February 2013 babies

Well, if it's true that girls kick harder than boys than this one is definitely a girl. I was getting some serious wallops from the baby yesterday. I don't think my son ever hit me that hard, even at the very end.
I'm still not feeling anything :(

Looking at the uppababy. My sil has one and it seems easy to manoeuvre and get in and out the car. It can be used to sleep in overnight as well if go away. Not sure if I should use that instead of Moses basket/ crib because heard a lot don't like them.
I'm still not feeling anything :(

Looking at the uppababy. My sil has one and it seems easy to manoeuvre and get in and out the car. It can be used to sleep in overnight as well if go away. Not sure if I should use that instead of Moses basket/ crib because heard a lot don't like them.

Do you know if you have an anterior placenta? They can stop you feeling babies movements till later. Don't worry I'm sure it won't be long :)

None of my babies would sleep in a crib or Moses basket. My son liked the carry cot off the Quinny, so will use that this time until he gets too big.

Have my scan tomorrow. As I know I'm having a boy already I'm just looking forward to getting it out the way and to see what the situation is with the position of my placenta. Have been on complete pelvic rest since 9 weeks and have still bled :( its very frustrating for me and my raging hormones, lol!! Not to mention my poor DH :) xxx
I am sad that I gave away my rocking chair. I recieved it 19 years ago at my first baby shower but after the last baby it just took up space and I thought I wouldn't be needing it. It was a glider and made me feel weightless with my feet up on it. Don't know if I should start looking for a new one or a used one. I found it so comforting on those newborn nights. Not sure if they even make them anymore.

Some friends gave me a crib but I always laugh what a nice clothes holder that this is. No baby ever of mine really ever slept in it. Going to look for a co-sleeper.

hahaha! My last DS never slept in his crib either. The earlier babies did, but the last 3 were rarely in a crib. I gave away a brand new crib mattress from my son after it sat in his crib and then in a toddler bed unused. So much easier to co-sleep when nursing. Not sure this tme will be different or not.

I asked about placenta location with this one and it's really low lying but posterior. She said about 2 cm from the cervix. I hope it moves up as things stretch!!
I am sad that I gave away my rocking chair. I recieved it 19 years ago at my first baby shower but after the last baby it just took up space and I thought I wouldn't be needing it. It was a glider and made me feel weightless with my feet up on it. Don't know if I should start looking for a new one or a used one. I found it so comforting on those newborn nights. Not sure if they even make them anymore.

Some friends gave me a crib but I always laugh what a nice clothes holder that this is. No baby ever of mine really ever slept in it. Going to look for a co-sleeper.

hahaha! My last DS never slept in his crib either. The earlier babies did, but the last 3 were rarely in a crib. I gave away a brand new crib mattress from my son after it sat in his crib and then in a toddler bed unused. So much easier to co-sleep when nursing. Not sure this tme will be different or not.

I asked about placenta location with this one and it's really low lying but posterior. She said about 2 cm from the cervix. I hope it moves up as things stretch!!

According to my 16 week scan my placenta is posterior too. She said part of mine was on my cervix. I will be interested to see if she was right tomorrow. I can't see why she would say if it she wasn't sure. Have they mentioned to you how far away they would like it? From what I've read they like posteriors to be 3 cm away.
Thanks ladies. Yes, she did say placenta was anterior so hopefully bump will start to be strong enough to kick so I feel it soon. Soooo glad I saved my money and didn't buy one of the cribs/Moses baskets, some looked so pretty. Hopefully bump will like it's pram!!
I put my son in a crib at 4 months, but he woke so often that first year he was only in it for the first 1/2 of the night.
There's no place in our house for a crib this time around, so we're looking to build a little side sleeper to attach to our bed. I saw a picture of one online that was a simple design and easy for us to make ourselves.
I've been updating first post with boy/girl/yellow as I've seen some of the ladies post their news in 2nd tri. Even if they don't hang out in here with us anymore. :haha:
Feel free to let me know if you've seen any I've missed.
Hi ladies and tanks for pushchair suggestions. I am thinking of a loola as I bought the car seat that goes with it and have the base from ds. I am looking on eBay as the spendthrift in me has come out big time. Got ds a used £400 cabin bed frame for £67 so have got the taste for it but it is a bit time consuming! Am being given a Moses basket and corned and have a swinging crib. Just hope this one likes them! What is a co sleeper? Have never seen one!
Roo is a big kicker and seems to like food! I think I look enormous. I will take a photo as I haven't taken any yet. I look like Humpty Dumpty in my dungarees today!
Glad all going well with you all.
Huge hugs.
Hi Ladies, just got back from scan and very pleased to say that bubs is perfect! He reminds me so much of my DS already, larger than average head & shorter that average legs, lol!!
Sonographer didn't even mention my placenta so had to ask where it was and she said low and posterior, 15 mm away from os. I said I'd had bleeding and she said it could be from my placenta but she's not worried as she's sure it will move and has said a later scan is not necessary!!!!!!! Am not entirely happy about this. Surely they should check just in case?????? Posterior placentas are known to not move as much as anteriors and surely there is always a possibility it could migrate down?!! Your thoughts on this would be gratefully appreciated, am I over reacting? DH said we can pay for private scan later on but as we pay our taxes am slightly annoyed that we should have to for peace of mind.

Perpetual, yours is in a similar position, are you being rescanned? Xx
My understanding is that because the uterus is expanding the placenta can only migrate farther away. In much the same way the galaxies are all getting farther away from each other because of the universe's expansion.
Yeh I understand what you mean but mine is at the back and these don't get pulled away as much as the ones at the front where most of the expansion happens. I have read online that some ladies posterior placentas have moved down further ( maybe from being pulled by the expansion at the front?) anyway I think it's wrong that the sonographer is happy to assume it will move away.
sonographer did not seem concerned, and she's the president of the National association of diagnostic sonographers so she knows her stuff. The specialist who looked at my scans didn't mention it either. sonographer didn't mention it until I asked out of curiosity. That must be why she asked me about bleeding in pregnancy?? I'll speak to my OB in 3 weeks at my appt. but will not get worked up over it because if there was a real concern I'm sure SOMEONE would have brought it up?
Don't think I would be worried if I hadn't had some bleeding on & off since 6 weeks. Never bled with other pregnancies and I had a low placenta with my first for which I was rescanned at 34 weeks, so thought it was routine procedure. I know 90% move and the 10% that don't are probably mainly the ones that are covering the os. Anyway have decided to stay on pelvic rest as don't want to see another bleed like I did at 9 weeks and could never forgive myself.
Hope your scan went well today Seity, can't wait to hear your pink or blue news :)
Finally back at the house. Had to run errands after the scan. We're having a boy! :blue:
Good thing we're the kind to find out. I've been calling him 'her' and 'she' all this time :rofl:
Everything looked perfect on the scan. He was moving around the whole time, but they did finally get all the measurements they needed. We're thrilled, but didn't have any boy names picked out, so that's going to be our next task.
Congratulations on a great scan and team blue :) lovely for Gabriel to have a little brother.
Congrats Seity on a boy! It will be lovely for Gabriel to have a brother.

Got up yesterday to another blood clot :(. Have figured that if this is still happening at 30 weeks they are going to have to rescan me. If it resolves then I can assume placenta has moved. Want to enjoy this pregnancy but it makes me feel anxious which Ive never felt before when pregnant.

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