February 2013 babies

Jjay- I tried that but on website it says no limit on number and dh told his mum to have a look online! Book has been firmly thrown in the bin!!! Don't need additional stuff to worry about that I hadn't thought about:) So grateful for all you 2nd/3rd/4th times mums bringing some down to earth common sense. Thank you all ladies. Xxx
I agree. I looked like absolute hell after DS (5) was born and aside from being angry that BIL shared the pictures that he took about half hour or so after the birth with absolutely EVERYONE (with me puffy eyed, dark circles, and exhausted, hair all a mess like I just crawled from under a garbage can) my little boy made everything better. The hospital stay was horrible because having just had my 5th child (in 17 years mind you) People would wake me up to ask what I planned on using for birth control. They were really trying to push a tubal ligation which I emphatically refused, all 22 times they inquired. I told them my methods but they wouldn't let me sleep. ugh! after I finally slept though, the world took on a new perspective <3 DH is having a vasectomy soon so we won't have THAT question to worry about this time around.
I looked the same as always after the birth, but it was very fast and I had the intrathecal, so 2 hours pain free and then time to push, so I was relaxed and rested. :haha: Didn't have much discomfort after either other than a bit sore to sit for about a week.
Hrmm... Here's a picture taken about 5 minutes after the birth.

PM - OH is getting the snip as soon as hockey season is over. I figure we won't be having any sex after the birth until then anyway, so it's all good.
Wow seity you look amazing! I'm sure I will be more of the garbage can look PErpetusl mentioned!!
I'm sure a lot of it depends on how long and hard your labor is.
I'm so glad there are no photos of me shortly after the birth. Got one of Euan on his own, I at least had a chance to have a shower before our first picture together. Seity you look fantastic, very rested!

Very happy to report we had our 20wk scan this morning and all is well. I do have anterior placenta which is why I haven't been feeling very much, which is what I thought. Had the same with euan so I'm not surprised and it explains a lot. Need to go back in 2 weeks for another scan as the way the baby was lying it was almost impossible for any measurements of the heart, sonographer said it all looked good, she just couldn't get the measurements properly. I'm not too worried, more looking forward to another opportunity to see baby again :)

On my phone just now so will post photo later.
Lulu- congrats on good scan! At least you will get another peek at the baby:) I think I'm feeling a few wiggles but I'm still not 100% sure yet. Hope they are kicks! Trust me to have an anterior placenta as well :)
Thanks Lindy, anterior placenta is so frustrating! You think you feel something, very faint but then it could be wind!! I was reading my diary earlier tonight from when I pregnant with my son and when I was just over 23 weeks last time both me and DH were able to feel a small kick from the outside. So hopefully in just a few weeks for us we'll be feeling stronger kicks :thumbup:

Here is my scan - it does a little strange as baby is face on to the screen so you can see the outline of the eye sockets, etc. Looks like a proper little skull (well obviously it is but you know what I mean!) As the sonographer said it's the baby's halloween face :wacko:


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Hi Ladies,

Congrats on a good scan Lulu!
It is 4.20 in the morning here and I have been awake since 1am! This is driving me nuts.....
Suffering from heartburn now so have just polished off some petit filous yogurts, and have made myself a strawberry milkshake with Nesquick! seem to be eating and drinking my 4 yr olds food,lol!
As I have a posterior placenta I have been able to feel bubs since early on. His movements are quite strong now and tonight I'm sure he's been having a party in there and invited a few mates around!:xmas13: which is not helping my insomnia:growlmad:
Oh BTW I looked awful in my pics after having my first. The epidural made me blow up like a balloon. I was quite shocked when I saw them. Looked and felt much better after my 2 drug free deliveries and i recovered much quicker. Would still go for an epidural if I was offered one though, just to be pain free, I'm such a wimp :) wish we had over here what Seity had with her first, it sounds a perfect option.
Thanks Bumpity :) Isn't insomnia great! I've been awake for over an hour (its now 5:20am) & I'm wide awake. I was going to say I'd love posterior placenta but then I don't know if I fancy being kept awake all night with baby boogying away :lol:

There's no pleasing us pregnant woman sometimes is there:wacko:
Glad to hear that things are well and someone is going on a cruise.

Scans are interesting and useful but also relay information that can sometimes be scary. AT my 18-20 scan the us tech did a good job and said everything looked fine. Then the head doctor comes in and goes over everything. He tells me that baby has some CFS ( cerebral spinal fluid) in two cyst on both sides. This info I find out is also used as a soft marker for TRi 18 and downs. But since I had my CVS test and it's a boy ( no mistaking tissue sample for my own) they know I don't have those two. None the less it panicked me and I was a little irritated at the us tech for saying how wonderful things were. As doc was discussing with me , he says really this is normal and not to worry. Well I am pretty sure the world slowed down and he started speaking really slowly. I tried not to worry but of course at 44, I am going to worry. Then I went home to the mother of all things knowing the " internet" and found out that this is indeed very common at 18 weeks. So now I am not worried but for about a half a day I was traumatized with "what ifs" and perhaps they missed something. I finally got to see my OB last week who wasn't concerned at all. I will be going for a follow up us in Nov.

Anyway, sometimes you really just got to stay positive and get support. It's not always what they make it out initially.

Someone needs to write a book.. How to be carefree and have fun while pregnant.

Also sometimes pregnancy really brings out the strangeness in others. People really do say wierd things to pregnant people. Last time I was pregnant this man kept trying to get closer to me at the check out at Safeway. He didn't seem wierd but it was odd. OTher people say bizarre things. Some guy was trying to be funny and joke with me at Sam's club , I just smiled and turned around. Is this happening to anyone else ?
Oh Lulu, sorry to hear you are suffering with insomnia too! Luckily it's not very often for me, maybe once or twice a week. God knows how I'd feel if it was every night. Yeh make the most of baby not keeping you awake. We have the joy going through the big uncomfortable stage yet, when sleeping is a near impossibility for me! It's usually the last 10 weeks when I steal every spare cushion and pillow in the house so I can pad myself into a comfy position.

3sisters I agree that the Internet can be a nightmare and I have had moments when I wished I'd stayed away from google! Ive not had any weird comments yet but I've had some unwelcome bump touching.
This week so many people have gone on about me getting bigger - I just say that's what happens and smile through gritted teeth!!!

Are those pregnancy pillows any good?

I keep looking up symptoms on google to check I'm "ok" and usually find some other thing to worry over :) One thing I'm so please about is my legs hardly ever need shaving now- has anybody else got this?
Hi Lindy, I haven't bought a particular pregnancy pillow but I have friends that swear by the big V shaped ones. They are great for supporting baby when feeding too, especially when breastfeeding. I think I'm gonna get one this time.
It's weird how your body reacts to pregnancy, I don't think my hair is growing as fast either. I'm dreading after I stop BF as my hair falls out terribly and I have fine hair as it is :(
And I don't know why we can't get the 2 hour spinal shot that Seity had. I'm going to goggle it and see if it's available anywhere here.
I might get one of those pillows and give it ago then. Going to try breast feeding so could be useful. Will give it my best shot. Will ask mw on Tuesday about the intercatheral shot and see what she says. My hair is very fine as well bumpity so I will be the same as you. Would love thick shiny hair instead of mousy fine hair!!!
Wow, lot of posts. I hope everyone is feeling good today. It's my night out, so no weeble duty after work, hurray!
I never felt the need for a pregnancy pillow. I assume that's probably because my bump is small.
Congrats on a good scan Lulu!

I agree about scary doctor google! Ever since I found out about my low lying placenta I've been scaring myself about placenta accreta and having to have a hysterectomy :( I'm stepping away from the search engines now as there is no point worrying until I find out more at the next scan.

I've got a v shaped pillow, I didn't find it that useful during pregnancy last time, I just find a normal pillow in between my legs is much more comfy. However the v shaped pillow was brilliant after the birth for breastfeeding (especially after a section but I used it for at least 6 months) so if you're thinking of getting one for that purpose then it may be worth getting it early to see if you find it useful for sleeping?

Baby has been very active today and I've also had quite a few braxton hicks. Anyone else getting BHs this early?

Have a good night out Seity!
Lindy, will be interested to hear what your midwife says about the intercatheral shot...
I've been getting a few cramps pains today - are they BH?

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