February 2013 babies

Good luck with scan PP!

It is good to hear from all of you that the best plans don't always work and to do just do what feels right and works for you. I have looked after my baby nephews a lot and even over night....I know that doesn't come close to being a 24 hour mum so basically have no idea what to expect or how I will cope. It is good to have plans but babies don't seem to work with them :)!
Congrats on a good scan Lindy!
I think afew of us have them coming up next week. I think Seity & Perpetual both have theirs so good luck to you both, cant wait to find out what your having. Mine is Thurs, will be good to get it out of the way.
Yep, mine is next Friday. Only 1 more week to wait!
Oooo will have to get genders on the front page! Going to be an exciting couple of weeks! Xxx
I had my 29 week scan yesterday and all good. Still don't know what "Roo" is so sticking with team yellow!
Anyone got any ideas on prams yet? Need inspiration!
Scan this afternoon showed a healthy, well developed, and very active little :pink: girl! :pink:

Pink bundle of love for me :cloud9: I had a gut feeling she was a girl based on how my first 4 months (of feeling like hell) went. Little girl still measuring a few days behind so no doubt she'll be late like all of my others.
It brought tears to my eyes to realize I have another daughter growing in there. DH was fascinated by the ultrasound, and all the stuff I had the sonographer point out and explain, but was really bummed out to see she's a girl :cry: he actually cried when the sonographer finally left and I told him it was ok to cry about it. It dawned on him that he's 48 and by the time she's ready to get married he might not be here to walk her down the aisle, or beat off the guys who come calling for her. Men in his family don't have longevity on their side :nope: I'm hoping he gets over his disappointment soon :(
Aww, yay girl PM! I'm sure he'll come around in no time and dote on his little princess. She'll wrap him around her little finger. :haha:
Congrats on the healthy scans.

I have three girls and honestly I adore them. I 've done well with them and everything baby for girls is so darn cute these days. My husband was really sad when # 3 was a girl. The us doctor tried to make it sound so positive and I was happy but there was this sadness. Like he wasn't going to have a little buddy. Anyway, That girl owns him, wins every argument with him and I chuckled every time as he lost....lol He absolutely found his heart in her.

Now with # 4 , we are both in our forties and we are having a boy. When they called me to tell me on the phone I was very hesitant to tell him. I was just so happy that the chromosomes were normal but I told him not to be mad if it was another girl. Anyway, I enjoyed that tease because he is so excited to have a boy. It's almost annoying but after having 3 mimi me's and best friends I guess I have to share. I think he may finally be actually mature enough to have a son. This will be a new adventure. I don't know what I am in for.
PP- great news on the scan and a lovely little girl. Your dh is going to be smitten and she will walk all over him! So has pink bump got a name?

I feel I am rapidly developing a bump! Feel like my thighs ad butt have got bigger as well but midwife said that normally happens before bump as pelvis widens?? I just hope I don't go big all over and have a nice little bump!!
I feel a lot smaller after going to my hockey teammate's shower this afternoon. She's due twin boys in early November. She still looks pretty darn good for someone due to have twins in just over a month.
Great news on all the scans going well :) and congrats on team pink PM. Little girls are lovely!

3sisters fab news that you got you boy!

Loompy I've been doing some test driving and research on pushchairs and have pretty much decided on the new iCandy peach blossom. It's quite expensive but also has a good resale value so ill get a chunk of the money back. I love the fact it steers and fits through doors easily, is not ridiculously heavy and I can have a forward facing seat with the car seat clicked in behind facing me.

Seity your bump is coming on great! And good luck for your scan on Friday.

My scan is 3rd October so just over a week to wait, I'm starting to get nervous and excited now. Can't believe I've passed the halfway point - it's a countdown now...
All of a sudden I have a huge stomach and have gained 5 or 6 pounds in two weeks. Retaining alot of water. Must have had a growth spurt. Anyone else ? I had only gained one pound prior to the 4th month.

I was hoping to take it easy and slow this pregnancy and not gain more than 15-20. dreams I guess.
Lindylou, she will be Anneliese Marie. All of my kids are thrilled it's a healthy girl. Neither of my sons are disappointed, and both (aged 17 and 5) vow to protect this little one from those unsavory teenaged boys (believe me, we've seen our share come through already these past 7 years). I thought DS (5) would be more upset, but he's telling everyone he sees about his future baby sister. He's paying even more attention to my growing belly than before the scan!
3Sisters, congrats on getting your boy! I adore my sons, so much different from my girls, and way less drama! I love the cars and action figures and not so much the daredevil stunts that have my heart in my throat. But they amaze me. I would have been perfectly fine with either gender.
I've put on weight steadily and have hit about 11 lbs. At 19 weeks that's not too bad I guess, as long as I can keep it under control the rest of the way. (which means I need to stop with the junk food!)
Loompy, glad your scan went well! We will be looking into a travel system with a car seat that faces us as we push. We were looking at them many weeks ago but they seemed to be gender biased and decided to wait until we knew. DH wanted to go ut and buy it right after we found out the gender. Like I have the money in my pocket for a purchase like that :nope:
I did make my first pink purchase, a little fuzzy hooded "snowsuit" type thing for her to come home in. It isn't very bulky, so I'll just tuck a blanket arund her once she's strapped in safely. Now it's just time to find the coming home outfit <3 plenty of time for that! DH shook his head when I walked in from food shopping with a pink fuzzy bundle under my arm :haha:
I've had a growth spurt too. I'd put on 7lb by 15 weeks which I was ok with but I've now gained around 10lb in the last 5 weeks! My bump is also huge, I'm not looking forward to how big I'm going to get.
My bump seems to be growing slow and steady, same with the weight gain. I've put on about 11 lbs and I think anything between 8-15 is perfect for me at this point. I'm hoping to gain 35lbs this time around, but am not sure I'll be able to gain that much at this current rate. As long as I gain at least 25, I think the midwives will be happy.
I'm curious to see how big I get this time and excited that with the right outfit, I can actually look just a smidgen pregnant already.
PM - I love the reactions of your kids. Too precious. I think Anneliese Marie is a beautiful name. (I may be slightly biased because my oldest sister is Elise Marie)
Have fun stroller shopping!
Congrats on healthy scans PM & Loompy! Aaaaawwww your having a girl PM! That's fantastic news. Loompy well done for staying team yellow, you obviously have way more patience than me, lol! I already have a Quinny travel system from having my son so am not buying a new one. It's drives me mad though as it has proper tyres and they keep getting a puncture, aaaarrrrrghh. Am going to have to buy a stash of inner tubes :)
I'm not sure how much weight I've put on. I may weigh myself on Thurs when I'm 20 weeks. I do have a definate bump and I'm getting out of breathe already. I usually find I'm really uncomfortable by 30 weeks, so may have to get all my Xmas shopping done in the next 10 weeks.....
Congrats on healthy scans PM & Loompy! Aaaaawwww your having a girl PM! That's fantastic news. Loompy well done for staying team yellow, you obviously have way more patience than me, lol! I already have a Quinny travel system from having my son so am not buying a new one. It's drives me mad though as it has proper tyres and they keep getting a puncture, aaaarrrrrghh. Am going to have to buy a stash of inner tubes :)
I'm not sure how much weight I've put on. I may weigh myself on Thurs when I'm 20 weeks. I do have a definate bump and I'm getting out of breathe already. I usually find I'm really uncomfortable by 30 weeks, so may have to get all my Xmas shopping done in the next 10 weeks.....

We have a Jeep jogging stroller from DS. It's still in good condition but not too practicle with a little one, and DH insisted we get one without the swivel front wheel so it's a downright PITA to maneuver. We may be better off spending our limited funds on other things and just using DS's stroller :?
we have a baby carseat that was given to us by a friend, and they're so portable we don't really need 2. I smell miss thrifty's brain gears turning...
We've a Peg Perego stroller from my son. It's practically new since we always just carried him. We still have the carriers from him as well, so we can always wear the baby too. I picked up an infant car seat with two bases for $20 and it's compatible with the stroller we have, so I think we're pretty well covered in that department. I'm keeping my eye out for a good price on a used cosleeper that will work with a platform bed. If I can pick that up for $50 or less, we should be pretty well covered for the important 'big' stuff.
Lots of good news ladies :) Congratulations on all the scans.

I've still to wait 2 weeks for my scan, I'm gonna have driven myself round the bend by then panicing that everything is ok!!

Loompy I've been looking at the new Silvercross Surf, it's lovely. Really light and easy to manoeuvre but not the cheapest! Plus I've still got my Silvercross from my son so no new pushchair for me, no matter how nice it is :wacko:
I am sad that I gave away my rocking chair. I recieved it 19 years ago at my first baby shower but after the last baby it just took up space and I thought I wouldn't be needing it. It was a glider and made me feel weightless with my feet up on it. Don't know if I should start looking for a new one or a used one. I found it so comforting on those newborn nights. Not sure if they even make them anymore.

Some friends gave me a crib but I always laugh what a nice clothes holder that this is. No baby ever of mine really ever slept in it. Going to look for a co-sleeper.

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