will be Ultrasonic Physics :dohh: what a chore! In May I will start my cinicals for a year, 32 hours a week during the day and one class at night. guess we'll see how that goes.

Lulu :cry: sorry about your grandfather. That is heartbreaking no matter the age-but always better to be able to look back and say they lived a good long life, esp if it has been mostly healthy. My grandmother (88) is getting dementia, but other than the forgetfulness and repeating herself she is still getting on ok. My aunt and uncle have her living with them so she gets good daily care. She's a feisty one! My other grandmother was almost 93 and she was up and about doing wonderfully until she got pneumonia. The day she died she was better and in rehabilitation and planning on coming home, so it was kind of a shock. Still, she had a god run!

Seity: Good luck this afternoon! I get to call to make my appt for y 20 week scan shortly :) I can't wait!
Perpetual, wow you have obviously worked hard to get on the programme. It must be fascinating. I hope you work it out so you don't have to put it off. I think if you do manage to have a baby and finish your studies in the same year you will prove to your children that if you want something bad enough and you work hard you can achieve it, no matter what, and they can't knock you for that!

Sandwich Spread is like a thick salad cream (do you have that in the U.S?), with tiny pieces of pickled vegetables in it. Sounds disgusting but it's really yummy. Can't get enough of it right now, at least I'm not putting it with ice cream....yet.....
Perpetual, wow you have obviously worked hard to get on the programme. It must be fascinating. I hope you work it out so you don't have to put it off. I think if you do manage to have a baby and finish your studies in the same year you will prove to your children that if you want something bad enough and you work hard you can achieve it, no matter what, and they can't knock you for that!

Sandwich Spread is like a thick salad cream (do you have that in the U.S?), with tiny pieces of pickled vegetables in it. Sounds disgusting but it's really yummy. Can't get enough of it right now, at least I'm not putting it with ice cream....yet.....

You made me smile with tears in my eyes. You're right. I've got something to prove, and an example to set. Thanks so much for the uplifting message.

We have a spread that sounds like that, it's like a soft cream cheese consistency and has the little pickled vegetable bits in it. I have not had it in years, and not sure they even make it here. Makes we wnat to run to the market and check. Mmmm, sounds yummy...I just don't know what I'd put it on...maybe sliced cucumber (my body has a hard time dealing with grains so it'd have to go on vegetables, lol).

New Beginnings- the speciallty prenatal scan place- just called and I have my 20 week anomoly scan at 19 w + 2...September 23! 25 agonizingly long days awayyy! That's ok though, baby will be bigger and down below will be more defined, plus it's about at 19 weeks that they can check the heart for abnormalities. Then it'll be 20 some-odd weeks to wait to see the bun in person! (Later scans he or she will be too big to see the whole being, it's all fluid pocket checks etc)
Got my scan date, but it's not until Sept 28th. I'll be 20+6, so basically 21 weeks :cry: Ugh, I hate waiting!!
All's well at my appointment. Baby's heart rate at 155bpm same as it's always been. I'm apparently immune to being immune for rubella. With my son, I tested as having no immunity, so I was given a booster shot in the hospital right after the birth. I guess my body decided it wasn't interested in the booster, so this time my blood tested as 'little to no immunity' for rubella.
Oh and initial bloods taken at 12 weeks came back normal, as I expected, so not concerned about results from today's bloodwork.
Hi everybody.

I can honestly say I have never tried sandwich spread. It always reminded me of baby food. I might have, it might set off a craving!!

Perpetual- my scan is the 20th so just before you.

I had really two really bad pains the other night but then my stomach made the loudest noises ever ever. So relieved I heard the noises or I would be more worried than I am. My sensible head says- you idiot it was trapped bloody wind, but then I have that scary thought something was wrong!
Hi everybody.

I can honestly say I have never tried sandwich spread. It always reminded me of baby food. I might have, it might set off a craving!!

Perpetual- my scan is the 20th so just before you.

I had really two really bad pains the other night but then my stomach made the loudest noises ever ever. So relieved I heard the noises or I would be more worried than I am. My sensible head says- you idiot it was trapped bloody wind, but then I have that scary thought something was wrong!

I had a really bad sharp, stabbing pain in my lower left groin area. It started in the middle of the night Sunday and lasted all day yesterday. Wasn't bothering me at the doctors (of course), so failed to question her on it. It's gone today, so I have to think it was round ligament pain or growing/stretching pains. It's tough being so paranoid even in the second trimester :/
Hi all, I think I am suffering from round ligament pain. I get sharp pains even if I turn over in bed. It's been like this since conception. I never had it with my other pregnancies, I joke with DH that my bodies just had enough this time, I'm getting too old!

My 20 week scan is the 27th Sep, dead on 20 weeks. Will be good to get this out the way, I'm sure everything will be fine. Once I'm past this I focus on getting everything ready, which is the exciting part!

I am cheating a bit and have my gender scan on Sat morning, only 3 more sleeps! Yay! We are doing it early so we can take all the kids and can find out together. Our hospital apparently doesnt like to tell you the sex, really! The girls want a girl, so they can dress her up and pass all their stuff onto her, and my son doesn't want anything! Oh dear! They give us a brief 4d free view. Have checked online to see what a 16 week fetus looks like as dont want to scare the kids, but they look fine. Am soooooooooooooo excited...........

Perpetual, I'm glad I made you smile :)
Congrats Seity on a good appointment:)
Hello ladies! Sorry I haven't been around but we have been on holiday for ten days in France. We had a great time but I am glad to be back in my own comfy bed!
Welcome to WhoopC and PerpetualMama I think you are an inspiration with all your studies. Keep going and something will sort itself out for childcare.
Bumpity how is your MS? Mine is still hanging around and I have good days and bad days. Yesterday was really bad as we came home from holiday and I had to get up quickly and that never does me Any favours! Still being sick now and again but trying to avoid meds as much as poss. Took codeine phosphate the other day which the dr gave me as I kept having really upset tummy. I was high as a kite.....really awful. Not having experimented with substances it was a bit of a shock to me! Don't fancy repeating that one but was in such pain I had to take something!
I have been feeling movement since 16 weeks and am 17w 6d now. Little kicks, especially after food. Think I have a greedy little one here! I have my 20 week scan on 20 September too and am quite nervous as my dd who is 5 has congenital heart disease which was missed at the 20 week scan and was oly picked up when he was 7 weeks old by our GP. She saved his life as the following day he became so poorly he nearly didn't make it! I am hoping for a referral for a special scan for reassurance.
My bump is huge! Will post pic soon!
I love hearing all your names. We are undecided so need to keep thinking.
Glad all is well with you all!
Keep smiling!
I try and think the twinges are stretches and ligaments. I try and push negative thoughts out of my head. Feel so tired today. Xx
Hi everyone, so exciting all our 20 week scans are coming up - the time is flying! Ours is 3rd if October so I'll be 21+3. We're going to resist the temptation to find out boy or girl so I'll be extra excited to see what everyone else is getting! 2 sleeps now Bumpity :)

I'm getting lots of round ligament pains too, I've had a cough over the past week and a few times it's really hurt when I've coughed! I also seem to be getting really painful trapped wind (didn't have this last time) but its quite bad and almost feels like a mild contraction.

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